Haircuts for boys

Haircuts for boys 3-5 years

Haircuts for boys 3-5 years

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  1. Requirements
  2. Interesting options
  3. Selection rules
  4. Beautiful examples

For a child to look beautiful is even more important than for an adult, because the environment is accustomed to judge by the clothes and very cruel to those who do not like. In this case, a child aged 3 to 5 years old is hardly ready to independently monitor his appearance, which means that this task falls entirely on the shoulders of parents. Hairstyle is one of the principal strokes in a holistic and attractive image, so let's talk about it.


Haircut for a boy is an element of his everyday appearance, which is not so easy to change on the go. Given its relative consistency, it is important not to make a mistake with the choice of the shape and length of the hair, and to avoid this, it is worth highlighting the main requirements for a childish boyish hairstyle. All of them are obvious, but we will remind them not to miss anything.

Kindergarten Compliance

At home, a child could look like anything, but children's public institutions in their statutes often prescribe certain requirements. Each garden can regulate the appearance of their wards at their own discretion, and parents who neglect the rules risk engaging in unnecessary disassembly with the administration. Even if you are a progressive person and consider that the indicated restrictions on choice are inappropriate or unreasonable, you should not immediately attack authors of the statute - perhaps they are just trying to protect your child from bullying.

Convenience and comfort as well as safety

It is unacceptable that the hairstyle creates problems for the child. At first they may not seem obvious - for example, a long fringe may like a baby, but over time will lead to damage to the vision, and it can partially block the view. The same applies to security - long hair during typical active child games can cause injury.

The child can take his hair for granted and not complain about it, but parents are obliged to monitor the baby’s reaction, and if the inconvenience is observed, the hair should be shortened immediately.

Accuracy and durability

In order for a smaller child to be teased by his peers, and the caregivers did not have any complaints, the hairstyle must be neat - to have a certain shape, which is considered to be beautiful in society. In this case, we must not forget that the baby is distinguished by considerable mobility and will not constantly keep in mind the need to preserve the hairstyle - this means that the latter must be able to withstand various tests. The ideal option is the one that looks the same in the evening as in the evening. Although boys' hairs are usually rather short, a real tomboy even their appearance can change unrecognizably.

Compliance with the type of appearance of the child and his tastes

The selected haircut can be extremely popular and look gorgeous on the stars of the first magnitude, but it doesn’t suit your child at all. Stylists see patterns between the same face shape and a specific range of hairstyles available: someone needs to open his forehead, and others to close, somewhere important is the volume on the crown, and in other cases on the sides of the head, and so on.Choosing the right haircut can hide some of the flaws in appearance, but just the same bad choice only emphasizes the minuses even more.

However, it is impossible to blindly follow the rules or your own preferences - you need to give your child a minimal opportunity to choose their own appearance, otherwise you will not be sure that he will appreciate the haircut and treat it carefully.

Interesting options

The age of 3-5 years is not the time to experiment with children's hairstyles, because fashionable solutions for the youngest are usually close to the classic ones. To stand out from the crowd with the help of such a haircut will not work, but at this stage such a goal is not set - you just need to provide the child with a beautiful and not very defiant look. Consider how to solve a similar problem.


Eternally relevant option, which is appropriate always and everywhere, for anyone, even regardless of gender. This haircut can not be called short, but to the long it can not be attributed, because nothing climbs in the face and nothing falls on the shoulders. The classic cap suggests a haircut as if on a certain rounded contour around the head, however, today there are various stylish options that help diversify the standard.

You can, for example, pick up a whiskey with a machine very shortly, by making a sharp transition, or, on the contrary, make a smooth and even multi-layered transition from the top of the head to the lower layer. Professionals also offer styling to perform in different ways - both smoothed and combed to the side or just sticking to the side, which once again allows you to reveal the nature of the child. A common feature for all varieties of this hairstyle is the obligatory presence of bangs. According to the classics, it should be direct, but the above-described stylistic experiments can be directly related to it too.


