
How to wean a puppy to bite?

How to wean a puppy to bite?

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  1. Causes of behavior
  2. Effective methods
  3. Major mistakes
  4. Experienced Dog Breeders Tips

Appearing on the light, puppies very quickly begin to grow and develop, while one of the stages of their maturation is the study of the surrounding world. Inquisitive four-legged kids can not wait to see everything, smell, and even try for a tooth - only so the dog receives information about what is around it. For a puppy, the greatest part of the cognitive processes is carried out during the game, and it does not matter whether the dog plays with itself, with its brothers and sisters, or with a person. Often, when playing with excessive enthusiasm for the game, puppies start to behave aggressively and bite their master.

If you encourage such dog actions, then her wrong behavior will soon become a serious problem for all family members. And so that this does not happen, the pet must be taught the necessary rules of behavior from an early age.

Causes of behavior

Despite the fact that domestic dogs look cute and kind, in their nature the genes of the predator and the hunter are originally laid, and this factor is manifested in any dog ​​already at puppyhood.

For a better understanding of your pet you need to know the reasons forcing him to perform certain actions.

Experts who study the psychology of animals, identify the following main motives that drive a puppy in those moments when he bites:

  • familiarity of the dog with the environment;
  • one of the forms of communication of a dog with people and other animals;
  • inviting someone to the game and the process of the game itself;
  • learning puppy of their strengths and capabilities;
  • expression of discontent;
  • forced, from the point of view of the dog, protective aggression;
  • the formation of bite and the process of changing the milk formula of the teeth to a permanent dentition;
  • lack of proper behavior skills.

Experienced dog breeders know that depending on the breed, puppies behave differently. As a rule, representatives of the service dog species and large dogs most often behave with restraint and sedation, whereas a representative of the miniature breed plays and goes berserk.

During the game, the puppies constantly bite each other - sometimes these bites can be neat, but it also happens that the child plays out quite sharply and painfully.

In the same way, young dogs act with a person, perceiving him as a participant in his game. If a puppy is full and healthy, then he always has a lot of energy, and he needs games almost constantly. Do not forget the fact that the dog in the first year of life is changing teeth, so the animal experiences a physiological need to gnaw something to facilitate this process. In puppies, as in children, gums can hurt or itch, therefore biting and crushing distracts them and alleviates the state of discomfort.

When puppies grow up, some of them have a habit of biting and teeth grabbing everything that moves remains. In order to properly educate your four-legged pet, you need to pay special attention to this problem.

There are certain methods of dog training and training aimed at developing the skills of correct joint interaction and living with a person.

Effective methods

Weaning a puppy to bite as early as possible, ideally - until the change of his teeth. The growing up dog must clearly understand that the owner and any member of his family stands higher in the hierarchy, and one cannot grab the legs or the arms, even if the dog really wants to do it.Monthly puppy, as a rule, is still next to his mother, eats her milk, and his teeth are just beginning to erupt. Two-month puppies can already be handed over to their new owners, and this time is the most important point to teach the pet the necessary rules of behavior.

A small dog should learn in 2 months that he should not dominate the owner and other family members. The owner must show his dominance to the dog immediately and never give up his position. If during the feeding of the dog, the owner first eats his food and can even take any piece he likes from the dog's bowl, then according to the laws in the animal world, this will mean that the owner is the leader and he must obey.

Another important point in the training of a puppy is the separation of your territories.

The dog must immediately be taught to sleep in a place specially allotted to it. The master's bed is the territory of the leader, and if the dog tries to enter and settle there, it will mean the seizure of your territory. Animals clearly know that the one who captures the territory of the leader, he becomes from this moment the leader and can begin to dominate. It is impossible to admit such a state of affairs, since you will not be able to teach the dog anything if it is dominant, and you will only meet aggression from the dog.

Before you start teaching your four-legged friend, you need to understand the basic principles of his upbringing. First of all, you need to remember that during the fun puppy can only play with their toys, and you should not allow him to play with your hands. Immediately, as soon as the dog starts to bite you by the arms or legs, or grab and pull with your teeth for your clothes, you must give it the command “Foo!” Or “No!”.

It is required to make it in a loud and strict voice; there should be no smiles and laughter on your part.

