Small breeds of dogs for the apartment: an overview and the secrets of keeping dogs

City dwellers who have apartments of not the largest area rarely can afford large breed dogs. But representatives of the species, whose sizes are more modest, are ideal for such conditions. Today we look at several of the most popular small dog breeds, and also learn how to properly care for them.
Many people dream of acquiring a faithful friend, and no one fits this description better than dogs. Due to severely limited living conditions, not everyone can afford to buy a large four-legged comrade. For such homes, the best solution is the charming representatives of small breeds, of which there are many.
Dogs of small sizes are distinguished by amiable attractive faces. They do not inspire fear, do not look aggressive and angry most of them. Many of them are strongly attached to "their" person and remain faithful to him throughout their lives.
As a rule, small dogs are sociable and easy to contact with younger members of the family, but they also require a lot of attention.
It seems to many people that the miniature sizes of quadrupeds free their masters from their training and upbringing. In fact, it is not. It is necessary to bring up and train domestic animals of any size, be it a big, shaggy big guy or a small decorative dog. Without proper upbringing, the pet will behave badly, will bring a lot of trouble and problems.
Most small dogs have a mischievous and playful character. They are great lovers to fool around a bit. This is another serious reason to give due attention to the adjustment of the behavior of these animals.
In certain situations, small dogs can still show aggressive character traits. This is important to consider if you plan to settle in your apartment of such a pet.
Do not expect from him complete calm and indifferent attitude to absolutely everything - miniature animals can also bark, growl and bite.
There are many different breeds, representatives of which have small sizes. A person with any requirements and character can choose the perfect pet. The main thing is to take into account that even the smallest dog will need proper care and education.
Breed list
Dogs of small breeds in our time are incredibly popular. They love and want to make. The most common reason for this is their cute appearance, which makes a man fall in love with himself at first sight. However, the choice of a pet of a certain breed must be influenced not only by its external data, but also by the characteristics of its character, behavior, and content. Consider a small rating of the most famous breeds of small size.
Yorkshire Terrier
Opens top popular and popular mini-breeds Yorkshire Terrier. Despite the fact that these dogs have very small sizes, they are very courageous, selfless. On the street during a walk, they can arrange a scandal in relation to a larger and stronger individual of a different breed. For a small-sized area, York is the perfect solution. Mature specimens at the withers can grow up to 22 cm, and their weight reaches only 2-3 kg.
Toddlers yorkies madly attached to their masters.They go after them everywhere, prefer active games, immediately feel the mood of the owner and always try to adjust to it.
Yorkshire terriers love children. True, babies can squeeze such a small dog too much, so it’s better to keep their interaction with animals under control.
Yorkshire terriers are very cheerful and intelligent pets. They make great friends and companions. They do not like loneliness very much, so they should not be left alone for long.
Yorkies are long-haired dogs, but their coat does not cause allergic reactions. They do not have undercoat, because the hairs do not fall out, but it is necessary to resort to regular combing.
Next on our list is a funny and energetic Chihuahua. The natives of this breed are recognized as the smallest in the world. Their homeland is Mexico. The height of an adult individual rarely exceeds the mark of 23 cm, and weight varies from 1 to 3 kg. For small apartments, these features are great.
Chihuahuas are famous for their cheerful disposition. They are active and affectionate - such a pet will remain loyal to its owner throughout life. Chihuahuas get used to the unfamiliar surroundings very long and hard - this is stressful for them. Immigrants from this breed perfectly capture the mood of a person and try to support him. There is a version that the ancient monks exploited these charming creatures as good heaters.
Early pet training is necessary. An adult who has reached 2-3 years of age is almost impossible to re-educate. Chihuahuas are not recommended to start up if children under 6-7 years old live in the house. The tetrapods of this breed do not differ in their especially calm character. They do not like to sit still for long. Leaving this dog at home alone for a long time is impossible - chihuahuas quickly begin to feel sad, and then behave disgracefully.