Previously, perhaps, this styling was considered rather a lack of hairstyle, rather than a specific haircut, however, today it is very popular, and not only among kids. In the case of children, it looks very organic at all, since it completely reveals the restless nature of almost any child, and thanks to modern means of fixing the hair, it can look no worse than any model one. Once a hedgehog was formed on the head itself, but today it is often done on purpose.

The length of the hairs on the sides of the head can usually be almost any, but on the top of the head they leave somewhat elongated strands that are conveniently raised. They are cut unevenly, but according to a tattered technique, because the very essence of this hairstyle does not imply ideal straight lines and should resemble a light “mess”, even if it is artistic. Every day you need to ruffle such hair and fix it, but usually the procedure takes just a few seconds. The boys look great with an official suit - like a serious adult man, but at the same time a typical tomboy.

Although the hairstyle, at first glance, seems a bit hooligan, in fact it makes the boy very cute and funny.


This hairstyle is one of the most romantic, she was repeatedly glorified in Hollywood films, turning children into angels. It is often advised for slightly older children because of the considerable length of hair, but if the child is calm and the facial features require a certain adjustment, then it is the bean that can be a panacea.

A characteristic feature of a bean is a rather long bang, almost reaching the eyebrows, smoothly turning on the sides into some kind of imitation of a short square. In this case, the crown and occipital part are usually made elongated, without a specific abrupt transition - often the hairstyle turns out to be multi-layered. As a result, the hair remains quite a lot, but they do not interfere with the normal activity of the child. Bob is chosen by those parents who want to make romantic notes in the image of his child.

At the same time, experts do not advise such a variant of cutting for babies with thin hair and a small amount of hair, since it is an impressive volume that is one of the distinguishing features of a bean.


One of those hairstyles, which so pulls to call eternal classics, you can safely call the famous boxing. It is basically suitable for most men, and their little heirs will not be an exception to this rule. On the one hand, boxing can be safely called a short hairstyle, since the hair almost anywhere on the head is made short, except that on the top of the head they can sometimes be medium. On the other hand, this haircut is not uniquely attributed to the short ones, because there are also shorter versions, and here it is permissible to leave the hair up to 5-7 cm. However, the point of this hairstyle is that the longest hair is left at the crown - where they will definitely not interfere, while the length of the hair gradually decreases in all directions from it.

It is not surprising that a rather short haircut makes the boy visually manly and strong, without leaving the child "bald." The length is chosen exactly in order to find a middle ground between "nothing interferes" and "not to be hairless". In perfect performance, the box requires almost no maintenance, it always lies in a standard position, it does not need to be corrected, it will confidently cope with active games.

Among adults, this hairstyle is very popular among fans of active entertainment, so that it also suits kids.


With all its advantages, boxing seems to many parents to be too short a haircut, which leaves the child’s face completely open, which means that it does not help disguise any flaws or may not be suitable for the baby’s appearance. In response to criticism, stylists came up with a half-box - a combination of the best characteristics of classic boxing with corrections at the request of customers.

Like boxing, a half-box involves only short hair at the temples and the back of the head, as well as a longer head of hair. In this case, the top here may already have a medium length, due to which it is often reached down to the forehead, forming a bang from it. Due to a significant amount of hair, even from above, a certain variety of styling options are allowed - according to your mood, you can comb the hair to the side or back, divide it into parting, re-arrange the bang. Fashionable lines in recent years, shaved at the temples or the back of the head with the help of a typewriter, in combination with a semi-box will look very worthy.

The big advantage of a semi-box is its ability to close the forehead, while the overall hairstyle is rather short. It is the forehead that is often an unsuccessful part in the overall image of the child, since it can stand out too high or become a platform for the appearance of acne, while the fringe can cover up the flaws and turn them into virtues. Another nice bonus is the ability to change the appearance every day thanks to the above described styling methods. The only drawback of such a haircut may be that she is not too docile and can quickly lose its original shape during active games.