If the kid has played hard and does not respond to your commands, then you can calm him down by slightly clicking on the face of a newspaper folded several times. But try to do it only in the most extreme cases, otherwise the dog will be afraid of any sudden movements and strokes of his hands.

In some cases, it is useful to take a puppy with a puppy by the scruff of the neck and gently press it to the floor or slightly raise it for a few seconds - this is how their mothers enter the wild with babies, whom the young always listen instinctively.

Sometimes, instead of a hand, you can push a puppy ball or other toy into your mouth, but in this case there is a chance that the dog will not understand your goals and will continue his game.

If an older puppy in 3 months runs after you and actively bites the legs or teeth for clothes, this means that your dog has not learned the initial stages of training, and you will need to pay much more attention to this issue. Try to distract the pet's attention with a toy, but the best thing after the bite is to abruptly stop contact with the dog and leave the room for 15-20 minutes.leaving her alone. So over time, your pet will realize and get used to it that after the bite the host will not continue playing with it.

At 4 months, provided you pay proper attention to the training of your four-legged friend, the puppy should learn how to play with people correctly, without hurting them with teeth. At this age, the dog must clearly understand that the owner is not its prey and the manifestation of the hunting instincts to it is unacceptable. In order for your four-legged friend to obey you, it is necessary to encourage all his correct actions and not to support their violations.

You should not practice with a dog if you feel irritated and aggressive, as your dog can easily feel your condition and will respond to you with counter aggression.

Thus, you can lose contact with the pet and lose its trust.

In the process of training young puppies, experienced dog breeders focus on some effective techniques:

  • do not provoke a puppy to aggression;
  • do not walk near the dog with bare hands and feet, thereby causing the pet to increase interest in you;
  • do not allow the puppy to tear your clothes, nibble shoes, spoil furniture;
  • understand when the puppy bites for its own protection, and not punish him at this moment, but try to calm him down;
  • always with a bite to show your dog your negative emotions, but not to beat her;
  • constantly observe the hierarchy and not allow the puppy to violate it;
  • to be consistent in the training and return of commands - to encourage good behavior, and not to reinforce the bad actions of the dog;
  • not letting the dog feel that you are annoyed or that something has knocked you out, as the animals subtly feel your mental attitude, and, sensing your weakness, will immediately try to use it to “seize power”.

At 9 months old, the dog should already master all the necessary skills and rules for dealing with people.

If at this age your pet growls while trying to stroke it, nibbles on pieces of furniture, bites you and family members, this means only one thing - the dog did not receive proper education from you.

In this case, the animal may eventually begin to show unreasonable aggression towards people. It is not naive to think that the habit of biting people in a dog will pass by itself as it grows up.

This behavior is dangerous because you can suffer from pet bites and not only you, but also your child, other family members, it is possible that the day will come when your dog starts to bite and people on the street. An adult and mentally healthy dog ​​should not behave this way, so if you did not cope with its upbringing in the first year of life, then in order to correct the situation you will have to seek help from experienced canine specialists.

Major mistakes

It happens that inexperienced dog breeders, on their part, when training a puppy, allow some inconsistent or incorrect actions that reduce all their pedagogical efforts to zero. The most common mistakes when weaning a puppy to bite people by the arms and legs may be the following.

