
Earrings with Opal

Earrings with Opal

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Features and benefits
  3. Models
  4. Stone colors
  5. How to choose?
  6. How to store and care?
  7. What to wear?
  8. Spectacular images

Ladies of all ages love to create bright and fashionable images. You can complement stylish clothes with the help of various accessories: bracelets, chains, rings or earrings. Today we will talk about such an incredible jewelry, as earrings with opal.

A bit of history

For a long time this semi-precious stone caused associations with “deceptive hopes”. People believed that he was able to influence his possessor and strengthen his positive or negative qualities. It is believed that some jewelry with opal saved from the temptations, while others pushed into the abyss of forbidden pleasures.

Opal is the main decoration in the attributes of religious figures in South America. He enjoyed great popularity among European courtesans. Mystics believe that a lady who chose earrings for herself with this stone should see concrete goals before her, otherwise fortune will play a cruel joke on her.

Features and benefits

  • The main advantage of these magic stones is their fantastic appearance. They literally fascinate with their magical color. Opal is impossible not to fall in love.
  • Multi-colored crystals have one interesting feature: some of them contain from 30% to 35% of water. They are of great jewelery value, since they have a unique rainbow of colors.
  • This amazing property is also called opalescence and is divided into three types: solid, mosaic and zonal.


Opal just magically looks in a different frame: be it gold or silver. Modern women of fashion give preference to such decorations, because they look attractive and expensive. Let's take a closer look at the most popular earrings, which are decorated with this amazing stone.

In gold

Spectacular stone looks great in gold. He successfully highlights the brilliance and luxury of the precious metal. Modern women of fashion often prefer these products, as they are able to emphasize the color of the eyes and make the image truly magical.

In silver

Silver earrings with opal look very fresh and elegant. The most spectacular are instances with a blue or blue stone. It is also called harlequin, and it differs in depth and color saturation.

Stone colors

Opal is completely different. Each lady will be able to choose for herself the earrings in the shade that she likes and fits the color of skin and eyes. Let us consider in more detail: what minerals are used in the production of accessories.


This mineral looks incredibly gentle and fresh. Its structure is translucent and casts a “cool” light blue tint.

The black

Dark crystals look especially impressive and attractive. Earrings with such details are the perfect solution for a bold and confident lady. These stones have stunning reflections of blue, violet, burgundy or green.


Fiery is a mineral that is colored yellow, orange or red. Such opal is distinguished by bright reflections that resemble real sparks of fire.


This beautiful stone has a spectacular pattern, more reminiscent of a mosaic. He can have a huge number of multi-colored elements.


The opal called jizarol is distinguished by a reddish tint, complemented by a transparent or bluish glow.


Lekhos - opal is a stone of natural green color. It has a similar greenish glow.


Pink opal falls in love at first sight. This stone has a delicate and juicy pink color with reflections of white and light blue tones. They are more like small sparkles in the inner part of the mineral and make it truly magical.

How to choose?

Finding the perfect earrings with this stunning stone is very easy. One has only to know some nuances that will help get the most suitable jewelry.

  • Dark-haired brunettes are perfect light accessories. Ideal will look earrings with opal white. They are able to give the image of romance and tenderness.
  • Blondes should pay attention to more vivid and rich options. Especially impressive on such beauties will look jewelry with iridescent colors. You can pick up an original copy with a mosaic pattern that combines several different colors.

Very juicy and attractive on a fashionista will look jewelry with opal, complemented by other precious or semi-precious stones. The frame can be absolutely anyone. It all depends on the preferences of women of fashion.

How to store and care?

Buying feminine earrings with such a stone, it is worth remembering that it is very capricious and requires special attention. Opal has a very fragile structure. Without proper care, the accessory will lose its brightness and cease to emit a unique light.

  • Do not remove the earrings in the box to the rest of the jewelry. This may cause scratches and other damage. It is necessary to allocate a separate box for accessories with opal. This is very important not only for the stone itself, but also for such a metal as silver. So you can save it from darkening.
  • Accessories are best removed before you apply makeup or use perfumes. Opal absorbs moisture. This also applies to the chemical components of cosmetics or perfume. In such conditions not only the mineral can suffer, but also its silver edging.
  • In no case can not swim and take a shower in these earrings! They must first be removed and set aside as far as possible so that they do not accidentally get water.
  • Magic jewelery will need to be cleaned from time to time. It should be done with a soft toothbrush and a simple soap solution. It is necessary to carry out cleaning very carefully so as not to harm the stone.

Many stones and jewelry lose their brightness and attractiveness over time. Not an exception and earrings with opal. It is very difficult to avoid various microscopic scratches of the stone. Often ladies are faced with the problem of cleaning: hard-to-reach places for a brush will accumulate dust and dirt.

An experienced jeweler will be able to return the earrings to its former beauty. Many workshops currently offer such services. Masters can return not only the former brightness to the decoration, but also polish the pebble, saving it from scratches.

What to wear?

Stylish and feminine accessories harmoniously look like with casual and evening dresses. Modern women of fashion can create a very spectacular and fashionable ensemble, complemented by beautiful earrings.

For everyday and office suites, it is recommended to select instances in which the opal is made in one color: blue, white, black or green. Similar options are more concise and universal.

For the evening set you can pick up larger and more noticeable earrings. Golden earrings with blue or royal stone will look especially harmonious with various dresses.

Spectacular images

  • You can emphasize the light summer dress on the straps with the help of gold or silver jewelry.A combination of a dress that combines blue and pink colors with earrings that have light pink or blue opal will look especially impressive. You can complement the image with the help of flirty blue shoes on the heel.
  • To create a unique evening look, you can choose a sexy cocktail dress with open shoulders or a long outfit with a shiny surface. To complement such vestments, you can use accessories with large blue-green opals. Such an ensemble once chose actress Natalie Marks to enter the red carpet.
  • An incredibly feminine and gentle look will be a set of a shirt or blouse of heavenly color, white skirt, shiny pointed shoes and silver accessories with white stone. Such an ensemble will be the ideal solution for a slim and young woman of fashion who prefers fresh and airy images.
  • To emphasize a casual and cozy look, you can use miniature earrings. Wear a warm blouse or a high neck sweater, jeans, and complement this simple set with small geometric shapes. The color of opal can be chosen according to your taste: from dark to fiery.
  • Magic accessories are able to decorate themselves and cocktail dresses. The combination of a cocktail dress of blue color with a tight skirt or one open shoulder and small earrings with opal in tone will look perfect. You can add to the set with the help of an elegant bracelet with crystals, a charming ringlet or a simple pendant.
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