Wedding gifts

Choosing funny wedding gifts

Choosing funny wedding gifts

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  1. What can you give the newlyweds?
  2. From parents
  3. From friends
  4. Original ideas
  5. How to present a gift with humor?

Immediately after receiving an invitation to a wedding celebration, the guests are faced with the question of a gift. Wedding gifts are different from all the others in that they, on the one hand, must correspond to the scale of the celebration, and on the other, they must bear a special meaning. In other words, I want the gifts to be not only expensive, but significant. In addition, weddings can often be seen and comic gifts, which, of course, give in addition to the main, but they are sometimes remembered and perceived better than the "serious" gifts.

What can you give the newlyweds?

It must be said that in different countries different traditions have been formed regarding congratulations on the occasion of the wedding day. For example, Americans make lists with the things that they would like to receive. Yes, and they are delivered in advance. Of course, it is practical, but predictable.

In Russia and neighboring countries, people are more sentimental. Here it is important not only the benefits and the cost of the gift, but also the meaning that the donor has invested. With shrill words capable of touching and causing tears, it is better to prefer cheerful and funny greetings. Recently, the most popular gift are envelopes with bills, less often - certificates for large purchases and household appliances. This entails a double feeling. On the one hand, it is economically justified. On the other hand, the process of donation itself becomes a mere formality.

So that the bride and groom remember about the beginning of their family life with joy, an envelope or a gift certificate for the purchase can be supplemented with interesting surprises. They will revive the holiday itself and will remain in the memory of the newlyweds forever.

From parents

Even the most common household item can be perceived differently if accompanied by jokes and good congratulations. This technique is usually used by the older generation - parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents. These gifts can be the most familiar items in everyday life.

  • Rolling pin or pan as the necessary things in the economy and the "arguments" during a quarrel.
  • Umbrella - for good weather in the house.
  • Broom or basin with soap - they usually come bundled with vacuum cleaners or washing machines. It means that no circumstances, including a power outage, can interfere with the maintenance of cleanliness in the house.
  • Light bulb and laundry detergent - so that the feelings of the young are light and clean.
  • Vegetables and fruits - usually their names rhyme with good wishes. For example: cabbage - so that in the purse was not empty, garlic - so that your daughter and son were born, carrots - so that the mother-in-law and mother-in-law and the like were friends.

Such items, as you can see, do not have to be expensive. Moreover, it would be better if you decorate them and place the appropriate inscriptions on them. Several things at once can be folded in an opaque bag and taken out one by one, accompanying them with tricks and comedy.

    In addition to items that are useful in everyday life, experienced parents give things that symbolize family values:

    • candles as a symbol of the hearth;
    • paired figurines of pigeons or swans, meaning love and loyalty;
    • images of storks and cabbage are presented with a hint of the earliest appearance of children in the family.

    Here family heirlooms are inherited - blankets, caps, baptismal shirts for the next generation.Many mothers love to keep the first little things of their baby - they will be useful in order to show grown children how small they were. You can make a slide show from photos of your home archive and accompany it with pre-prepared funny comments.

    From friends

    It is no secret that after creating a family, many friends, especially single and unmarried, gradually fade into the background. Therefore, a video with congratulations in poetic or song form can be a particularly touching gift. Here you can show not only a sense of humor, but also creative abilities. Such a video message can be the highlight of the evening if the bride and groom agree to show it to the guests. Such a show must be coordinated with the wedding manager and included in the script.

    If in a friendly company this wedding happened to be one of the first, it is quite worth expecting gifts from other friends and girlfriends with hints about the end of a "free" life. Not excluded and warnings about the waiting for the newlyweds in the family. Of course, such words should not be taken seriously. It is important here that the joke does not hurt the feelings of both parties.

    And if you are giving an object of an intimate nature, you should not show it to other guests.

    Recently, musical greetings have become very popular. Friends can organize a flash mob with cutting from popular tunes. To make him look cohesive, will require several rehearsals. A bride can join the girls' flash mob - then you get a surprise for the groom and vice versa. At the end, the dance can be shared and invite other guests.

    Just a few simple incendiary movements will make the holiday unforgettable for all its participants. An alternative to reading congratulations can be a rap. If you do not have any special talents, you can remake an existing song, giving it a special meaning.

    Another interesting idea could be a joke. Depending on the situation, you can do on your own, for example, ask friends or hire actors. This may be the usual bride theft or unexpectedly arrived “police squad”. Moreover, there are special agencies that will help you implement your plans.

    To make everything go smoothly, make sure that the rally will not be offensive and will not be delayed for a long time.

    Original ideas

    At the very beginning of the family journey, the newly-born husband and wife try to emphasize their new status. To support this feeling, guests can safely choose things meant for two.

