
Earrings with stones

Earrings with stones

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  1. Materials
  2. Stone type
  3. Colour
  4. The size and shape of the stone
  5. How to choose?
  6. How to clean?
  7. Beautiful images

Earrings with stones from time immemorial fascinated girls with their beauty. Natural are full of taen, they can serve as protection and a talisman, artificial will become beautiful addition of an image. What kind of earrings you choose?


Earrings are made from precious and jewelry alloys. Most often you can find gold and silver.


Today, earrings made of classic yellow and stylish white gold are popular. They come in all shapes and sizes. For every day, girls usually choose small cloves and other models for ear. For evening exits prefer large or long earrings.

Gold is most often framed with precious minerals - diamonds, sapphires, emeralds. Budget casual earrings can be with synthetic analogues, for example, with cubic zirconias.


Silver earrings are even more diverse. They come in different styles - classic, minimalism, avant-garde, ethno and many others. As the inserts are used a variety of semi-precious and ornamental stones, but precious in silver are not very common.


Earrings made of jewelry alloys are most often made with artificially grown stones, so their value is affordable even for a student. High-quality earrings are not inferior to models of expensive materials, but some may cause allergies to the skin.

Stone type

With natural

Natural stones from ancient times were used as ornaments and talismans. There are many tips for choosing "your" mineral in terms of astrology, feng shui and other teachings. But the main thing is that you like the jewelry, consider your feelings when choosing earrings.

All natural stones are divided into two categories.


Today, such a definition does not exist, now they are called jewelry. They have high decorative properties, should be rare (taken into account how common it is in nature) and durable. These minerals are very hard and are not afraid of mechanical damage.

The most popular gemstones are diamond, ruby, topaz, sapphire and emerald.


Such a term is considered obsolete, today it can be found only on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. Initially, this term meant those stones that were not rare, very beautiful or were not strong enough. That is, they were cheaper. For example, they include amethyst, alexandrite, carnelian, amber, rose quartz, moonstone, ametrine, and many others.

This name is considered incorrect because it discredits the stone in the eyes of the buyer. One gets the feeling that he "does not reach" the level of the precious.

However, many minerals from this category are much more expensive than the same diamonds, for example, red spinel or Paraiba tourmalines. Therefore, it will be correct to also call these gems "jewelry stones".


This category includes rocks and minerals, which are used not only to create jewelry, but also for decorative art. Usually these are translucent and opaque stones, the cost of which is affordable to many. These include jasper, obsidan, onyx, jet and others.

With artificial stones

Earrings with artificial stones are popular due to the fact that their value is much lower than natural ones. They are a complete imitation of natural minerals, they are created from special synthetic materials according to modern technologies.

The process of growing is complicated and time consuming, but they still do not belong to precious stones. The most popular synthetic stones are fianits and Swarovski crystals.


Choosing earrings with colored minerals, many are guided solely by their color. For example, pick up the color of the eyes or under clothing. The division into color categories is conditional, because the same mineral has many shades and may even differ in color.

With green

This color is a symbol of life, youth, growth and all living things. Green color calms and gives emotional stability.

The most popular and expensive green stone is emerald, as a rule, it has a deep rich shade.

Malachite is an opaque dark green mineral. To him are many colors that depend on the texture of the stone. Chrysolite is a translucent golden-green stone with a magnificent brilliance. Jade, tourmaline and others are also popular.

With black

This is a special color that absorbs all the colors of the spectrum. It promotes concentration and more adequate thinking. It is suitable for those who are constantly in a struggle (with themselves, difficulties, the outside world).

Precious black stones are rare, they include the rarest black diamond and sapphire.

But semi-precious black gems are far from uncommon. Popular obsidan, onyx, tourmaline, labrador.

With blue and blue

Minerals of blue and blue shades are very popular. Their colors are associated with the sea and the sky, are considered soothing.

The most famous blue stone, sapphire, is one of the five most expensive minerals. Tanzinit is a blue transparent stone that has gained popularity thanks to the jewelry company Tiffany & Co.

Aquamarine is a blue transparent stone with a greenish tinge. Blue zircon is a beautiful natural stone, which is often confused with artificial cubic zirconia.

With red

The most popular is the precious ruby ​​- which may be tinged with pink or purple.

Spinel is a rare, very beautiful mineral that comes in different colors. Red spinels were often confused with rubies and were valued at least as high.

Pomegranate is a deep dark red mineral. There are multi-colored grenades, but red ones are the most popular.

With pink

The pink stone symbolizes pure love, romance and loyalty. It is believed that he helps to find love. The most common pink-colored quartz, which is commonly used in jewelry. Also popular are pink garnet, opal, topaz. The rarest mineral is pink sapphire, it is bright, transparent and very expensive.

With white

It is believed that the desire of a person to wear white stones indicates his desire for purification and spiritual growth. Stylists think a little differently, arguing that their popularity is universality. The most expensive white stone, of course, is a diamond. Often it is completely colorless, sometimes it can be translucent. Colorless sapphire is not less expensive, sometimes it can be with a light blue or lilac shade.

Pearls - an unusual white, completely opaque stone, which is mined from the bottom of reservoirs. There is a sea pearl - a very expensive, regular round shape, and a river one - of various shapes, not so rare and quite affordable.

Opal is a light opaque mineral with bright iridescent patches. Moonstone is a translucent mineral with blue and white tints.

