
Pancakes for a bar: types, brands and features of the choice

Pancakes for a bar: types, brands and features of the choice

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  1. Features
  2. Diameter and weight
  3. Materials
  4. Manufacturers Overview
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. Use and storage

Health is an integral part of every person’s happy and comfortable life. For longevity and well-being can not do without the sport, which is represented by many types that are acceptable for any gender and age. Men and some women prefer not only to strengthen their health, but also to shape their bodies, which is why they cannot do without work with weighting. The most popular sports equipment in this case will be dumbbells and pancakes for the bar, which will be discussed further.


Pancakes for a bar of need for work on burdening. This sports equipment has the form of a disk with a hole in the middle, so that it is convenient to put it on the neck. The material from which the pancakes are made may vary. This is necessary in order to The weight of disks of approximately the same size was different. A professional athlete will easily select for himself the desired type of product and weight, focusing on digital values ​​and color.

When you first enter the hall, you can get confused when you see a variety of pancakes in front of you, which have different diameters, thicknesses, colors, masses and materials. An important detail is the diameter of the hole, which must correspond to the neck. For those who work with low weight, you can use lightweight discs with a small hole.

Professional weightlifters work with a very large weight, because the thickness of the neck is significantly different and the selection of disks must be appropriate.

Diameter and weight

In order to properly buy or choose discs on the bar in the gym for yourself, you need to have basic knowledge about their diameter and weight. The diameter of the hole distinguish pancakes:

  • 26 mm;
  • 31 mm;
  • 51 mm.

The size of the neck in this case must be appropriate - 25, 30 and 50 mm. You can use products that do not correspond to the neck, but this will require a special adapter. Stringing pancakes without adapters or sleeves significantly increases injuries. The sizes of the disks themselves can be different - from small ones, which are also successfully used on dumbbells, to very overall ones.

If the athlete is going to work with low weight, then It is better to use a small diameter inventory. Safety with a lot of weight involves the choice of large diameter pancakes, which allow you to raise the neck above the floor, which significantly improves the usability of the projectile and, if used properly, minimizes the risk of injury.

The size of such equipment may be different from different manufacturers, because choosing a disk for yourself, you must first look at its weight. The most common options are:

  • From 0.5 to 5 kg - the easiest;
  • 10 and 15 kg - medium weight category;
  • 20 and 25 kg - for trained athletes;
  • 50 kg - for professional athletes.

On one neck, you can string a different number of pancakes to get the desired weight. When working with this sports equipment, it is important to use special plugs that prevent the discs from flying off the neck, which is dangerous for the athlete and for those who work near him. To make the inventory look attractive and more comfortable to work with it, the color of the product will help in choosing the right weight.

Small pancakes are usually not labeled, as professionals rarely work with them, and the color scheme of other options differs significantly. Steel models with an outer diameter of 45 mm and a 50 mm bushing:

  • 15 kg - yellow;
  • 20 kg - blue;
  • 25 kg - red.

Rubber discs with a sleeve 50 mm and an outer diameter of 45 mm have the following gradation:

  • 10 kg - green;
  • 15 kg - yellow;
  • 20 kg - blue;
  • 25 kg - red.

Colored products allow you to quickly determine the necessary equipment and string the required number of disks on the neck. If there is a need to add a projectile of light weight, then you need to look for black pancakes.


The ease of use of pancakes for the rod is also due to the material from which they are made. So, there are such options:

  • rubber coated;
  • steel;
  • composite.

The most comfortable and durable rubber products are considered as they are covered with a protective layer that does not allow the base material to rust. During a workout, the projectile is depreciated, which increases the safety of working with it and minimizes the damage to the gym, which can cause illiterate use of heavy objects on the ordinary floor. The only drawback of this option is the relatively high cost, but against the background of a long service life, this nuance can be considered insignificant.

Steel products are less convenient to use, since they emit a lot of noise and ringing, and if they fall on the floor they can significantly damage it. From prolonged use and maintenance is not in ideal conditions, such discs will start to rust. The most affordable and convenient option for home use are composite products that are filled with a specialized mortar, similar to concrete. These pancakes are inexpensive, but quickly fail.

