Design and decor

Loft style bedroom interior design

Loft style bedroom interior design

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  1. Features
  2. Color spectrum
  3. Finishing options
  4. Selection and placement of furniture
  5. Lighting organization
  6. Textiles and decor
  7. Design Ideas
  8. Successful examples

Loft style has become fashionable in the interior industry not so long ago, but all this time he manages to maintain a leading position. Today, the loft is different from what it was originally, and therefore we would like to talk about how it is used today in the style of a particular room. The material of this article will tell readers about how to create the right loft atmosphere in the bedroom.


Despite the fact that the loft translates as "attic", with this value today it has little in common. The style that emerged in America in the last century, was based on the arrangement of abandoned industrial facilities for residential premises. At one time they were rented out, and the type of premises was different (an empty workshop, an abandoned warehouse).

The basic principles of the style of the early loft were minimal comfort and affordable price.

The idea of ​​adapting an industrial object as a living space was the basis of the loft style. The fundamental features of the bedroom interior in this style today are certain features that make the style recognizable. For example, these include:

  • panoramic windows (large, sometimes from floor to ceiling);
  • very impressive ceiling height;
  • open plan without any internal partitions and walls;
  • rough finish of the walls, poor compatibility of interior elements;
  • deliberate demonstration of communication systems;
  • no curtains or eaves on the windows;
  • design in the form of separately inhabited functional areas.

Despite the fact that it is often problematic to create an interior in a loft style in the conditions of urban apartments in our country, modern people are in no hurry to abandon it. At the same time, depending on the nuances of the layout and available footage, The bedroom in the interpreted style can be not only a functional area of ​​an open-plan apartment.. This can be a combined room with two functional areas (for example, a bedroom-living room or a bedroom-bathroom).

Free zoning should be the basis of the loft style.

Often the bedroom in it is not hidden at all and visible. A characteristic feature of the loft is a sufficient degree of illumination of the room due to the large windows. This style has different techniques: for example, unexpected details for creating comfort, as well as mixing a stylish decor with an unrealistically rough finish. The bedroom of this style is distinguished by:

  • combination of functionality with laconic arrangement;
  • the unity of modern design elements with rare ones;
  • accentuation of the sleeping bed, highlighting it against the other islands of the room;
  • the use of reception false to obosoblivaniya space;
  • mandatory presence in the design of industrial elements;
  • setting wires and tubes for show.

The loft style has its own vision of harmony, and together all its elements really make up a spectacular interior, which many would envy, looking from the side. The most interesting thing is that the room decorated in this style is convenient for living and comfortable rest. The complexity of creating a design can be a lack of quadrature of a particular room. However, if desired, a small room of a standard apartment can be equipped in the right direction.

Color spectrum

The colors of the loft try to adhere to a combination of three basic shades: white, gray and brown. In this case, the semitones of the primary colors can be very diverse. They can differ in the degree of saturation and depth, be warm or, on the contrary, cold, deliberately heavy or almost weightless. The second option is especially needed where the illusion of freedom and inner space is needed.

However, in three tones the brutal style bedroom color solution is rarely bypassed. As a rule, bright colors and unusual color combinations are infused into the interior. Together with the available background, they set the right mood for the whole room, bring in it along with a certain chaos notes of bohemian or grunge. Bright colors can be used in prints of posters or even abstract paintings, as well as other unusual interior accessories.

Gray color symbolizes plaster, it looks great on the background of brick walls. Recently, loft designers have begun to include such tones as terracotta, lavender, orange, sand, red wine and blue. Today, it is customary to use bright colors in textiles: similarly, when changing bed linen, it turns out to change the mood of the whole interior. For example, the contrast of linen can consist of a duet of yellow and black, blue and swamp-brown, red-brown and lilac.

The choice of the degree of saturation of color shades must be approached taking into account the degree of illumination of a particular bedroom. For example, if it is dark, preferences should be given to light colors and muted tones. When the room is spacious and sunlit, you can include bright strokes in the color scheme, but in moderation.

Finishing options

Industrial comfort, which seeks interior style loft, most of all in need of a combination of finishing materials such as natural brick and concrete. The wallpaper here is not very necessary, because the unique design is based on the contrast of overt brick and concrete. No need to perfectly level the concrete or plaster. It is even better that this wall has a roughness or unevenness. The ceiling can be whitewashed.

The number of bricks in the decoration of the walls can be different, depending on the type of concrete layout. For example, in one case it is a pair of columns, in the other - one wall, in the third - only a part of the accent wall in the area of ​​the head of the bed. A brick can be not only natural: thanks to the possibilities of modern production, the wall can be imitated. At the same time, high-quality lining reproduces the required type of material quite accurately.

