
Large breeds of dogs: common features, rating, selection and care

Large breeds of dogs: common features, rating, selection and care

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Large breed dogs emit nobility, dignity and confidence. They become and impressive dimensions can not cause admiration from others. During the walk, the owner of such an animal invariably receives extremely enthusiastic and respectful views.

What breeds of dogs belong to the largest, which representatives of the canine family have a particularly impressive size - consider in our article.


In accordance with the classification adopted by the International Canine Federation, all existing dog breeds are divided into several separate groups. Despite the fact that there is no official distribution of breeds in size, it is customary to distinguish between giant, large, medium, small and dwarf dogs.

Dogs of giant breeds include animals whose height at withers exceeds 70-75 centimeters, and weight in adulthood is at least 50 kilograms. For large breeds, in turn, it is customary to attribute dogs whose height at the withers is more than 55-60 centimeters, and the weight in adulthood exceeds the mark of 25 kilograms.

Large and giant dog breeds have their own specific features. Usually such animals are characterized by phlegm, calm and even good-natured disposition, stable psyche. Attacks of aggression to most large dogs are not peculiar and are most often due to incorrect education.

According to dog handlers, for dogs of large breeds is inherent athletic or powerful physique. Athletic dogs have a dry constitution, subtle and strong bones, and a narrow chest. They are mostly characterized by mobility, activity, increased nervous excitability. Typical representatives of athletic dogs are shepherd dogs, Dobermans, Great Danes, Dalmatians.

Dogs of strong build, in turn, have a loose constitution, massive and heavy bones, barrel-shaped chest. They are characterized by phlegm, poise, unhurriedness. The vivid representatives of this category are molossi (rottweilers, mastiffs, St. Bernards).

St. Bernard

For giant dogs characterized by intense growth and active physical development in the first year of life. However, sexual maturity in them occurs somewhat later than in dogs of small breeds. In the litter of bitches of large breeds more puppies are born than in dwarf individuals.

The impressive size and heavy weight determine the predisposition of these animals to a number of congenital and acquired diseases. For example, giant dogs more often than representatives of medium and small breeds suffer from diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, oncology and skin diseases.

In addition, large dogs are more susceptible than others to bowing of the intestines - a pathological condition in which the internal organs are twisted.

Joint disease

Given the incredible power and strength of such animals, great attention should be paid to their socialization, competent and proper education. It is impossible to neglect the training, which must be practiced from the very first days of the appearance of the pet in the house. It is not allowed to pamper the animal, to neglect its physical and intellectual development.

When starting a large breed dog, the owner must take into account that he will have to pay enough attention to his four-legged friend.

Such pets cannot be left alone for long, deprived of communication and raised by the use of brute force. However, you can not allow the dog to dominate the owner and his family members.

Top rocks

The list of the largest dog breeds includes more than a dozen titles. It includes not only the largest in the world, but also extraordinarily beautiful, powerful and strong members of the canine family.

English Mastiff

The breed of dogs molossoidnogo type, considered one of the largest in the world. Height at withers in adults is not less than 75 centimeters, weight is not less than 70 kilograms.

These are large, powerful and well-built animals with a wide long body and relief muscles. Color can be deer, fawn, brindle, apricot. The coat is short and thick. A characteristic feature of this breed is a recognizable black mask on the face.

In the old days, the ancestors of modern English mastiffs were used to protect, as well as to hunt and bait bears. The power and strength of the mastiffs allowed them to easily prevail over wild animals. Modern English mastiffs are grown most often as companion dogs.

The distinctive features of their character are balance, equanimity, calm, phlegm. They are able to make an excellent company for people of mature and elderly age.

The disadvantages of this breed include predisposition to many serious diseases. Thus, the English mastiffs are subject to serious diseases of the joints, ophthalmological, dermatological and nervous diseases. Often, representatives of this breed develop oncological diseases, dangerous pathologies from the side of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems are detected. Usually the life span of English Mastiffs does not exceed 10 years.

German dog

Another famous breed of giant dogs, bred in Germany in the 19th century. The average height of males is about 85 centimeters at the withers, bitches - about 75 centimeters. The weight of these giants can vary in the range of 30-50 kilograms.

