
Barbell Vultures: Types, Weight, Dimensions, and Tips for Choosing

Barbell Vultures: Types, Weight, Dimensions, and Tips for Choosing

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. Dimensions and weight
  4. Top manufacturers
  5. Recommendations for choosing
  6. The size of the neck
  7. Clips (locks)

The most popular and effective simulator for strength training is a barbell. Although the bar has a fairly simple design, it has a lot of characteristics that you need to decide before visiting the store, so as not to fall into a light stupor at the sight of an impressive stand with a vulture. From this article you will learn what bar stamps exist and their variations, what are the features of each of them, what exercises they practice.


Vultures are divided into male and female. They are straight and curved, bearing the name W-and EZ-shaped. Straight Olympic neck longer than usual. The standard prescribes it conformity in weight and length.

Male and female projectiles are required to withstand 600 kilograms, and the slots for pancakes should be 50 millimeters.

Vultures are made from non-corroding steel (stainless steel). Chrome coating does not rust. You can say it does not break, it does not break. Discs for novice men usually purchase from 18–20 kilograms, and for women, from 10–12 kilograms. There are 3 types of locks for fixing the discs: a spring, a smooth bushing and a nut. Put on a disk, wrap a nut. Spring is slightly compressed, put on and released.

Separately, it must be said about the locks, made in the form of a smooth sleeve. They are quickly put on, quite easily fixed and guarantee a high degree of fixation.


The weight of the disks in accordance with the standard is determined by their colors. Small weight - wheels green, more - yellow, even harder - blue and red. To compensate for direct contact and reduce inconvenience when the bar is applied to the athlete's body, a pad is applied to the rod.

In the stores of sports equipment is very easy to select and purchase the necessary tools.

To distinguish the neck for women from men can be by notch. In female, it is absent. Men do bench press with one hand, which is not included in the women's program. Alignment allows you to keep a balance. This applies to powerlifting, bodybuilding, crossfit.



There are a number of types of neck (rod), which differ in purpose and technical parameters: length, diameter, and of course, weight. There are straight and curved rods, some are suitable for basic exercises and placed on the shoulders (squats) or used in the rods, while others (curved) are provided only for holding in the hands. You should know what are found and what are the various types of rods for rods.

Straight neck (Olympic)

Directly by name it is easy to understand that professional athletes practice this tool for their work. It is an element of any gym where strength training is used. It has a fairly high demand among athletes of different weight categories, which is why it has the name “classic”. Often, on a standard Olympic neck, they make a relief knurling, thanks to which it does not slip and does not twist its arms. The presence of air in the recesses does not allow hands to sweat.

This knurling allows athletes to practice with the highest projectile weight. The limiting "carrying capacity" is one hundred percent equipped with a pancake (disc) neck, capable of reaching up to 320 kilograms.

Straight neck for women

This option is used for strength training of female weightlifters in preparation for sports. The main difference between the women's direct Olympic sample from the men's is the weight, size and lack of knurling. The female version is significantly shortened and lightened. Otherwise, this is exactly the same instrument. A bar with this type of toolkit is used in the performance of both basic and specialized exercises for women's Olympic sports.

Powerlifting Bar

From the very beginning, this sample of rods was designed for training professional athletes who literally “rave” weights. For these pros, a mass of up to 100 kilograms seems ridiculous. The neck is much tougher than the traditional Olympic bar. No wonder that with such a rod you can put on up to 500 kilograms of discs with a total weight. The main thing is that the athlete can move it all.

Such a rod is made of high strength steel and is practiced in force triathlon. (powerlifting). It differs not only in weight and length, but also in strength. Withstanding the greatest load, it is less springy and flex, reduces the oscillating movements that appear during exercise.

Its characteristics are superior only to a specialized squat bar.

Universal neck for training in the home

Most novice athletes, in order to slightly reduce the loss of their time, place sports tools right in the apartment or house. It is necessary to take into account that similar training accessories have more compact dimensions, and in addition they are provided for a smaller mass. With professional, they differ in insignificant sizes (approximately 1.25 - 2 meters in width), with a total weight of not more than 10 kg, and also at an acceptable price.

