A bachelor party before the wedding: how to hold it and what to present to the groom?

On the eve of such an important event as a wedding, many guys arrange a bachelor party. The article will talk about who should organize an event and pay all expenses, as a bachelor party usually does, and what is given to the groom.
What it is?
Before the wedding, be sure to hold a bachelor party - this is the opinion of many modern guys. To hold a party in honor of the groom is a kind of tradition that has long taken root in many countries around the world. As a rule, such an event is very fun. A company of friends headed by the bridegroom is going, and everyone is celebrating the last days of his buddy's bachelor life.
Usually the bachelor party is carried out so that then the groom, and all the other friends, had something to remember. All the charm of a riotous, bachelor life young groom should feel at this party, arranged in his honor.
There is such a stereotype that a variety of alcohol must be poured into a bachelor party, crowds of dancers must be present, ready for anything, and so on. Usually this is the opinion of the bride, who always oppose such parties. But very often the bachelor parties are completely different from what girls think. The event can be interesting, fun and fully comply with the framework of decency. Consider some ideas on how to organize such a bachelor party. But more about that later.
Who organizes and pays?
According to the established tradition, the witness of the groom is taken for the organization of such an event as a bachelor party.
Usually, as a witness to the wedding, the guys invite their best and close friend or someone from close relatives. Therefore, it is the witness who must know all the tastes and preferences of the groom that will be able to organize an unforgettable party for him.
Often, the witness of the groom also takes all the financial costs. But it is quite possible to join forces with those who will be present at the party. In this case, all finances are divided equally among all participants in the bachelor party. It also happens that the groom himself is also invested in a future party. Such sensitive issues are resolved in advance, together between friends and buddies, who will definitely be present at the bachelor party.
It is worth noting that Very often, friends led by a witness secretly organize such an event for the groom and give him a grandiose surprise. And how the financial issue will be solved, and who will pay for the event, it already depends on the personal capabilities of each.
When do they spend it?
As a rule, after the engagement and before the wedding day, the young ones have at least a month left in stock. Therefore, the bachelor party is quite possible to arrange any day before the celebration. Of course, it is better not to organize such events just a day or two before the wedding itself. After all, the last week before such an important event is always tense, and there are still a lot of things to be done before the wedding. Therefore, the ideal time for a bachelor party is to organize it two weeks before the wedding itself.
If there is very little time left, you can organize a party for the groom at least five days before the wedding. Just this time is enough for all the participants in the bachelor party to come to their senses after the party and attend the wedding in full health.
How to organize?
It is possible to go a large and noisy male company to the nearest bar, and there just have fun.But surely everyone wants such a party to be somehow unusual and memorable for the groom and his friends for a long time. There are several ideas that are sure to be useful to all those who are planning to organize a bachelor party in the near future.
Agree that every man loves extreme and speed. Therefore, you can organize a bachelor party in some unusual place, for example, arrange a real race on karting. All guys love to drive cars, and karting is the best option.
In the same place it is quite possible to organize a small buffet table in order to celebrate the victory of one of the friends together. In addition, you can pre-order the original and commemorative diplomas for each participant of this improvised competition. Of course, the main diploma should go to the groom.
If the groom does not like cards, but he loves speed, then it is quite possible to go out of the city, so that there in nature he can drive on quad bikes from the heart. And if the season has already begun, then it is possible on snowmobiles. Being in nature, it is possible to arrange a kind of quest. You can arrange everything in advance, and they will help you to make maps with interesting tasks. It will be fun to drive in nature, go through various obstacles, and eventually find the main prize. At the end of this quest, it will be possible to present the groom with a pre-prepared gift, or arrange a party in the forest house. This bachelor party guy just love it.
The bachelor party is a party for the groom. And therefore it would be quite logical if his long-held dream came true at such an event. For example, if you know for sure that the groom has long dreamed of flying in an aerotube or jumping with a parachute, then why not everyone together realize the long-standing dream of the hero of the occasion. And after such an extreme start of a bachelor party, it is quite possible to go to the nearest nightclub or bar, and continue the fun there.
In the event that the celebration is scheduled in the winter season, it is best to go to the mountains. There you can rent a cozy cottage for this fun event. To the day was something to do, you can go snowboarding or skiing. After such an entertainment, it will be very pleasant to continue the evening in a warm and cozy cottage, warm up by the fireplace with a glass of mulled wine, and then arrange a noisy party with dancing.
Wherever you organize a bachelor party, so that it will be fun and memorable, you should definitely prepare various contests in advance. For example, the oath of the groom that he undertakes not to forget his friends and meet with them at least once a month has already become a traditional and integral part of the bachelor party.
How and where to organize a boy, you will learn from the following video.
What to gift?
Since the bachelor party is the same significant event in the life of the guy as the wedding, often friends give the groom the bachelor party original and memorable gifts. Of course, the organization of the event itself is already a gift, but you always want to present something that will remind the groom about this fun evening.
A gift does not have to be expensive, because you will still give gifts for the wedding. And as a gift in honor of the bachelor party, a small memorable and comic gift is quite suitable.
For example, you can give the groom a luxurious bath robe with the original inscription, some kind of joke, which only you know. And also as a gift a T-shirt with a memorable inscription about the last bachelor party is quite suitable.
Every man will be glad to receive such a gift as a bottle of his favorite alcoholic beverage. By the way, such a present can be accompanied with a comic postcard, and after that you take an oath from the groom that you will all warm it up, for example, a year later.
If you know exactly about the hobbies and hobbies of the hero of the occasion, then you can give him accessories or gadgets that will definitely be useful to him.For example, it can be a spinning for a fishing enthusiast, a collection coin for a coin collector, an original lighter for a cigar lover, a new helmet for a motorcycle enthusiast, and so on. The bridegroom will definitely be happy with such a present.
In addition, you can easily give him a gift that he can use with his young wife. For example, this is a ticket for a few days in a country pension, a certificate for a parachute jump for two, a photo session, a horse ride and so on. Such attention from friends will be appreciated not only by the groom himself, but also by his young bride. The girl will immediately understand how good and caring friends her future spouse is, and will happily let him go to meetings with her buddies.