Boxers: the history of the breed of dogs, temperament, the best names and features of care

Dogs have been faithful companions and companions of man for several thousand years. Among them, boxers stand out for their extraordinary characteristics and are very popular. But before you start a pet, you should collect more information about it.
Regarding the most distant ancestors of the boxer, experts put forward two versions. According to one of them, these are ancient dogs, used in ancient times. The ancient Greeks, on the basis of dog dogs, bred the moloss breed, which was used primarily for military purposes. Very quickly, the Molossians began to grow in other parts of Europe. Another suggestion is that dog-like dogs existed originally in the European north.
Proponents of this view also believe that the English mastiffs originate from these early dogs. And the mastiffs themselves have already been used in breeding a number of species in central Europe. This is how the Bullenbasers appeared (about them below). But overall, the question is very confusing. It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future it will understand well.
Actually The breed boxer was bred in Germany. For the first time at the exhibition these dogs were shown in 1895, and it took another 10 years to develop and approve an official standard. But we must bear in mind that the breed has a background that has not been documented. It is believed that the forerunners of the boxers were Brabant Bullenbeys. They met very widely in almost all of Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
The name "Bullenbeiser" literally means "biting the bull." These dogs were used by hunters to bait animals. Therefore, the focus was on increasing aggressiveness, but strictly within the owner-controlled framework. The goal is quite obvious - the dog had to attack the victim and hold it, and at the very first signal of the owner to let go. But in the XIX century, driven hunt-hunting gradually went out of fashion, and legislative bans on it soon appeared.
Then a specific combination of the qualities of the Bullenbaser was found a new use - they began to use it as a guard and watchman of the herds. However, livestock owners were primarily interested in the practical qualities of animals. The purity of the breed ceased to be appreciated, and the active crossing of the Bullenbaser with the British Bulldog began. That is why the current boxers received a number of characteristics.
The problem, however, was the uncontrolled, unsystematic nature of the crossing. The appearance of the dogs turned out to be extremely different, and the development of a common standard seemed almost impossible. There were individuals with:
- unusually long muzzle;
- unduly oblong body;
- the appearance of a classic bulldog (the differences were extremely insignificant).
A huge contribution to the improvement and standardization of boxers was made by the Shtokman couple. They originally came up with the ideal image of the breed and managed to embody their vision. Shtokmans on this way had to overcome a number of difficulties. They focused on reducing aggression and increasing animal contact. As a result, those boxers appeared who are familiar to modern breeders.
Returning to the very beginning of the formation of the rock, it is necessary to point out that more or less close to the familiar to us, the Bullenbeisers had a single red or tiger color. They could not have white spots.From the Molossian ancestors the dogs inherited rather short snouts. This anatomical feature made it possible to breathe even when the prey (victim) was held by the teeth. Already when the ancestors of the boxers were used to bait the hunt, they began to stop their tails and ears.
These places were considered too vulnerable when confronted with prey, especially with predators. The usual practice was to wait in ambush until the hounds bring the beast to the right place. The true boxers in the past were considered those who had a deep groove on the nose. Because of her sometimes it seemed that the nose is divided into two parts. This was the case at the time when they began to work purposefully on the breed.
With all the merits of the old breeders and the Stockman couple, one cannot fail to mention the contribution of Robert Fisher. It was this authoritative trainer who took the first important step - helping to overcome the distrust of the Bullenbeisser. Initially, the proposal to make it to the list of breeding breeds caused a storm of indignation among the breeders. But Fisher actually showed that Boxers are much better at fulfilling most of the tasks than the generally recognized dogs. He not only achieved permission for them to participate in the exhibition, but also supported the creation of a national club.
A year later, in 1896, 50 boxers, differing in color and other features, were brought to the first all-German exhibition. During the rapid development, the standard had to be redone and refined several times. Initially, it included white boxers, but rather quickly showed their inferiority. Finally, this type of dog was introduced into the breeding book at the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries. Soon the breed gained extraordinary popularity.
Breed characteristic
Canine experts believe that in the strict sense of the word, the boxer dog has no varieties. However, there is a distinction in color. At exhibitions can be shown only red and tiger individuals. Red dogs have a light yellow or saturated brick-colored wool. There are also intermediate shades; black hair can not be anywhere except the muzzle. Brindle color, of course, has clear stripes.
