
Rogain: description, types and rules

Rogain: description, types and rules

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  1. What it is?
  2. History of
  3. Varieties
  4. Equipment and team equipment
  5. Fundamental rules
  6. Strategy and tactics

Rogain is a great opportunity for team sports activities, even for those people who do not have professional training and outstanding physical data. The main essence of the game is to travel over rough terrain, according to a previously developed tactic.

What it is?

Rogain is a sport, the meaning of which, in fact, lies in orienteering on rough terrain. Working as a team, participants attend a series of checkpoints, trying to keep within as little time as possible. At the preparation stage, the participants think through the strategy of moving along the route and the tactics of joint actions. Each item gives participants the opportunity to score points. By the way, you can visit them in any order, which is also determined at the preparatory stage during the study of the map.

Despite the fact that practicing rogain still requires some physical training, anyone can take part. It will be enough only to study the rules, read the articles on preparation, and also understand how tactics are worked out. The team arrived at Rogain, the first thing is registered and receives a starter kit. Further, as a rule, it receives a map, if necessary, conducts sealing of the document and begins to form its route.

Dressing up for the weather and listening to the briefing, you can go to the start.

History of

Rogain appeared in Australia in 1976, so he is considered a relatively young discipline. The sport got its name due to the combination of the first letters of the name of the three founders - ordinary people, whose hobbies were hiking.

The game quickly gained popularity and received financial support, and after 4 years the Rogaine Association included more than a thousand participants. In 1989, the International Rogaining Federation was founded. In 2012, the official Rogaining Federation began to function in Russia, although the Russians got acquainted with this sport back in 1997, thanks to a Perm resident.


Rogain is a young discipline that continues to evolve, so it is not surprising that new varieties of this sport are emerging. It is now customary to allocate Rogaining two classifications.

  • First implies a separation, according to the duration of the continuation of the distance. There are four main types: the first is the routes, the passage of which takes from 3 to 5 hours, and therefore they are short.
  • Second kind combines distances that take from 6 to 11 hours - this is the average. Long distances require from participants from 12 to 23 hours of free time. Finally, the passage of the classic distance will take exactly one day.

The second classification is based on different modes of movement. Participants can ride a bike, run on skis or move with the help of classic running. It is not forbidden to combine several ways or even introduce new ones.

For example, it can be a water rogain with kayaks or a variation for the elderly, implying the use of Nordic walking.

Equipment and team equipment

Since rogaining competitions take place outdoors in a natural environment, which means changing weather, sports equipment and equipment are extremely important. It is important that the clothes protect the participants from precipitation, keep warm or, on the contrary, cool them, depending on the temperature, and make the movement comfortable. It should not be purged, but not disturb the evaporation of sweat. In addition, it is important that clothing creates a reliable barrier between the body and insects, tree branches and thorny bushes. As a rule, modern sports equipment meets all the above requirements.

Athletes are advised to have and extra clothes in case of weather changes. For example, in early spring it may suddenly snow, which in combination with the wind will create a tangible inconvenience. As a shoe, it is better to choose sneakers created for rough terrain. They meet all possible requirements, providing ventilation, and strength, and protection, and other important conditions. Socks are also better to take sports. Experts, by the way, recommend put on top and special sports gaiters that prevent pebbles and other debris from getting into sneakers.

The optimal backpack has a volume of from 10 to 12 liters, if we are talking about the classic distance. For shorter competitions you can go with smaller backpacks or even with waist bags. Water for drinking is recommended to be poured into special sports bottles with tubules. Capacity ranges from 1 to 2 liters. Participants will need a powerful waterproof flashlight, ideally a forehead, sporty magnetic compass, a wrist watch, a whistle and a first aid kit.

Fundamental rules

The basic rules of rogaining are developed by the International Federation, therefore, they form the basis of any official international competition. Russia has developed the Russian competition rules. In general, they can be divided into two types - the conditions of participation, which participants must adhere to, as well as the principle of scoring. Each control point is estimated by 3-9 points.

The total number of points depends on how long and difficult the road was to a particular point. There are also a number of reasons why a team may lose points. For example, they include an unauthorized method of movement, cooperation between the teams, if we are not talking about injury, unregulated means of orientation, doping and others.

Points are lost and at the end of the track after the end of the established period.

Teams can consist only of men, only of women, or be mixed. The number of participants varies from 2 to 5 people. By age, all teams are also divided into 5 main groups: "Youth", "veterans", "super veterans", "ultra-veterans" or "open group". The team belongs to the "open group", if the age of the participants is not regulated. To get into the group "youth", team members must be less than 23 years old.

All participants whose age is 40 years or more get to “veterans”. “Super veterans” unite participants 55 years and older, and “ultra-veterans” - 65 years and older. Both "superveterans" and "ultra-veterans" are also included in the group "veterans".

By the way, the presence in the team of a member under 14 years old is automatically accompanied by the requirement to have a member of the team and a member 18 years or older.

In general, most of the rules for participants concern the safety and etiquette of all those present, as well as the fairness of the competition. For example, the team can not include people who are currently in any way involved in the organization of rogaining competitions.

It is important that team members demonstrate respect for private property and land. - did not cross the sowed fields, kept away from dwellings and herds, did not litter and did not kindle a fire.

The distance after rogaine should remain in the same condition it was in before it began.

Team members must be within voice coordination among themselves and must have a whistle. Points for visiting the control point are awarded when all participants approach it at least 20 meters away.The control card is punched by a composter, after which the so-called intent sheet is filled.

Rest at a distance of less than 100 meters from the control point is prohibited. During a visit to the administrative zone, the control card is delivered to the judges. The penalty for violation of any rules is either loss of points or disqualification.

Strategy and tactics

The preparatory stage actually starts a few months before the start of the competition. The participant must have time to gain the desired physical form and, if necessary, heal injuries. Somewhere one or two days before the immediate start, it is better to limit intensive physical training. Before going to the competition site, you should check the equipment, study the map of the area, check the weather and read all the information provided by the organizers. By the way, by the way, a backpack in which a flashlight with a battery is placed, water, food and clothes for the change of weather is related.

The correct decision will be browse the map and find out about the terrain features. For example, it would be nice to realize what the relief is, how high the elevation changes are, in what proportions there is a wooded and open part, and whether there are water bodies in the territory. All this information, in principle, can be obtained by referring to images from space and maps of different formats.

The weather forecast will allow you to choose the right clothes and calculate how much water will be needed.

The organizers, as a rule, publish a large amount of important information on the site: how to get to your destination, where to stay there, what information about the area is important to know before the start of the competition, and whether there is some starting protocol.

Distance planning begins from determining the maximum possible length of the entire route. Working with the map, it is necessary to immediately assume several options for movement, and also to decide which control points should be taken and which ones can be postponed. The route is determined depending not only on the abilities and capabilities of the team, but also on the conditions of scoring. In other words, one should strive for the shortest route, but which gives the greatest number of points.

For more information on rogain, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


