20 years of marriage: what is the wedding and how to celebrate the anniversary?

A number of significant events take place in the life of each person, among which the wedding and its anniversaries have the main place. Along with small dates from the date of marriage, jubilee ones are celebrated, such as twenty years of marriage together. Such a celebration has its own name, traditions and features.
What is the name of the anniversary?
Relationships tested by time are becoming stronger and more valuable for each spouse, so the anniversary of the day of marriage is always a holiday. And the 20th anniversary of family life is a serious anniversary, which has its own symbolic name. The twentieth anniversary of the wedding is called the porcelain wedding. Such a comparison was not chosen by chance, but was based on the characteristics of this material. The essence of the analogy is that porcelain is a very expensive and valuable material, but at the same time it is quite fragile. In light of this, the relationship in the pair is considered invaluable for each spouse, but even despite such a large number of years lived together, they can break into careless fragments, like porcelain, from careless handling.
In addition, according to some experts, it is this period in marriage that is one of the turning points in which romance gave way to everyday life. To strengthen the feelings, it is worth remembering the old times, and the celebration of the anniversary will be an excellent occasion for this.
There is another version of why the twentieth anniversary is called porcelain and what it means. In this case, it is considered that all the porcelain sets donated to the wedding by the newlyweds have become unusable for 20 years, so the time has come to update the appliances and replenish the collection of family kitchen utensils.
However, whatever reason may serve the name of the twentieth anniversary, a memorable date from the date of marriage will be an excellent opportunity to gather at the same table all the dear and close people, to arrange a cheerful celebration and celebrate the anniversary, adhering to old traditions that will bring a lot of positive emotions, and if you believe signs then happiness and well-being at home.
Having decided to celebrate the anniversary, adhering to the canons and accept, it is worthwhile to figure out how to meet and spend this day according to centuries-old traditions. One of the most important signs of family life for the twentieth anniversary is the need to hold a tea ceremony using porcelain. On the table must be present various pastries, cake, pancakes and other sweets, the preparation of which is entrusted to the children of the “newlyweds”.
Expensive and beautiful dishes should be the main decoration of the eveningtherefore, some relatives or friends try to present their gift to the spouses in advance. The use of the new service on the anniversary becomes a symbol indicating a renunciation of the past in favor of a happy and wonderful future together.
In addition to tea, a festive table should contain a variety of dishes in abundance, where a special place is usually given to a hearty meat treat for invited guests. According to signs and traditions, the spouse must get game for the anniversary.
In the realities of modern life, a similar task to implement can be problematic, so the way out is that the husband simply adds to the list of his mandatory tasks the purchase of meat or poultry on the basis of the established holiday menu.
Cooking meat dishes entrusted to the hostess, who must use an old family recipe for this. Ideally, you should use the basics of oriental cuisine, since this tradition goes back to the east.
As a traditional drink, healthy non-alcoholic teas, compotes and juices should be present at the festive family table, the presence of alcohol will be minimal. The decoration of the table with a white tablecloth, which the wife was embroidering with her own hands, will be a good sign on the porcelain wedding. Such a thing, according to the signs of the celebration, will ensure that only positive energy enters the house.
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of living together in the circle of their children is considered mandatory, since it is the children who are the successors of the clan. According to signs, if a man and a woman get to know each other on the twenty-year anniversary, then they have great chances to create a strong union in the future.
Following the signs, "newlyweds" should wear dresses in bright colors for the celebration, thus indicating their bright and sincere feelings. Sometimes the spouse even puts on a wedding veil at the china wedding.
On holiday it is necessary to invite the closest relatives and friends of the family. We should not forget about the honorary witnesses who attended the marriage ceremony twenty years ago. However, the number of guests should still be made small in order to preserve the atmosphere of family comfort at a celebration. As a rule, the organization of the event and its scenario are entrusted to the children of the couple.
Those invited must also observe a certain festive dress code for the anniversary. According to the signs, guests need to appear in the most light strict dresses.
Gifts for the wedding anniversary are designed to give the spouses even more positive emotions on this important day for them. Therefore, for each guest to please the husband and wife with his gift will become an important duty. The choice of a suitable thing or object should be made based on the symbolism of the celebration - porcelain. Tea or coffee sets that are unique in their beauty can be easily purchased at any specialty store, and a spectacular gift will demonstrate the guest’s special favor with the couple. A more modest, but no less attractive and worthy gift can be a statuette of the same material or a personal set of cups for a husband and wife.
But on the porcelain anniversary is not necessarily limited only to the sets or other dishes. As a gift, a man can present an ashtray, and for a woman to choose a casket for storing jewelry. An original and fashionable subject for a family can be porcelain fondue, which will diversify the usual menu and will be relevant on the anniversary.