There are many subspecies of such colors. Light dogs can have red wool, on which even looking at dark stripes is problematic. There are also individuals with a darker part. Occasionally it comes close to black color and is distinguished only by the presence of red "flecks".
Important: according to the standard, there should be a clear contrast between the stripes and the main part of the wool. Normal is the average width of the bands. Both unjustified narrowing and their excessive expansion are recognized as a violation.
You can meet albino boxers - about ¼ of the breed accounted for pure white dogs. But such animals can not participate in exhibitions, be used for breeding, and many of them are completely deaf. The classic German boxer lives an average of 10 to 13 years. The exact period in each case is determined by:
- the perfection of the diet;
- general care;
- efficiency of treatment of specific ailments.
Breed appreciate for universal quality. Her representatives:
- accompany small children;
- prove to be faithful companions;
- act as reliable guards;
- are true and reliable friends.
Good build, strength and physical endurance, resistant temperament allow the use of boxers in law enforcement and the armed forces. Quite often, you can meet the "German", accompanying blind people. The name of the breed is connected with the fact that during clashes the dogs actively use their front paws. In the descriptions, it is noted that the boxer has a smooth coat, is distinguished by muscularity and stocky build.
The weight of a boy boxer reaches 27–35 kg, for most “girls,” it ranges from 25 to 27 kg and only in isolated cases exceeds 30 kg.Growth, respectively, will be from 0.57 to 0.64 cm and from 0.53 to 0.63 m. The presence of patchy areas on:
- neck;
- chest part;
- paws;
- muzzle.
From the point of view of the standard, such spots are not a violation. However, members of the exhibition jury carefully check how the dog looks. Disqualification occurs automatically if the white areas fall from 1/3 of the background. Standard requirements include:
- a large number of muscles;
- leg slimness;
- total body strength.
The exterior of the boxer includes a cube-shaped head with a small upper bulge. Head and body dimensions are proportional. The massive muzzle is adorned by a flattened, uplifted nose. Like the bulldogs, the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. The latter feature is manifested especially fully when viewed from the side.
Boxing cases are square, clearly distinguished:
- straight back of relatively short length;
- wide loin, sloping;
- deep chest;
- parallel straight forelimbs;
- tight elbows against the body;
- wide arrangement of back direct extremities;
- muscular thighs;
- low tail landing;
- the location of the ears at the top of the skull.
In order for the dog to be among the best, it should also have medium-sized dark eyes and shiny coat. But, preparing to participate in the exhibition or caring for the acquisition of a truly pedigree individual, one must remember that the standard is constantly updated. Back in 2001, the cupping of boxers was required without fail. Now this procedure is prohibited in the EU, and outside it is left to the discretion of the owners.
You can often hear talk about the types of boxer: "German" and "American" branches. But it is not so simple. The American boxer took shape in the post-war period, when the soldiers returning from the liberated territories brought a number of puppies to the USA. The breed quickly gained popularity and at some point was even the most popular in North America. The "Germans" differ only in their heavier build and more massive head; according to the standard, they are recognized as equivalent, and mestizos do not lose pureblood.
The fangs of the boxers are well spaced, they are visible only when the mouth is open. The same applies to the language. Eyes are girded with a black stripe. The skin is elastic and has no folds. Shedding occurs with medium intensity. When the wool dies, it is not too noticeable.
If development goes right, then the mass should be:
- to 1 month 3.5 kg;
- by 3 months from 11 to 12 kg;
- for the six months of age from 21 to 23.8 kg.
Peculiarities of respiration are inherited from one of the branches of the ancestors (English bulldogs). Physiologically caused by snoring and active salivation make it inappropriate to teach a dog to sleep in the owner's bed. Yes, quite a few people even like these moments. Yet from the hygienic side, they are hardly the norm. Important: a boxer howls very rarely, and almost always with this sound, he calls out to the owners for help.
