
Traditions and customs of the Azerbaijani wedding

Traditions and customs of the Azerbaijani wedding

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  1. Features of the choice of the bride
  2. How is matchmaking?
  3. Wedding ceremony traditions
  4. Outfits
  5. What is served on the festive table?
  6. What give a celebration?

All countries faithfully honor the traditions and customs of their ancestors in many areas of life. Of particular interest in this regard is the wedding ceremony, which in each country has its own characteristics. Azerbaijan, where the approach to the creation of a family is extremely responsible, is no exception. The Azerbaijan wedding is preceded by a big preparation, including many ceremonial actions.

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Features of the choice of the bride

The wedding ceremony in Azerbaijan consists of many solemn rituals, ancient rituals that are held before and after the wedding. On the scale of the wedding in this country is characterized by breadth and pomp. As elsewhere, modernity in Azerbaijan imposes features on the mores that have become more free.

But traditions require that a young Azerbaijani woman be distinguished by her modesty behavior. Girls often communicate only with friends, avoiding the company of young people.

The priority in the choice of the future bride belongs to the man. But the parents' opinion is strictly taken into account, the future groom should get their consent to the union with the girl he chose. Young people follow the opinions of their parents and never mind them. Disapproval from parents often changes the plans of the guy.

Appearance and attractiveness of the girl always plays a big role. The young man shows the girl to his parents, after which his family asks about the girl and her family. If the boy's parents find something that does not suit them, they immediately declare it to him. If the girl is happy with her parents, then one of the relatives is asked to collect already more detailed information. The elder sister of the groom, his aunt, grandmother can act as a matchmaker.

Collecting information, the matchmaker pays great attention to the material condition of the girl’s family., finding out whether the future husband will be able to provide his wife with the appropriate conditions of family life. Also important is the social position in the society of her family, whether she enjoys respect and authority. Account and personal qualities of the bride. The traditional Azerbaijani upbringing requires the girl to respect the parents and all relatives, caring attitude towards the younger members of the family.

The following qualities of the future bride become clear:

  • modesty and behavior in society;
  • economic abilities;
  • culinary skills;
  • her state of health;
  • educational level.

The age of the girl does not represent special importance. Traditions in Azerbaijan allow a girl to marry after reaching the age of 14 years.

There are some limiting points:

  • a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Christian, while a Muslim man can marry both a Christian and a Jew;
  • Marriages with blood in a straight line relatives are categorically unacceptable.

After observing all the moments and the parents approving the family, the girls send one relative to find out the opinion of her parents. It is her father who must approve this union. After receiving approval from the father proceed to the matchmaking ceremony.

How is matchmaking?

In Azerbaijan, matchmaking also has its own specifics: it consists of two stages - matchmaking is small and large. A small matchmaking begins with the conversation of the young man’s father with his entire family. Everyone expresses his opinion, to which they listen. And only after that matchmakers are sent to the family of the bride.

As a rule, a mother and three relatives of the groom (adult sisters, aunts, grandmother) participate in a small matchmaking. After the adoption of a joint decision by the women of both families, fathers of families meet to continue the matchmaking. Three men should accompany the young man's father: either relatives or people respected by all. The father expresses the father of a young girl the desire of his son to marry her.

Following the tradition, the bride's father refuses at first, citing the fact that it is important to know the opinion of the daughter herself. In agreement, the girl is silent. At this small matchmaking ends, and matchmakers say goodbye.

The second step - a great matchmaking - begins with a discussion of the Azerbaijani wedding by the groom's family. Women from the family of the bridegroom visit a girl to find out her wishes regarding the future wedding. After that, the date of visiting the matchmakers is appointed.

Repeated matchmaking is solemn and festive in the presence of guests. Matchmakers are put on the most honorable place and generously treated to various dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.

It is impossible for a bride to be present at a big matchmaking, she is at this time with her mother, who takes her to her friends. The returning mother of the girl during matchmaking remains silent, thus expressing her concern for the future of her daughter.

Relatives of the girl conduct unhurried conversations with matchmakers. The ceremony takes place in a warm atmosphere and first discusses extraneous topics: urban or rural events, news, weather. And only after that the main question is asked about the consent to the wedding. The Azerbaijani father blesses the young, and one of the sisters is in a hurry to tell the good news to the bride, who can return home only after the departure of the matchmakers.

Parents congratulate the daughter, who according to the custom should cry, it foreshadows a happy family life.

Then conduct the rite of betrothal, and also twice. A small betrothal is carried out in the house of the bride. A trusted fiancé puts a ring on the bride's finger and a scarf on her head. After he eats half of the sweet treats offered to him, the rest belongs to the groom.

After the departure of the messengers of the bride, the bride is given a bachelorette party: they set the table with all sorts of sweet dishes that symbolize a happy life and wealth in the family.

After some time, passes the second betrothal. It is celebrated widely with the invitation of not only relatives, but also friends, neighbors. Relatives of the groom presents gifts to the bride. Then both families discuss the amount of the ransom and the terms of the contract, which stipulates the amount of monetary compensation for a possible divorce.

Modern life has somewhat changed the requirements for the rules of creating a family. In Russia, at present, international marriage unions, including Azerbaijani and Russian, have become a common reality. Such a marriage is possible if the relatives of the groom do not object to the Russian-Azerbaijani wedding.

If, after the wedding, such a family moves home to her husband, the Russian wife will have to get used to and accept all the traditions of Azerbaijan.

