Garter of the bride: what is needed, what leg is worn and who throws it?

Surely, many people like to watch romantic movies and many noticed that in western paintings at the end of the wedding ceremony, the newly-made spouse removes the garter from his lover's leg and throws it into the crowd. We have this custom appeared relatively recently, but many Russian newlyweds are already trying to fully follow it.
What is it for?
The history of women's wedding garter goes deep into the past. The word itself came to us from France, however, there this attribute performed a rather practical function - it was supported by pantaloons, and this attribute was used not only by the fair sex, but also by men.
The tradition to use this accessory at weddings appeared in EnglandHistorians have no consensus about how exactly such a peculiar custom arose.
According to one legend, many centuries ago, one of the English monarchs at the ball noticed that his companion had dropped a garter and picked it up to give. He just wanted to be gallant, but when he saw the mocking smirks of the guests, he immediately declared that the garter of the woman he loved brought good luck and put it on his leg.
The second legend is not so romantic, but more real. According to the chronicles, in some counties of Great Britain there was a wild custom - the guests tried to tear the garter from the feet of the young bride right near the altar. This tradition did not please either the girls or their spouses, because after years it was replaced by another custom - to throw the pendant into the crowd of guests.
However, in the modern world, the custom was continued only in the 90s of the last century, and focusing on the USA and the countries of the Old World, the Russian newlyweds adopted the tradition.
There are several reasons why brides throw their garter.
- The most common - following the existing traditions, a fad. Throwing the bridal bouquet and the garter is a bright culmination of the solemn event, a joyful act to which young people pass the baton to their lonely friends.
- In addition, the garter is used to embody the whole image of a tender young bride. Knowing that the bridal outfit is thought out literally to the smallest detail, the young one feels more feminine, sexy and self-confident.
Many girls perceive the garter as an intimate attribute and put on such exquisite detail in order to impress their spouse during their first wedding night.
Often the garter becomes a real family value, which is passed down from generation to generation. It is no secret that a wedding dress is quite difficult to keep for decades, and over time it can simply go out of fashion, but the garter will always be relevant and over time has every chance of becoming a family heirloom.
By the way, with the wedding garter there are some pretty interesting signs.
- The higher the garter is - the more inaccessible will be the bride for all representatives of the stronger sex, with the exception of her husband.
- If the young spouse loses the garter - this promises fast infidelity beloved.
- There is one more sign that goes against the very essence of this custom. Tradition says that if the garter, located above the knee, fell into the hands of a stranger - then he will own the woman soon.
To believe this belief or not is a personal matter, in any case, this wedding tradition brings a touch of piquancy and passion to the celebration.
What foot wear?
In order for the garter to perform all the tasks prescribed by ancient customs, you should properly tie this accessory on your leg. There are no specific requirements on this issue, but traditionally this romantic attribute is tied on the right leg just above the knee; if you tie it in the middle of the thigh, the romantic tradition easily turns into vulgarity and the image of the bride no longer looks so tender and mysterious.
Many wear two garters, this tradition takes roots from North Americawhere, according to custom, each garter has its own meaning: the one that is tied to the right foot is intended for gold guests at a wedding event, and the one that is located on the left is considered to be a more intimate attribute that the young one relieves at the very beginning of the wedding night. Thus, she symbolically says goodbye to a free life and her innocence, passing herself into the hands of a beloved man.
The second garter is popularly called “honey”, because it is from it that the honeymoon begins.
How to shoot?
The main custom associated with a garter is its removal and subsequent throwing to all single men present at the wedding. This is an interesting and fun tradition, but it is necessary first of all to think about the comfort of a young wife.
Traditionally, the newly-wedded spouse removes the garter with his teeth, but to far not all brides like this custom - many consider him vulgar, and someone is afraid that the husband will bite or simply tear the stockings. This is not a reason to abandon the existing tradition, because there are a large number of alternative options.
- A man removes the bandage from the leg of his woman only with his hands so that the hem of the dress does not bully high.
- You can remove the garter in advance, away from prying eyes, and then hand it over to the groom.
- A girl can remove this accessory independently and then give it to her partner.
- A young woman herself lowers a little the garter, for example, just below the knee, and from there a man gets it by any available means.
The proposed options are good not only for shy brides, they often have a place at weddings where there are believers or the older generation, who may not like such liberties.
Tip: it will be better if you decide in advance exactly how the suspension will be removed on the wedding day. In this case, you can avoid awkward situations at a celebration. Well, if a girl puts on two garters, then you should tell your chosen one in advance which one he should take off for his guests.
Variants of throwing and omens
The custom of throwing a garter into a crowd of guests was born in the 15th century in England. In those days, the guests thought that a piece of a girl’s wedding dress brought good luck, so they tried to tear off a piece of a dress or veil with all the truth and crook. In order to protect the wedding dress from such barbarism, an idea was born instead of throwing a piece of clothing to guests. It was believed that those who catch it, will be successful in all endeavors during the year.
A little later, the interpretation has changed slightly: According to the signs, the one who catches such a garter will tie the knot in the very first of its guests. There is one more sign, rooted in the XV century - the one who catches the garter and gives her girlfriend will surely achieve reciprocity from her.
Nowadays, fortunately, no one tries to encroach on the hemline of a newlywed dress, but an interesting sign has survived to the present day.
How to choose?
Trendy and romantic accessory today is presented in a rather diverse design.
The color solution can also be the most diverse, but traditionally garters are performed in blue - it symbolizes the innocence of the young wife. However, when choosing a similar element of dress, one should first of all be guided by the style and color of the dress and underwear young and, of course, take into account her own preferences.
Garters can be wide: as a rule, they are made of lace or satin ribbon. This accessory will look great both as a “honey” and as a happy detail. In order for such a suspension not to slip, usually an elastic band is attached to it from the rear side. This is a great solution for lovers of massive jewelry and large accessories, the garter looks great with any style of underwear and is harmonious on brides of all shapes and sizes.
Thin garters, as a rule, are a satin ribbon decorated with decorative elements. This detail will be optimal for a short dress with a train, it is also worn with a fluffy outfit, decorated with bright elements.
Accessories are often decorated with rhinestones, beads, live or artificial flowers, as well as feathers. Decorated garters look quite stylish and attractive, but here, more than ever, the measure is important: the wedding attribute overloaded with additional elements will simply lose its sophistication and piquancy.
The cost of garters varies from 100 rubles, and the upper limit is not limited by anything - it all depends on the material used, the decor and, of course, the brand. However, for those who want to save money, you can offer to make such an attribute of the holiday with your own hands, on the Internet it is easy to find a large number of master classes that will help create a unique, original and exclusive handmade jewelry that fully meets the style and character of the young.
How to make a garter for the bride with your own hands, see the following video.