
Bedside cabinets for the bedroom: varieties and tips for choosing

Bedside cabinets for the bedroom: varieties and tips for choosing

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  1. Features and Purpose
  2. Types of construction
  3. Forms and sizes
  4. Materials
  5. Color spectrum
  6. Style decisions
  7. How to choose?
  8. Beautiful examples

A competently chosen bedside table can not only become a place for storing things, linen or books, but also complement the interior, making it more comfortable or refined. The modern market offers a huge amount of these pieces of furniture of various shapes and sizes. This diversity, as well as how to choose the bedside cabinet for the bedroom, will be discussed further.

Features and Purpose

Modern bedside tables can perform not one, but several functions at once. We list the main possible problems of such products, as well as their advantages.

  • Interior. The main task of modern bedside tables is not so much to serve as a place to store printed products, household items, bed linen, as to complement the interior, creating comfort and harmony in the bedroom. A beautiful and properly chosen cabinet is a complete piece of furniture that can completely change the internal look of a room in a matter of minutes.

In addition, it can serve as an ordinary platform for other interior items: vases, candlesticks, decorative plates, figurines.

  • Fast access. Bedside cabinets serve as a place to accommodate many essential items. Agree, it is much more convenient to reach in the morning to the alarm clock on the cabinet than to get up and turn it off in another room.
  • Huge selection. Today's furniture market offers a huge number of varieties of bedside tables. Each of the varieties, depending on the design and material of the design, can go to a completely different style in the bedroom.
  • Shine. The cabinet can serve as an additional light source - there you can place a night light, a lamp or a mini floor lamp. You can adjust the light in the room without getting out of bed.
  • Durability. Bedside cabinets, and especially models made of solid or natural materials, can serve for many years and not lose appearance.

Types of construction

Depending on the design method, the facade and the type of fixing, a separate classification of bedside tables for the bedroom can be distinguished. Each of these varieties is suitable for a strictly defined style in the interior, which should be taken into account at the time of purchase.


This option will look harmonious in the bedrooms of any type, whether it is a classic style or Provence. Such thumbs have several advantages:

  • they can be freely moved from place to place;
  • due to the stable base in the form of individual or solid legs, they can withstand considerable weight;
  • besides the fact that these cabinets are presented in a huge range, they can be easily made to order.

It also has its drawbacks: this option thumbs is not recommended to install on carpeting or thin linoleum. On poor-quality linoleum, noticeable dents remain, and the lint-like elements of the carpet under the weight of the bedside table crush with time, which makes it difficult to move the stand to a new place.


It is an ideal option for small rooms, as well as for rooms where beds are in close proximity to the wall junctions. The main function of such pedestals is to fill the free space in the corner of the room and add interior.

A popular option in recent years are angular bollards with increased height - in this case, they act as a cabinet or chest of drawers.

Suspended or mounted

This option offers a cabinet that is mounted on the wall with bolts, nails or screws. Hanging product is more suitable for small bedrooms with a small amount of free space. Place under the thumbs themselves can additionally be used to place boxes, books, slippers or multimedia devices.

The obvious disadvantage of such furniture is that you cannot control the condition of the back wall. In addition, any mounts loosen over time, especially from heavy and bulky items.


An increasingly popular option to date. The advantage of such models is that they can be made to order, and, therefore, can fulfill any desire of the customer.

Such pedestals can be used, for example, as a breakfast table, as a miniature cinema with extendable speakers, or as a place to work with a special stand for a laptop.


It is considered the least common option among the existing ones, since it does not look good in every interior. If at registration of a bedroom in the style of fusion, Provence or Country such a table can look good, then in classics and other styles with strict lines it will completely lose.

The obvious advantage of such pedestals is precisely their non-standard execution - they will look equally well in any room, hallway or even a bathroom.

Forms and sizes

Today there are a huge number of varieties of pedestals depending on their size and shape. The main condition in the selection of the bedside table is that it should be at the same time comfortable, functional and as well fit into the bedroom interior.

From the point of view of the design decision, the best option is always the thumbs, which are equal in height or slightly inferior to the headboard. Unless, of course, we are not talking about some bold decisions in the interior.

As a rule, in the usual bedroom choose models with standard sizes. These dimensions should initially look good with any furniture, as they take into account the standard height, width and length of the bed. In addition to being a priori, the bollard should be quite comfortable and wide for accommodating essential items, it must have certain dimensions. Universal parameters of standard thumbs:

  • width - from 50 to 55 cm, depending on the type and width of the bed;
  • height - from 55 to 60 cm, depending on the height of the bed.

Of course, today there are a huge number of models with non-standard indicators. For example, for large rooms with voluminous beds and interior elements, it makes sense to select large dressers such as “dresser”. Such models retain the designated height, but the width can be up to 1 meter. Most often it is found in large families who are forced to store a large amount of linen in one place.

As for medium and small rooms, narrow models of thumbs with a width of no more than 30 or 40 centimeters are more suitable here.

    Consider the popular varieties of bedside tables depending on their size and design.