Chihuahuas are sensitive to the effects of low temperatures, so in winter they can be taken out for a walk only in warm and comfortable clothes.
Some owners prefer not to risk and postpone the pastime of this kind until the warmer days. In the summer season, this little dog will run and play in nature with great joy.
Shih Tzu
Popular apartment residents called shih tzu are known for their tirelessness and endurance. These pets make excellent true friends. They love adults and children alike. Shih Tzu are funny mischievous people who love to walk and play a lot in the open air. But they are not averse also to lie at home on the couch.
Dogs of this breed are able to lie for a very long time on the lap of their beloved master. If a person leaves this pet for a long time at home alone, then the four-legged starts to suffer and yearn.
Representatives of the Shih Tzu breed are truly gorgeous animals with beautiful long hair. The latter must be provided with proper and regular care. Grown up specimens can weigh from 4.5 to 8 kg, and their height at the withers usually reaches 25-27 cm.
Shih tzu hassle-free contact with other animals. Their character, though proud, but sociable.
In the list of popular "apartment" dogs such a breed as a pug. The country of origin of these charming pets is China. These are animals with a kind and balanced disposition, devoted to their owner. Pugs are rarely cowardly or aggressive. Mature individuals at the withers can grow up to 30-36 cm and their average weight is 10-11 kg.
Pugs are relatively unpretentious small dogs that love children. They agree to walk and play with them on the street, getting great pleasure from it. Pugs are seamlessly trained, but are subject to a quick and strong weight gain. Their digestive tract is very sensitive.
Russian toy terrier
Small representatives of this popular breed are also unpretentious in care.Outwardly, they look like miniature plush toys, but in their souls they are true hunters. Initially, the Russian toy terrier was derived for the destruction of rodent pests. Sometimes these pets are able to hit the owner, having presented him with a caught bird or mouse.
The character of the animals described is cheerful and kind. They love active games and socializing. The level of intelligence developed remarkably. Toy Terrier is able at the right time to defend the owner and the rest of the family. In such situations, these dogs begin to bark loudly, to show discontent and aggression. To pet grew obedient and kind, it must be properly trained and educated from an early age.
A Russian toy terrier may not find a common language with very young children, but this dog will definitely make friends with schoolchildren.
This is a very smart, proud and strong dog. Pekingese make great family friends and guards. They easily take root in a limited area of the apartment. They can even hold older people.
Long walks Pekingese are not required. At home, they are not used to impose their company and communication with themselves. If a Pekinger feels that a person is not up to him, then he will not bother. However, these dogs are big owners. They can be jealous of the owner even to the child.
Pekingese must be treated with great respect. Representatives of this breed need this, even if they communicate with children. Such a dog will not allow squeezing itself like a plush toy.
Pomeranian spitz
These small but very beautiful dogs have a sharp muzzle that looks like a fox. They are distinguished by a good fluffy fur coat. From the side resemble forest animals.
The character of oranges is slightly wary and even suspicious., but this does not prevent them from being ideal friends and defenders of their family. The Pomeranian Spitz loves to communicate with children - he can have fun with them both at home and on the street. But adults will treat the dog with restraint, not overshadowing self-esteem.
Miniature Poodle
Dogs of this breed are known for their sharp mind and wit. These are true home psychologists. They love children immensely, are easily trained and trained. Pygmy poodles love to be praised. If the animal is not entirely clear what the meaning of the team is, then he may not execute it.
There is almost no aggression in the behavior of dwarf poodles. Such a character trait can make itself felt only at times when it is necessary to protect your family.
Appearance of dwarf poodles is unusual and catchy. They are characterized by beautiful soft wool, which needs proper care. In some cases, among the representatives of the breed there are real “daffodils”, which cannot even be a day without universal adoration and admiration.
How to choose a puppy?
Choosing a puppy of a small breed is a serious matter, it must be approached with all the responsibility. It is recommended to build on a number of basic criteria.
