Haircuts for boys

Haircuts for teenage boys: types and rules of choice

Haircuts for teenage boys: types and rules of choice

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  1. Requirements
  2. Modern hairstyles
  3. Custom solutions
  4. Cool options with style
  5. Selection features

Above the new hairstyle, women of the fair sex think much more often, but in recent decades it has become increasingly common to look after themselves, regardless of gender. As you know, people are met by clothes, and after all, hairstyle is an integral part of the image. When you are also a teenager, and therefore you cannot yet boast of any special life achievements, it is often the hairstyle that is the most effective method of self-expression.


As mentioned above, the choice of hairstyles is gradually becoming more and more important for men, but at no other age does it play such a fundamental role as in adolescence. The fact is that at this stage of the life path a person is most susceptible to any surrounding circumstances, moreover, he gradually gets out of the protection of parents and is only learning to be independent. Communicating with peers, teens usually still remain in the children's circle, and children, as you know, are cruel, therefore you should not give them an extra reason for ridicule.

Properly chosen haircuts for adolescent boys, paradoxically, can solve many problems to which they seem to have no direct relationship. For example, if you know exactly what you look good, and everyone likes your hair around you, you automatically become more confident in yourself, and it’s much harder to laugh with such a person. Interesting hair styling can also attract the attention of others, but, unlike many other reasons, it becomes a topic for discussion in a positive way, and when you are praised, it is always nice.

If the hairstyle is also correctly chosen for the type of person, then adolescents, which are characterized by a sharp rejection of themselves and confidence in their own inferiority, are ready to accept themselves with much less resistance, even if some accusations are true. Finally, the hairstyle should be simply maintained in its original form, otherwise it already brings up a certain responsibility and makes you feel like an adult.

Naturally, the wrong shape of the hairstyle will give a completely opposite effect. Even if the young man as a whole has a rather pleasant appearance, this does not mean that his image cannot be spoiled by a stupid hairdo - moreover, this is done in one awkward movement. Now, instead of universal recognition and self-confidence, the teenager will constantly hear ridicule and humiliation in his address, and he will either have to endure until his hair grows, or he will be forced to cut his hair very shortly, which may also be inappropriate.

A man, of course, must be able to go through stressful situations without any special losses, but this does not mean that he needs to create them artificially - then you shouldn’t be surprised if he hates you.

If we formulate the basic requirements for a young hairstyle for a teenager, then the main principles can be summarized in four points, the observance of which is strictly mandatory:

  • It is highly desirable to comply with the current fashion, because even if you look pretty good, but somehow old-fashioned, it can cause ridicule from others, it hurts the pride;
  • taking care of the beauty of the hairstyle, you need to remember that it should remain easy to care for and not interfere with daily activities, because regular hours of sitting in front of the mirror can cause friends to associate with women and simply interfere with keeping up with the daily schedule;
  • if someone has this or that hairstyle, this does not mean that it necessarily fits any person - you should pay attention to the elementary compatibility of the hair shape with their type, face shape and other appearance characteristics, otherwise it will only get worse;
  • hair should harmoniously fit into the image, if possible - to reveal the nature of its owner, as well as meet some requirements of the society in which the person lives, and institutions that he attends, for example, schools.

Accordingly, if a son wants to experiment with his image, he doesn’t need to interfere with it - one can only advise the most fashionable options, and by looking from the side, assess which of them could suit him. If you yourself do not focus on the topic, it remains only to study it more carefully - who knows, all of a sudden you will look at something interesting for yourself.

Modern hairstyles

The profession of a hairdresser has existed for a long time, but the invention of hairstyles was primarily done mainly for women - men cut their hair either just briefly so that the hair would not interfere in everyday affairs, or simply overgrown to the shoulders, for a long time not being able to cut it. Today, knightly times with their uncomfortable armor are long gone, from morning to night to work on the field, too, there is no need, which means there is time and opportunity to engage in their own appearance. And although the guy does not usually have as much hair on his head as a girl has, he still has many stylish haircuts created for him.

It should be understood that adolescence is a special time, and any male haircuts are not suitable for her, as well as fashionable youth options for young men are not always appropriate in any other age category. We consider only the most popular trends that are popular among young people.