    • Standard option. Usually represented by one or more boxes. The dimensions in this case are as follows: height — 50 cm, width — 50 cm, depth — 40 cm.
    • Option with opening doors wide. There is no standard for this type of thumbs — the usual values ​​are used plus or minus 5-10 centimeters.
    • Cabinet with niches, instead of boxes. Unlike other varieties, it stands out with an increased height of up to 70 cm.

    To date, narrow bedside tables are becoming increasingly popular. To explain this phenomenon, it is enough to look at the positive qualities of such models.


    The main problem of small rooms is always lack of space.And here, plus the narrow models in that, the smaller the room in size, the more harmonious they look against the rest of the furniture. In this case, the external parameters differ in reduced dimensions.

    • Height. Here, its performance is completely dependent on the height of the bed itself (mattresses or miniature beds of minimal sizes are often used in small rooms and apartments). The best option would be a height of 55 cm, but lower ones are acceptable.
    • Width. In the case of narrow cabinets, this figure is almost halved from the standard. The most common model of narrow pedestals with a width of not more than 30 centimeters.
    • Depth. This figure directly affects the capacity of your bedside. For example, models with a depth of no more than 20 cm will be useful for storing books or underwear, up to 30-40 cm for storing clothes and household items.

    At first it may seem that with such small sizes the direct appointment of thumbs is exhausted, but even they are quite enough for a night lamp, book, phone or alarm clock.


    The second substantial plus of narrow pedestals is that they can be used simultaneously as supports for lamps and books, and also serve as a place for storing small things: keys, pins, cosmetics sets, notebooks, and watches.


    Narrow models of thumbs, regardless of what interior they are used in, initially look minimalistic and can be successfully used in interiors of different styles.


    The material of the cabinet design affects not only its appearance and how well it will fit into the interior, but also the durability of the cabinet, the convenience of its operation. Each material has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

    Tree and array

    Wood is considered the most environmentally friendly, durable and noble material for the manufacture of furniture. If we consider the wood species that are best suited for bedside cabinets, then it is necessary to give preference to beech, larch, red wood, oak and ash. Only a tree of this type has a fairly strong and beautiful texture to create an element of bedroom furniture.

    Pine is considered to be the most budgetary, but not particularly durable, variant of the tree - such wood is too soft to withstand even the smallest loads and quickly deteriorates.

    MDF (medium density fiberboard) and chipboard (chipboard)

    These materials were created in the time of fashion on the elements of imitation of natural wood in the interior. Do chipboard and MDF has its advantages.

    • Insignificant cost in comparison with natural materials from a tree.
    • Due to the lightweight structure of these materials, they are much easier to process. In addition, these materials can be used to create furniture of absolutely any size and shape.
    • These materials can reproduce the design and texture of solid wood furniture with almost 100% accuracy. Consequently, you get practically the same element of furniture, but at a reduced price.
    • Chipboard and MDF are much lighter than real wood, which means that you will not have problems with the placement and placement of furniture.

    The only serious disadvantage of these materials is that they are not as strong as wood, they are more easily deformed and broken. In addition, the cabinets of these materials react extremely poorly to a high level of humidity in the room.


    As a rule, metal here serves only as a base, table top or stable legs. In this case, forged metal frames are used, the glossy shine of which looks good in a dark interior. The advantage of such bollards is their strength, increased stability and increased service life.

    The unique disadvantage is the high cost of high-quality forged elements, as well as their severity in comparison with other materials.


    Glass pieces of furniture are a poorly-spread, but increasingly popular, option for high-tech style or minimalistic interior. Despite the fact that only high-strength glass is used for the manufacture of such pedestals, they are used only for decorative purposes, they rarely serve as a stand for some elements of everyday life.

    The disadvantage of such stands is their low strength, even if we are talking about the most expensive models, as well as low hardness. - on the glass with time there is a huge amount of micro scratches that can not be removed.

    Some glass curbstones have a tabletop and doors in the form of a mirror surface, which can look good in some styles.

    Color spectrum

    The main condition for the selection of any furniture is that it corresponds to the general color background in the room. The main reference point when choosing the color design of the cabinet is the bed and the wall, near which it will stand. Remember that the color background of the model should only intersect with the color of the bed and walls or complement it. Regardless of the interior (only if it is not about creative styles like kitsch and fusion), the stand should not be contrasted in color with the bed.

    If the bedspread of your bed, as well as the material of its production, consists of several colors, you should choose a curbstone of universal light shade.

    Below will be described the situations in which a particular design of the table will be the most appropriate and advantageous.

    • Neutral shades. Black and white, wenge, as well as other neutral colors are used in the design of the bedrooms in a classic and minimalist style. In this case, it is the conciseness, simplicity and elegance that can be achieved precisely through the placement of furniture, and not through its special appearance, that are welcome.
    • Decoupage If your bedroom is made in the style of vintage or country, it is not necessary to order upholstered with fabric patterned embroidery to match the rest of the furniture. It will be enough to duplicate the shade of the head of the bed, the style can be supplemented with a lamp with a lampshade.

    Do not forget that some models of wooden or chipboard can be complemented with patterns and drawings such as decoupage, which can perfectly fit into the interior of your bedroom.