Along with maintaining purebred livestock, some breeders are conducting experiments on the hybridization of the breed. All such individuals are distinguished by a specific color for the boxer and an elongated muzzle. The most important mission of mestizos is the use of their decorative qualities. On the practical characteristics pay much less attention. It is customary to single out:
- bogey (mix of beagle, basset and boxer);
- bopey (hybrid with sharpei);
- boxman (boxer + doberman);
- boxweiler (boxer + rottweiler);
- Bulldoger (French Bulldog + Boxer);
- bulbox (boxer + pit bull);
- bulboker staf (boxer + pitbull + stafford).
Character traits
In descriptions it is often mentioned that boxers:
- kind;
- loyal;
- manifest themselves as experienced guards;
- characterized by highly developed intelligence.
All these qualities are certainly characteristic of the breed. However, it has its negative sides. It is undesirable to get boxers to those who are busy or spend all their free time at home. These dogs are very active, and if you do not give energy to spill out for a walk, in the game, behavior problems are inevitable. The fighting qualities of boxers can be expressed in clashes with other dogs, even right on the street.
In general, the nature of the breed is balanced. Of the other positive characteristics it can be called:
- easy learning;
- love for children;
- spent protective instinct;
- loyalty to the owners.
But a boxer breed can pretty grieve the owners:
- hyperactivity in the absence of loads;
- infantilism (behavior typical for small puppies, can last up to 3 years);
- active salivation;
- conflict.
Home boxers often note a kind of humor in animals. They make a similar impression with active original games, characteristic facial expressions when performing teams. If the dog is raised correctly, then in the house it will not commit any tricks. Humility with other pets is guaranteed, but on the street conflicts are very likely.
Important: any boxer is always clearly tied to one person. He loves other family members too, but he keeps a great distance. A characteristic feature of the breed is the desire to constantly be closer to the owner, any separation, regardless of the cause, is difficult to bear. Boxers are non-aggressive towards children, if only they are trained well and the precautionary rules are followed.
However, this is characteristic of absolutely any dogs. It is easy to train such dogs. But it is necessary to apply only positive incentives - all other methods simply do not work. Attention: Any training program should be thought out very carefully.. If the pet loses interest in classes, it will be stubborn and will stop executing commands. Making it follow the will of the owners then it will be almost impossible.
The psyche of a boxer perfectly meets the requirements for a guard dog. He by default perceives all outsiders as suspicious personalities. If you have worked properly with the animal, it will not bark in vain once again, however, it will be guaranteed to defend the owners. The breeders carefully reject the sneaky individuals, and they act in the same way with too vicious puppies. It is strongly recommended not to buy boxers anywhere other than official kennels and serious firms.
Animals, even at the end of a long walk can be actively entertained. If they study the territory, they run their noses on the ground and puff like a low-powered vacuum cleaner. They do not try to go far from the owners. The dog yelps at strangers once or twice, warning them. A long, burly barking is unusual for this breed. All boxers in a strange way combine immediacy and sensitivity.
If they need something, then the desired goal will be achieved not by aggressive behavior, but by charm and emotional attachment. Pet quickly determines which of the home more pliable on his tricks, who are more located to him. That's why It is very important from the outset to follow uniform rules in dealing with boxers. They must be fully and completely aware of it - no one will indulge them in vain.
Any representative of the breed is certainly passionate and prone to fighting. No wonder they talk about the "functional instinct." Skirmishes occur selflessly and even with complete pleasure. At an early age it is a kind of game, and later it becomes harder and fiercer. Sometimes genuine battles flare up.
Important: you can not abuse this way of emotional discharge. Many dogs that were allowed too often to show strength became prone to fighting. And to cope with such a deviation is almost impossible. Some boxers, due to the too low threshold of reaction, are ready to fight for almost any reason.A truly thoroughbred dog can measure the danger and its actions, attacks in full force only with a real threat.
Having found the enemy, the boxer will show all his mercilessness towards him. When playing with children, he seems tireless and willingly forgives even those acts that cause pain. If the harassment of the kids take a too unpleasant turn, the dog will not show aggression anyway. She will simply go somewhere else, where she will be left alone.
The combination of power and physical stamina is amazing: any boxer will be able to accompany the cyclist or rider, not lagging behind them.
How to name?
