
Curls on the square

Curls on the square

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  1. Features
  2. Hairstyles
  3. Unusual styling
  4. Tips
  5. Beautiful examples

Haircut car looks great with styling on straight strands. If you want to change something, you can make curls on such hair, and there are a lot of curling options. Simple manipulations with the head of hair allow you to create unique images.


Kare - haircut with a long history. She was known in ancient Egypt. It is interesting because it is easy to use, convenient for everyday wear and allows you to create interesting holiday styling options.

Today there are a large number of modified haircuts based on the square. These are bob-car, and graduated, and double, and asymmetric, carcass on the leg, and so on. Any of these options allows you to create a curly square with varying degrees of curliness. It can be simply wavy, from large curls or carelessly designed curls.


Peculiarities of hairstyles with curls depend on the type of car: it is short or long, with bangs or without. Also important is the structure of the hair, facial features and the appointment of the hairstyle itself.

For example, a square with lengthening is best suited for chubby girls, visually pulling a face. Curly square will look at such data is very romantic.

The desired result can be achieved and curling, and curlers, creating a hairstyle for a typical day or a holiday. Any other modification of the haircut also allows you to easily make a beautiful styling at home.

Elastic curls

Curls give the face of youth and freshness. Especially well they look when highlighting. It is convenient to perform such laying with a curling iron. It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. pre-hair need to wash, process foam, and then curl;
  2. comb curls do not need; instead, you should carefully complete the styling, disassembling the curls with your fingers.

Beach Curl

Beach styling is popular today, when the curls have no clear outlines and look slightly battered, as if they were under the influence of a salty sea wind. For such styling with the effect of a light wave, you can use the iron. This device is used not only to straighten curly hair, but also for curling. To create a beach curl, follow these steps:

  1. when washing, you need to treat the hair with conditioner, and then make a mask with a moisturizing effect, lasting about 60 minutes;
  2. after that, it is necessary to apply a thermal protective composition to the hair; this is very important, as the hair will experience the effects of high temperature;
  3. before laying on the hair, apply the foam;
  4. then it is necessary to divide the mane into several sectors and stab it, leaving only a part free in the lower occipital zone;
  5. iron a small strand close to the root, turn the appliance almost 360 degrees and stretch the hair to the end; no need to clamp the ironing plates, which will allow them to slide along the curl;
  6. this way you need to curl all the curls and strengthen hair with lacquer.

Perm Effect

It is easy to make the hair look as if they were subjected to chemical perm. To create the desired effect will require the following elements:

  • studs;
  • foam and hairspray;
  • gum.

It is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. hair must be combed and divided into thin strands;
  2. consistently processing with foam, twist the strands onto hairpins with a figure eight and secure with rubber bands;
  3. after completing the process, sprinkle with varnish and wait a few hours;
  4. when the hair is freed from the hairpins, it is necessary to walk on it with wax and with your hands to give styling completeness.

Large curls

For an hour you can make a haircut with large curls and for everyday wear, and for an evening out. In this case, it is convenient to use heated hair rollers. In addition to them, you need to take the following tools and tools:

  • styling mousse;
  • hairbrush;
  • hair dryer;
  • varnish

The process of creating large curls is as follows:

  1. the curlers boil so that they heat up;
  2. apply mousse and comb hair to wet hair;
  3. horizontally divided the mane into three parts; free to leave the lower occipital part, fix the other two so that they do not interfere;
  4. allocate for curling a small strand; set the tip in the middle of the curlers and screw, leaving 1 centimeter to the root, fix;
  5. also do with the rest of the hair, moving from the neck up and forward to the forehead;
  6. the curlers should remain on the hair until they dry out; to speed up the process, you can blow a blow on your head;
  7. when the curlers are removed, the curls are left to give a beautiful shape with your fingers and spray varnish on your hair.

It should be borne in mind that such styling can not be done daily. Heated hair rollers with frequent use can damage hair. Instead, you can use foam rollers. But it is better to wind them up all night so that the curls could get the necessary shape and save it enough time.

Wet hair effect

Hairstyle with the effect of wet hair is very light in execution. To create this type of installation, you need to take tools and tools such as:

  • comb with frequent teeth;
  • brush;
  • mousse for fixing strands.

It is necessary to adhere to such actions as:

  1. hair should be combed and then gently washed to prevent strands from tangling;
  2. blotting up the hair with a towel;
  3. squeeze the mousse on the palm;
  4. bend down so that the mane hangs down, and with a squeezing movement of the palms, crush all the hair, moving from site to site;
  5. parting and brushing on the head to give the final look to the hairstyle;
  6. blow dry.

Careless curls

Curls, having a casual look, can be done on a car in a manner similar to the previous one. The following tools are required:

  • comb (round);
  • styling foam;
  • varnish;
  • hair dryer;
  • gel fixer.

