What is the difference between the welsh corgi cardigan and the welsh corgi pembroke?

The breed corfu is valued by dog breeders all over the world for its unique appearance, as such doggies look like puppies to old age. In addition, they have remarkable characteristics, thanks to which these pets become real pets in the family. Such dogs can live both in an apartment and in a private house, they have a friendly disposition, cheerful, energetic and quick-witted. Consider the distinctive features of the two types - welsh corgi cardigan and welsh corgi pembroke.
Features of origin
Homeland of both species is considered the county of Wales. At the same time, it should be noted that the cases of breeding of rocks are practically not recorded. This happened because they were engaged in breeding in the counties located on different sides of the mountain range - Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire. To understand what a breed is, you need to refer to the translation of the name. The word "welsh" means "Welsh", and corgi - "dwarf dog." The prefixes Pembroke and Cardigan, respectively, indicate the terrain where they were derived.
These dogs are small in size, on which special emphasis was placed. The breed belongs to the shepherd's, and its small size allows its members to quickly evade from the attack of the untidy ones in case of danger.
Despite the fact that the Welsh Korgs have one home, the breeds appeared at different times. Cardigans are considered to be more ancient. The first written mentions of them are found already in the twentieth century, but researchers believe that the Celts brought doggies to the region where they lived at the end of the Bronze Age, that is, BC. Information about the Pembrokes appeared only in the XIII century, their appearance is associated with the Flemish artisans.
Outwardly, both breeds are very similar. However, despite this, their ancestors are different.
It is believed that the Pembrokes appeared from the spitz-like dogs, and in the distant relatives of cardigans - taxi-like.
Differences in external data
The standard of the breed of cardigans suggests that the constitution of these little dogs is quite strong. Their height is about 30-32 centimeters. The maximum weight of girls is 13 kilograms. The body, like the ancestors, is slightly elongated. The back is flat.
Cardigans have a powerful chest. Their head is like a cross between a fox and a German shepherd. Dogs have a wide frontal part and a sharp muzzle. The nose is dark. The eyes are round, medium size. Ears are erect, in the form of a triangle, the tips are rounded.
As for the difference from pembroke, you can not ignore the tail. In the second case, one of the progenitors are tailless bobtails.
Accordingly, among the representatives of the breed, the tail is either very short or stopped at a tender age. Cardigans have fluffy tails that resemble foxes.
In general, lovers of the breed cardigan often call them little German shepherds. The dog has short legs. Pembrokes also resemble large Pomeranian Spitz. Their height is from 25 to 30 centimeters, the average weight (depending on the floor) is from 12.5 to 16.5 kilograms.
This is about standards. If, given the above, to talk about the differences, you need to note the difference in height, weight and proportions. The cardigan has an elongated body, the pembroke has a more oval and long neck in the form of an arch. Both species have a small head, short legs and triangular ears that stand.
Different dogs and the type of wool.Cardigans' coat is very thick, silky or, on the contrary, rather tough.
Pembrokes are soft and fluffy. During the breeding work in relation to cardigans, doggies of marble color took part.
This had an impact on the coloring, often dominated by the color blue merle. Also found are red, tiger and dark tan dogs with possible bright markings.
A distinctive feature of the coloring of the Pembroke - the so-called "saddle elves." It is a large spot in the back of a brown or reddish color. Often there are sable, red or deer colors. There are tricolor representatives of the breed, dominated by black and brown shades.
Cardigans resemble German shepherds not only externally, but also in a look that is smart enough, but at the same time a little wary. The eyes are almond-shaped, with clearly marked corners. Their color, depending on the color, can be both brown and blue. This is another difference from the Pembrokes, who always have dark brown eyes. In addition, the expression of their faces is playful, open and even a bit naive. For this reason until old age, representatives of the breed look like puppies.
Pembroke even among strangers causes a feeling of emotion. He definitely wants to stroke. Cardigans are more serious and alert. The tips of the ears are rounded off, while at the Pembrokes they are more sharp.
