Wedding gifts

Original wedding gift: variations and best ideas

Original wedding gift: variations and best ideas

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  1. Overview of Traditional Wedding Presents
  2. Varieties
  3. Interesting ideas
  4. What can you give to people who have everything?
  5. How to make a beautiful package?
  6. What song to sing during the presentation?

Such a thing as a wedding requires special preparation and special attention, since this event is a truly large-scale event in the life of every person. It is necessary to carefully consider and organize a celebration, resolve the issue of the number of guests and many other issues that directly affect the happiness of young people.

Overview of Traditional Wedding Presents

No wedding is complete without gifts to the newlyweds. How not to make a mistake when choosing what gifts to give for a wedding - this will help us with a brief overview of all sorts of gift options and surprises.

Traditionally, gifts to the young for the wedding consisted of a dowry of the bride and the redemption of the groom. This initial capital became the platform on which married life began. And from what financial background, depended the subsequent life of the newlyweds. Gave everything that is useful in the house: from the poker to the sheets, as well as domestic animals and birds. Special prejudices and superstitions in ancient times was not. We had to somehow live, and everything that was good for the economy went into action.

On the second day of the wedding celebration, it was customary to give gifts to parents of young people - mother and father: the man gave mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and the young woman - father-in-law and mother-in-law. Then we walked for several days, at least three, and now they celebrate a wedding on one day, at least two. Few who came to the celebration with empty hands. And now this tradition remains in force. Though small, but some gift must bring each of the invitees to the wedding.

Basically, they give various equipment, money and household items for practical purposes. Sometimes apartments and cars, because a wedding is a great occasion for the most expensive gifts. It is also not forbidden to give comic gifts with meaning. Most often, such donations are made on behalf of witnesses. At the wedding, you can donate:

  • bedding, linen, bedspread and warm blanket;
  • kitchen utensils: pots, pans and saucepans, various pots and tins;
  • dinnerware: tea, coffee and tableware;
  • household appliances and electrical appliances;
  • Gift certificates;
  • Jewelry;
  • trips to the wedding trip;
  • paintings, photo albums, all sorts of trinkets, dolls and figurines on the subject;
  • delicacies and fine wines;
  • money.

These are common gift options from guests. You can add anything to them. For example, a balloon flight, an airbus. For those who love extreme sports, skydiving, safari for two and other adventures will do.

In a word, you can try to do everything possible to make your offering impressive and remain long in the memory of the young and all those present at the celebration for many years. It is important to take into account a number of trifles, seemingly insignificant at first glance, but, in fact, being significant in various gifts. For example, on gold jewelry you can engrave the names of young people with wishes. And the products themselves are presented together with a rattle or children's knitted booties.

Photos of couples in crystal or in the form of a hologram on frosted glass - a good innovation, which also looks spectacular in any interior. The goddaughter from the godmother can give an oil painting antique, ordered from some artist.It is better if it is a portrait of the young. This gift will be a real decoration of a wedding celebration. When you don’t know what to give or don’t know much about the bride and groom, money will be the best gift. Instead of a service or a set of bed linen, it is best to hand over an envelope with banknotes. You can arrange it in various ways. Such gifts are immediately removed from the common table.

Family relics are presented to the young ones on the eve of the wedding, be it a great-grandmother's ring or an ancient tapestry. Icons and other valuable attributes before giving are sanctified in the church.

Young can not give.

  • Cutlery knives and forks, as well as other sharp objects: collection swords, daggers, swords and sabers. It is also not recommended to give shaving kits. It is believed that these things foreshadow quarrels in the family.
  • Nasal and other scarves from friends to the bride - to tears.
  • Antique things, as they carry a specific energy, which is not a place in the space of the young.
  • Any plants, even the most expensive and rare. It is believed that they can badly affect the continuation of the species.
  • Different clocks: wall-mounted or manual, as they are a symbol of the transience of time and foreshadow an early separation from the young.
  • Refrain from donating pins to the bride, cufflinks and tie and money holders to the groom. Even made of precious metals, these objects are judged discord in his personal life.
  • It is considered bad form to give a spouse a mirror. This foreshadows a quick divorce.
  • Crystal and other vases, as well as fragile glassware, require special handling. It is considered a bad sign to break a gift, but in the wedding mess it is not excluded. Therefore, it is best not to risk and give gifts of more durable materials. If you want to give a vase, it is better from metal, wood or even stone. And be sure to fill it with something expensive: red or black caviar, candy or coins. An empty vase can be associated with emptiness in the life of the young.
  • All bouquets of roses should be pre-checked before handing to the bride for the presence of thorns and other piercing objects. We can not allow the bride to be injured in triumph. The spikes are cut off, and the pins holding the greeting cards are pre-removed.
  • You can not also give candles, even the most sophisticated twin sets and made to order. A candle is a symbol of everything that passes; with it the happiness of young people can melt and evaporate.
  • It is not recommended to donate cooling equipment: air conditioners and fans, as well as refrigerators and freezers. It is better to give certificates in the appliance store instead of them. These objects are the personification of the cooling of the senses and foreshadow a speedy separation.