Under this concept lies a very common male (and sometimes female) hairstyle, which exists in a huge abundance of options. It can be made in any workshop, however, to create such an image, hair of a certain length is necessary - not necessarily very long, but having at least several centimeters in length. The insane popularity of this styling method, which became model after this, was brought in by American films of the end of the last century, in which children and teenagers massively wear just such a hairstyle.

Its meaning is that the hair at the top of the head is left much longer than above the ears, while the back of the head can be cropped rather short or untouched. The length ensures a smooth transition from the very hairy upper part to the ears, which can be completely open or partially closed, but they can be seen from under the hairstyle. Bangs in this hairstyle is always there, but it can be framed completely differently - children are more likely to leave it falling on their foreheads, but adolescents often experiment by combing it back or locking it in a raised position using gels and varnishes.

Thanks to all the above described hairstyle, it got its name - it seemed to cover the upper part of the head evenly, really protecting it from the cold, but at the same time leaving the lower part open. The degree of "tension" of such a "cap" on the head is already determined by the master together with the client.

"Hedgehog" of different lengths

This hairstyle is another popular youth version, which is beaten in our country, for example, by Timur Batrutdinov.At its core, the "hedgehog" somewhat resembles the above-described "cap", since the length of hair in the upper part of the head in both cases is much longer than on the sides, but the "hedgehog" is a somewhat more daring and snooty haircut as opposed to the sweetish "cap."

As the name implies, “hedgehog” assumes the upper part of the hair is constantly in a somewhat elevated condition, therefore it cannot be said that this is the easiest hairstyle for every day - at least without fixing means is not enough. Considering such difficulties, many stylists suggest not to lift the hair vertically, but simply to induce some artistic mess on the head, not allowing the hairstyle to look like a smooth whole. It should be understood that This haircut is not for everyone - it opens the sides of the head, because it can spoil the proportions of the face.

The advantage of "hedgehog", as well as "caps", is that This hairstyle does not limit the potential owner to a certain length of hair. Again, this haircut can not be attributed to the shortest, but at the same time it can be completely different lengths - up to a slight resemblance of the famous "Iroquois". Similarly, the situation is with the hair on the sides - you can shave them almost to zero, but it is not forbidden and even leave a few centimeters. All this allows a person to experiment with any type of appearance, which makes the "hedgehog" so popular.


The two hairstyles described above allow for numerous interpretations, therefore, in many respects, they are not even separate haircuts, but rather entire directions on how a teenager can have a haircut. At the same time, in the circle of professional stylists, each type of these hairstyles has its own name, thanks to which the masters, unlike ordinary inhabitants like us and you, are never confused in terms.

These include the so-called bob - hairstyle, a couple of decades ago, the former is equally popular among both boys and girls - at least in Hollywood cinema. It, perhaps, can be called one of the varieties of the already considered “cap”, only in this case the characteristics will already be more accurate and do not imply such global discrepancies. A bob is a “cap” in which the principal role is played by bangs, necessarily long and almost always smoothly combed forward. However, it does not necessarily close the forehead - sometimes it is even divided in half and allowed around it, but its presence is always obvious.

The variability of this hairstyle is in the length and shape of the bangs, as well as the way it is styled, while care for such a haircut is needed daily, otherwise it will quickly lose its original appearance. Supporters of the bean believe that it leaves the image of a certain amount of masculinity, while bringing a certain touch of romance, although at the very least there are excesses in excessive sweetness, and in complete tastelessness.


The name of this hairstyle inherits the name of one of the directions of rock, which became popular thanks to the work of Kurt Cobain and his famous band Nirvana. By sounding, such music conveyed not only a protest against generally accepted principles, generally typical for rock of any direction, but also gave a certain aggression, a well-marked drive with some disregard for the sound. Although today the grunge hairstyle is called not exactly what Kurt Cobain himself wore, the same characteristics are characteristic of such a haircut - she is both a protest and a slight disregard for herself and others, and even aggression.