Ripped strands

They are not quite correct to call a hairstyle, because it is rather a special technique of haircuts, which can be used in the process of creating different hairstyles. Today, such a technique, for which a few decades ago a hairdresser could mercilessly criticize, is very popular, and children are one of its main supporters. The bottom line is that strands, even located side by side, are made of unequal length. Some pattern here is allegedly not traced - the hair is not extended and not shortened in any of the directions, at least explicitly.

One gets the impression that the tips of the hair are simply torn off in one motion, because of which the contour has become uneven.

Thanks to the efforts of modern designers, this hairstyle has not seemed disorderly for a long time - this is exactly the chaos, in which the consistency is clearly visible. An even outline often looks too banal and leaves an impression of excessive obsession with the rules, while a slight ragged effect gives an impression of ease, naturalness, sometimes leaving a slight touch of mischief.

Hairstyles with torn strands have long been considered the absence of any haircut, but a few decades ago began to gain popularity. Hairdressers quickly caught the trend of fashion and suddenly realized that tattered edges could have absolutely any hairstyle, even if it was written in the instructions for creating it in black and white that the edge should be smooth. That is why haircuts with torn strands are so popular - they seem to describe a good half of what barbers have come up with in the entire history of mankind.

Selection rules

It was already mentioned above that a haircut for a child should not be chosen at random, and blind copying the hairstyles of actors and musicians, too, may rather be disappointed with the final result. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to some criteria according to which professional hair stylists select hairstyles for children.

If everything is done correctly, your little one, who does not particularly stand out from the crowd, can suddenly become a real style icon.

We consider age

Kids of kindergarten age only seem to be the same karapuz at first, but the parents of any such buttocks will confirm that the difference in age is clearly noticeable even in behavior. Naturally, a haircut at any time must be age-related, so that it can be called the best. For example, at the age of 3, it is completely naive to expect from a child at least a minimum of responsibility - for the time being, he simply has not grown enough to take care of himself. In this case, the knowledge of the world is just beginning, and so far there is absolutely no idea about the potential dangers of the surrounding world, therefore the hairstyle certainly should not interfere. In most cases, so young discoverers choose extremely short haircuts - from 2 to 9 mm. It does not always look stylish, but peers are still at that age when they do not find fault with their appearance.

In 4 years, the perception of the world is already changing somewhat. At this stage, conscious friends may already appear, children begin to mock each other for an unfortunate image and teach their comrades this. In this case, the thirst for knowledge has not yet subsided, however, sometimes it makes sense to pay attention to longer haircuts, if short your child does not go in any way. For really long hair, the time has not yet come, but if the child is quiet and the hair is docile, you should experiment with its shape.

Finally, 5 years is already the age of full awareness of what to look good is important. By this age, any child already knows a couple of caustic teases and is ready to bring to hysterics anyone who seems to him to be ridiculous, awkward or ugly. Any concept of pity is usually absent, crying the same age does not always cause pity, therefore, your child should not be allowed to look bad. Here, of course, calm children look more advantageous - in their case, you can allow a wide variety of haircuts available that will look neat until they are literally ruffled.

If the baby is hyperactive, you should pay attention to shorter solutions, otherwise in a neat way they will not last long.

Given the type of hair

Hair type is another criterion that cannot be ignored. It is quite obvious, for example, that curly hair can be used to make a hairstyle for straight hair, however, this means that the kid will have to mess around with straighteners before each exit from the house. Even for girls who are obsessed with maintaining their own image, this may seem to be a problem, and the child will hate the parents for such manipulations. Therefore, it is worth starting from the fact that the child has on her head, and not to try to add to his hair those features that she didn’t think to possess.

The length of the hair is a gain, but even then you should think about it before you grow it or cut it off. For little boys, really long hair is a rarity, and rightly so. A child at this age is prone to mobile games, often associated with the risk of injury, and it is unlikely that he will follow the shape of the laid hair, and this means that this hairstyle does not meet the requirements of safety, accuracy or durability. Of course, long hair can be braided, but why then grow it, giving comrades a reason for inappropriate associations.