These surprisingly graceful and representative dogs are raised mainly in the role of bodyguards, companions, and reliable watchmen. The main features of their character - poise, self-confidence, calmness, loyalty, distrust of strangers. With a competent approach to the upbringing and training of puppies of German dogs, first-class and reliable companions grow up, kind to their owner, children and other members of the host family.

Great Danes are tall and harmoniously built dogs with a sturdy body, strong muscular limbs, an elongated and narrow head. Gait - smooth, confident, slightly measured, with accurate and verified step.

The following types of German dogs are accepted as a standard - blue (light bluish-gray with silver tint), deep black, marble (white or gray with black spots), brindle, fawn. The coat is short, abundant, smooth and shiny.

The black

Specific diseases of dogs of this breed can be both congenital and acquired. The most common dogs are suffering from joint problems (dysplasia, dislocations), diseases of the digestive system. They are subject to intestinal twists, hypothyrosis, impaired immune system functions. The organs of vision - one of the most vulnerable places of the German dog. Observations show that these dogs more often than their fellows suffer from eyelid inversion (entropion), microphthalmia, cataracts and glaucoma.

Often, the German Dane revealed serious diseases and malformations of the cardiovascular system.

Many members of this breed suffer from cystitis, infertility, enuresis, allergies and obesity. The life span of these giants is the lowest among dogs of various breeds. Usually it is about 6.5 years.

Irish Wolfhound

A breed of very large hunting dogs, considered a legacy of Celtic culture. The height of the males at the withers is at least 80 centimeters, the bough is at least 70 centimeters. The minimum weight of these graceful and beautifully folded animals is from 40 kilograms of females and from 55 kilograms of males.

Irish wolfhounds are characterized not only by impressive growth, but also by a spectacular exterior. Despite their solid weight, these dogs do not look massive and heavy. On the contrary, their muscular body looks harmonious, fit and strong. The gait of the Irish wolfhounds is light, fast, flying.

A characteristic feature of the exterior of the Irish wolfhounds - tough, moderately long hair, giving the dog a somewhat disheveled, but at the same time charming appearance. Longer on the superciliary arches and lower jaw six forms a peculiar bang and a beard on the dog's face. It is important to note that the wool of the Irish wolfhounds requires specific care.

The nature of these graceful and strong animals is good-natured, calm, benevolent. It is noticed that dogs of this breed are notable for their special calmness, patience, and self-confidence. Initially, this breed was bred as a hunting, but nowadays Irish wolfhounds are increasingly being raised as family companion dogs.

Irish wolfhounds' good-natured disposition will allow them to easily get along with pets - other dogs and cats. In addition, they easily find common language with children.

The protective and protective qualities of the Irish wolfhounds are mild, but they will not give offense to themselves or their owner. The training of these dogs should be done from a very young age, paying enough attention to the physical and intellectual development of animals.

Practice shows that these dogs are susceptible to problems with digestion (abdominal distension, gastrointestinal disorders), diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Like other representatives of large breeds, Irish wolfhounds often suffer from diseases of the organs of vision - cataracts, glaucoma, retinal dysplasia. The life expectancy of these animals is 6-8 years. With proper care, dogs of this breed live to 10 years.

St. Bernard

A popular breed of large dogs, the origin of which dates back to the XVII century. The average height of males of this breed varies within 80 centimeters, females - within 70 centimeters. The minimum weight starts at 70 kilograms.

In the entire history of the breed, St. Bernards have been used as rescue dogs, guide dogs, bodyguards, watchmen and guides. In the old days they were also used as pack animals transporting food and medicine on complex and winding mountain routes.

Currently, St. Bernards are raised primarily as guard dogs and guide dogs. In addition, a gentle disposition and impressive patience allow St. Bernards to easily find common language with children, acting as a caring nurse for them.

