Wedding gifts

How original to give money for a wedding?

How original to give money for a wedding?

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  1. Varieties of monetary compositions
  2. How interesting to present?
  3. What to say when giving a gift?
  4. How much to give?

A gift in the form of money for a wedding is very practical. To make an offering to the newlyweds do not look commonplace, it must be beautifully presented. The finished idea can be adopted in its original form or refined to suit a specific situation.

Varieties of monetary compositions

You can give money for a wedding in various ways. It is worth considering a few original and unusual ideas.

  • The first thing that comes to mind is to hand the money in an envelope. Today it is not difficult to do this, since there are envelopes of completely different size and design on sale. Although you can create such packaging yourself.
  • If you do not want to be particularly creative, you can put bills in a beautiful gift box. To do this, you can choose packaging in the form of a heart, a book or a chest (the list of options can be continued). Bills to put a pile or roll up the tube, decorated with ribbon. Attach a postcard of congratulations to the sum. It can be a gift from parents or friends.
  • The bride and groom are likely to appreciate the money for the wedding, rolled up in a jar. You can put both coins and paper notes into this transparent container. You need to do so that the bank was tightly packed and the contents in it did not move. By the same principle, you can pack a gift in a bottle of alcohol.
  • Beautiful will look like a hand-made bouquet of money. The notes are folded in the form of buds, supplemented with artificial green leaves and stems. Give such a decoration for the wedding just will not be commonplace.
  • It is good to give a gift to the newlyweds in the form of a money tree. To do this, you need to take a houseplant with this name and hang it on the branches of banknotes of a certain denomination as fruits. To make it look elegant, it is better to roll up the paper in the tube. There are many options for creating a tree of bills - to prepare such a gift will take time and a lot of effort, but the result will be worth it.
  • Another way to creatively present a cash gift is to distribute it in balloons. A gift of such bright decorations will not only decorate the holiday, but also lead the husband and wife to an interesting lesson when they start to poke balls and count the amount of money received.
  • You can originally pack the banknotes using a photo frame. It is better to choose a beautiful large copy. Notes will remain unusually decomposed under glass and donate.
  • A continuation of this idea could be the use of a photo album. Instead of photos, they put money in it. It is desirable that as you turn the pages the denomination of bills becomes higher.
  • The design can become quite original if banknotes are placed in a head of cabbage. Notes should be wrapped in a plastic bag to protect from moisture. Cabbage head split in half. In one of the parts, make a recess and place a gift in it. Head the wrap with an opaque film, make the tail of bright ribbons and present in this form.
  • An interesting way to present money is to make a surprise under an umbrella. Notes attached with ribbons or threads and clips to the spokes. When he opens over the heads of the newlyweds, it turns out that they are under the roof of money.
  • Funny will be the option of a gift of money in the form of toilet paper.Paper bills of small denomination, neatly glued into one continuous tape, are attached to the cardboard base from the used roll. Such a gift can be perceived as a desire to have so much money that you can use them for a “toilet purpose”.
  • If the groom smokes, it is unusual to present a cash present with the help of a beautiful cigarette case. It should be packed tightly rolled notes and in this form to present the bride and groom.
  • Money gift can be presented in a suitcase. In order not to go broke, it makes sense to print a lot of fake money on a printer. In each pack to put a few real banknotes. If to add this set with a pistol, you get a real gift “from the head of the mafia group”.
  • The gift can be decorated in the form of a box with sweets. Instead, in this container you need to put money. Tie a box with a ribbon and present. A similar option is to pack money into a chocolate bar wrapper.
  • An interesting way is to make banknotes in the form of a house. For this you need to take a small box that will play the role of the foundation for such a structure. From the bills to make "logs", stapling the paper on both sides with clips. Then a paper roof is created from paper money — you can bend several bills in half and put it on the “building”. The sticks in the design are sticks made of wood.
  • Applying creativity, you can make a gift in the form of a ship out of money. The sails in it are bills. It is also quite simple to make a composition in the form of a cake in several tiers.
  • You can embroider a composition in the form of a tree and funny inscriptions. Attach banknotes to the embroidered picture with ribbons, distributing amounts, for example, “going to a beauty salon for a wife”, “fishing for a husband”, “buying films” and so on.
  • An interesting idea - to make packaging for money in the form of a brick. To do this, you need to take a piece of foam plastic, give it an appropriate look, make an indentation for the money. After that, invest the planned amount, seal the workpiece with tape and paint in brick color.
  • You can pack money on the principle of matryoshka. Place the prepared amount in the smallest one and pack it in a larger box. There may be several pieces and each is beautifully framed in gift paper with ribbons. In addition to money, you can put some other gifts in the boxes. So it will be more interesting.
  • Pack a cash gift is interesting and in a keg. This may be a container of wood or glass, pasted appropriately. On the side it remains to write "honey", put the money inside, and cover it with a napkin, tied with twine or another fixative of suitable design.
  • The same principle is used and the pot with money. Large bills are put on the bottom, and they are covered with coins on top. It turns out, as in a fairy tale about a pot which cooked as much porridge as was needed. Such a gift, accompanied by wishes of material well-being, will make a proper impression.
  • For a gift it is good to use several toys. This could be a pair of plush dogs, cats or any other characters that fit the occasion. You can put money in their paws, make clothes from banknotes or stitch them into toys. In this case, the young spouses must be warned so that they do not throw the animals into the washing machine before they get a cash present from them.
  • Packing for a cash gift, you can choose a loaf. It will have to be cut, remove the crumb and put it on the vacant place of the banknote. It then remains to carefully pack. It is advisable to hint to young people that the gift is not as simple as it seems that the money will not be spoiled if they want to eat a loaf for breakfast.
  • A gift can be issued in the form of a checkbook, on each page of which you can place a bill. It is better if two books are used.Then each of the spouses will be able to use the money for the sake of the realization of their own desires (or even several).
  • A good option is to give money in the box. It is great if the donor is a master of woodcarving, owns the painting technique, or knows how to turn a simple box into an elegant box using decoupage or some other decorating technique. It will be very pleasant to find banknotes in an elegant little thing.
  • This anti-crisis family bank can be made in the form of a carpet. To do this, take a fabric of a decent size, spread out bills on it. It is desirable to make sure that there is very little free space. This will require the use of banknotes of different denominations and artificial money, for example, with the image of the groom or bride. On the fabric you need to put a thick film and sheathe each bill so that it does not fall out, and decorate the carpet with braid decorated with beads or beads.
  • For a cool gift you can use a shovel. Glue paper money and coins on it and present it as a sign of family well-being. The money can then be peeled off, and the shovel can be used for its intended purpose in the country.
  • An interesting tare for a cash present are eggs from a kindersurprise. Although, to make a quality gift, you will have to show diligence and caution. Chocolate eggs should be carefully divided in half, take out what is inside them, put money in the hollows and seal the eggs back. Helps to recover the chocolate wrapping of the heated spoon. She needs to be held along the seam so that the halves “grow together”.
  • Not only a kindersurprise, but also a thermos with an engraving may initially seem to the newlyweds as a very modest gift, but in one and in the other case they will be very pleased with the contents.
  • Parents, for example, can give children a table set by putting money in a teapot or tureen. Such a gift would be doubly practical. And the necessary thing in the household, and the amount for the independent purchase of what the young spouses themselves consider the most important.