Selection of nicknames for boys and girls boxers equally responsible. It must be remembered at the same time about fearlessness, great strength and an outstanding mind by the standards of the four-legged. Those names that are suitable for the Bichon or Dachshund, in relation to this breed will be perceived, rather, as ridiculous and strange sounding. Important: as in the case of other dogs, you can not mindlessly take names from pedigrees. There can be arbitrarily long words, but for everyday use need shorter nicknames. You need to focus on the "strong", "sonorous" names, the words with German roots and the names of popular movie characters.
Boys are usually called:
- Battles;
- Caesars;
- Starks;
- Bikes;
- Chase;
- Bonds;
- Filami;
- Troy.
Common names for girls are:
- Emma;
- Lada;
- Linda;
- Mary;
- Alpha;
- Fines;
- Rick;
- Martha.
Maintenance and care
Keep boxers can only be in houses and apartments. Street kennel categorically not for them. Already in the middle of autumn the weather is too cold, especially at night (after all, the coat is short and the undercoat is not under it). For the same reasons, drafts and contact with moisture are of great danger. Because of them, dogs easily catch cold.
Important: German dogs feel extremely bad even on hot days. When they run around the yard all day, you need to help the animals - freely let them into the house. But the content on the chain is strictly contraindicated. The breed is too active, and the forced presence in one place only enhances negative emotions.
Both with a puppy and with an adult boxer dog you need to walk at least 2-3 times a day and at least an hour each time. And we are not talking about a simple “walk down the street.” The role of such active entertainment as ball games, jumps is very important. Preparing for the appearance in the house of a little boxer, you need to ensure three important points:
- the right place for leisure;
- access to toys;
- thoughtful ammunition for walking.
Any boxer, regardless of age, must Stable to keep the owner in sight. Therefore, he will calmly rest only where there is a good overview of the whole room. At the same time, it is equally important to distance the resting place from the heating devices and to exclude drafts. Warning: do not use hard, hard or prickly litter - they should be as soft as possible. Since the dog will grow rapidly, you must always take into account the need to expand the bed.
Boxers stand out among other service breeds increased playfulness. Even adults do not shy away from the entertainment offered by the owners. Therefore, the selection of toys must be approached responsibly and seriously. It is necessary to select only those samples that the pet is guaranteed not to chew and swallow. This requirement is especially important when keeping small puppies.
Pets should be taught as early as possible to wear a collar and walk on a leash. If it is started too late, the boxer will take such attempts as an encroachment on his freedom. Given the weak thermal properties of wool in this breed, it is necessary to use special clothing for walking. When the heating is turned off in the spring, you have to wear these vests on the dog and at home.
Another important point that should not be overlooked when starting a boxer puppy is the safety of the home for him (and “from him” too). To provide it:
- remove electrical wires and communication cables in inaccessible places;
- remove toxic indoor plants;
- hide shoes and clothes in a safe place;
- care about the safety of wallets, money, phones;
- close all sockets with plugs;
- far away are medicines, sharp and cutting objects, household chemicals, paints, solvents, glass bottles and jars.
It is unacceptable to put a little boxer where he can not climb or jump. It does not matter what this surface is: a chair or table, chair or bed. At an early age, dogs still have little control over their own movements. Falling even from a small height can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Attention: you should not leave young pets unattended for a long time.
That lack of control provokes them often to all sorts of unpleasant acts. To reduce the danger to household things, it is strongly recommended to buy not only toys, but also special bones that are sold in any pet store. Important: categorically you can not play with puppies rag. Despite their intelligence, they will not be able to understand why the rag is suitable for the game, and the curtain, jacket or trousers are not.
It is strictly forbidden to lift and pull little boxers by the paws. This can cause injury to the joints or ligaments. Normally, puppies should be taken under the chest and behind. Keep them as tight as possible, trying to avoid falls. Puppies need to be carefully protected from contact with young children. They still do not understand well what the pain of other living beings is. Therefore, it is recommended that you first attend to continuous monitoring, and only when empathy skills are developed, you can slightly weaken it.
Important: remove all loose, obviously unstable objects. If this is not possible, they are maximally strengthened and protected.
Pet should be inaccessible small items, such as:
- coins;
- needles;
- paper clips;
- pins;
- nails, screws, bolts.
