
Laminate in the bedroom: variations and tips on choosing

Laminate in the bedroom: variations and tips on choosing

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  1. Material properties
  2. Main advantages and disadvantages
  3. Material class
  4. Choosing a color for the floor
  5. Environmental friendliness and safety

When updating the bedroom, the question of what to do with the floor is acute. Previously, in most cases, linoleum was used, however, more and more often consumers choose laminate as a coating. It is environmentally safe and looks very presentable. How to choose the laminate, what to look for when choosing, what are its advantages and disadvantages - we will discuss in our article.

Material properties

If you lay laminate in the bedroom, the room will find refinement and become more comfortable. And this applies not only to this particular room, but to the whole apartment. This material has a huge number of advantages, for this reason, it is increasingly often stopped by consumers. It should be noted an attractive appearance, as well as the lack of difficulty in installation.

For the first time about this material found out in the XX century, around the 70s. Since that time, it has undergone many changes, but it has become increasingly popular due to its positive qualities.

As for the composition, in the laminate several layers. Protective is at the bottom. It is made of plastic or cardboard, impregnated with a special composition, and protects the material from mold and mildew. Due to this layer is achieved special strength.

On a protective layer is placed a plate made of chipboard, which is responsible for the strength of the slats. The plate provides sound and thermal insulation, gives the coating hardness. The thickness can be different, from 5 millimeters to 1.2 centimeters.

The third layer is decorative. Most often it is a picture printed on paper. Due to it the laminate gets color. Often, this layer is made under the imitation of wood or stone, but this is not a prerequisite. For example, Welliger Royal Premium's famous collection looks like a natural varnished array..

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a product that looks like any material. High-class coatings often undergo additional processing, due to which their strength increases.

Main advantages and disadvantages

If the consumer is looking for a reliable and high-quality flooring, experts recommend to pay attention to the laminate. Due to it, coziness appears in the rooms, besides, they look very attractive. The material is universal, it can be used both in offices and in any of the rooms of the apartment, including the nursery.

Among the advantages it should be noted the ease of laying the coating. The procedure can be performed independently without the involvement of specialists, which will significantly save financial resources. In addition, the laminate will last quite a long time, for especially high-quality products, this period may be more than a dozen years. It gives an attractive look to the room.

Some types of laminate are designed to have a warm floor under them. However, in this case, you need to be careful - some of them are forbidden to heat. The material is completely resistant to contact with chemical compounds, capable of bearing mechanical effects without damage to the appearance. Also, this coating would be appropriate to look at almost any room design.

But with all the advantages there are material and disadvantages.Laminate does not tolerate high humidity - this must be taken into account during operation, otherwise it may simply become unusable. To he served as long as possible, you need the right care. In addition, the coating is not capable of absorbing sound, which is especially important in the presence of pets that make noise and clatter when moving.

The choice of quality coverage is not the cheapest pleasure, so you need to treat it responsibly. The quality and characteristics of the material, the conditions for its future operation should be assessed.

Negative effects of water
Laminate does not absorb sound

Material class

One of the most important characteristics when choosing is the class of wear resistance. It affects how long the coating will last and how durable it will be. Laminate can be divided into several classes. The lowest rates are for classes 21, 22 and 23, their useful life is no more than 8-9 years. However, this material has the most budgetary value, due to which it is in demand among consumers.

Experts do not recommend using laminate below 31 classes for repairs in an apartment, you can consider 32 and 33. It should be borne in mind that the higher the number, the thicker the slats will be. The materials of a higher class have a much longer service life, this is especially true for people who try to update the apartment as seldom as possible.

In addition, high-quality materials have a higher sound insulation, and they are much more resistant to the effects of chemical compounds.

It should be noted that high-end laminate tolerates moisture better. This is important when wet cleaning. And also only such a coating is recommended to be placed in rooms with an excess of moisture, for example, in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

As for the bedroom, in this case there is no serious prohibition against the class. The permeability in such a room is small, which means that the load on the floor will be small. Even cheap options can be operated for about 10 years. However, in a situation where the room is used quite intensively, it is better to think about better materials.

Choosing a color for the floor

Before you decide on the choice of laminate, you need to consider the design of the bedroom.

  • For example, the best color for high-tech style is white.
  • For modern, light shades such as cream or gentle beige are recommended.
  • In the classic version is best if the floor will look harmoniously with other furnishings. The flooring can even act as a background.
  • As for the eco-style, there can be no dispute: the most advantageous solution will be the one that emphasizes natural style, for example, dark wood or gray stone.
High tech
Eco style

Currently, some prefer to use laminate to finish not only the floor, but also the walls. It fits perfectly into the classic style of the room. It looks best when the bedroom is made "under the tree." It would not be superfluous to take into account the color of the floor covering when designing doorways.

Experts recommend to avoid bright colors of the laminate in the arrangement of the bedroom. They will catch the eye and distract attention from other things. It is also necessary to remember that light shades make the room visually more spacious and lighter. Dark shades should be in harmony with the furniture or other objects of decor, they look good in a strict setting.

Environmental friendliness and safety

Bedroom - the place where a person rests and restores strength. Therefore, everything that is in it must meet the requirements of safety and environmental friendliness. Some types of laminate just fit this definition.

In the production of this material, substances are used that are capable of releasing formaldehyde under certain conditions, for example, with increasing temperature. He, in turn, is not the most favorable effect on health, having the ability to cause headaches or allergies.

    To avoid such problems, when buying a coating should pay attention to the labeling. If the package contains the designation E0 or E1, such materials are absolutely safe and they can be used for the bedroom.

    It is theoretically permissible to acquire lamellae with the symbols E2 and E3, but experts do not recommend this. The fact is that in the bedroom there may be other things capable of releasing formaldehyde, and in this case there is a risk that there will be too much of this harmful substance in the air.

    To be sure of the quality of the coating, it is better to rely on the products of reputable manufacturers. Thus, the risk of acquiring a fake becomes minimal, and it makes no sense to fear for your health.

    How to choose a laminate for an apartment, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