It is best not to risk, not to tempt fate and not to give such things and objects. At the wedding can be very impressionable personages, who with their remarks and comments about the gifts can spoil the mood and triumph. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee everything and properly prepare for such a crucial moment as the presentation of a wedding gift.


Wedding gifts are of two types: paired or each separately: the bride and groom. By the day of the wedding should decide on this issue. So, for example, choose love dolls in the form of funny toys or figurines or sets of dishes for two: tea or coffee set, crystal glasses, perfume sets, jewelry couples, bathrobes and more.

Each of the newlyweds can give something personal, but at the same time common. It can be sets of dishes for her and sets of tools - for him. The bride can please the certificate for going to the beauty salon, and the groom - in the gym. In either case, you must take into account the tastes, interests and characteristics of a married couple.

By purpose

Gifts can be divided into gifts with meaning, useful and humorous, with humor.As for the usefulness, no one is particularly worried. Any of the items will find its application in the life of young people. Everything can fit in: from shovel to pillows. For example, smartphones for the young will always be in place. But with the semantic category, the situation is a bit more complicated.

Here it is necessary to make all your intellectual efforts in order not to miss and not get into an awkward situation where jokes are inappropriate. If you know the young people badly, it is better not to give meaningful symbolic gifts at all. So, donating a brick in a beautiful wrapper can be misinterpreted, especially if the groom or bride is your employee or colleague. In this case, it is best to adhere to symbolic stylized images of young people in various life situations, with comments, suggestions and recommendations on special media or in an album.

A chocolate cake in which the keys to an apartment or a car are hidden will be a good sweet gift with a surprise. An unforgettable moment when the bride and groom are served a sweet treat, offering to cut it immediately. The enthusiasm of the young about the discoveries will exceed all your expectations.

A wonderful semantic gift will be children's things, packed in several layers of beautiful wrapping paper. Unpacking them, the young will find, finally, sliders, pacifiers or undershirts. This is a useful surprise and a direct hint of the imminent appearance of offspring.

Another original gift is the money bank of the young, the symbol of the so-called start-up capital. - The basis of a long and strong family ties. They are giving ceramic or glass jars with slots for “investments”, where all those present are lowered money - whoever can. A keg with honey will be an excellent gift, personifying the honeymoon of young people. At the same time, you can hand out tickets for a honeymoon trip to exotic places.

Among the original semantic gifts one can single out a money tree, star certificates for the discovery of a new star in honor of the concluded union, as well as a family chronicle book with relevant attributes - a video camera or any other gadgets. Dinner in an expensive restaurant can also please the young.

As a fun gift with humor, designed to relieve a tense atmosphere, you can give a set of bed linen with detailed instructions for the execution of marital debt, a rolling pin and whip as a relationship stabilizer, a frying pan or poker, to remind you of family discipline and order, a cookbook and a broom - to cook and keep the house clean. You can hire a professional toastmaster, having previously agreed with the young.

Whatever the gift, the best that can be given on this day is a good mood and jokes that fill the holiday with friendly participation.

By price category

For anyone who does not have enough finances, but wants to make an impression at the wedding, symbolic gifts will do. These may include universal budget options specifically designed for this purpose. In any gift shop you can find original heart-shaped dishes, a tea set with swans or small scented pillows with rings and inscriptions, charming candy boxes in the form of shells, themed sets of spices, egg coasters, plates and glass holders and much more.

A basket with wine and fruit will be a wonderful gift, the purchase of which does not take a lot of money. A modest set of wine glasses can be supplemented with soft toys, sweets and cards. The budget option can be dolls, samovars and toy collectible cars with a hint of real ones. A tray with original pastries, cupcakes and colorful biscuits looks good and will be an excellent sweet gift. Lace, napkins and bedspreads in the technique of “patchwork”, made by hand, will bring warm notes to the festive atmosphere.Spouses with pleasure will decorate their home with such a product.

To give exclusive and elite gifts can not afford all. But if you add a little bit of creativity to every cheap item, it can turn into a great wedding gift.

Interesting ideas

In order for a gift to become truly memorable, original and unusual, you need to follow some rules. There are some nuances of giving wedding gifts to the young.

  • Before you donate the technique, you should contact other invited guests not to duplicate the gift. And it happens that at a wedding one friend gives a fridge and the other also a fridge. Or, for example, they present three or even four television sets at once.
  • Gifts should be packed effectively and creatively. At the same time, they should fit into the overall picture of the celebration, as well as have subscription cards: who gives to whom. Beautiful and witty, they will be a good reminder of the happiest moment in the life of young people.
  • Wedding memorable gifts must be properly handed. This is a whole art. The gift is accompanied by improvised scenes from family life, the reading of heartfelt poems, sayings and parting words, musical numbers, songs and dances.
  • It is necessary to learn in advance from the young people in what place and style the wedding celebration will be held, in order to properly decorate the gift and create a special entourage.
  • Instead of flowers, you can give the bride a basket with a sweet filling: candies, sweets in the form of hearts and candies.
  • In all cases, boldness and creativity are welcomed.