St. Bernards - large majestic dogs with a powerful massive body, impressive size head. Coat can be both long and short. It is noteworthy that the St. Bernards' wool does not fall down and does not go astray, therefore, it is enough to comb a dog only 1-2 times a week. In addition, the coat of dogs of this breed has the ability to repel water, which allows the animal to feel good even in the rainy and dank day.

However, these giants are not in good health. Observations show that St. Bernards often suffer from joint dysplasia, obesity, endocrine disorders, heart disease and blood vessels.

Often these dogs have serious ophthalmic problems.The average life expectancy of St. Bernards is 6-8 years, less often - about 10 years.


A very spectacular breed of giant dogs, whose island is considered the birthplace of the same name. In Russia, these dogs are otherwise called "divers" - for their special love for swimming and swimming. The average height of males of this breed is about 70 centimeters, females - 65-66 centimeters. Depending on the gender and individual characteristics, the weight of the Newfoundlands can vary from 55 to 68 kilograms.

Despite the awesome and formidable appearance, These dogs are distinguished by a soft and friendly character, docility, obedience, sociability. Cynologists with experience assert that in critical situations the inventive mind of the Newfoundlands allows them to make decisions independently and correctly.

These are very powerful and strong animals with a massive body, large and broad head, strong and muscular legs. A characteristic feature of this breed is the presence of a special film between the toes of the paws.

Like the St. Bernards, Newfoundland wool pushes water away and does not get wet. According to the breed standard, slight waviness of the coat is allowed. The classic color of this breed is saturated coal-black color. Brown (brown chocolate, bronze) and black and white color are allowed. The coat of this breed is thick, long, soft and shiny.

Initially, these dogs were used as sled dogs, and also as lifeguards in the water. Newfoundlands are swimming great and are not afraid of water at all. Of all the existing breeds, they are probably the best swimmers.

Newfoundlands are well trained and trained. They easily find a common language with children, show increased attention to them, care about them and protect them.

With a trained dog, you can fearlessly leave your child to swim in shallow water - under no circumstances will the Newfoundland allow the small owner to find himself in dangerous depths.

Among the diseases and problem conditions to which this breed is subject include the following:

  • heat stroke (due to the dark color of the wool for Newfoundlands terrible overheating);
  • eyelid reversal and cataracts;
  • joint problems (dysplasia);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • volvulus;
  • endocrine disorders.

The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is from 8 to 10 years. The heredity of the animal, its general health, living conditions and care have a great influence on this factor.


The breed is very large and elegant dogs, bred in Germany. The growth of males is at least 72 centimeters, the bough is at least 65 centimeters. The average weight of these giants varies between 45-50 kilograms.

According to dog handlers, the Leonbergers have absorbed only the best features that they inherited from the ancestors of the original breeds - St. Bernards, Pyrenean mountain dogs, Newfoundlands. The natural strength, endurance, patience and obedience of representatives of this breed led to their use as a dog and a guard. To date, they are in demand as companion dogs, nannies and guide dogs.

Typical features of this breed are - equanimity, calm, confidence, interpersonal skills, the ability to quickly learn and memorize new things. In Leonberger, calm temper and friendly playful character are surprisingly combined. They are not characterized by the manifestation of aggression, but such dogs will not give offense to themselves and their owner.

Leonbergers are large, powerful and harmoniously built dogs with a powerful body, with a broad elongated head, a relatively long, but not sharp muzzle. Very expressive is the view of dogs of this breed, which radiates confidence, dignity and nobility.

The paws are strong, powerful and muscular, the back is wide and even, with well-marked withers.

Gait - confident, measured, with a spacious free step. Allure - uniform and consistent.

The coat of leonbergers is very abundant, dense, thick. The coat is long, soft and smooth. Around the neck, the coat of coat forms a voluminous collar resembling a lion's mane. Color - sand, fawn, red, red-bronze. Required condition of the exterior - the presence of a characteristic black mask on the face.

Like other large and heavy dogs, leonbergers are vulnerable to the development of articular diseases (hip dysplasia) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, they often have an eyelid reversal and a rather rare disease of the hormonal system, Addison's disease. Older and older dogs often diagnose osteosarcoma. The average life expectancy of leonbergers is 9-12 years.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A common breed of large guard and guard dogs, bred in the Soviet Union. It is a very ancient breed, the history of which is about 2 thousand years. The minimum height of males of this breed is 68-70 centimeters, bitches - 64-65 centimeters. The average weight varies from 45-50 kilograms.