The most common - absolutely transparent zircon. Faceted zircons glitter and shimmer almost like diamonds.

The size and shape of the stone

Choosing the size of the stone in the earrings is important to consider a few nuances.For example, earrings with large inserts are suitable for an evening out, but in everyday life they are unlikely to be appropriate.

There are exceptions, for example, jewelry in ethnic style - silver earrings with large malachites, turquoise, coral.

But it is worth considering that your outfit should be appropriate - for example, a dress in the style of boho or flared jisny and a fringed top.

For everyday wear suitable models with small round or square pebbles, which should not be listened to heavy. Ideally, if they are neutral colors - white, black, brown.

The second important nuance - the shape of your face, depends on it, how big and shape the stones should be. If you are chubby, choose earrings with small oblong inserts, and if the face is oval, drop-shaped pebbles will suit you.

On girls with a thin angular face, ornaments with square gems will look good, but they should not be massive and heavy.

How to choose?

Earrings, like any other jewelry with stones, are chosen according to three different principles. Some people want to use the mineral as their talisman, so they turn to astrology. Others simply see him as a beautiful piece of jewelry and make their choice based on aesthetic properties.

Still others consider jewelry as a good investment, and wearing such earrings as a demonstration of wealth and high status. Each adheres to its principles in the selection of precious jewelry.

Eye color

Stylists advise choosing an ornament in the ear according to the shape of the face (as we wrote above) and the color of the eyes. The stones should emphasize the color of your eyes, in no way suppressing it, and serve as an accent on the image:

  • Minerals of almost any color are suitable for gray, ideally, if it is a pearl, amethyst or moonstone.
  • By hazel eyes you need to pick up earrings in a contrasting color - for example, pearls or turquoise. You can also play on edemas by selecting amber or carnelian.
  • Stones of orange or yellow shades will suit the blue eyes, and if you want to emphasize the depth of color, give preference to blue topaz or blue sapphire.
  • The green eyes are best suited minerals of all shades of green. This may be emerald, chrysolite, malachite or agate.

By lunar calendar

Esoteric and astrologers say that you need to choose the color of the stone in accordance with the lunar calendar or your zodiac sign. Some perceive it as a myth and invention, but the fact that our ancestors adhered to such principles should be a rational grain.

When buying earrings with a certain mineral, it is important to understand that this is a living organism, and it will take several years before it gets used to you and starts giving away positive energy.

Most people choose stones according to the astrological horoscope:

  • Aries - a diamond and all the minerals of yellow and orange shades;
  • Taurus - this sign fits emerald, chrysoprase, agate, turquoise and malachite;
  • Gemini - warm and cheerful stones - agate, alexandrite, beryl, citrine, carnelian;
  • Cancer - stones "water" shades, as well as emerald, moonstone and cat's eyes;
  • Lion - warm, "sunny" minerals - diamond, ruby, golden topaz, tourmaline, chrysolite, amber;
  • Virgo - many stones are suitable for this sign: aventurine, jade, onyx, tiger eye, chrysolite, jasper;
  • Scales - almost all the gems are suitable for this sign, among them are aquamarine, diamond, lapis lazuli, opal and tourmaline;
  • Scorpio - all minerals that are considered “dangerous” - aquamarine, hematite, garnet, coral, opal, ruby, sapphire;
  • Sagittarius - cold is preferred in summer - turquoise, chrysolite, topaz and sapphire, and in winter warm - garnet and ruby;
  • Capricorn - dark minerals suitable for the sign, dangerous for others - jet, malachite, obsidian, onyx, almandine;
  • Aquarius - bright and warm stones are recommended - aquamarine, amethyst, turquoise, garnet, sapphire, zircon;
  • Fish - the minerals of blue-green hues will harmonize with the inner world of this sign: amethyst, emerald, pearl, moonstone, opal.

How to clean?

Any mineral has its own density, so for each there will be special recommendations. Experts advise at the end to rinse the decoration with clean water. If you washed the earrings in warm water, do not pop it sharply into ice.

  • All procedures should be performed on any container (a bowl or bowl would be ideal). Upon completion of the procedure, do not pour water out of it until you are sure that all inserts are in place.
  • The hardest and most resistant diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. For cleaning, use a gentle detergent that needs to be well dissolved in warm water. As a tool, use a toothbrush, preferably soft, baby.

If the earrings are very dirty, leave them for half an hour in a soapy solution. Dirt will become sodden and easy to remove.

  • Opal, malachite, turquoise and the moonstone are slightly less dense, so the same method of cleansing is suitable for these minerals, only with the use of soap. It can be rubbed into water and well dissolved. Any powder can not be used, because it can scratch a pebble.
  • Ruby, topaz and garnet can change the color under the influence of high temperature. So refrain from cleaning in hot water!
  • The insert from pearls, amber and nacre is rather soft, therefore mechanical damages are contraindicated to them. Avoid rubbing them or using alkaline and acidic solutions, various powders.
  • Amber should be washed in warm water and wiped with a soft cloth, and the pearls should be washed using the same technology, but you can add a little soap to the water. After earrings you need to rinse and leave to dry - the pearls should not be rubbed!

Beautiful images

Turquoise earrings are great for blue-eyed girls. That they did not look monotonous, jewelers combine blue stone with red coral. Such long massive earrings will be an excellent complement to an evening look.

Small earrings with green onyx are suitable for everyday wear. They will look good with a sundress or dress, jeans and an air blouse.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


