Haircuts for boys

Haircuts and hairstyles for boys

Haircuts and hairstyles for boys

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  1. Features
  2. Varieties
  3. Fashion trends
  4. How to pick up?
  5. How to lay?
  6. Beautiful examples

For a long time in society there was an opinion that the boy had enough to look neat. All other thoughts about appearance were considered almost a deviation. Currently, this trend has changed. And this is good, because in childhood it is important to lay the foundations for self-care, to help the boy develop a sense of style and ability to express his individuality, including in the hairstyle.


In fact, the exact age when the boys think about their appearance is not installed. But if you notice how the child examines himself in the mirror or intently examines others, talk to him.

It is important not only to teach him to use a comb and to monitor the cleanliness of the head, but also to correctly understand his desires.

    This has a huge impact:

    • First experience;
    • example of parents;
    • age;
    • opinion of others.

    Many children are afraid to cut their hair. The sight of the tools or the sound of the clipper turned on makes them panic. Therefore, it is important to create a favorable atmosphere for the first haircut. Explain that it is fun, show an example or go to a children's hair salon. If the fear is already formed, it will be more difficult to get rid of it. Here is an equally important example that parents show.

    If the father and other relatives do not take care of themselves and consider this to be normal, the reaction of the child will most likely be the same.

    In general, there are three groups: up to 7 years; 7-11 years old and 12-17 years old. In each of these groups their needs come out on top. In Russia, it is customary for the first time to cut children closer to the year. In fact, this date is not justified by anything except superstitions. The optimal age for the first haircut is when the child will be able to understand what it is for, but rather he will express the desire. It usually appears when the child begins to draw on the opinions of others. Even in kindergarten, children discuss their hairstyles. And the boys do not lag behind the girls. At first, children most often want to be adults. In adolescence, the opposite is true. Sometimes the desire to stand out, to express oneself is also mixed in here. Therefore, the selected options are more than extravagant.


    At any age it is important that the child has a choice, and for this it is important to ask for an opinion, show him options, discuss their pros and cons.

    Little dragon

    Everyone saw this haircut. Its characteristic feature is a longer parietal and occipital part of the hair. Moreover, the side hair may be absent altogether or be short. The main thing is that the difference should be as tangible as possible. Very often, several longer strands are left behind - a sort of "tail." The remaining hair can be raised, combed back or in any direction. The advantages of this haircut include:

    • attractiveness - few children will refuse such an option;
    • comfort when writing or reading - due to the lack of side strands;
    • variability, the bulk of the hair can be stacked in different ways, and often make drawings from the sides, usually the central part is distinguished by lines or dragon's legs to fully justify the name of the hairstyle.

    The question about negligence can be called controversial. On the one hand, this haircut allows easy negligence. On the other hand, everything is good in moderation. And frankly untidy hair will repel.


    Unlike the previous haircut, in this case the back of the head will be open.And the length of the hair in the upper part is less - up to three centimeters. A characteristic feature of this particular hairstyle is a clear boundary. It is unlikely to be able to hide anything with it (even small things like problem skin or dandruff). And with curly hair, the view will be peculiar. But a square or round face will stretch.

    Boxing should not be confused with another subtype - a halfbox. In form, these types of hairstyles are similar, but in a semi-box the upper part may be longer. And the border moves from the top of the head below, and the cut from the sharp turns into a smooth one. Boxing is more practical - washing your head with it is quite simple, you don’t need to pack it, and most of the boys don’t even comb it. But any millimeters of regrown hair can ruin the whole look. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly maintain the form. Halfbox in this respect is less demanding. But the comb and styling tools should always be at hand.



    To express a strong character and fighting spirit, you can make a mohawk. Its feature in all variations is a clearly delineated strip of hair with the same width from the crown to the neck. In the classic version, all other hair shave. For boys, to slightly soften the effect, you can leave a small length on the sides. Here are some options.

