Haircuts for boys

How to cut a boy with a machine at home?

How to cut a boy with a machine at home?

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  1. Types of haircuts under the machine
  2. Choosing a typewriter
  3. Training
  4. How to cut?

Haircut is an integral part of the image of a person at any age. The presence of a large number of hairdressers gives you the opportunity to quickly get a new image or maintain an existing one. However, not everyone prefers to have a haircut in hairdressing salons, many successfully do it at home. To easily cope with a haircut, it is important to be able to properly carry it out, especially when it comes to children. The procedure for grooming a boy at home has its own characteristics that are worth knowing.

Types of haircuts under the machine

If there is a desire or need to cut a child at home, you need to know how to do it correctly. First of all, a certain haircut is selected, which should fit the age and please the boy. When the decision is made, it is necessary to pick up the necessary equipment and learn the basics of the procedure itself. Only after passing through all these stages of preparation, one can get to work.

So, the choice of hairstyle will be fundamental, since it is he who will set the final result of the work. For children of different ages, you can choose different haircuts. It is better for babies to do something simple, so that they do not have to waste time laying. The length of the hair should be short, because the structure of the hair can be different, and model haircut may look unprofitable.

The most popular for children from the year are the following haircuts:

  • "pot";
  • "Cap";
  • "Beaver";
  • under the machine.

For the “pot” and “cap” it is necessary to shorten the hair on the back of the head as much as possible, and leave elongated strands on the crown, back of the head and on the forehead. This hairstyle is suitable for boys with thin hair, as it visually adds volume. In addition, it will be beneficial to look at those children who have a high forehead.

Haircut "beaver" is different from the two previous options, it is characterized by shortening hair on all surfaces except the crown. Whiskey must be rounded in order to get the desired visual effect. This haircut is most common among athletes, so the active boys will like.


    The easiest and most reliable option would be a haircut for a typewriter, which can be done with a single nozzle or several. Such variability makes it possible to cut hair in one length or make transitions. For the smallest babies, the best solution would be to choose one nozzle so that all hair has the same length. Older boys can be cut with a transition to add zest to the hairstyle and make the child more fashionable and stylish.

    For teenagers, the above-mentioned hairstyles remain relevant, but they also add options such as bob and pattern haircut. Bob is distinguished by long strands on the sides, a long and lush nape and bangs, which can have different lengths. Haircuts with a picture of the power is not everyone, but with a certain experience and skill you can learn the most simple options. For any of the above haircuts can be used as a machine, and scissors.

    The simplest option involves the use of a single machine, more experienced masters can use all the hairdressing equipment at home.


    Choosing a typewriter

    To cut the baby at home, you can use ordinary scissors or a clipper. The first option is appropriate if the hairstyle will be created already an adult boy, in other cases it is unsafe.Clippers can be different, and for the convenience of working with children have come up with specialized children's devices. Their difference from adult counterparts is as follows:

    • the volume of the device - the adult device makes a rather loud sound, and the children's one works much quieter, which will contribute to the comfort of the baby, not scaring him;
    • safety knives, which for children's machines are made of ceramics, which prevents the possibility of a cut of the scalp during operation;
    • maximum convenience in work - children's cars are created as simple and convenient as possible so that any family member can easily cut the child;
    • An interesting and bright design of the device will attract the attention of the boy, which will make it possible to easily interest him in the procedure of cutting.

    When planning a purchase of a car for a child, it is necessary to give preference to specialized models, since they can be used from birth and the child reaches ten years of age, which means comfort and safety will be provided, as well as the proper result of a haircut.


    To make the boy's haircut process comfortable and productive it is necessary to prepare everything necessary for the procedure.

    • It is desirable to have a chair where it is possible to adjust the height in order to conveniently cut different parts of the hair on the child’s head. If there is no such possibility, then it is worthwhile to arrange such a place for the child where it will be convenient for him, and there will also be an opportunity to get to all parts of the head in order to cut them.
    • The cape is used to protect the baby’s clothes, hands and feet from the hair that will be cut. If you do not use it, then the small short hairs will bother the child for a long time, stuck in clothes. These capes can be purchased at the store, made from scrap materials or simply replaced with plastic wrap.
    • Comb with thick teeth to grab the hair well and comb it for a quality haircut.
    • Scissors if the cutting process requires them. If possible, you should buy special scissors for cutting hair, which have sharper blades and provide a faster process of cutting hair and high-quality results. Included you can buy thinning scissors that are needed for certain hairstyles. If you can not buy it all, you should find the best and sharpest home scissors and cut them.
    • Spray bottle in which water is collected to moisturize the hair. This procedure allows you to more accurately determine the length of the hairline, align it and cut it smoothly.
    • Machine for the procedure of cutting. For children it is better to pick up a specialized children's machine with nozzles.

    Important! The process of preparing for the child's haircut includes not only the selection of the necessary equipment, you also need to prepare the baby himself for this procedure so that everything goes quickly and well.

    How to cut?