The dog must have its place where it will be most often.. But while the pet is not accustomed to a particular place, he will begin to look for other successful places. It is necessary to take care in advance so that it is impossible to clog in different hard-to-reach slots. It is also important to check the balcony - in many cases it is not safe. At dachas and in country houses, dogs are protected from falling into pits, wells are tightly closed when they are not used.
In addition to security requirements, it is important to bear in mind that there is a table by month that describes weight gain indicators. If there are strong deviations from it, then it is urgent to contact the veterinarians. As for bathing, they should not be too frequent. Some experts advise to spend a bath day every year. The ideal option would then be shampoos with hypoallergenic properties.
Having bathed the boxer, immediately wipe him dry. In case of unexpected appearance of dirt, it is cleaned with a wet towel, optionally with a dry shampoo. Once in 7 days, pets are combed with soft brushes. This should be done strictly in the course of the growth of wool. When it is combed, it is useful to go over with a small piece of suede so that the hairs glisten. Paws must be washed every time after walking. Be sure to remove dirt that accumulates between your fingers to avoid irritation.
Clipping claws produced as needed, taking into account the place of walking. But in any case it is necessary to check claws at least once every 30 days. Cleaning the ears should be done weekly with a napkin.
Each month, the ears are washed with special veterinary solutions to avoid infections. If even slight reddening appeared or the ears started to smell bad, you need to contact a specialist. Once every 10 days boxers are required to brush their teeth using special brushes and pastes. Dental calculus should be removed only by specialists. Once a day you should remove from the eyes of the animal all the excess discharge, wetting a cotton pad in boiled water.
Once a year will have to go to the clinic for vaccination on schedule. It is best to combine this exercise with a routine inspection. Once in 3 months deworming is carried out. The treatment of a boxer against fleas is carried out with the frequency indicated in the instructions for the specific preparation. Especially should beware of specific diseases characteristic of the breed.
Genetic disorders predominantly affect white boxers. However, this does not mean that animals painted according to the standard are not susceptible to them at all. Errors in the preparation of the diet and the definition of food regime can disrupt the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract. No less often than problems with digestion, there are also:
- spondylosis deformans;
- hip dysplasia;
- eye diseases;
- brachiocephalic syndrome;
- oncological disorders (from 5 years old).
There have been tense disputes for many years now, which is better for boxers: factory feed, homemade food, or a combination of them. The final decision must be made by the owners themselves. The main considerations when choosing - the ease of use of food and the cost of feed. It is absolutely impossible to save beyond measure. The quality content of boxers is possible only when using premium factory feed or balanced natural food. Balanced homemade food should contain 30-35% of meat. Other amounts are:
- dairy products;
- cereals;
- vegetables.
But even the most balanced diet should include supplements of vitamins. Their composition is selected only by professionals. Important: Boxers are prone to food allergies, and the characteristic reactions of the body flow rapidly. Therefore, all new products should be introduced into food gradually and only as needed. Caution should be given and feed unusual recipes, especially from another manufacturer.
The breed standard, as already mentioned, implies an athletic physique. However, the boxer has a great appetite. With the uncontrolled use of food can be faced with the loss of sports complex. Produced at the factory packs of food must be labeled with an indication of grammar. Portions of natural food should be selected by consulting with veterinarians or with more experienced breeders.
Categorically you can not go on about the pets who are prone to begging. No matter how a dog acts, it must be protected from food from the human table. Strict prohibition applies to:
- salty food;
- dishes with seasonings and spices;
- sweets;
- smoked meat.
But this does not mean that you will have to abandon the treats of pets at all. As a useful delicacy fit vegetables and fruits. Water should always be available to the boxer. It is periodically changed. And a few more rules:
- In the first six months, you must feed the dog 4 times a day;
- in the second half of life - 3 times;
- one-year-old animals are transferred to two meals.
Like any dog, boxers should certainly be trained. The main objectives of the training are:
- establishing contact between the host and the animal;
- preventing conflicts between a pet and family members, other pets;
- increase of security qualities;
- development of obedience.