    • Mohawk does not necessarily have to be high. The main thing is to remember about clear boundaries.
    • Any Iroquois may have more visible bangs.
    • The side parts can be simply smooth or patterned.
    With a bang
    With an image
    • You can also highlight the central part using color. This option can be called youth, because it is at this age that experiments with staining begin. For very young ones, there are special crayons for hair or tint preparations with a temporary effect. For little boys there is a temporary version of the mohawk. To do this, if length allows, the hair in the center should be fixed in an upright position. And the rest should be combed and smoothed.

    The higher the central part - the harder it is to lay, even the drying process requires skills.

    Highlight color


    Haircut bob can be called universal - it is suitable for both boys and girls. Just longer options (for medium hair) are used mainly by teenagers. A short bob is more suitable for schoolchildren. The front strands of this hairstyle can reach eye level. Behind strands of haircut so that the neck was ajar. This is ideal for fine hair. Moreover, to create a volume you do not need complicated actions - after drying, the hairstyle should go as it should.

    In the classic version, the lower section of the hair should be even and as dense as possible. In modern design, great importance is attached to graduation - it can be smooth or stepped. At the peak of popularity of the bob with a short nape and lengthening to the face. Mandatory addition to such a haircut is a bang. It happens:

    • straight or sloping;
    • thick or light (torn, milled, elongated).
    Milled bangs

    In the asymmetric model of the bean is used the latter option. It is a kind of transition element from one side to the other. Complaints cause bangs and lengthening of the side strands in the eye area.

    When a child leans over a table or a book, they limit the view and create a shadow. If you choose a bean - pay attention to more practical bangs.


    The haircut of the same name with the Roman commander is distinguished by accuracy and precision. For its implementation, you need a good master, taking into account all the features of the face and head structure. Since there are also several subspecies here, you should also try out the styling with longer hair. Perhaps this is one of the few haircuts, suitable only for straight hair. A distinctive feature - tight straight bangs. It may be slightly raised or smooth. Hairstyle has two varieties:

    • with a clear silhouette;
    • with a blurred transition from the top.

    And he and the other look quite stylish, but are created for different types. Maybe someone's haircut "Caesar" will seem too adult and too manly, then you can try to soften the line a bit - the impression will change immediately.

    With a clear silhouette
    With a blurred transition

    Under the pot

    Another classic haircut, not losing its position for more than a decade. Moreover, modern interpretations practically did not change it:

    • the same round shape, like a pot, served as a template for the first haircuts in this spirit;
    • preference is given to straight hair, as they give more volume and will lie as it should;
    • ideally, the length on all sides should be the same, and if graduation is done from behind, an even “cap” will not work.

    According to the classical canons, it is believed that a haircut for a pot is more suitable for blondes and precisely at an early, preschool age. So the appearance of the child will be truly angelic. In older children, children rarely choose it, unless in exceptional cases - if you need to hide the flaws (for example, to correct the shape of the head or disguise acne on the forehead).


    Another haircut, which is worth to adopt - an underkat. This is what makes it remarkable.

    • It stands out a large, rounded zone from the forehead to the crown. To create the proper effect, its length can reach 10 centimeters.
    • All the rest of the space can be trimmed to one level or with a small transition down. On it you can make the edging or shave the pattern.
    • Usually hair from a forehead is combed towards a nape and less often - slightly aside.
    • Correction is required only in the occipital and temporal areas. And it is quite possible to do it yourself.
    • The upper part can be safely grown, and to achieve a sufficient length - to collect in the tail. Another, rather bold option is the pigtail.

    Despite all the advantages, the child must be prepared for certain difficulties. The process of growing hair can take quite a long time. At this time, you need to take care of their fixation, so that the strands do not hang on the face and do not interfere.

    Fashion trends

    You can return to the classics at any time. But it is always interesting - what is really fashionable right now. Much has been said about individual hairstyles above. And if we consider fashion in general, we can formulate several nuances that need to be kept in attention. In the fashion of various extensions. And no matter where - at the back or at the forehead. They do not lose their relevance despite the heightened requirements for care and growth.