  • Attempting to start training a puppy before establishing a relationship of trust with him and built a hierarchy between the owner and the pet.
  • Loud cry and the use of physical punishment. If you begin to give commands during the procedure of training a puppy in an excessively loud and stern voice, this will frighten the child, and he will not understand from fear that you want him to. During class, try to communicate with the dog with confidence and calmly, and even if the pet is doing something wrong, you must learn that you can not shout at it. In addition, during training, never punish the dog physically, so as not to lose its trust in you, which will be very difficult to recover.
  • Lack of puppy rewards for his correct actions. When your pet fulfills all your commands, it is imperative to encourage it for proper behavior: give a piece of treat in the form of dog food pellets, pet the dog, affectionately praise.
  • Unreasonable encouragement for the behavior from which you want to wean the pet. Never reinforce with encouragement those actions that your dog performs incorrectly. On the contrary, a puppy should be punished for disobedience by ignoring you.
  • Dominance of the dog over the owner. Sometimes large breeds of dogs feel in their owner his weaknesses - age, self-doubt, small stature and build. To build a relationship with such a pet, you need to behave correctly and keep a certain distance in relations with the dog. Otherwise, the dog will begin to behave aggressively and may come out of obedience.
  • When practicing with a dog, you do not need to concentrate on looking into her eyes. In nature, this means one thing - with such an action you challenge the animal, and if the next moment you look away, then you show him the position of the weaker, and the dog will see his prey in you. In this case, there can be no talk of any submission and training - the hunter’s aggressive instinct will wake up in the dog, it will start biting you.
  • Incorrect host behavior when playing with a dog or during its training. When interacting with a dog, you need to use toys or special items, but not your hands or feet. In addition, during the game you should try not to provoke a pet to bite you. If you see that your dog has pressed his ears to his head, he began to show his grin - this means that everything that happens around him does not perceive him as a game and starts attacking you aggressively. In this case, you must immediately stop playing or learning and get out of contact with the animal.
  • Never intentionally tease your dog or let other people do it. Trying to cause a growl, grin and aggressive attacks in a puppy, you teach him to defend against you, transmitting to him the image of the enemy in your face. Such associations between the owner and the pet are unacceptable, since between you should establish friendly and trusting relations, and not hostile.

To cultivate the necessary skills of a dog from the owner requires patience, perseverance and understanding of the basics of animal training.

When acquiring a dog for your child, you need to understand that you will not be able to withdraw from the process of raising an animal, since children see in the puppy a companion for games and will not be able to assume the role of an authoritative leader. The process of raising a dog must begin from the first days of getting it into your family. This should be done regularly, methodically consolidating one skill after another.

Experienced Dog Breeders Tips

In order for your puppy to be trained in good manners to be the most effective, dog experts advise dog breeders to study dog ​​psychology before starting to train a pet.

Understanding the laws of animal behavior in a flock, it will be much easier for you to interact with your four-legged friend.

Experienced breeders advise you to adhere to some rules in the process of weaning a dog to bite.

  • At that moment, when the puppy grabs your hand and bites, try not to pull it out sharply from the dog's mouth, on the contrary, relax as much as possible. Your sluggish and immobilized limb will no longer be of interest to the dog, and it will no longer continue to bite you. However, if at the moment of the bite you begin to make sharp movements and have fun laughing at the same time, the dog will take your actions as a encouragement to the game, continuing his attacks.
  • Offer your dog games that will distract her from biting people. For example, you can teach a puppy a game of dragging a rope, or learn the command “Aport!” With him, throwing a toy away from you and encouraging the dog at the moment when it brings and gives you this item. In such games, the dog satisfies its animal hunting instincts and learns to interact with the owner.
  • Try to make sure that your four-legged friend always has enough different toys that he needs to replace with new ones from time to time - such a variety is necessary for the child for its full development.
  • If your pet is very temperamental and at first it is difficult for him to cope with the desire to bite your hands, then special means can help you. For example, if you apply to your skin the essential oil of clove or tea tree, apple cider vinegar, chafing balm for colds, or other means that by their smell are not too pleasant for the dog, this will be a deterrent for the baby during the game, and he will not want bite you
  • To arouse puppy's interest in the toy and distract the baby from your hands, lubricate this item with broth, which you will find in a can of meat.As soon as the puppy starts playing and nibbling the toy, praise him and give him a piece of encouraging delicacy.
  • Do not try to protect your pet from the outside world, like a person, it needs socialization. A puppy should be able to interact not only with you, but also with other people and animals. The sooner the dog learns to make the right contact, the better it will be for its further development, so in the first year of life you need to try to help it learn all the basic skills.
  • When teaching a dog the skills of correct interaction with people, it is necessary not to cross the line when the dog loses the skill of necessary protection with the use of teeth. An adult dog must have the ability to protect not only itself, but also its owner.

    Maintain the rules of behavior established for the puppy, it is necessary for all family members, for this it is necessary that the household knew and used the basic commands that you have trained the dog: "To me!", "Phew!", "In place!". Raising a dog in the first year of life is a very crucial moment, it consists not only of weaning the puppy to grab you and bite. A dog should know where his place to sleep and rest, understand that you can not ask for food from the table when the whole family is eating, gradually getting used to walking on a leash and so on.

    On how to wean a puppy to bite, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