From the side, especially the people of the old school, this hairstyle may seem like a banal mess on the head, but in fact, of course, the stylists have to make great fun of it.The average hair length for such a haircut is considered optimal within 5-10 cm, while all the strands, wherever they grow, are about the same length and oriented in the direction of the face. Imitation of confusion does not imply something like a parting, but the master should try to make it look picturesque.

Grunge is done solely on straight hair, but even there this “mess” has to be laid daily to keep it stylish. To increase the stylistic effect and banal convenience, such elements as ragged bangs or shaved temples can be made.

It should be noted that in many schools the administration will not be happy with this kind of student image, but in certain youth circles this is exactly what is described by the word “cool”. An additional advantage of such a haircut is that it allows you to hide some of the flaws of the exterior, such as a rash, and therefore is even more appreciated by teenagers.

Shortened car

Kare is a haircut that does not need special representations, but it is strongly associated with women in its classic performance. In this case, the guys, in fact, also wear it, it just looks a little different, and therefore is not perceived as such.

In fact, there are several options for men, only in many cases they do not have such a clearly defined contour as women do. The difference lies in the fact that men's haircut often ends above the bottom level of hair, because the contour does not seem so obvious. In addition, the concept of a square in the male version is somewhat more stretched - it can be either a classic “hat”, strictly smoothed and even, or more free.

Naturally, the square, even if it is shortened, suggests a rather significant length of hair. Almost always, it requires daily styling - even the shortest options have a long bang, and that means combing it at a certain angle and fixing it in that position. As a rule, a caret involves a light touch of romance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Too often this hairstyle is associated with ladies.

Custom solutions

One of the main tasks of a teenager when choosing a hairstyle is self-expression - a young man not only wants to look beautiful, but, if possible, to be unique, at least within his circle of friends. It means that the coolest and coolest youthful haircuts are not those that are in great demand, but creative solutions collected literally on the go.

Virtually every modern teenager is a creative person, and the sphere of his creative work primarily concerns his hairstyle. A few decades ago, all ordinary people had no more than 3-5 options for haircuts to choose from, and only rock musicians were different in their original originality, but today every fourth teenager wants to be one - at least in terms of style. Today, no one is particularly surprised by the color dyeing of hair in acid tones, Mohawk, or even a shaved head pattern.

Some parents, not to mention school principals, could grab the heart with one type of such freethinking, but for a young person such solutions are often the best.

Even if you yourself are not too supporter of bright experiments with your own appearance, try to find some compromise, giving the teenager the opportunity to choose those hairstyles that are cool in his opinion. Perhaps, they are not so beautiful, but, standing in a pose, you will only set the young man against himself.

If you understand that the plans of a young man will not meet wide approval in society or the same school, tell him directly about this, and try to suggest an alternative that would not only move in the direction of a certain “norm”, but also give some indulgence to the young rebel. You will see that the progressiveness of your views over time will surely be appreciated, and if the haircut is completely unsuccessful and the young man did not want to listen to you, it is better to let the society itself limit it, but not you personally.

Cool options with style

Once upon a time the uniformity of hairstyles was caused not so much by the lack of fantasy of hairdressers as by the inability to appreciate the traditions of peoples and cultures from distant regions of our planet. Today, television and the Internet make it possible to see how people in different countries consider it necessary to look, and the total available choice now reaches dozens of hairstyles even for young men with relatively short hair. Moreover, now a long time ago the obligatory condition that a man's haircut should not be longer than a few centimeters is not perceived long ago.

Today, young men tend not just to choose a specific hairstyle - they are looking for their own style as a whole, selecting it with a focus on certain examples. Such examples are celebrities from various fields who are distinguished not only by success in their main activities, but also by a non-trivial appearance. Football stars and basketball players, rockers and rappers - all these bright personalities define the appearance of modern youth.

Until now, dreadlocks that are not perceived by many are gradually becoming more common, and it cannot be said that they do not look attractive. Initially, they appeared as a very tangled curly hair of the black race, but today this can be done with any hair in the nearest good barber shop. It is difficult to come up with something more youthful than this hairstyle that does not require special care, and they are suitable for any hair length.