Wedding ceremony traditions

From the betrothal to the wedding, it usually takes several months to prepare for it. There are customs to conduct at this time and other equally interesting ceremonies. Long before the wedding, the men of two families set the date for the wedding celebration and determine such important moments as the menu, music, and the number of guests.

In preparation for the wedding, the groom's family gives the bride various gifts: beautiful fabric, decoratively decorated dresses, scarves of various colors, decorations.

On the eve of the celebration, a dowry is being transported to the groom's house. This is done by a relative of the men (brother, uncle), whom the mother of the groom necessarily presents as a gift.

The beginning of the Azerbaijani wedding takes place in the bride’s house. Loud music announces the beginning of the holiday.Gradually, the house is filled with guests who give gifts, and before you sit down at the table to help themselves, each of the guests must pay, dropping money into the cauldron.

National wedding songs and music are played throughout the day. Only relatives of the groom dance with the bride. The holiday lasts a long time, and in the evening the groom's family goes home to prepare for the celebration in his house.

The groom goes for the bride. Upon the arrival of the groom is held the ceremony of the bride. Parents, in exchange for a gift, present the key to the room where the bride is staying. After blessing her daughter, her parents cover her head with a veil, they tie a red ribbon around her waist and take her out of the house.

A bonfire has already been set up near the house, around which the bride is circled 3 times so that light and heat will always accompany her husband in the house. Other ritual acts are also performed:

  • so that her house has reliable walls, stones are thrown after her;
  • so that the young will not be overcome by sadness and longing, they pour water under her feet;
  • so that the son was the firstborn in the family, the girl is given to hold the boy in her arms;
  • the blood of a slaughtered lamb is applied to the dress and smears her forehead on the bride, so that she can more easily enter a new family and establish good relations;

  • so that life would be rich, rice, sweets, small sweets are strewed on the bride's head.

After these ceremonies, the bride is led to the groom to go to his house, and the girlfriends and guests interfere, demanding ransom.

When approaching the wedding procession to the house of the groom, the bride takes off her shoe. So she warns of her arrival. On the threshold of the groom's house, she breaks the plate lying there with her foot.

The mother-in-law should stroke the daughter-in-law on the head so that they have agreement. The celebration continues with the groom in the house.


Every young couple wants to look the most beautiful on their wedding day. Therefore, they pay great attention to their outfits, which are long and carefully chosen.

The groom

In the old days, the problem of choosing what to wear for a wedding was not in front of the groom. It has always been a national wedding outfit. At present, young people choose European-style clothing - usually a three-piece suit.

The costume can be both traditionally black and light colors.

A more solemn look gives "butterfly" instead of a tie and boutonniere in his buttonhole. Sometimes the groom puts on the skullcap.


Azerbaijani brides and now can wear national bright red outfit or choose a dress of some other color. The dress should look modest, but beautiful and luxurious. It is sewn of expensive and exquisite fabrics, decorated with embroidery, lace and other decorative elements.

There are a number of features that are followed when choosing a dress:

  • it should be modestly cut, have long sleeves and a closed chest;

  • in the bridal outfit there must be something in red.

The wedding decoration of the bride is characterized by the brightness of the dress and makeup, the splendor of her hair. An obligatory element is a lace veil, often brides wear a crown, earrings, necklace, pendants as an ornament.

Currently, Azerbaijani women increasingly prefer modern white wedding dresses. It is decorated with stones, golden threads. Paying tribute to tradition, a white dress is surely girded with a red belt or ribbon.

Before the wedding, the bride's hands are decorated with intricate henna patterns.

The guests

Since there are close and distant relatives of two families at the wedding, everyone tries to look as good and as elegant as possible. Older men most often follow strict suits. Young people can afford a more democratic and free style.

Women try to dress smartly and festively, and girls prefer bright outfits. But everyone must abide by the main rule: it is impossible to exceed the bridal outfit with their attire.

What is served on the festive table?

The Azerbaijani wedding is celebrated on a grand scale, and the festive tables are full of treats that are not only tasty, but also aesthetically decorated.

The menu is distinguished by a variety of meat dishes made from beef, various poultry, but preference is given to lamb: kufta-bozbash, dolma, lula-kebab, shawarma and, of course, kebabs.

Mandatory traditional dish is plov, cooking methods which exist very much.

An integral element of each dish is juicy and fragrant greens in large quantities.

Cutting a variety of vegetables and pickles not only cause appetite, but also represent a kind of table decoration.

There are a lot of fruits and national sweet dishes on the tables: baklava, kurabie, sheker-borax.

A lot of soft drinks - sherbet, doshab, alcohol preference is given to Caucasian wines, brandy and the national drink - mulberry brandy.

What give a celebration?

It is customary to give gifts to the bride in Azerbaijan since the matchmaking.

This is most often clothing, jewelry, fabrics, items for home improvement.

At the wedding celebration young decided to give money. Before entering the house or the room where the wedding takes place, a specially decorated box or box is placed where guests drop some amount of money. It may be different, but it is not accepted to give less than 50 manat. In addition to money, the groom's family gives a young set of jewelry.

In addition, they can donate household items for home improvement and decoration.

Large gifts are put in chests, which are tied up with red ribbons, and small ones are put on decorative trays.

You will learn more about the traditions and customs of the Azerbaijani wedding by watching the following video.

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