Black Russian Spaniel: description of dogs, their nature and rules of care

Russian spaniels are very loyal dog breeds. They get along well with all family members and other pets. This is a hunting breed, but you can also keep a Russian spaniel as a family companion. He feels comfortable at home. The most popular color for Russian Spaniels is black.
The dog has an elongated croup, low body weight, strong bones and long muscular legs. At the withers, male individuals reach 44 cm, females - 42 cm. The tail is straight at the base and, according to the standard, should be halted halfway. Ears are wide, long, hanging down, covered with curly hair. In a purebred animal, the edge of the ear should reach the tip of the nose.
Wool is soft to the touch, long, in color can be brown, red, with tan. There are white individuals with dark specks, black and black-and-piebald puppies are also considered valuable. There are monophonic, two-and three-colored dogs. On the ears and the back of the legs the wool is curled. There are smooth-haired dogs and dogs with curly hair.
The size of the head is proportional to the body, the skull and the muzzle are the same size. The forehead is wide, the head is bulging. The transition to the face is well defined, but smooth. Lips tight with pigment spots, scissor bite. The nose of black dogs is black, wide, with round nostrils.
The length of the legs is half the height, they have powerful joints. The front legs are slightly wider than the chest, the rear legs are wider than the front. The thighs have massive joints, muscular, with slanted shins.
This is a brave and courageous dog and at the same time a friendly, affectionate and cheerful pet. He chooses for himself only one master, whom he serves for the rest of his life, and tries to get his approval. Other family members will also be loved by the pet - the animal will be respectful of them, but will be considered the owner of only one of the household.
For children, the Russian Spaniel is patient and restrained. If the child will bother playing the dog, she will not show aggression, but will simply leave this room or hide in places where she will not be reached.
For the four-legged members of the family, this dog is mostly indifferent, therefore often this breed is established in agricultural farms. In this case, the owners are confident that the animal will not hunt for chickens and ducks.
The animal does not show aggression to strangers, but treats them rather cautiously and is unlikely to approach a passer-by on the street, having seen the draft movement. In general, the dog has a rather aristocratic character, but at the same time it is a real artist, who, begging for a delicacy, can show the wonders of a dog acting game, and usually gets his reward. Often, the tenderness of a domestic companion is combined in the character of the dog with guard qualities.
The hunting origin makes this animal active, mobile. A pet breed of Russian Spaniel loves walking, jogging, happy to travel with the owner to nature, swims with joy. The dog is amenable to training, loves communication, but surrounded by strangers always keeps his distance, does not like to be obsessive.
Care and maintenance
Russian Spaniel tolerates hot weather and cold, so keeping a dog in a street aviary is quite acceptable. Only in this case, the animal necessarily needs a warmed booth.If the pet is kept in an apartment, then he also needs to determine his place and put a bed there.
Those who decide to have a puppy should remember that during the vaccination period, he should not be allowed to go outside, which means that he will perform his intimate affairs in the house. Not all owners are ready for this, but this is the rule of keeping any dog, regardless of the breed. For an unvaccinated puppy, the street is full of dangers - he faces many diseases, infections, parasites. In the house, the young spaniel quickly understands the purpose for which they put a tray or an absorbent diaper bed, so the owners usually have no problems in this regard.
As soon as the vaccination period passes, the animal should be taught to the street. If the puppy is used to relieve the need for a diaper, then you should take it with you for a walk and lay on the ground. Over time, the dog will learn to do without this litter.
Russian Spaniel needs daily long walks. You can visit with him the dog playground, play, take with you on cycling. Without daily physical activity, a dog may become obese, which significantly reduces its lifespan. During walking, the dog can vividly react to outside actions, for example, to jerk after a company of children or a cat. For this reason, the pet should always be kept on a leash and descend only in specially designated areas.
The Russian Spaniel's wool has a special coating that repels dirt, therefore the dog does not need frequent bathing - it is enough to wash it 3-4 times a year. But combing wool is recommended once a week, since the "fur coat" of this dog is prone to the formation of mats.
Hunting dogs do not require grooming of claws, but for those who are kept at home, enough to cut the claws once a month.
It is important to regularly examine the Spaniel's ears, since due to the hanging shape they are poorly ventilated, and therefore susceptible to inflammatory processes. Finding a defect in the dog's ear, you should immediately contact a veterinary specialist, who will appoint a competent treatment. If you run the condition of the ears, then over time the dog will experience pain.
The problem may spread more deeply, and because of the discomfort the animal will be under constant stress.
What do you call a puppy?
For Spaniels boys of black and black and piego color, which will be used in the hunt, suitable such serious nicknames as Black, Dark, Damn, Bes, Demon, Pirate, and their home counterparts can be called simpler names: Chernysh, Gypsy, Pyatnyshko, Ember, Graphite.
If the name is chosen for a black girl spaniel, the following names will suit the working lady: Bagheera, Panther, Arabica, Mystic, Kara. Home pet can also be given a fun nickname, for example, Soot, Poppy, Blot, Wax, Fifteen, Night, Cloud.
You can look at this breed of dogs in the next video.