    Also now, much attention is paid to decorating the hairstyle - its edging and shaving all sorts of patterns on the free areas. It can be lightning, straight lines near the parting, patterns, logos. To be in trend - choose asymmetry. Due to the mixing of different lengths and textures, it is she who has the largest number of styling options. Creating modern, boyish haircuts has a completely different approach. Haircut should be multi-layered and complex. You can take completely different hairstyles, choose from them what you like and get a unique option.

    How to pick up?

    Depending on the age of the boy, the choice may be affected by:

    • appearance;
    • the ability to independently maintain the hair in order;
    • character;
    • child's activity.

    When choosing a hairstyle, you need to take into account the shape of the forehead and ears, the proportions of the head and neck. But to imagine this or that option is difficult, unless with the help of special programs. In childhood it is possible and necessary to experiment. Much more depends on the skills of the child. If a boy can notice a mess in his head in time or make his own packing before school, one can choose a more complicated option.

    Hairstyle can without words express the individuality of the child.Therefore, a mobile, active visionary should not impose a classic, sleek hairstyle. Much depends on the occupation. For a football player you need a sporty and practical haircut. Long haircuts with elegant styling - a good option for a boy at ballroom dancing.

    For a child engaged in modeling or robotics, hairstyles with bangs will only interfere, but the model with a tail is quite relevant.

    How to lay?

    The result after visiting the hairdresser is quite decent. Difficulties arise when the same haircut must be re-installed, only at home. Therefore, all questions of interest must be asked directly in the cabin. The most common option - laying hedgehog. And it is done very simply: you need to moisten the hair, and then dry it by helping yourself with your hands so that you get needle-shaped locks.

    To keep laying for a long time, you can use laying means - foams or gels. Some cosmetic brands have series for children made from natural ingredients. All means first you need to test for the identification of allergies. The same gel or mousse can be used if you need a smooth styling - for example, put your hair back or sideways. Usually most funds have a fix function.

    Make bulk styling is also easy. To begin with, prepare a hairdryer and a brush - its teeth should not scratch and cause discomfort to the child. If you blow dry your hair for the first time - let the boy get comfortable. Turn on and turn off the device, direct the air to his hand - the temperature should be comfortable. The necessary strands should be lifted at the roots and dried.

    For the convenience of working with short hair, the teeth of the brush should be short.

    Sometimes it is necessary that the individual strands lay strictly in accordance with your idea - casually, gracefully or carefully. To do this, take a more effective means for styling - for example, wax. It can be recommended by teenagers. Daily styling is best done without any means. For curly hair, all the rules are the same. In order not to break the curls and curls, comb should be rare. The use of hair dryer is optional. But to lay curls in the right direction better still wet. So that they are not confused and easy to comb, there is a special children's spray.

    Beautiful examples

    A child can hardly be called ugly. Perhaps it is in the subconscious. Most likely, in relation to children, untidiness is synonymous with ugliness. Therefore, a happy, well-groomed baby with a neat haircut will always look cute and attractive.

    Very often with adult hairstyles, children look unnatural. In everyday life, absolutely all boys are provocative and sometimes funny styling.

    Sometimes with the help of creative ideas, even an adult haircut can be decorated brightly and according to age. The same shaved drawings have many motifs that are suitable for young boys.

    For older boys, you can choose a more unusual model. Here you can endlessly play with long hair, their color and shape, invent new unique styling options.

    With a cool haircut, any guy will feel confident.

    A well-chosen haircut with the right styling will always look stylish. The same hairstyle can be laid with a different mood. A vivid example is the creation of a slight negligence on a classic hairstyle. Accessories will help to complete the image - for example, glasses or a scarf.

    On how to make a haircut "Boxing" with the asymmetry of the boy, you will learn from the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