To maintain a good physical shape and constant stay in muscle tone - this is the best solution at home. With the help of such equipment it is possible to implement almost all training complexes aimed at physical exercise of the biceps and delta muscles.

However, at the same time, it should not be used to press the bench, because, due to its shortened length, you will not be able to hoist the bar on the stand.

EZ-shaped neck

The core, the main purpose of which is the implementation of the formation of different groups of muscles of the triceps and biceps, connecting at the same time and the activity of the forearm without the need to replace projectiles. It is only necessary to intercept the neck at another point, and you already feel that another group of muscle tissue begins to strain and drive blood flows through itself. Through it are developed joints of the hands, forearm, biceps.

Training with the use of tools of this type can be easily and simply performed both in the equipped gym and at home. This projectile is indispensable when you intend to "pump up" the upper group of muscles in a standing or sitting position. It does not need specialized racks.

Along with this, it is extremely difficult to apply if you suddenly want to work out the pectoral muscles.

W-shaped neck

This bar pattern is more curved, which distinguishes it from the previous element. In fact, It is designed to perform a variety of front exercises in a semi-sitting or standing position. However, in such a situation, there are small differences regarding the presence of a larger number of kinks from large angles. Such a design guarantees the development of a wide variety of muscular groups, as a result of which a more prominent effect appears.

When using it, you can include in the strength training all parts of the front muscles, including the reverse side of the arms. It is considered the favorite tool of professional athletes seeking to “correct” their anterior muscle relief.

Bar for parallel grip (neutral grip)

Practiced to perform training for triceps and brachialis in bodybuilding and for basic techniques in powerlifting.

According to physiology experts, a neutral grip is more secure for the joints of the shoulders and elbows. Therefore a large neck with a neutral grip can be found in the halls for strength training. With such a rod, you can perform a lot of basic exercises from the bench press to the rod pull, while standing in the slope.

In the gyms there is only his lesser associate, he is also called the oval neck. The set of exercises that can be done with it is very modest. This is a “hammer” exercise on brachialis, sitting and standing on the Scott bench, and performing a French press in all varieties.

By the way, even such training complexes guarantee a positive effect due to the large degree of isolation of the arm muscles and the prolongation of the line of movement.

Trap neck

The core, which bears not only an unusual name, but also a small peculiar external appearance. Possessing a 6-gon configuration with handles at the edges, it is like a trap. It has a rather specific purpose - trapezes are trained by means of it. It is equally intensively applied in trainings under the name of “farmer's walk”, or shrugs. Basically becomes the property of specialized sports halls.

This neck pattern is especially safe and comfortable because the weight lifter is exactly in the middle and the load is divided on the sides of the athlete. The neck is suitable for beginners.

Neck with rotating handles

The neck with revolving handles is a unique projectile, making it possible to make ordinary training complexes for hands unusual. In the body of the rod are mounted rings with bearings, inside which are located the handles.

Due to this, when lifting the barbell, the hands can be turned outwards, thus increasing the load on the biceps. The same can be done by performing the French bench press for the triceps (triceps).

Collapsible bar

In prestigious gyms you will not meet such a barbell. However, for practicing at home or for an inexpensive sports club is the perfect choice. This barbell can be freely reincarnated into 2 dumbbells, because in the set with a barbell there are also 2 dumbbell necks.

But no matter how versatile it is, it still has a number of shortcomings. First, it is extremely dangerous to perform separate exercises (squats, bench presses, bench presses) without auxiliary racks, and often a partner. Second, pumping up the legs with a folding projectile is almost impossible.

Dimensions and weight

Straight neck (Olympic)

The sleeves of this rod for the disks are spinning, this is of great importance for training in speed-strength sports, where jerks are required.


  • empty rod weighs 20 kg;
  • 2 clips - each 2.5 kg;
  • rod diameter - 20 mm;
  • length - 2200 mm;
  • total weight - 25 kg.

Olympic neck for women

  • weight - 15 kg;
  • length - 2050 mm;
  • diameter - 25 mm.

Vulture for power triathlon

This rod carries a slight difference with the Olympic: the length of the rod is 2200 mm, but the thickness is 29 mm, and the mass is 20 kg. Able to withstand a decent load.