Dogs of this breed copes with herding and herding tasks. They can be entrusted with the protection of any property - whether it is housing or livestock. These animals are characterized by fearlessness, determination, loyalty, sensitivity, good memory, learning and intelligence. They are well tolerated by loneliness, can spend hours watching the protected area, without demanding increased attention from the owner.

Caucasian Shepherds tend to suspicious of strangers. They have a great intuition, but very difficult character. Many males of this breed are characterized by flashes of aggression and anger, during which animals are able to smash everything around them to pieces.

Anger is one of the characteristics of this breed.Therefore, raising and training puppies should be practiced from a very young age. If this is not done or the proper upbringing of the dog is neglected, it will be impossible to influence the dog in the future.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are powerful and massive dogs of the molossoid type. The distinctive features of their exterior are a large, slightly elongated and trimmed body, a deep and wide chest, a wedge-shaped powerful head with a flat forehead and wide muzzle.

The appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog makes a strong impression on others.

In many ways, this is promoted by their fluffy and very thick wool, due to which the animals seem to be even larger and more powerful. Density of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs coat allows them to easily survive the bad weather and significant temperature drops.

The traditional color of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs is gray-wolfish, chocolate brown, fawn, reddish brown. Allowed and variegated color, as well as the presence of a specific dark mask on the face.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog have good healthHowever, this breed is not insured against diseases that are typical for large dogs. So, very often in animals of this breed are found torsions and reversal of the eyelids, joint dysplasia, bursitis, myopathy.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are prone to obesity, which often leads to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is about 10, less often - 12 years.

Broholmer or Broholmer

The breed of large dogs molossoidnogo type, bred in Denmark. The height of the males at the withers is 75 centimeters, the bough is 70 centimeters. The weight of individuals of mature age can reach 60 kilograms or more.

In the old days, representatives of this breed were used as hunting, pickling and watchdogs.Fantastic strength and stamina made it easy for brooders to cope with the protection and grazing of livestock, the pens of wild boars, bears and deer.

After World War II, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but this was avoided by the efforts of foreign cynologists. But the number of broholmers and in our days remains low, so that puppies of this breed are impressively expensive.

Nowadays, broholmer breed dogs are found mainly in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands.

Danish broholmers are powerful, athletic folded dogs with a strong toned body, large head, long and strong legs. The coat is short, dense and hard. Traditional color - light beige, bronze-red, auburn. The presence of a dark mask on the face.

Broholmers are perfectly trainable, they are intelligent, intelligent, obedient. Their distinguishing features are calm disposition, loyalty, goodwill. To strangers, these dogs are wary, but without a reason do not show aggression.

Typical diseases of this breed are the same as in other dogs of the molossoid type. Their average lifespan is about 12 years.

Pyrenean Mastiff

A rather old breed of very large corpulent dogs, bred in Spain. Males of Pyrenean mastiffs reach about 80 centimeters at the withers, females - about 73 centimeters. The weight of adults is not less than 70 kilograms.

The original purpose of the dogs of this breed was grazing and guard livestock. To date, the Pyrenean mastiffs are used primarily as bodyguard dogs.

Representatives of this breed are very large, mighty dogs with a harmoniously folded, proportional body, strong bones, a wide massive head and strong paws.

Despite the impressive dimensions, the Pyrenean mastiffs do not look clumsy or heavy. The gait of these dogs is sweeping, smooth, with a beautiful consistent step.

Coat - bristly, moderately long, but not fluffy. Standard color - white with spots of pale gray, brown-red, black, marble or sand tint. A characteristic feature of the breed - a mask on the face.

Pyrenean mastiffs are very intelligent, loyal and adequate animals. Dogs treat their dog owner with great love and respect, but they are able to obey other family members. For children, these luxurious giants are very careful, patiently perceive their pranks.