Items and souvenirs

At the wedding, it is customary to give various things, souvenirs and souvenirs. The target gift will be a photo album, which is a traditional wedding gift. It can even not be specially packaged. It contains family photos, this is a kind of chronicle of the family in chronological order.

For congratulations on the day of the wedding in the original genre using brick, money tree and booties. At the ceremony, the head of the family is solemnly served with a brick - to build their own house, a tree - to improve their well-being, and booties - for the birth of healthy children. Congratulations are accompanied by traditional words: “Every man is obliged to accomplish three things in his life: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.”

As a wish for wealth and wealth give a chest with bills, jewels and coins. This symbolic gift is most welcome for the young, especially in need of material assistance. The old Russian custom to give a little chest has survived to this day. It is decorated with beads, original embroidery, satin ribbons, flowers and everything that will be at hand. The chest will not remain without use and will delight its owners for many years to come.

Together with fruits and sweets, you can put family life instructions and certificates of husband and wife with official duties, as well as a bag of salt and sugar with wishes to be together in joy and in sorrow in a gift basket. On the bed linen, you can order family monograms or a photograph portrait of the young. Original ideas are not limited to family themes. You can also use any other motifs, such as sequins, sequins and starry rhinestones over the entire surface of the duvet cover.

Dolls, personifying the bride and groom, will be one of the best gifts. You can order copies of the newlyweds, and you can try to make them yourself, having basic skills of manual work.

Intangible surprises

Among the immaterial gifts you can present a dance or a song of your favorite artist. You can perform them yourself, but it is best to invite professionals for this. Note that the chorus with chamber music and the gypsy camp will be extremely inappropriate in a wedding setting. Hire a dancing couple, let them perform an incendiary tango and a couple of more encore dances.And at the end of the performance, you can listen to the heartfelt song and even dance a slow dance to the newlyweds.

As a gift can be a flash mob with the participation of all invited persons. Original ideas for this can be thought up by yourself, or you can turn to experts. Anyone can become a participant in the presentation; it’s enough to bring them in the course of the matter and give the necessary settings. For example, create a carnival night, discharged into the costumes of the Renaissance, or organize an alien parade with the participation of famous cinematic characters. All that you want, only with the obligatory dedication of the young in your plans. With this in mind, any holiday becomes unforgettable. Children will especially be delighted with cartoon characters and animators.

A photo session in nature or in an elite mansion will also be an interesting gift. To do this, you need to hire a professional photographer, choose in advance the time and place of the shooting. Competently mounted photos and videos can be viewed at a wedding party in the presence of guests.

What can you give to people who have everything?

For a gift to a rich couple, you can use custom items. These can be macrame products, jewelery made of beads, precious woods, inlaid eggs, ceramic figurines, collection wines and much more. You can hand a box with butterflies, symbolizing happiness. Cute white purebred kittens in the basket will also be a pleasant surprise. Goldfish in an aquarium will also delight the young. After all, when you have everything, only unfulfilled desires remain.

How to make a beautiful package?

When the gift is selected and ready, it remains to pack it beautifully. Experts can come to the rescue, but you can try to do it yourself. First of all, you need to consider the purpose of the gift, its value, as well as the style of the celebration, in which he will have to participate. He, among others, will be put on the gift table, where he will be visible to everyone. Therefore, you should try as best as possible to decorate the gift.

If it is a small item, you can use an expensive brocade, satin and organza fabric. The combination of these textures underlines the solemnity of the situation. You can also supply it with wedding attributes: a veil and a black bow. Especially beneficial it will look at paired gifts. Large and medium gifts are wrapped in gift paper using hearts, ribbons, flowers and tinsel as decorations.

A gift wrapped in white paper and tied with a white ribbon looks original. Add to this a completely white postcard, and the one-of-a-kind surprise is ready. The photo album can be presented in a wrapping paper with a newspaper print, tied with a string, and a stylized film bow can be placed on top. Ideas can be different, the main thing - do not overdo it, so that the packaging does not come out more expensive than a gift.

What song to sing during the presentation?

If you have a hearing and have the desire to adequately congratulate the young, you can perform a song in their honor. Most often, it is part of the surprise and presented with a gift. Here it is important not to miss with the choice of repertoire. It is best to limit yourself to traditional variety wedding songs. Russian folk leave for later. Under the soundtrack is also better not to sing. Gypsy melodies and national songs, the meaning of which will not everyone will understand, will also be inappropriate. The only exceptions are themed weddings, say, only Armenian or Greek, where you can perform a soulful song in your own language in a close circle.

On a mixed audience it is best to stick to proven classics. When presenting a gift, you can ask a professional to sing, or you can simply ask the presenter to play the appropriate music. And you on this background can safely hand over your gift.By adhering to these simple tips and recommendations, you can confidently choose and give worthy gifts to the newlyweds. Good luck and good luck in choosing!

About what to give to the wedding, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


