
Piercing Earrings

Piercing Earrings

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  1. What?
  2. Features
  3. Types and their names
  4. The size
  5. Material
  6. How to choose?
  7. Beautiful images

Piercing is one of the oldest ornaments of the human body. In the distant past, such details had a symbolic meaning. Today, these interesting accessories appeal to people who love change and non-standard solutions.


Earring is a metal product, which are complemented with punctures in the ears, navel or other parts of the body. Most often you can find similar accessories made of silver or gold. They gained their popularity due to their hypoallergenic properties. You can meet and original things made of wood or bone.

By itself, the term "earring" refers more to accessories designed for earlobes. But today, so are other products that are intended for other parts of the body.


Earrings for piercing have a special design, designed to puncture in a certain place on the body. The holes of these punctures can vary in angles and depth, so the product should ideally fit these parameters.

Today there is a huge assortment of various models of earrings. Specimens supplemented with decorative elements are especially popular.

There are also models in which there are heavy jewelry.

Types and their names

Do not think that piercing earrings are limited to standard round models. In fact, there are quite a few varieties of such accessories. Let's get acquainted with the most popular options:

  • Earrings are very popular today. The base of such products has the shape of a rod, the ends of which are equipped with small balls. As a rule, they are made of the same material as the base. There is one popular subtype of such earrings. It differs from the usual model of its slightly curved rod.
  • There are also such variants in which the base has a flat disk on the one hand, and a ball-shaped decorative detail on the other. Such models are called labrets.

If the rod in the earring is made very thin, then such an ornament is called a microlabret.

  • Original and non-trivial appearance have earrings, bananas. They have a curved shape. They can be attributed to one of the subspecies of the classical bar.
  • Very similar to bananas are another interesting specimens, called navelami. Such accessories differ only in the presence of pendants or figured decorative elements.
  • Interestingly look miniature nostril earrings. The base in such specimens has a straight or hook-shaped structure with a decorative detail on one end.
  • To stretch the canals in the ears, fangs are used. They may have completely different diameters.
  • Earrings-spirals have an ornate shape. From the side they look more like small springs.
  • Insanely popular round products with decor in a certain part of the segment. Otherwise, these accessories are called rings.
  • Curved semicircle decoration called circular. Both ends of this accessory have beautiful and eye-catching add-ons in the form of balls or spikes.

All earrings for piercing can be divided into several types. It all depends on where the puncture is made. Consider more of these varieties.

The most common accessories are earlobes. From the specific place of puncture depends on what kind of earrings must be selected.

To puncture the ear, as a rule, use:

  • For piercing anti tragus it is worth picking up straight and slightly curved rods or rings.If the puncture has an entry point in the earlobe, then simple models with a straight rod should be worn. If the puncture is made only in the cartilage, then the bar should be small in size.
  • A piercing called dace is performed in the place of the protruding cartilage, which is located very close to the auditory canal. For this puncture the ideal solution would be rings, half rings or curved rods.
  • Another interesting type of ear piercing is Industrial. It has two holes that are connected by one earring. As a rule, a similar puncture is made on the upper portion of the ear. Here the bars having the various form of the basis will be pertinent.
  • Original ear tunnels can be used for earlobe piercings. Special stretchers form large holes that are complemented by various earrings or tunnels.

To pierce the navel, original percy bananas are often used. They are very similar to a curved bar, but differ from them in a long main body and bend angle. Such a product must be chosen carefully and carefully, otherwise it will deliver a lot of discomfort.

There are two main types of nasal puncture. This is a puncture of the wing and septum. The second option involves the placement of earrings between the partition and the cartilage.

If you want to decorate the wing, then you should refer to the nostril earrings. They are small, reminiscent of flirty cloves. Such instances can be equipped with completely different elements of the decor at the end of the rod.

The most popular today are nostril, decorated with multi-colored glass.

In rare cases, the wing is decorated with rings or half rings.

For puncturing between the septum and the cartilage (septum) most often use circulars. It is worth mentioning that initially such punctures were popular among punks. So they stood out from the environment and easily recognized each other in the crowd.

For puncturing cartilage it is recommended to use microlabers, spirals or rods.

Rods are most often used to decorate the tongue. But if you want to pierce a conic, then you should pick up small rings.

Punctures on the lip, as a rule, are complemented by labrets. These accessories meet all safety requirements. The disc in these earrings is securely attached to the base, so you do not swallow it accidentally and do not hurt the tongue about it. Often used for the lips of the spiral (another name - twists).