    • Rich dark shades. If the bed in your bedroom is decorated in rich chestnut, brown or dark shades, it is not advisable to buy the same dark bedside cabinet. Of course, it will perfectly complement the design of the bed, but at the same time you can make the furniture (and with it the room) a gloomy look. To avoid this, the model can be decorated with glossy, glass or mirror inserts (or pick up models with such inserts).

    In addition, a dark bed can be lightened with a light or iridescent bedspread. This will greatly refresh your room and give it an elegant look.

    • Contrast. Some styles require a special approach to color. For example, fusion or pop art needs contrasting shades to highlight certain elements of the interior. For example, if the headboard of a bed is presented in red color, a stand of a snow-white shade will look great next to it.

    Remember that not every contrast looks good. Moreover, from too bright and contrasting shades eyes get tired quickly, so try to choose contrast, but soft and pastel colors.

    • Gold and "expensive" colors. Styles such as art deco, baroque or classicism just look great with rich hues. This refers to gold, silver or platinum colors, designed to give the furniture an elite status. In this case, it is wiser to choose options for curbstones made of natural wood, but with bright golden or silver accents.

    The image of elitism can increase the handles, decorated in brilliant colors, or mirror surfaces.

    Some owners do not want to spend a huge amount of time on drawing up the design of their bedrooms, so they use the services of designers, or choose ready-made projects, where there is an opportunity to evaluate how this or that stand looks in a certain interior.

    Style decisions

    Properly selected color, shape and material of the cabinet will look different in different interiors. Below will be presented the variants of successful style solutions in different styles and with different types of pedestals.

    • Minimalism. This style in the design of the bedroom prefers restrained and regular forms without excessive pathos and grace. Such a cabinet should be compact, always with a simple smooth facade (glossy coating is permissible).

    In the furniture of such a plan should be no curves and curves, give preference to strict rectangular or square shapes.

    • Classic. In this style, the options from natural wood or solid wood will look great. Wood color and texture should be selected based on the color background of your bedroom.

    For bedside pedestals of this type are characterized by slight protuberances and light, cream shades.

    • Baroque. This style in the design of the bedroom includes curved lines, bumps and some flatulence. Here, extraordinary curved or convex facades with round or oval fancy drawers and handles will look great.
    • Country and vintage. In the bedroom, decorated in these styles, the pedestals with decoupage technique will look great. Flowers, curved wood lines and soft colors will give the interior even more comfort and warmth.
    • Scandinavian style. In the design of the bedroom in this style fit the most simple pedestals light colors. This is the option when the interior will look great furniture from MDF and chipboard, and not from wood.
    • Modern This style is characterized by softness and smoothness - both in furniture and in everything around. That is why the options for thumbs with upholstered fabric or leather may come here. And also round models or curbstones with rounded corners will look good here.

    How to choose?

    You should not think that any bought cabinet, even the most beautiful one, fits perfectly into the interior of your bedroom and will be in harmony with the rest of the furniture. When choosing a bedside table should pay attention to a number of specific factors.

    • Purpose Immediately it is necessary to decide on why you need a stand. If it is intended to serve as a basis for heavy interior items, choose models with a durable and thick coating that is scratch and pressure tolerant. If you choose the option of cabinets exclusively for storing clothes - you should choose the functional and dimensional options with good ventilation.
    • Dimensions. Choose the shape and size of the bedside table, depending on the amount of free space in the bedroom, as well as on the interior layout and designation of the bedside table. Special attention should be paid to the appropriateness of the model compared to the size and design of the bed itself.

    Curbstones of small size, but with a fancy design or pattern, for example, should not be put in a bedroom decorated in a minimalist style.

    • Functionality. Another important factor that will have to pay close attention. It all depends on what you expect from the model. If it should play the role of a base or stand for interior items, then you can close your eyes to the functionality of such pedestals. If you prefer to keep clothes or books in it, you should give preference to models with a variety of drawers of various sizes.

    The following additions are also responsible for the functionality: sliding tables, wheels for movement, shelves with a secret bottom, recesses for plates and lamps, built-in sockets.

    • The material of manufacture. Not only its lifespan, but also its harmony with other furniture depends on the material used to make the stand. For example, with a minimalist style, glass or metal cabinets will look best - they look simple, but at the same time stylish and solid.
    • Design, style and color. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important factors when choosing a bedside table. Before you go to the store to buy thumbs, pay attention to the overall color background of your room, it will help to determine the model of which color you need.

    If the classic style and more suitable standard and slightly convex options thumbs, then for the style of avant-garde or kitsch most will be appropriate extraordinary options with unusual color, design and design.

    Beautiful examples

    Below you can see the original and stylish options for thumbs in the design of bedrooms of different styles.

    • Option design bedside tables in the style of a classic. The model is made in a light cream color, like the head of the bed. And also there are rounded legs, but the model remains concise and strict.
    • A good option bedside tables in the style of minimalism. Pay attention to the completely smooth features, rectangular shape and white, neutral color, creating a pleasant contrast with the black bedspread on the bed.
      • Here you can see an interesting model of high-tech style. This style is designed to give the interior creativity and vitality, it prompts the creation of something unusual and modern.

      How to repair bedside tables, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