    • T-shirts with inscriptions. Instead of funny inscriptions, you can use an image, each of the halves of which is located on one of the T-shirts. They will look like a single whole only when the newlyweds stand close or embrace each other. For lovers also suitable cool bathrobes, slippers, mittens.
    • Bedding. This may include signed separate pillows for each of the spouses or one large blanket, conditionally divided in half, as well as bed linen with the same theme pictures.
    • Dishes. The most interesting souvenir here will be one plate for two with different designs and paired cups, including changing their color from the temperature of the contents.
    • Certificates, diplomas and medals. A great alternative to postcards. They can be made independently - this will require appropriate text, which can be beautifully drawn up in any available editor, and then laminated. For the medal will need a beautiful ribbon or ribbon, and if there is no time, then you can buy them. Such distinctive signs can be awarded not only to the heroes of the occasion, but also their parents.
    • In addition to the previous item You can distribute comic ranks with the delivery of "documents" to close relatives of the newlyweds. After receiving the title of the best mother-in-law, the relationship between the newly acquired relatives will become better.

    By the way, so that the memory of the wedding remains not only among the newlyweds, but also among the guests, they can also be given comic certificates. For example, on the right to visit or drink tea in a young house. Will like her husband and hike with friends on football at any time.

    • Bouquets. Almost every guest goes to the wedding with a bouquet, because flowers are associated primarily with something solemn and festive. Not to be trivial, instead of flowers, a bouquet can be made up of sweets, tea, fruits, vegetables or alcoholic beverages. Such a gift will last much longer, besides, it is not only beautiful, but also useful.

    And in order to make the process of unfolding and use more pleasant, among the contents you can hide little notes with amusing instructions in future family life.

    • Portrait or cartoon - this is what really will decorate the family nest. Such a surprise can be ordered in advance, since most artists can write a portrait from photographs or directly on the wedding day. The caricaturist’s services are not so expensive, and he can portray not only newlyweds, but also guests. Already finished works involuntarily cause a smile and elevate mood.

    All of the above gifts can be given both on the day of marriage, and on subsequent wedding anniversaries and anniversaries. These little things will serve as a good reminder of the feelings that a husband and wife have for each other.

    How to present a gift with humor?

    In the process of giving it is not so important that giving is more important - how to do it. Even money can be given unusually. To do this, there are several ideas.

    From bills you can make a tree. This can be a paperwork design or a real sapling in a pot with bills attached to the branches. A living tree can be beaten as an illustration of a proverb about what a real man should do. In addition to planting a tree, you can donate a brick (to the beginning of the construction of the house) and a children's toy (for the future son).

    Money gift can be issued as a treasure. For this you will need a small potty. Paper notes are stacked on its bottom, and coins are piled on top to make the pot really heavy. Such a gift will certainly cause surprise and laughter. To make the top layer of coins look especially original, you can specially prepare small coins from other states. If you get such a small number of problems, you can replace them with toy, chocolate or other "treasures" in the form of cheap jewelry and rings.

    This idea can be used to organize a kind of quest. The newlyweds themselves can search for the hidden treasure. The spirit of competition can be created by dividing the guests into the groom's team and the bride's team. For the search, you can use maps or hint systems in the form of notes hidden in different places.

    Of course, the treasure will end up in the total budget. In addition, this game should be coordinated with the lead and take a little time so that the guests are not bored.

    Following the current trends, you can make the layout of the ATM. You can simply put bills into it, so that the newly-born husband and wife will get them in a difficult moment. Or to equip it with a simple mechanism with a spring working in this way: when any plastic card is inserted into one hole, money starts pouring out of the other. Such an unusual way will definitely be remembered. And the ATM itself can be used later as a piggy bank.

    Money cake looks very nice. To make it, you need to make two pieces of cardboard, and preferably three layers with a height equal to the height of a banknote. The amount you have planned to donate must be exchanged for smaller banknotes. The diameter of each layer will depend on their number.

    Each bill needs to be folded with a non-empty tube and wrapped with a transparent clerical band.Then set the tubes around each tier and tied with ribbon so that they do not break up. For stability, all three tiers must be connected to each other. For decorating such a cake, you can use bows, live or artificial flowers.

    If you like to do something with your own hands, you will definitely like the idea of ​​another cake. It will consist of hollow inside the pieces - it is inside them you can put money, as well as pleasant little notes. Newlyweds will appreciate your efforts and will be happy.

    Adults also like multicolored balloons, especially if there is money inside them. Together with the bills, confetti can be poured into each ball - then the bursting process will be especially bright.

    As you can see, there are really many options for original gifts. Usually invitations are received long before the scheduled day, so you can think carefully about all the details. Your efforts to please the newlyweds will certainly be noticed.

    See the following video for an example of an original wedding gift.

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