
Dog scar: what it is, how to prepare it and how much to give?

Dog scar: what it is, how to prepare it and how much to give?

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  1. What it is?
  2. Benefit and harm
  3. How to choose a scar?
  4. In what form can I give?
  5. Feeding rules

The range of products that can be used by dogs, sometimes there are quite unusual options. These include a scar - with proper preparation and rationed introduction to the pet's diet, it can have a positive effect on his health and replenishment of the body with beneficial vitamins and trace elements.

What it is?

Meat scar refers to the category of offal, is a section of the stomach of ruminants, intended for the primary digestion of vegetable feed. In fact, A scar is a muscular bag that can stretch, containing about 50 kilograms of hay, silage, mixed fodder. This is due to the elastic, but thick walls. Very often, this product is called "tripe".

Beef, lamb or even pork in unpeeled raw version has an unattractive appearance, since the walls of the stomach cover numerous growths that are externally similar to the hairline. These glands secrete a secret that promotes the process of digestion. The color of the scar, offered on the shelves, can vary from brown in light shades to black or greenish.

When you come into contact with the by-product, you can feel that it contains a certain amount of mucus.

To confuse the stomach with any other product will be quite problematic, not only in light of its external features, but also of the aroma that will emanate from it during the heat treatment process. Therefore, some breeders resort to introducing into the diet of their pets a raw version or ready-made feed based on a scar. However, even taking into account the unattractive appearance and smell of the stomach, It is considered one of the best meat ingredients needed by a dog..

Benefit and harm

Before you enter into the menu of your four-legged pet unfamiliar to this time the scar, it is necessary to examine its beneficial properties, as well as the possible harm and contraindications to the use.

Among the features that positively affect the animal's body, the main quality of the by-product should be highlighted - the ability to compensate for the deficiency of the main enzymes. The scar contains such important vitamins and trace elements:

  • vitamins B and PP;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • golden compounds;
  • sodium.

The stomach will be useful in both raw and thermally processed form.


However, in the first embodiment, it will be possible to preserve a greater amount of vitamins and antioxidants.

But there are also opinions about the inexpediency of introducing such a product into the dog’s menu, especially without boiling it beforehand. This is due to the risk of infection by parasites and other dangerous ailments. Uncontrolled and abnormal scar use, fraught with indigestion, can be harmful to health. If you prepare and process the product correctly, the benefits of the by-product will outweigh the existing concerns about its harm.

How to choose a scar?

On the shelves of stores the scar is not so often. However, it can be implemented in two forms - in its original or purified form. Everything will depend on where the meat products were brought from. In large enterprises, there are special mechanisms to handle the stomach., in private farms such manipulations with by-products are extremely rare.

The essence of cleaning is to remove the implacable villi and mucus, however, it is these components of the muscle bag that will be most beneficial to the dog's body.

In any case, you should choose the stomach, which will contain the minimum amount of body fat, and it is best to opt for beef products, in the light of the fact that not every dog ​​will like the mutton stomach.

In what form can I give?

Pet can be given as raw, boiled and even a dried stomach. But even a raw scar should be prepared for consumption by animals. Before submitting a raw product with him you need to carry out a series of manipulations.

  • First, rinse the product with plenty of running water. So you can partially get rid of the unpleasant aroma.
  • Next, the stomach must be poured boiling water, remove the upper contaminated layer.
  • After the scar has dried, it should be cut into pieces suitable for chewing by the dog, depending on its size. Serve separately or jointly with other ingredients intended for animals to eat.

The next recipe will be cooking the product.

For such a heat treatment, you should use a special pan or container, since after cooking the scar the walls of the dish will be very difficult to clean.

Consider the algorithm of work.

  • The main steps will be similar to those in the first case - you must first wash the stomach.
  • Shake out the bag contents. Soak for 30 minutes in cold water.
  • Soak up excess fluid. Cut into pieces the size of a human palm. Pour water, put on fire.
  • When the product boils, you need to change the water in it, bring it to the boil again. The optimum number of fluid changes will be 3-5 times, then you can remove the unpleasant smell. On average, the time the scar will have to cook for about four hours. You can determine the readiness with a knife or fork - if the by-product is easily pierced, then it is already quite ready for use.

You can immediately boil the entire stomach, allow it to cool, divide into portioned pieces, designed for one meal, distribute into packages and, in this form, put in storage in the freezer.

As needed, get it, and before feeding the dog, just pour the boiled finished product with boiling water.

Without a freezer on the shelf in the fridge, the by-product can be stored for no more than one week.

Some manufacturers and breeders of dogs dry the stomach, then to feed his pet in this form. Dried scar at home can be in the oven. Dried scar is prepared with a small addition of salt.

The algorithm for making this delicacy is as follows:

  • raw gull is washed, cut into strips;
  • then boil in salted water for 5-10 minutes;
  • The next step will be oven drying at an average temperature of about two hours.

Such a product will be for dogs not only a useful treat, but also a toy that can be offered to puppies when teething.

You can give a scar to dogs as an independent dish, or mixed with other products, such as vegetables.

In this case, the breeders should be aware that the raw shrimp should be served with vegetables without heat treatment, and the dog should eat boiled scar with boiled vegetable supplement. Mixing raw and boiled components of the menu of the animal is prohibited, as it can provoke indigestion.

As mixes you can consider:

  • stomach with carrots and cabbage;
  • tripe with pepper and zucchini;
  • You can give the dog a scar with cucumber, pumpkin and quail egg;
  • by-product with greens and adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • the scar is combined with beef and apple;
  • offal with broccoli and green beans;
  • scar with green peas and corn.

Vegetable mixes can be prepared from the products available in the refrigerator or you can purchase frozen versions.

Selected ingredients are allowed to cut into small cubes, grate, grind in a blender to a puree mass.

Frozen foods as well as the stomach, it is recommended to pour boiling water before feeding the pet.

Feeding rules

Based on the nutritional value and chemical composition of the stomach, they will be able to completely replace one feeding the dog. The breeder can choose for this morning or evening meal. However, this product should not be abused, usually the buzz without the risk of gastrointestinal distress is given 2 to 4 times a week.

Calculate the rate in grams succeeds according to this scheme: For every 10 kilograms of dog's live weight, there are 100 grams of tripe.

It is allowed to accustom pups to the rumen from six months, but at the very beginning, you should closely monitor the animal's response to the introduction of a new ingredient.

The first time it is best to give a little dog scar in the morning, so that during the day you can see how it feels. As a rule, animals that are on natural nutrition, problems with digestion and assimilation of the scar, should not arise.

To guard the breeder can vomiting, as well as upset stool after eating a stomach. As well as negative reactions to by-product can occur in an animal over time. Usually they are expressed in slower growth rates, changes in the state of the coat, decrease in activity in the dog. Before the introduction of the dog in the diet of the scar, it is useful to consult with a veterinarian.

It is not recommended to give this by-product to dogs that are on a dry diet. Since the combination of these options feed between them can lead to increased load on the digestive tract.

What is a scar, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