Hair may be appropriate relative length, but for them must be certain conditions. So, they will fit only for a calm baby, especially if the hair from him is in itself obedient and does not require extra styling. Ideally, this hairstyle should also perform the functions of “improving” the appearance - for example, to mask too high forehead or acne on it, add volume from the sides for too long face, and so on.

Hair color for a little boy, as well as their structure, is perceived purely for granted, it is better not to dye your baby hair at that age, even if he wants it. Another thing is that even a natural hair color can somewhat affect the image of the child and the choice of his haircut. The fact is that dark hair always seems a little more voluminous than blond hair, and here it is important not to disturb the proportions of the face.

The shape of the head is one of the most common reasons that kids tease each other, so minor flaws need to be hidden and not flaunted.

Face shape

In a stylish image, the hair must be in harmony with the face, which means that the hairstyle should be chosen according to this criterion too. Experienced stylists select the perfect option at first glance, but the child is unlikely to lead someone to an expensive barber shop, which means parents will have to delve into their hairstyles themselves. Otherwise, the child runs the risk of running into banalism, which supposedly “goes for everything.”

  • Oval face It is considered the most correct, a kind of ideal, respectively, for such children there are practically no restrictions. All the classic options, for example, boxing and semi-boxes will look perfect even on the baby, even on an adult man. The main task here is not to turn the oval into a circle with too long straight bangs or a huge volume on the sides.
  • Round form from the stylistic point of view is already somewhat more complicated. The circle is perceived as a violation of the symmetry of the human body, because professionals seek to dilute it with clearly visible corners. For pulling the face, the top of the head of hair is made noticeably longer than the sides, bangs will be appropriate, but always oblique, combed to one side. Too short hair in this situation is definitely not suitable, because they only emphasize the irregular shape of the head.
  • Square faces they are often criticized for the proximity of their shape to a circle, but the square is determined by the forehead, respectively, the forehead makes such a face almost oval, which is close to the ideal. True, here it is preferable to make a choice in favor of slightly longer hairstyles, no matter what - with bangs to the side, combed back or simply stand out against the background of a shorter cropped temporal part.
  • Triangular faces resemble square so that here when evaluating the shape, the forehead is also not taken into account. The triangle is formed solely due to a slight narrowing of the face to the chin, because the shape is usually perceived as correct, unless the forehead is too low. It is considered that it is especially important to allocate the volume at the crown, shortening the sides. You can cut the boy and shortly, but preference is given to the lush head of hair at the top of the head, which is combed to one of the sides or back.
  • Heart-shaped face It is called when, with a general resemblance to a triangle, it is distinguished by a sharp chin with wide, prominent cheekbones. The recommendations are generally similar to those for a triangular shape, but the large volume at the crown is not so important, it can be somewhat limited.

Beautiful examples

Bob is not for nothing called one of the most romantic hairstyles - the boy rarely manages to make the same charming with the help of any other haircut. Not being too long, this hairstyle is clearly evident, because it tightly covers the entire head, except for the face, even the forehead. If the boy also has a forehead too high, as in the first example, then the long bob, typical of a bean, will become a real salvation.

In kindergarten, it is too early to fall in love, but romantic-minded girls can see in your child an excellent candidate for the role of prince.

A kid at this age does not have to be an example of style and originality, but an easy element of originality in the image should be. The most reasonable thing here is to compile different hairstyles. In the photo we see a pretty good example of a hedgehog in combination with shaved patterns. In the children's sense, both elements even separately pull on the rating of "cool." If the baby does not disappoint even in the charisma with intelligence, then respect in the team is guaranteed.

Boxing is altogether a typical boyish haircut that will never lose its all-encompassing popularity. Because of her short hair and the general focus on an active way of life, many consider it harsh, but the third photo clearly shows that for a romantic and sweet image a boy does not have to let go of the elongated strands. With a properly drawn image, boxing can look very organic, although ideally, you need the most correct facial features.

But if you are lucky with those, do not use it and hide them behind the bangs - it's just ingratitude.

Master class on haircut boy, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