The vertical surfaces of a loft-style bedroom can be covered with coarse plaster or paint, as well as metal panels. As for concrete, it should be more in the design of the room than in other finishing materials. At the same time, it can be used both for wall and ceiling decoration, and for floor covering. Concrete contrasts well with the metal, which is also used in the decoration of industrial facilities.

The metal produces rather expressive ceiling beams, communication systems, pipes, wires, which can be used even in a stylized way. It can also be partitions that can be used as zoning elements. As for the type of pipes, they can be both wide and narrow, depending on the size of a particular room. If the room is quite small, and the various air ducts and pipes in it do not look quite appropriate, you can use metal in the decoration of a part of the accent wall.

For example, it can be a tile of copper panels with some simple pattern. As for wood, it is used in the loft style extremely rarely and mainly for floor finishing. Among the materials used is to choose between laminate, parquet and rough board.Extremely rarely aged wood is used as attic rafters and beams.

To the bedroom in the loft in the attic did not seem uncomfortable, the space of the room should be sufficient to accommodate furniture and the most necessary.

Selection and placement of furniture

The practicality of a loft-style bedroom is achieved by a mutually beneficial combination of minimalism with an industrial style. When buying furniture special attention should be paid to the key piece of furniture - beds. It will be the center of the interior composition, and therefore should be a kind of ART object. To achieve the desired effect, the beds can create your own platform or build a creative type headboard for it.

Bed in the bedroom loft must be placed in a prominent place. The only thing that is allowed here is a small partition, the role of which in most cases is assigned to a small rack or a folding type screen. If the footage of a particular room allows, it is better to use an internal window for zoning, which will look very impressive. When you need privacy, you should resort to false walls or use a wardrobe to divide the space of the bedroom.

Cool will look in the bedroom style loft and a partition of glass blocks. Also under the sleeping island you can take space under the ceiling (in layouts with a bunk type of space). Someone likes the use of space under the bedroom under the stairs. As for the choice and placement of the rest of the furniture, everything will depend on the size of the room and the preferences of the customer.

For example, along with a modern bed, it can be a rare chest of drawers or a rocking chair. The style is demanding for each element of the arrangement and does not tolerate anything extra in the room. At the same time, each lived-in corner can be separated by its own methods. In the sleeping area there will be a carpet covering clearly indicating the boundaries of the functional area.

Often, a bed for arranging a loft style is chosen in minimalist terms. This allows, if desired, to supplement it with a simple canopy under the metal frame. Fitted cabinets should at least match the specified style. At the same time it is necessary to bet on the form and the facades. In small rooms where the atmosphere of a loft is recreated, the type of cabinet should be built in.

Taking into account the needs of style in mobility and practicality, it is desirable to purchase, together with a wardrobe and a bed, furniture of a mobile type, equipped with durable castors. This will allow you to move any element of the arrangement from place to place without much difficulty and time. It is possible to carry dressers or curbstones, hangers and chairs, padded stools and small little tables to these household items. If the bedroom needs special comfort, it can be supplemented with a personal design-type bath.

If there is a useful area, you can equip a bedroom of brutal style with a fireplace, and it can be either real or in the form of a portal with candles. The number of useful acquisitions should include chairs of unusual design. They will not only fit into the overall picture of the bedroom-living room, but also serve as pedestals for abstract paintings or other design accessories.

The layout of the furniture can be very diverse, but it will depend on the characteristics of the layout of the room itself. For example, the bed can be located in the center of the room, in addition, it can be installed near the accent wall, near the niche or to enclose the cabinet. Ideally, the bed should not be too far from the windows and be turned away from them. The bed is usually not placed along the wall, since its headboard is worse visible.

Lighting organization

Lighting a loft-style bedroom is different from the usual arrangement of lamps and their appearance.For example, it can be a lot of coarse-type fixtures designed in the form of a conventional metal pipe with a mass of kinks. No less impressive in the bedroom loft style looks spider chandelier. Here it is quite appropriate to place several spots on the ceiling beams with adjustment of the scattering angle of the light flux.

The interior itself requires that the space be lit sufficiently, while the lighting often has a non-standard location. Lamps may be different in form and degree of powerThat allows you to choose your type of light for a particular bedroom area. However, the design must comply with the chosen concept. Classic, typical options are inappropriate here, but avant-garde models will be just right.

As an auxiliary light in the bedroom can be used the most ordinary incandescent lamps without lampshades. If you want something unique, you can look at the products of the street type: spotlights, as well as the usual street lamps. In such an interior, they will become an ornament of stylistics. An unexpected solution could be the option of a lamp with a canopy made of wire or a bus system.