For a spouse who works in an office or has her own personal account in the house, you can choose an engraved office kit as a gift. On sale you can find even porcelain cufflinks that will surprise and delight your spouse.
It will be much easier for a woman to pick up a present for the anniversary, as there are a lot of various decorative porcelain elements for home decoration in abundance. A symbolic gift for a married couple should include a gift in the form of an angel figurine, which, in essence, is a woman in any family.
Among the unusual and symbolic gifts for the twenty-year anniversary, you can highlight a gift certificate for a trip to the Thai massage salon or a visit to a Chinese tea ceremony.
A must-have addition to the gift will be a bouquet for the wife. On the anniversary it would be better to opt for white flowers. Most often, a porcelain wedding is given by lilies, which, according to signs, are a symbol of loyalty. An alternative to lilies can make a bouquet of white roses, which will complement any, even the most modest gift.
The main and most important gift for the 20th anniversary is considered to be a sign of attention from the children of the couple, their presence and the respect shown to their parents will surely bring comfort and well-being to their homes. As an excellent present for children, parents can make kitchen sets and sets, bedding sets, blankets, household appliances, decor items and even a samovar.
Since children know better than anyone else what their parents dream about, for the china wedding you can make their most cherished dream or give them the opportunity to go on a romantic trip together.
Among the gifts made with their own hands, children can come up with a family wall newspaper or photo collage, which will help to remember each year spent by husband and wife next to each other. And pleasant and warm words addressed to parents will be complemented by a gift made wholeheartedly.
Invited friends can give the "newlyweds" a joint gift or choose a separate one for each. In addition to the symbolic porcelain products and objects, you can present the spouses with a large wall mirror in a porcelain frame or paired medallions. A good birthday present for the anniversary will be a beautiful birthday cake with figures or inscriptions, a set of board games, a piggy bank, etc. In some cases, a gift in monetary terms will be appropriate.
On the anniversary of the spouses also decided to exchange gifts. It can be morning coffee served in bed, or a porcelain mug with a sincere greeting inscription. For the spouse, you can opt for jewelry with porcelain elements, and, of course, a bouquet of flowers.
As a gift to each other, you can make a romantic trip to the homeland of china - to China.
How to celebrate a celebration?
It is customary to celebrate the jubilee on a large scale, therefore, in addition to family parties or dinners, quite often the celebration is held in a restaurant or outside the city. Relatives, close friends and children are usually invited.
A perfect option for a celebration will be the rental of a banquet hall, the restaurant coordinates the menu and the scenario of the event. In order to give the atmosphere a festive atmosphere, one should think over in advance and make the decoration of the room, be it a home holiday or an anniversary with a dinner in a restaurant.
Creating and sending out invitations for the anniversary is considered to be a good way; such a move will help to give a triumph of greater importance. Jubilees on this day are the main persons on the holiday, to which all attention should be riveted, as to the king and queen. Evening a tuxedo for a man and an elegant dress for a spouse will help to emphasize the status.
To organize entertainment at the evening it would be better to attract a toastmaster. Thus it is possible to significantly facilitate the process of preparing and holding the holiday. If it is decided to celebrate the anniversary at home, one of the close friends of the couple can play the role of toastmaster.
As an entertainment program to celebrate a porcelain wedding, you can use the following obligatory moments of the evening.
- Solemn greetings from children, which may include memories from past years or fascinating stories that were told and forgotten by parents. After that, you should say a toast and give a gift for the wedding day.
- You can organize a competition on the subject of writing congratulatory or comic quatrain about the "newlyweds". Guests can be divided into teams, where each side will come up with a congratulatory song that will be performed for the spouses.
- To participate in competitions, you can attract a husband and wife, suggesting them, for example, to remember how to swaddle a newborn or try to guess the thoughts of your half. And as a prize there will be a festive cake decorated with angels or swans.
Celebrating the anniversary can be transferred to fresh air if the season and weather conditions allow.A good option would be a joint trip to the country or to the country, where you can also decorate the room or an outdoor gazebo for organizing a holiday.
And any of the options for holding a festive day should be ended with a joint tea-drinking from the porcelain set with the wedding cake.
A romantic dinner alone or a journey will also be an excellent option to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the marriage.
In order to preserve the memory of this memorable event, you should invite a professional photographer who will hold a thematic photo shoot or even make a film. For a photo shoot, you can organize a separate trip to the studio or hold it at the venue of the celebration - at home, outside the city or in a restaurant.
A lot of gift ideas for your husband for a wedding anniversary, see below.