Professional athletes use another cast iron discs for the bar. Their advantages are:

  • long service life;
  • the quality of the material;
  • solid cast construction;
  • convenient form;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • small cost.

When using such discs it is necessary to work on a specialized coating so that if the projectile is accidentally dropped, the floor is not damaged.

In sports shops you can find pancakes for a bar in a plastic case, which are inexpensive, have a large weight variety and look good. Plastic discs are more suitable for home than for professional or serious training, where metal variants are more often used, but they can also be found in large halls with various projectiles.

Manufacturers Overview

Sports equipment is becoming increasingly popular due to the interest in a healthy lifestyle and the desire to improve your figure and appearance. Exercises with burdening are in demand by both professional athletes and beginners, because in sports halls there must be equipment that meets the needs of everyone.

The purchase of high-quality equipment for the home or gym is an important component of successful training, because it is worth paying attention to branded products that have already proven themselves.

    Among the most famous manufacturers are such.

    • Torneo - products are distributed mainly in sports shops and on the Internet. The choice of products is quite large, but is aimed at beginners and amateurs. The main material of pancakes is steel and shells in a plastic case. Their weight starts from 0.5 kg and reaches 25 kg. All products have an attractive appearance and color difference.
    • MB Barbell - Russian brand of sports equipment, which occupies a leading position in the market. You can buy such categories of discs for the rod as “Standard” - products with a metal sleeve, “Athlete” - rubber-coated disks, “Euro-classic” - simple pancakes or a variant with handles. The weight of such equipment starts from 0.5 kg and reaches 25 kg. Products may have a different diameter, they can be purchased both in stores and on the site under the order.
    • Kettler - refers to the professional inventory. You can buy chrome wheels with rubber insert weighing from 0.5 to 30 kg and different diameters.

    The cost of each brand is different, as are the characteristics of the material, the weight and size of pancakes, because the choice must be made based on all criteria.

    Criterias of choice

    In order to train effectively and efficiently, you can not do without the appropriate equipment. To find the right discs for the boom, you need to be guided by such criteria.

    • Weight pancakes. There is an inventory with a small weight with an interval of 0.5 kg - these are pancakes from 0.5 to 3 kg, then there are options 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50 kg. For aerobic exercise there are products weighing 100-200 g. Depending on the level of the athlete and the task he wants to solve, you need to choose the right weight for pancakes for the bar.
    • Bore diameter - there are pancakes with a hole of 25, 30 and 50 mm, which corresponds to the diameter of the neck - the thicker it is, the more weight it can bear. Using the wrong size discs can cause injury and damage to sports equipment. If there are no necessary disks in the hall, the hole diameter can be corrected using a special sleeve.
    • The diameter of the disk itself - for ease of use, large pancakes make thinner, and small thicker.

    For the selection of the optimal weight and stringing a large number of pancakes, it is better to take large and thin ones, for quicker and more convenient stringing, without exact weight adjustment, fit small and thick ones.

    Choosing pancakes, it is important to choose the weight that will be sowed and will have a beneficial effect on the body, as well as correctly select the shells to the neck. The best discs will have a rubberized construction and a large diameter, and a set of such equipment will allow you to perform a larger set of exercises, developing and improving your own body.

    Use and storage

    To use pancakes for the rod was convenient both in the hall and at home, it is best to purchase a special rack, on which the inventory will be, while they are not used. The stand is designed to accommodate dumbbells and pancakes. It is usually made of metal and has a stable construction in the form of a pyramid or H-shaped form.

    The upper part is a vertical structure with horizontal supports, on which the pancakes are strung. Due to the presence of several levels in height, it is possible to rationally arrange the inventory so that it is convenient to take it off: - lighter pancakes - from above, heavy - below.

    The rack allows you to solve several problems at once:

    • correct position of products;
    • safe storage place;
    • lack of contact with moisture or other substances that can harm the inventory;
    • the ability to place a large number of pancakes in one place;
    • sorting discs by weight and material to make it easier to find the right one

    If the inventory is stored correctly, it will last long enough and its use will give pleasant emotions and a positive result.

    For how to make pancakes for the neck yourself, see the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