    For a child, hair trimming can be a real challenge, especially if it is done for the first time or a crumb is very small. To minimize stress, it is worth preparing the child in advance, talk to him, talk about the process, show the haircut videos and the finished result. It is very important to focus on the joys of the children after they have seen the final result, so that the baby himself becomes interested in getting a haircut. The first time it is better to cut your hair at home so that the hair of the child is touched by mom or dad. The barbershop conditions will be new to the crumbs, which can be a cause for fear. A stranger, a loud buzzing machine can cause discomfort to the boy, which he will remember for a long time and after that the procedure of home haircuts will become many times more difficult.

    If parents have experience with hair, then it will be easier for them to cope with the process of creating a new hairstyle for the baby. For beginners, it is important to know certain nuances, and most importantly - to follow the technique and monitor the reaction of the child. The scheme of the boy's haircut will not differ much, depending on the model of hair.

    But ignorance of some features can significantly affect the final result.

    To trim the child yourself correctly, you need to step by step follow all instructions.

    We begin work from the head, for which the nozzle with the maximum length is selected. For a start, it will be enough to walk the machine only once to remove the main body of unwanted hair. The process of cutting should be done quite slowly, keep the machine at an average pace, so that she has time to cut all the hairs qualitatively. This process will allow the child to relax and not be afraid to cut his hair.

    Cut the hair to the bottom up, rising from the bottom to the top. The first step is cut off the central part of the head, and then its side parts. When the length of the hair on the back of the head becomes the same, you can move to other parts of the head.

    The next area to work will be the side of the head, where special attention should be paid to the temporal area and the removal of hair near the ears, because there is a high risk of injuring the skin of the child. In this case, it is even more important to work slowly and carefully.

    As soon as the main part of the work is done, you need to remove the nozzle from the typewriter and walk along the edge of the hairstyle to align it by making an edging. This procedure is suitable for quiet babies who can withstand the whole haircut procedure without any problems.

    If the hairstyle suggests a long bang or the child himself wanted to leave her so, then the length is adjusted with scissors. At the same time speaking to the child all the actions and warning him not to twitch or move, because there is a high risk of injury to the face and eye area.

    Make a neat hair baby at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand the essence of the procedure and do everything carefully. The technique of the work allows for a short time to free your head from excess hair and give your baby a neat and tidy appearance. Children's hairstyle is a test for an inexperienced master, because, apart from the need for a certain experience with hair, you need to cope with a little restless person who can hardly sit quietly for a long time. Simple hairstyles will require only the presence of the machine and the skills of the parent, and to create something more beautiful, it will take time.

    Fashionable hairstyle contains a lot more components, for which both experience and a more mature child are needed, who themselves will want to get a cool hairstyle and will sit quietly for this as long as necessary. In the case of the first haircut or the desire to immobilize the child, you only need to put his favorite cartoon or program, all his attention will be concentrated there.

    If a boy is frightened of objects that he sees in the hands of an adult, it is necessary to acquaint him with them, tell him what and why you need and show that the haircut is not painful and not scary, then the procedure will be easier for both the child and an adult.

    With one nozzle

    For a simpler haircut, you can use a machine with a single nozzle. The procedure will be as follows:

    Hair over the occipital region is raised - the maximum length of the nozzle is set on the typewriter, and one pass is enough;

    When holding the device on the head, it is important to press it tightly, but not to press it with great diligence, otherwise it will cause serious discomfort for the baby; no need to tilt the machine at any angle, it should be kept exactly.

    Mowing the side of the head on each side.

    The final will be a passage through the top and alignment of the hair all over the head.

    If the child allows, it is better to go through the hair again, setting the minimum length of the nozzle to remove possible irregularities, adding a neat hairstyle.

    With the help of a single nozzle, you can quickly cut off excess hair, saving the child from it, if they began to create discomfort. This option is especially convenient for the smallest, unable to withstand long procedures. If the baby is very afraid of cars, you can try to use scissors, which are cut quietly, but less safe, so it is important to instruct the child how to behave and what to do in no case.

    With two

    For older children, you can come up with more interesting hairstyles, which will require a few nozzles. One of the most simple but remaining in fashion is a “cap” for which you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

    1. to cut all the hair on the head, moving from the back of the head through the side of the head to the top of the head, while using the nozzle with the longest length;
    2. further, a shorter head is used, with which hair is cut off at the back of the head, from the neck to the middle of the head;
    3. so that the difference between long and shorter hair could not be clearly seen, it should be further worked out with a machine, having previously raised the transition line with a comb; only the back part or the elongated top and the cut sides and the back of the head can be shorter.

      Haircut with the help of two nozzles is more complicated, but having a certain experience, you can also easily cope with it, delighting the child with stylish hairstyles. Using the machine for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with how short each hair is cut, in order to combine them correctly. Using tips that are too similar in length to the cut will not give the desired effect. Using scissors and a machine together is the most appropriate option, but it requires a fairly good technique of owning this equipment. Gradually, you can add scissors to the machine haircut, teaching the child to them and gradually improving their mastery of them.

      It is possible and necessary to cut your child at home, as it is convenient, inexpensive and allows you to create an image of a boy at any age, and this is the dream of every loving mother.

      A few tips from professionals will allow the boy to cut the hair with a quality machine.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