Despite the fact that the Pyrenean mastiffs love to spend time with the owner, they will never insist on his attention. These dogs tolerate loneliness well, so they can be fearlessly left without supervision for a long time.

Pyrenean mastiffs are perfectly trainable, aided by their unique memory. Most often, they have enough of the general course of training, since the protective and protective skills of dogs of this breed are innate. In some cases, it may require only a slight correction of existing abilities.

Considering that this breed goes back to the Molossian type, Its representatives are prone to a number of specific diseases.

The most common here are dysplasia of the joints, ophthalmologic diseases and dysfunctions of the organs of vision (eyelid reversal, conjunctivitis), torsion of intestines. The life expectancy of the Pyrenean Mastiffs is on average about 12 years.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog (Kangal)

The oldest breed of powerful and powerful dogs, bred in Turkey. The growth of males and bitches of this breed can reach 80 centimeters. Weight indicators on average range from 40 to 65 kilograms.

In ancient times, dogs of this breed were used to hunt lions and protect livestock from predatory animals.Kangalos are currently used as guards to protect farmer flocks. Cynologists claim that these dogs have no competitors in the ability to reliably guard and protect livestock. Despite its impressive size and visual corpulence, kangals are ways to develop impressive speed in pursuit of predators.

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs are powerful dogs with a rectangular proportional body, large broad head, muscular limbs. Coat may be short or moderately long. The traditional color is sand, white, brindle, fawn, white with biscuit markings. Preferably the presence of a dark mask.

Kangals are perfectly trainable, easy to learn. They are characterized by a subtle mind, lightning reaction, distrust of outsiders. Kangals are treated with great care by children, so they can be fearlessly entrust the role of an attentive nurse.

Typical for representatives of this breed are joint pathology and ophthalmologic diseases (entropion). With proper care, the life expectancy of kangals is on average from 10 to 12 years.

How to choose?

When planning to have a large or giant breed dog, the potential owner must take into account the many nuances associated with the selection, maintenance, care and upbringing of these animals. It is important to take into account the fact that such dogs require a host with a certain temperament, capable of taking a dominant position and possessing the skills to properly handle large dogs.

At the very beginning, you should decide on the purpose of acquiring a large breed dog. Most often, such pets are given to guard the house, protect the family and property. Often, large dogs acquire the role of companions that can brighten up the leisure of the owner and his family members.

From what goal the potential owner of a large dog pursues, the choice of its breed depends.

Some giant dogs are intended solely for protection and hunting, others do an excellent job with the role of nannies and companions. To acquire this or that breed in the hope of inculcating untypical qualities is at least unwise.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the standards of the breed you like and the requirements for its exterior. If a puppy is acquired for the purpose of further participation in exhibitions, it is necessary to carefully study its pedigree, inquire about the achievements and rewards of its parents. In this case, even at the stage of choosing a puppy, it is necessary to completely exclude from it possible disqualifying defects.

If the potential owner plans to have an animal exclusively for himself, then Matching a puppy with breed standards may play a minor role.

However, both in the first and in the second case, great attention should be paid to the state of health of the future pet. It is necessary to make sure that the puppy has no congenital or acquired diseases and any developmental pathologies.

Special attention should be paid to the puppy's behavior. He should be agile, cheerful, active, vigorous, but not aggressive or cowardly. Healthy puppy shows curiosity and interest to strangers, willingly playing with his fellows. When moving, the puppy should not limp or roll over to the sides. Such gait defects often indicate problems with the joints and impaired coordination.

Content specifics

Despite the fact that many dogs of large breeds are able to take root in city apartments, it is best to keep them in a private house - in an aviary that has a sufficient area. It is strongly not recommended to keep such dogs on a chain.

Large dogs need not only enough free space, but also regular physical activity.Almost all dogs of large breeds are predisposed to obesity, which, in turn, often leads to diabetes, the development of diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

These animals require an appropriate diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals.

It is important to take into account the fact that large dogs consume significantly more food daily than their fellow small and medium-sized breeds. It is logical that the maintenance of such animals costs significantly more.

On the features of the largest breeds of dogs, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