The process of creating careless curls is as follows:

  1. washed wet hair with a towel wrap so that it absorbs excess moisture;
  2. lifting the hair at the roots with a round comb, slightly dry them with a hairdryer;
  3. over the entire length distribute the foam and dry the hair, slightly squeezing his hand;
  4. at the top of the hair a little comb, so they look lush;
  5. fix the result with varnish.

In the style of Marilyn Monroe

For the embodiment of the image of Marilyn Monroe, and quite a short square, and medium length. To achieve the desired, you need to take tools and tools such as:

  • large diameter curlers;
  • hair dryer;
  • foam;
  • hairbrush.

The following steps should be followed:

  1. foam the wet wet strands, comb;
  2. dry a little hair dryer, and then screw on curlers;
  3. dry completely with a hair dryer;
  4. after the hair is dry, lay according to the sample;
  5. sprinkle varnish.


Kars allows you to make a semi-antique hairstyle, beautifully setting the waves around the face. For styling you need to use the following tools and tools:

  • comb with rare teeth;
  • comb-tail;
  • hair gel;
  • clamps;
  • hair net;
  • hair dryer

It is necessary to perform such steps as:

  1. wash your head, remove excess moisture from the hair with a towel;
  2. grease locks with gel and comb your hair with rare teeth;
  3. comb-tail separate strands from the face, parting;
  4. to form waves on the face, pressing the handle of the comb perpendicular to the direction of the hair;
  5. fix the resulting wave clip, leaving no marks on the hair;
  6. in the same way to form the remaining waves;
  7. put the mesh on the head and blow-dry the hair with cold air;
  8. when they are completely dry, remove the mesh and clips, fix the hair with lacquer.

Unusual styling

Among the styling on the square with curls are exotic or just unusual, giving the hair a special volume.


You can create a corrugation effect with the help of a corrugation ironing.

Clean hair is treated with a heat spray. Then using the device create a styling. You can make all the curls corrugated, but only a part of them. It all depends on what result you want to get. Such laying without lacquer fixation will continue for several days.


It is possible to put the hair trimmed under the square on the African way as well as to create the effect of a chemical perm. In this case, you can take even thinner strands and twist them onto a larger number of pins. In two hours, small-curls will provide the look of a typical hairstyle of Negro hair.

Such styling is beneficial for owners of thin strands, which will be able to achieve the necessary fluffiness of the mane.


To create such a styling using curlers, which are placed on the head in a circle in the appropriate order. The twisting of the adjacent strands occurs in opposite directions. If one spins down, then standing next - up. In this way a noticeable amount of piling is created.


Being engaged in the creation of curls on the car, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • thick, smooth hair does not hold curls as well as light and porous; for the result to be good, you have to use the “maximum power” clips;
  • if the caret implies bangs, it can be curled or left as is; the appearance of the hairstyle changes noticeably;
  • if you are laying on the African way, it is better to leave the bang straight, and with a light curl - slightly twist;
  • some styling require bangs; it will have to stab;
  • in some cases, the lacquer is applied abundantly, but still need to observe the measure so that the hair does not cease to look natural;
  • After creating the styling, do not wear a hat, it is better to use a hood or a scarf;
  • in a purse, it is advisable to wear a small bottle of varnish; it is especially useful for maintaining stacking in rainy weather, when curls tend to break up;
  • giving the hair with curls final appearance, you should not touch the hair with his hands;
  • Kinky square can be transformed on the go, making a bunch, secured with an elastic for the hair; carelessly gathered strands look no less attractive than stacking from flowing curls;
  • large curls suggest the use of accessories of a very small size, for example, hairpins with small flowers, and small ones - on the contrary;
  • Curls can be curled not only with special devices, but also simply with your hands - sprinkling a strand with varnish, you need to wind it on your finger, holding it for about 3 minutes, and then carefully disentangling your hair;
  • curls on the square is convenient to form from the harnesses; strands of desired thickness stand out, curl around themselves and curl up into a bundle, after which tight tufts are formed from them, and after a while a wonderful curl is obtained.

Beautiful examples

Soft waves on the head of hair can transform a square and emphasize the dignity of appearance. The side parting and hair, combed from the face, make the hair more magnificent.

Beach curl-based curls look very elegant and easy. Careless styling emphasizes the dignity of a haircut.

It is not necessary to do real “chemistry” in order to achieve the formation of curls that are created with its help. The image changes easily, and no damage is done to this hair.

Marilyn Monroe style will never go out of style.The owner of the car with blond hair will easily create the appropriate hairstyle, bringing grace, tenderness and light coquetry into her appearance.

The effect of the corrugation can drastically change the look of the square. Shag gets special volume and shape. Even girls with thin hair get the opportunity to enjoy the lush hair and attract everyone's attention.

      Heater hair rollers of a diameter help to create curls of different sizes. Taking into account the characteristics of the hairs themselves and the way they are combed, one or another effect is achieved in the styling.

      A quick way to bulk styling with curls is presented in the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