Four-legged guards take a special training course, which is focused primarily on maximum discipline. As for the exhibition dressing, it is so complicated that the amateur in all these intricacies will not understand it - you need to contact the professionals as soon as possible. You can bring up adult dogs, but this will only work if you take into account their psychology.
As for the development of the simplest obedience skills, everything is easier - especially if you have experience with animals.
It must be remembered that up to one and a half years the boxer has puppy habits, and they finally disappear only in the fourth year of life. Therefore it is necessary to think through training carefully. With skillful handling, even the most infantile dog is raised successfully. Start training will have the most simple commands. It is necessary to behave with pets firmly, but in no case without resorting to cruelties.
Until the animal fulfills the order, the training should continue unabated. Allowing once to avoid the will of the master, to achieve obedience in the future will be difficult. The very first order, which is important to learn, is “To me.” When mastering it, it is imperative to use food stimuli. Categorically it is impossible to shout at a dog, especially to beat her.
Violence of any kind leads to the appearance of aggressiveness or cowardice. The most important feature of a skilled trainer is the ability to act consistently. Sometimes for a long time it may seem that there is no result. However, after some time, the skills will still appear. Important: even if the pet shows impressive success, it must be trained diligently. If a persistent reflex is not developed, skills that are not properly supported will gradually disappear.
It is worth remembering that classes should take place is interesting for the animal. When such a requirement is met, it itself will look forward to the next training session. All teams are required to work out in different places in order to eliminate too stereotyped behavior. Mastering various skills will certainly alternate with games, and intelligence training - with manifestations of physical activity.
Since a boxer often “clarifies relationships” with other dogs, an early socialization is an indispensable item when training. It is expressed in:
- quiet interaction with other dogs;
- cold-blooded reaction to cats;
- constant orientation to the owner and immediate execution of his commands.
While the dog is not trained to the end, you can not let her off the leash:
- in crowded places;
- in places where children play or are often;
- in parks and squares;
- in the vicinity of busy highways;
- near the railway;
- in swampy and boggy areas;
- in the forest and in the country.
According to the majority of boxer owners, their pets easily master teams and even various tricks. Many are able to subtly recognize the emotions of people and correctly respond to their needs. Care is not too complicated. Boxers go swimming calmly, even enjoy the process. With the children of the owners make contact without problems and outsiders, whether dogs or people, do not give a touch.
While walking, the pet is usually calm, ignoring strangers by default. But if they provoke him, show aggression or behave somewhat suspiciously, the consequences can be unpredictable. Attitude towards other dogs (of any breed) is bordered by jealousy. Cats are usually perceived as an element of the surrounding landscape.
Other reviews mention:
- fidelity boxers;
- their cheerful disposition;
- lively and tactful behavior;
- sensitivity to children (bites are only imitated).
The consequences of the lack of training or improper conduct can be disastrous. Then the animals begin to behave disobediently, they can smash everything in the house. It is highly undesirable to leave them alone for many hours. If guests come, ill-bred pets can jump, bark and other ways to attract attention.
Important: before buying a boxer you need to carefully study the information about him, get acquainted with the pedigree. Inexperienced dog breeders prefer to prefer another dog. If you get an instance with character, you can achieve normal behavior, but it is possible with difficulty and not immediately.Another caveat - boxers are extremely negative about drunks and those who make too much noise. And it is worth remembering also that all owners advise buying boxers exclusively in proven kennels.
With the right choice and the right approach, a dog of this breed will please everyone. She treats all tenants favorably (of course, if they themselves do not make any mistakes). But we must understand that people, especially children, are attached to boxers very strongly. And so the inevitable loss over time can be emotionally difficult. However, the same is true for any dogs in principle.
Experienced boxer owners give a number of recommendations that make it easier to keep dogs. In pedigree animals, the paw pads are very often deformed. They should be examined after each run in search of cuts and abrasions. Early disinfection of paws before walking is very relevant for puppies and old individuals. As with the next, and with an extraordinary bathing use just warm water.
Its maximum temperature is 32 degrees. Connoisseurs do not advise unnecessarily delaying water procedures. The flat area does not really matter, the boxer is well placed in a modest room. Even teenagers from 12 years old and older can achieve positive learning outcomes.
To learn how to properly train a boxer breed, see the following video.