
Alexandrite earrings

Alexandrite earrings

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  1. Gem features
  2. Kinds
  3. Models
  4. Magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?

Gold earrings with alexandrite is a jewel for fine connoisseurs of everything elegant. This gem has unique properties and an interesting story related to its discovery. It is very rare in nature, but silver and gold jewelry with this stone can be easily found on sale.

Gem features

The most striking feature of alexandrite is its ability to change color depending on the nature of the lighting. In daylight, alexandrites have an olive, bluish-green, emerald hue, and in the evening light or artificial light - purple-red, crimson or ruby ​​color.

The gem was discovered in the XIX century in the Ural emerald mine and was named in honor of the heir to the Russian throne - the future Emperor Alexander II.

Ural deposit of alexandrite for a long time remained the only one, all others were discovered much later.

They used gem in jewelry and until the XIX century, in antiquity and the Middle Ages, however, they took it for an emerald or amethyst.

Currently in Russia this gem is not mined, work at the field was stopped in 1995. The main supplier is Sri Lanka; Madagascar, India, Tanzania also export alexandrite. There are these gems in Zimbabwe and Zambia. The field, discovered in the 1980s of the twentieth century in Brazil, has already been developed.

It is still believed that stones from other deposits cannot be compared with the ability to change color with the Urals Alexandrite.

Alexandrite is a gemstone. It can be inferior in value only to diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires.

The best specimens of natural gem (with a pronounced change of colors from green to red) can be very expensive. Alexandrite, characterized by transparency and purity, are very rare.


Synthetic alexandrites

Scientists have tried to reproduce the unique properties and beauty of the natural gem. Their scientific searches were crowned with success, and at the moment we can see jewelry with synthetic alexandrites in the windows of jewelry stores.

Synthetic alexandrites are set in silver and gold.

If you decide to purchase gold earrings with alexandrites, then the option with a synthetic stone will be the most affordable.

They have no defects, are distinguished by exceptional purity, color change (the so-called color reversal) can be even more pronounced in them than in natural gems. Only a specialist with the necessary equipment and tools can distinguish synthetic stone from natural stone.

Diligent sellers must indicate that it is synthetic stones that are used in the jewelry, in the same earrings.


The gem is expensive and rare, so you can find many of his imitations, usually synthetic stones with the effect of color change.

Sometimes alexandrites are called synthetic corundums, which tend to change color depending on the nature of the lighting, due to special inclusions of certain substances, that is, they have alexandrite effect. Such corundums are an inexpensive imitation of alexandrite. The specialist will be able to understand that this is corundum, including by the presence of a color tint uncharacteristic for alexandrite.

It is believed that most of the jewelry with "alexandrites", which are now worn or stored in boxes, in fact, has inserts of synthetic corundum.

Alexandrite effect may be individual instances of natural minerals. There are alexandrite spinel and garnet that can change color. Such stones are quite rare and expensive, especially large ones.

Imitation of alexandrite can be synthetic alexandrite spinel.

The andalusite mineral is able to change its color depending on the angle of incidence of light, it is also characterized by green and red hues.

Many imitations have little in common with both natural and synthetic alexandrite.


Of gold

Earrings with alexandrites in gold can have a different design. On sale you can see earrings with elegant pendants or retro-style jewelry, where the central stone has a round or oval shape and is surrounded by cubic zirconias. The gold setting for a large gem can be wide or thin, as well as tracery. Classic red or yellow gold highlights and enhances the beauty of the gem.

Laconic models of earrings are also widely represented, where alexandrite, often fancy cut, is enclosed in a very simple frame, which is only a functional mount and does not distract attention from the stone itself. These earrings are made with an English lock, they look very stylish.

This gem can be cut in various ways. The most common forms are:

  1. Oval.
  2. A circle.
  3. Square.
  4. A drop.

Gold models with natural alexandrites are most often made to order, such earrings can be additionally decorated with diamonds.


On sale you can see earrings with synthetic alexandrites in silver. Silver earrings are presented with a large number of options. This earrings with pendants, and models with a large rounded stone in the frame. This gem rarely goes in combination with other types of stones, with the exception of cubic zirconias, for models of gold - the same cubic zirconias and diamonds. Small cubic zirconias frame the central stone and serve as a kind of background for it.

Earrings with large gems or with pendants are good for an evening out, with small inserts and a modest setting, perfect for any other situations.

Magical properties

A series of signs will be associated with this stone, and it will be endowed with magical properties:

  • Among people who believe in the power of stones, there is an opinion that you should wear jewelry with these gems either in paired items, such as earrings, or in sets. The stone should not be the only one, it is necessary to pick up a pair with it, for example, in another decoration It is believed that wearing one alexandrite - to loneliness. Several items with alexandrites can contribute to the fact that family life will develop successfully.
  • Some believe that alexandrites are able to warn their owner about various troubles that may threaten him. At the same time, the gem unexpectedly, out of time of the day, changes its color, turns red. Although there is an opinion that a gem is capable of changing the color of a person who wears jewelry with this stone by means of a change in color.

Who is suitable?

When buying jewelry, many think about whether earring stones can have any symbolic meaning. And most often people endow precious and semiprecious stones with certain symbolism.

Due to the property of changing color, alexandrite can be considered a symbol of fortune, which is also changeable. Accordingly, the gem gives the property to attract good luck.

This gem is recommended for people to wear emotional and impulsive in order to achieve peace and balance: the advice is probably based on the fact that the changeable color of the mineral is associated with human temperament.Often the stone is declared a symbol of love and jealousy, and it is also advised to wear it to people of creative professions engaged in intellectual work and spending a lot of time traveling.

Natural gem astrologers recommend to wear those people who are Scorpios or Gemini on a horoscope. It is believed that it has a positive effect on Pisces and Lions.

Synthetic stones are often not associated with any zodiac sign, it is believed that they cannot be talismans, their function is purely aesthetic.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