    Universal neck (non-professional for home use)

    • rod length - from 1250 to 2000 mm;
    • weight - from 6 to 10 kg.


    • rod length - 120 cm;
    • weight - 6.5 kg;
    • thickness - 26 mm.


    The mass of this instrument in empty form is not higher than 8 kg with a total length of 1.2 meters.

    Trap neck

    You can find different sizes and weights (from 5 to 20 kg), weigh for accuracy.

    Neutral Grip

    The weight of such a rod for a bar is 9 kg, a suitable load in exercises is up to 100 kg.

    Neck with rotating handles

    • rod length -1.2 m;
    • weight - 12 kg.

    Collapsible bar

    The length may be different and, depending on the manufacturer, is 1.25-2 meters in range. The mass of the rod depends on this indicator and approximately equals:

    • 2 meters - weight is 12 kg;
    • 1.8 meters - 8.2 kg;
    • 1.5 meters - 6.7 kg;
    • 1.25 meters - 5.8 kg.

    Top manufacturers

    Iron king

    Domestic manufacturer of sports and recreational equipment. The company was founded 15 years ago and gained prestige in the market of simulators and sports tools. Iron King gives a guarantee of safety to its own products and a decent level of quality, despite the relatively low price.

    IDOL Action

    The company produces lines of various types of vultures. Among them:

    • Godzilla 20 kg for strength training, with a diameter of 29 mm;
    • Olympic Tiger neck weighing 20 kg with bearings;
    • female straight bar, weighing 15 kg with bearings with a diameter of 25 mm.

    Rogue fitness

    The brand from America manufactures sports equipment, among which the leader in sales in the Russian Federation is the men's straight bar, weighing 20 kg and 28.5 mm in diameter.

    Recommendations for choosing

    Vultures are selected according to the goals and objectives set according to diameter, length, configuration.

    By configuration are divided into the following types.

    1. Olympic rod - the most standard sample. It is suitable for all exercises.
    2. EZ-shaped - used when lifting weights, as they say, “on the biceps”, when the wrist is in the usual position.
    3. W-shaped - more curve, and this forms an additional possibility of transferring the main load on the triceps muscles of the shoulder. The most comfortable combination of "French bench" and other similar techniques.
    4. Trap neck - intended for stationary thrust.

    On a note! You can select the desired tool through a standard test application. If he comfortably lay in his hand in the performance of the required exercise - it really suits you

    The size of the neck

    The length directly depends on the type of the chosen exercise and the place where the training will take place. For example, a very large one would be inconvenient in a small room, and one that is too small will not take a bench press. At home, for convenience, it makes sense to choose a length from 140 to 180 centimeters, starting from the structure of your figure. The surface should be with specialized knurling, so as not to slip hands.

    The diameter of the center of the usual bar - 25 mm, straight - 28 mm, for strength training - 29 mm. The thickness of the seat - 25 mm for America, 30 mm is practiced in Europe, 50 mm - the Olympic standard.

    The weight of the structure is influenced by the selected diameter of the rod, its size and, of course, the quality of the steel from which it is made.

    The heaviest barbell, designed for squats (30 kg).

    Clips (locks)

          They are devices that fix pancakes and prevent the discs from falling from the rod. When selecting a clamping option, you must be guided by the dimensions of the nozzle area of ​​the rod. Structurally, they are divided into the following options.

          • Clothespins. The type of clamp, which is rapidly fixed, but after a while may weaken, therefore, requires special control.
          • Threaded - are the most reliable and durable, but also uncomfortable as well, since their fixation on the rod takes a little longer.
          • Olympic castles are convenient, reliable in the process of assembly or disassembly, but also the most expensive.
          • Screw or spring - are the fastest, reliable and convenient, especially in situations where the hall is not enough equipment and there is a need for a quick change in weight.
          • The bushing is a cylinder that is fixed at the edges of the rod, and is an adapter between the pancakes and the neck. Its structure makes it possible to use discs with different internal diameters.

          For example, the use of a sleeve makes it possible to fix pancakes with a large diameter on the neck with a small thickness.

          Olympic Castle

          On what the neck for the rod is better, see below.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