- Initially decide on whether you will have time to care for the animal. With a dog you have to walk and play a lot. It can not be left without communication. If you do not have extra time, it is better to start a more independent animal, with which you will have to deal with a minimum, or refuse to buy at all.
- Decide in advance on the main purpose for which you buy a puppy. Decide what you need it for: for protection, for the role of a companion or a usual decorative animal. Based on their desires, you should choose representatives of a certain breed.
- If you are allergic, choose representatives of such breeds on which you will not have an allergic reaction.
- Consider the nature of the pet, relate it to yours. For example, very calm and sedate people should not buy too energetic pets. If a person, on the contrary, is energetic and does not “sit still,” then he should also find a doggie.
Bred apartment pets are best chosen in special nurseries. The latter should have a good reputation. Look at the puppies. They must be healthy, active. Eyes, ears and area under the tail must be completely clean. Toddlers should not be painful and lethargic.
When choosing a pedigree little doggie, consult with the workers of the shelter, what is better to feed him, how to care. Ask all your questions before leaving the shelter. Familiarize yourself with all puppy documents.
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Representatives of small breeds must be properly looked after. Their miniature sizes are both advantage and disadvantage, because it is easier to accidentally inflict an unobtrusive animal. Miniature dogs due to excessive attachment to their man everywhere try to keep up with him, often spinning under their feet. The breeder will have to constantly be alert, trying not to step on the foot of the animal. Such situations can lead to more sad consequences.
For a small pet in an apartment, you need to select his own place, in which there will be a couch and bowls for food and water.
The latter should always be perfectly clean. The remains of old food and feed, which has already begun to deteriorate, should not be left in containers. Water in the drinker should always be fresh. Its temperature should not be too low or high. Room temperature will be optimal.
Pay enough attention to the apartment pet food. Such animals need energy-intensive feed, saturated with all the required microelements, vitamin complexes and amino acids. Adult animals should be fed 2-3 times a day. You do not need to overload the menu, as well as overfeed the animal. Feed must be exceptionally useful and easy to digest.
Ready-made feeds for small pedigree dogs may only apply to premium or super premium class. Cheap budget categories should not be taken - they will only harm the health of the animal.
Small apartment quadrupeds can be accustomed to the tray, which is what many owners do. It is very comfortable and hygienic. True, with a dog accustomed to the tray, you still need to go for a walk. It is better to walk with a little dog at least 2-3 times a day. In urban conditions, walking of such animals can be problematic. There are not always park zones or separate places for walking with four-legged places where pets can run and frolic heartily.
Pets of any breed need timely vaccinations. Miniature dogs are no exception to the rule.
Small dogs should be combed, especially if they have long hair. Many long-haired pets from time to time should be led to the groom on the haircut. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes and ears of dogs. In these areas should always be clean. If you notice that there is suppuration in the corners of the eyes or in the auricles, it is best to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Useful recommendations
Dogs of small breeds today are very popular and in demand, because not everyone can afford to keep a large pet. In the maintenance and selection of such animals should take into account some of the tips and recommendations of experts.
- In families with children, small dogs should be kept especially carefully. Parents always need to control the communication of kids with animals. It will be necessary to ensure that the child does not accidentally harm the fragile and vulnerable animal.
- With small dogs in the winter it is better to go for a walk, after putting on special overalls for dogs. In such clothes, pets of small size will not freeze and get sick.
- Do not be afraid to keep the Yorkshire terrier if you are allergic. The hair of these pets is the same as human hair, so it does not cause allergic reactions.
- Be engaged in raising a small dog from the first day of its appearance in your apartment. Try to act consistently and gently. Do not bother to scream, do not resort to physical punishment, if the pet does not immediately understand what you want from it. If you ignore this recommendation, the animal will not consider you his best friend. A full understanding with the dog with such education will not work.
About what breeds of dogs are suitable for an apartment, see the following video.