It is worth mentioning the fact that you can easily change the ball. To do this, it will not be necessary to remove the main core from the puncture.

Another popular type of piercing is Monroe Piercing. His name speaks for itself: it is named after a famous Hollywood actress with a charming mole above her lip.

Young ladies who want to give their appearance a special sensuality and seductiveness turn to this decoration. For such punctures, it is better to use miniature earrings with frosted balls.

Today there is a large selection of various nipple earrings. For such delicate areas of the body, you can pick up models, bananas, rings or circulars.

Many ladies today are turning to extreme intimate piercing. Bananas or circulars are perfect for this. Bold and daring young ladies can choose for themselves the ring, but such options can lead to the formation of wounds.

If you are determined to make such a puncture, then you should know that the hole itself forms about four weeks. At this time it is better to refuse sexual intercourse.

For youth piercing on the eyebrows most often used bananchiki, ringlets or circulars.

The size

Such interesting accessories should be of suitable size to prevent unpleasant consequences.

  • The standard bar size is 1.6 mm. There are more subtle options, but they can lead to the tearing of the soft tissue during the snatch.For intimate piercing, jewelry can be of various lengths: from 4.5 to 50 mm. It all depends on the puncture itself.
  • Today, small labret earrings, whose thickness does not exceed 1 mm, are popular. But many ladies are turning to thick versions of 1.2 mm and 1.6 mm in width.
  • The classic size of bananas does not exceed 1.6 mm. Of course, there are more subtle models, but they should be worn as carefully and carefully as possible. For intimate punctures are the same size as in conventional pants.
  • The sizes of the circulars depend on the dimensions of the wraps and balls, as well as the diameter of the inner part of the ring. The thickness of these products is similar to rods: from 1.2 mm. The most popular specimens today are 1.6 mm thick. The diameter of the earrings varies from 6 to 16 mm.
  • The width of the original spiral often does not exceed 1.6 mm. Their diameter starts from 8 mm.

It is not recommended to buy too heavy accessories with large decorative details. With such instances you need to be as careful as possible so as not to create a silly and ridiculous image.


It is recommended to purchase products made from high-quality and natural metals. By putting on a ring of cheap material, you risk provoking a serious allergic reaction and even some skin diseases. Do not save on your health.

Silver earrings will not cost you too much. They have an attractive appearance. Similar products will protect a puncture from hit of infections and emergence of irritation.

Titanium variants are also in demand. Cloves, rings or small bars are most often made of such material. As a rule, earrings are made from special black titanium. They are perfect for fresh puncture.

Recently, these accessories are wildly popular. They are lightweight and do not contain nickel.

Gold jewelry looks especially expensive and stylish. They are rightfully recognized as one of the most popular and sought after.

But modern products are not recommended to be worn in a fresh puncture, since gold contains various impurities.

How to choose?

An ideal earring should fit a particular puncture. Do not purchase cheap jewelry, as they may harm your health.

For punctures in intimate places it is recommended to buy products that have a small size. Excessively large specimens can cause serious injury.

Take as seriously as possible to the selection of tunnels. Many people eventually refuse such products. To restore the old look of the ears will require a special operation.

The earring should not have sharp parts and edges, which can lead to scratches and wounds.

It is recommended to buy such things in specialized stores in order not to run into low-quality goods. Refer to popular and reputable brands such as Sokolov or Studex.

Beautiful images

Many piercing girls look bold and sexy! Let us consider in more detail some stylish images, complemented by such interesting details.

The young ladies who have several punctures on the nose and lips look very bright and original. Such beauties can emphasize their spectacular beauty with a simple monophonic top, a stylish baseball cap and complement the image with sunglasses.

A charming Monroe earring perfectly complements the romantic outfit with open shoulders. With such a piercing will be combined charming makeup in dark colors.

Girls often turn to a nontrivial nose ring. Such an original detail will look harmoniously with a regular black T-shirt, a light baseball cap and skinny jeans. Add an attractive arrow on the eyes.

Flirty piercing on the wing of the ladies nose will look great in a gentle way, consisting of a cozy blouse with long sleeves.With such detail will look spectacular look, emphasizing lush eyelashes and a clear outline of beautiful eyes.

A beautiful ear piercing will look great with many evening ensembles, especially if it is supplemented with a regular earring. Effectively in such a set will look a high hairstyle, exposing the ears.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


