Haircuts for boys

Short haircuts for teenage boys

Short haircuts for teenage boys

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  1. Hairstyle value
  2. Basic rules for selection
  3. Performance features
  4. Characteristics of modern hairstyles
  5. Haircuts for boys 10-14 years
  6. Images for guys 15–18 years old

Look attractive and stylish desire not only the fair sex. This desire is also characteristic of men of any age, including boys. Hair is an important part of any image, so its choice must be approached thoroughly. In the article we will look at the popular short haircuts for teenage boys.

Hairstyle value

Adolescence is considered one of the most difficult in the life of every person. At this time, there are processes that form a new personality. That is why the appearance plays an important role. Inconsistency with fashion trends and dissatisfaction with the appearance leads to depression and other psychological problems.

For boys in adolescence, style and image is extremely important, since at this time active communication with the opposite sex begins.

The right hairstyle that matches the fashion and visual image has the following positive effects:

  • causes a feeling of self-confidence;
  • attracts attention from peers;
  • enables self-expression.

Basic rules for selection

A variety of men's hairstyles is almost the same as the female range. Each season at the peak of popularity come new images, surprising originality and expressiveness. When choosing a suitable option, stylists recommend relying not only on external features, but also to take into account the character and temperament of the young man.

If a teenager has a calm disposition, soft lines and waves should prevail in her hair. For fidget and violent personalities, you can choose bolder styling options, for example, with asymmetry and other things. Be sure to consider the wishes of the person for whom the hairstyle is selected. Sometimes parents make a mistake, relying solely on your taste, regardless of the opinion of the young guy.

And also be sure to take into account when choosing hairstyle such details:

  • thickness and length of hair;
  • the shape of the face and head;
  • age;
  • fashion trends;
  • clothing style;
  • complexity and the need for styling.

Performance features

Another important aspect that you need to pay attention to is the design details. The process of each haircut is different from each other, but still, specific moments can not be ignored.

  1. Bang. With a small and narrow forehead, this element should be abandoned. And the falling locks will look great if the young man has a high forehead.
  2. Whiskey. Their shape directly depends on the cheekbones, more precisely, their silhouette. Holders of elongated faces will not go long hair in the temples. If the young man is cheeky, you can not shave his temples much.

Characteristics of modern hairstyles

Despite the fact that each haircut has individual external characteristics and looks different on models, trendy images combine current trends.

  • This season, choose a multi-level hairstyles. When creating them, masters draw strands of different lengths. Given this feature, many retro hairstyles are transformed.
  • Asymmetry is in fashion. She gives the image of determination. This feature may apply to the entire hairstyle or its individual components. For example, to bangs or temples.
  • Almost all modern hairstyles do with bangs.The exception is only in the case when it is not suitable because of the features of the exterior.
  • If you need to style your hair, be sure to use at least a hair dryer. Otherwise, the beauty of the new image will not be revealed in full force.

Haircuts for boys 10-14 years


Known to most of us, haircut is again relevant. This style is suitable for active guys who play sports and prefer to spend time on other men's activities. If the hairstyle is done correctly, it will look great with both classic and sporty clothes.

The original hair cut in the temples and the neck will give the appearance of courage and a certain audacity. This hairstyle is recommended for guys with lush and thick hair. The shape of the face can be square or round.

If you choose the option without bangs, you will be able to accurately close such a lack of appearance as deep-set eyes.


If you want to choose a haircut for a teenager who is distinguished by his restlessness, then this option is best suited. The ideal age is from 12 years. The peculiarity of the image is originality. Regardless of the shape of the face, as well as the thickness and texture of the hair, "Gavrosh" is suitable for everyone. For young men with a round face, it is desirable to focus on the asymmetrical design.

Hairstyle makes it possible to experiment with the image. Long curls in the area of ​​the crown can be laid in every possible way, changing the appearance.


A hairstyle with a strong and confident title is perfect for individuals with the same characters. The main features of the style of short haircut - smooth bangs and clear lines. The main advantage of the hairstyle is that the young man then does not need to spend time laying. Of the minuses - the need for constant correction, which means frequent visits to a beauty salon or a hairdresser.

Short hair is a practical and stylish solution. The neat appearance is combined with the convenience of wearing.


The appearance of this hairstyle suggests that the teenager has a dynamic and even rebellious character. Gone are the days when the popularity of this haircut fell, now this style is again relevant and in demand. In order to fully reveal the haircut, it is necessary to constantly stack and fix the hair with the help of gels and varnishes.

For the premises of the school and other similar institutions, the strands can be arranged in a neat and gallant form. Due to several styling options you can realize a variety of images.


This hairstyle is considered a classic for guys aged 13-14 years. On the territory of the CIS countries, the relevance of this haircut began to grow actively this season. In the area of ​​the crown hair is cut to medium length. Together with their bangs laid back. Strands lead to the neck.

The bangs are often laid sideways on either side. Today, such a haircut adorns not only undergrowths, but also older guys.

Images for guys 15–18 years old


This high level style will be appreciated by fans of creativity, originality and extravagance. The most suitable image for a hairstyle is 16 and higher. It is made as follows:

  1. Strands in the crown are decorated in a standard way.
  2. The hair on the back of the head and temples is cut to the maximum, due to which a neat and soft transition between the levels of hairstyle is obtained.
  3. Hair of medium length should be fixed with the help of special tools in the area of ​​the crown.

This is the perfect haircut for guys who have an elongated or round face shape.

High and tight

Among the classic styles of design, this haircut occupies a leading position. Fashion for her came to us from the United States. Soldiers of the Marine Corps decorated themselves with this hairdo. Today, this image personifies masculinity, rigor and confidence.

Despite the appearance, haircut is perfect for guys with soft and neat facial features. It is safe to choose holders of elongated, rectangular or diamond shape.


Fashion trends of the past decades are returning, in connection with which the retro hairstyle “Briton” is again in fashion. This style will decorate not only a teenager, but also a man at a young age. According to external signs, the image is very similar to the “undercut” haircut.

The essential difference lies in the fact that in this case the strands can be fixed at their discretion: back, to either side, or randomly.


We can safely say that this hairstyle is a variation of the above image. Hair on the back of the head and temples cut the maximum. In this case, the bangs are made out of medium length, slightly turning the strands to the right or left side.

This is a suitable hairstyle for thick and docile hair. Face shapes: circle, rectangle. For an elongated face, a haircut is also suitable.


Previously, only adult men chose this haircut. Currently, stylists confidently declare that “boxing” will suit young guys. If a teenager leads an active lifestyle, has a strong character and is confident in himself, this style is just for him.

The halfboxing hairstyle is performed in the same way as the above option. The only difference is the length. The length of the hair when making this hairstyle varies from 1 to 4 millimeters.


        The advantage of cutting "bob" over other known images is universal. Haircut is suitable for boys whose age ranges from 10 to 16 years. Stylists point out that this is one of the types of caret that has grown into a separate and independent image.

        At registration strands are cut by a multilevel and torn method. So process the hair all over the head. In this case, the length can be different - it depends on the personal preferences of the guy.

        The shape of the face does not really matter, as almost anyone is suitable. The same applies to the texture of hair.

        Master class teen haircut, see the next video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