Since the release of the movie “Taxi”, the shaving of various contours on the head with an extremely short haircut has gained insane popularity. On the one hand, now the hair will not exactly climb into the eyes, on the other - the hair does not look trite anyway and allows you to stand out from the crowd. You can portray anything - from fairly simple lines to complex patterns and even inscriptions, but to start you can get off with light contours in combination with hair of different lengths.

Some stylists in the use of shaved lines have gone even further, and now they create a kind of artificial parting, even making out a rather impressive hairstyle. As a rule, such a shaved parting does not separate the two parts of the head with long hair - rather, it separates and releases a particularly hairy part against the background of a short-haired. If the previous model was a “pattern” and was more suitable for children, then this hairstyle is already a full-fledged “architecture”, and it is most popular among young people.

Selection features

Adolescence is already that period in life when a young man prefers to show a certain autonomy, because you cannot choose a hairstyle without his direct participation - it simply will not provide all the expected benefits. Therefore, the opinion of the future owner of the hairstyle is one of the principal factors that cannot be ignored. Even if adults understand that they are still forced to control the specifics of the appearance of the young ward, you need to work on finding a compromise, but the mandative tone is now completely inappropriate.

If for some reason a teenager asks for your advice and is clearly ready to listen to him, Do not forget to focus on his age, because some haircuts look great in some years and completely out of place in others. To take the same "mohawk" - in deep childhood and at a low height, he seems to be admissible, but it seems somewhat strange, in the upper grades it seems most appropriate, but not welcomed by the school administration; .All these parameters should be considered.

In the end, the hairstyle should be just comfortable and practical. If a young man goes in for sports intensively, and the styling he likes is not going to do anything and doesn’t look disheveled, it will probably have to be abandoned. The same applies to cases where a teenager wants a haircut that requires daily styling, but does not have the time for it or simply does not want to do it.

Given the type of hair

When choosing a haircut or hairstyle, it is impossible not to take into account the specifics of the hair, because they are the main "building material". Figuratively speaking, if you want a perfectly smooth “cap”, and the hair at the same time is prone to curling into small curls, you will have to either completely abandon the idea or prepare for everyday hair straightening, which is not always convenient. Most popular hairstyles from several centimeters in length, by the way, are designed specifically for straight or slightly wavy hair, because they are obedient, but the owners of natural curls often have either to cut their hair short or leave their hair alone.

Length, of course, affects the choice of hairstyle is not less, but at least it tends to change with time. As a rule, long hair does not limit the client with anything - if their length seems excessive for the chosen hairstyle, they can be cut in the right places to the required length. Worse, if to create a style requires a large amount of hair, but it simply does not exist - then the guy can only wait until they grow back. At the same time, most of the popular hairstyles for young men are designed for an average hair length within 5-10 cm.

As for the hair color, today it is not so important today - now you will not be surprised by the fact that men of any age can make highlights or completely dye their hair. Some hairstyles may look better with a certain hair color, but if necessary, the discrepancy can be corrected by the efforts of the master. At the same time, it is easier for dark hair owners to “darken” than brunettes - to lighten up, since lightening is usually done with the help of caustic chemistry and is not too good for hair health.

Consider the shape of the face

There are some external data that cannot be changed - all that remains is to come to terms with them and “dance” from them when choosing a hairstyle. It is about facial features - first of all, its shape. If women can still make certain visual adjustments with the help of cosmetics, then the teenager usually has to simply limit the potential choices to those haircuts that are appropriate for his face shape.

The oval is considered the most "correct" face shape, and those lucky with it can experiment more than any other people. True, it is usually not advisable to lengthen an already stretched oval, because relatively short decisions are usually chosen. With a round face, the situation is somewhat more complicated - here you need to lift your hair up, trying to minimize the amount of hair on the sides, but from model options, you usually choose asymmetry with a clearly visible bang. Holders of a square face more than any other hairstyles, characterized by a noticeable volume, and bangs will also be very useful, although you can do some classic option. Finally, the triangular shape of the face requires “alignment” to the oval, because the volume at the crown and its absence at the temples are important there.

Master class on a stylish haircut for a teenager, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