If it seems that these options do not convey the right mood in full, you can purchase products for lighting the bedroom to illuminate the bedroom. In addition, products can be chosen different for individual functional spaces. For example, in the bedroom, where the zoning divided the space into 2 separate zones, you can equip one on the ceiling, and for the other, select the wall lighting. The spots can be hung on the beams, they can accent communications, and the seating area can be marked with wall-mounted luminaires.

Textiles and decor

Unlike other styles of style, loft does not like the abundance of textiles, and therefore prefers to be limited to only the most necessary. For example, the basic set for arranging includes such items as a set of bed linen, a blanket or a bedspread, a carpet, or a small bedside rug. The canopy in the loft arrangement is rarely used. These textiles, as a rule, have no prints and are made in a strict color scheme in order not to stand out against the general background of the interior composition.

Curtains in the design of windows loft does not accept, however, this rule is often broken. Today, in a loft-style design, you can see different types of curtains. For example, in addition to the classic curtains on the eaves it can be blinds. In other cases, it is Roman blinds or pleated options.

The decorative elements of the loft stylistics clearly demonstrate how the seemingly ordinary room can change in just one moment. Among the noteworthy accessories for bedroom furnishings are:

  • laconic frames without photos;
  • collectible posters or black and white photos;
  • some products made in the technique of handmade;
  • small-sized paintings in the genres of cubism, modernism, expressionism.

Design Ideas

No matter how uniform the basics of loft style may be, every designer, when receiving an order, will issue it in a different way. And the point here will be not only in the financial capabilities of the customer, much depends on his lifestyle, taste preferences and age.

For men

Making a bedroom in a man’s home is radically different from the design that a woman sees in front of him. A man, wherever he is, is first of all important comfort. He rarely pays attention to trifles, and therefore there is almost never a little extra in his bedroom. That small part of the accessories that may appear here is set deliberately carelessly, which brings a special flavor to the design and underlines its brutality.

Decorating is not peculiar to men, but because the interior of the bedrooms, as well as other rooms, is designed in the spirit of minimalism. The guys do not equip the room with pretentious elements of furniture, do not hang family portraits on the walls and do not put fresh flowers in vases.However, even a picture simply stuck to a wall in their bedroom will look much more interesting than a large portrait or a huge family photo. In this case, the man is better organized storage space for their clothes.

With the necessary footage, a man can equip the most comfortable corners in his dwelling in accordance with his interests and habits. Everything in the layout will be subject to convenience. And the more unassuming a person is, the easier it will be to treat a bedroom, like the rest of the islands of the room. Even the furniture chosen by him for arrangement will differ from that which the fine half of mankind chooses.

For girls

Loft-style bedroom looks different for girls and women. Unlike men, the female audience prefers thoroughly and for a long time to choose each element of the arrangement. And the longer and more scrupulous the lady approaches the choice, the harder the result may seem. When in doubt, in order to preserve the typical foundations of a loft, it is best to turn to a professional stylist for help in drawing up a design project. No matter how much you want to make adjustments to the color solutions, they are able to radically change the situation.

No need to put everywhere live flowers in crystal or ceramic vases. There must be a sense of proportion in everything. If you decide to create a canopy, there is no need to hang heavy curtains or patterned curtains on the huge windows. With an abundance of textiles, a different type of texture that successfully contrasts against each other is lost. In this case, the finish begins to compete with accessories, which distracts the eye.

In creating the style there are a lot of different contrasts of textures and colors, the excess is not needed here.

For teens

Unlike women and men, adolescents have their own perception of the world, and therefore loft style is much more comfortable for them than for adults. He is a protest, very eccentric and extraordinary. This is a cool interior with an emphasis on comfort for a particular person. Ideally, a bedroom for a teenager, made in the style of a loft, can be on the attic floor.

Here, no one will interfere with the teenager, and the island arrangement of the arrangement will allow the most rational arrangement of the functional areas of the bedroom. As a rule, the guy can decorate his bedroom with a cool poster, a mirror, a sports corner.

If this is a typical room, it can be equipped with 2 functional areas. Through the shelving you can divide the bedroom into a bedroom area and a place to study. Each of the zones is better to highlight their own lighting.

Successful examples

Nothing will demonstrate the brutality and creative style of loft, as illustrative examples with photographs. We offer to plunge into the world of unusual design. Perhaps, these projects will help you decide on the choice of style when planning the repair of your home.

  • An example of a stylish design of a men's bedroom.
  • Loft-style bedroom with metal.
  • Contrast of concrete surface and brick wall.
  • The spectacular location of the furniture.
  • The use of white in the style of loft.
  • An example of a bedroom with curtains.
  • Bedroom decoration in a small space.
  • Use bricks as an accent wall covering.
  • Option bedroom arrangement teenager.
  • Bedroom in warm colors with large windows.

See below for a video with options for decorating a loft-style bedroom.

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