As for the paws, the differences here are not so striking, but they still exist. Both breeds have short legs. But if the pembrokes on the front should be perfectly straight, then cardigans have a noticeable size. This was influenced by the presence in distant relatives of tax-like dogs.
In the Pembrokes the same as in the Spitz, who are among the ancestors, the paws are small and very elegant.
However, we must not forget that initially they were herding dogs, and this implies additional active loads. Therefore, the limbs are strong, developed and muscular. This gives the dogs a great opportunity to jump and run fast.
The difference in the characters
But as for the characters, in this respect, the representatives of the two breeds are similar. Each of them is great for content in the family, as well as companions. Dogs are very clever and perfectly trainable. But it still makes sense to talk about the differences.
- Connoisseurs of German shepherds should turn their attention to cardigans. These dogs, due to their compact size, are perfect for keeping in a city apartment. They have a calm and balanced disposition, non-aggressive, but they do not trust strangers too much.
- Pembrokes are more tender and careless. They can also be wound up both in the family and as a companion to a lonely person. Those who have such a dog in the house consider that it is sure to become the main pet. Pembrokes are easy to contact, they can be kept in the house with other pets. At the same time, ancient instincts may work with regard to rodents, so that such cases can be an exception. If there are hamsters or rats in the house, it makes sense to postpone the purchase of a Pembroke.
- Cardigans are more restrained, rarely give a vote for no particular reason. Pembrokes, on the contrary, love to bark and sometimes do not look for a reason for this. They are very agile and energetic, love to take part in games, so the future owners should be supporters of an active lifestyle.
Behavior Differences
Those who are trying to decide on a future pet, It is necessary to compare behavioral models of the Welsh-Corgi-Cardigan and Welsh-Corgi-Pembroke breeds.
- The former are more easily tolerated by loneliness, while the latter require maximum attention and communication with the owner. Cardigans are more relaxed, can take part in games, get the most pleasure from leisurely walks on foot.Since they have good guard qualities, they are more wary of strangers.
- Pembrokes more reckless. They cannot draw a parallel between their actions and their consequences. The difference in breeds is especially pronounced if you observe each of them during a walk. Cardigans first stop at the extreme point, and then inspect the area around the perimeter. Pembrokes are less interested in this. They feel more comfortable next to the owner.
How to choose?
Welsh Corgi - dogs that have their own characteristics. This must be taken into account when deciding on a pet of a given breed. Also, do not be superfluous to talk with the owners and ask questions. You can learn in advance about possible health problems, features of care and other nuances.
If all data is studied, and the decision is made, you should decide on the purchase. The optimal age of puppies is from 2 to 3 months. If you watch him closely, it will become clear what the dog is and if there are any problems. Also pay attention to the behavior. A brave and confident dog is unlikely to grow out of a timid and fearful puppy. The kid should not show aggression, it is especially important for families with small children. Pet should be affectionate and sociable.
In addition, experts recommend carefully examine the head of the baby. This will help to identify some problems in advance. A healthy dog has white teeth and pale pink gums.
A change in color, as well as a poor condition of the tooth enamel, indicates the presence of hereditary diseases, among which the most frequent are poor metabolism and anemia.
Eyes should be clean, without crusts and discharge, ears clean and without an unpleasant smell. Dogs of this breed often suffer from the presence of ear mites, it must also be taken into account. In males, testicles stand out clearly. The coat of healthy puppies is shiny and does not fall out.
If the future owner is not too energetic or busy person, dog breeders recommend to stop their attention on cardigans. These little dogs are calmer. In addition, they feel well alone and can spend several hours without a host.
And most importantly - you can not ignore the impressions of the first contact. If the puppy immediately begins to show interest in the future owner, is not afraid of him, this means that the relationship will be established quite easily.
See below for 5 differences of the welsh corgi-pembroke from the welsh corgi cardigan.