How interesting to present?

It is customary to give gifts at a wedding for a reason, and with elements of the show, this is a holiday that everyone should remember for a long time. Even at the exit from the car at the place where the banquet is arranged, you can put on the young with a necklace of flowers and paper bills. This will please the newly spouses. In addition, will be the reason for the next memorable photo. It is possible to issue a cash gift with the help of a garland, using a real Christmas-tree decoration. Originally folded bills can be attached to the wire and turn on the garland in the grid at the right time. A money gift, “included” in the process of a holiday, is able to have a big effect, making an impression on everyone around.

Tricks and Pranks

A person with manual dexterity can literally take out money notes from out of nowhere by making a presentation from the presentation of such a gift. Stage with tricks will not leave anyone indifferent. Having dressed in gangster suits, you can rush into the hall where the holiday takes place, with a bag marked with a dollar sign, jump to the groom and say out loud that they have completed the order. Similarly, you can beat a gift with a suitcase of money. It is good to arrange a quest during the holiday, when, guided by the tips, the young will be engaged in treasure hunts. All sorts of puzzles, riddles and rebuses will make this occupation fascinating.

It is important to organize this event in such a way that there are no hitches on the way to the goal. Otherwise, it can quickly bore not only the bride and groom, but all the guests. And also you need to take into account that all efforts associated with the search should lead to a significant amount. It would be funny to unravel a lot of riddles for the sake of five hundred rubles. Even an envelope with money is an opportunity to present very unusual and with humor.A “courier” may arrive at the wedding, who allegedly delivers a letter from an overseas country that has long sought its recipients. To be sure, it is better to put stamps and marks in a foreign language on the envelope, confirming the accuracy of the courier's explanations.

Rain of bills

Being showered with money is always nice, especially on your wedding day. For such a presentation, a variant with the use of an umbrella with banknotes, and a specially organized rain of money mixed with confetti that spilled over the heads of the newlyweds will be suitable.

What to say when giving a gift?

Words spoken during the presentation of a cash gift are of great importance. With their help, even a small amount can be presented in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time and will leave a deep sense of gratitude on the part of the bride and groom. You can choose the right phrases yourself, based on the meaning and shape of the gift, as well as on the circumstances surrounding the life of the newlyweds. And you can also use ready-made poems for the wedding, which are many on the Internet. Such poems are quite easy to learn or bring in accordance with a particular wedding.

How much to give?

There is no unequivocal answer to what amount in the form of a gift would be decent. (Usually people worry that they donated too little). Moreover, as time goes on, money is worthless. And the fact that yesterday was still quite a decent amount, today it is already possible to spend only on the little things. A good way to calculate the amount needed is to build on how much was spent in preparing for the holiday for each guest. This figure should be doubled. So, get the most suitable amount for a gift.

For information on how to donate money for a wedding in the original, see the following video.

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