
The role and responsibilities of the witness at the wedding

The role and responsibilities of the witness at the wedding

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  1. The history of the emergence of tradition
  2. Witness Tips
  3. His duties
  4. Clothing and behavior
  5. Who should not be taken as a best man?
  6. Wedding omens about the groom's friend

Nowadays, the rules of marriage registration in the registry office are such that in order to obtain a certificate of marriage, witnesses are no longer needed. However, according to established traditions, their presence next to the newlyweds is still very important and necessary.

Surrounding believe that wedding "buddies" in the usual sense of the word are persons confirming the legality of marriage. Their role should be played by those people who truly believe in the love of happy newlyweds and sincerely wish them good luck in their future life together. At a wedding party there are usually 2 witnesses - the best friend of the groom, as well as the best friend of the bride.

The history of the emergence of tradition

The custom to choose assistants for a wedding is known since the times of ancient civilizations. It is from here that the tradition of witnesses to dress as beautifully as the young spouses has gone. If you literally believe in wedding signs, then similarly dressed witnesses will be able to deceive evil power and will not allow her during the holiday to harm a happy couple.

Long since in Russia the role of the witness of the groom was very honorable for any man in the street.

The choice of the newlyweds often stopped at the best friend - the person who will always be happy to help the new family in any difficult times. This could be a boyar boyfriend or fellow warrior. Such a person helped to prepare the holiday, followed the correct performance of certain rites, was the real master of the feast.

Previously, only one witness was chosen by the future happy husband, but in our time a new tradition was born - to select witnesses from 2 sides at once. In the same period, marriages began to be concluded in the registry office, and therefore someone who would become a witness to the legality of the procedure was necessary.

In many countries of the world, all the traditions related to the wedding day are honored, especially since they have been around for centuries, which means that their execution has been checked more than once. But it is worth knowing that the role of the best man is a huge responsibility, since it involves many responsibilities.

Witness Tips

Schafer is not only having fun at his friend's wedding, he has a number of specific functions, a considerable amount of trouble will be placed on his shoulders - from choosing a dress for the groom to preparing a memorable bachelor party.

As a best man, that newlywed friend’s friend will be perfect, who will be really happy for the young and will not have a hidden envy of another’s happiness. These are extremely important criteria when appointing the best man. It is necessary that both witnesses radiate only good and merriment throughout the whole solemn day, do not quarrel with anyone.

Some newlyweds still decide when registering their union to do without such persons as witnesses. But then the groom with his betrothed may be deprived of the best days before their own wedding, because they will have no one to help in the preparation of the entire festive event, because whoever, like a friend with a girlfriend, will shift some of these very burdensome works to prepare for the celebration.

Previously, only all newlyweds chose witnesses for themselves, since it was customary to think that the decision to become a husband and wife without witnesses could not be serious and legitimate.

There are quite a long time ago the rules for choosing the best man.To some, they seem outdated and stupid, while others follow these rules fully, wishing to fulfill all that the old-fashioned beliefs punished. How to choose the best man for the wedding, what are the weighty characteristics should applicants have?

The first friend of the groom can only be a man, the main thing is unmarried. If a married best man is chosen, then, according to belief, he may lose his own happiness in the family.

According to tradition, it is possible to admit two lovers as witnesses, however, you need to be a little wary with such couples - if they quarrel before the triumph, you can be left without witnesses. Therefore, it is better to immediately look for single witnesses, ideally those who almost don’t know each other.

For the role of the best man, you need to pick a person very energetic, as active as possible, then the whole wedding party will be very fun, and the newlyweds will remember the wedding day for a long time. Since certain responsibilities for the preparation of competitions are often transferred to the best man, he, of course, must also be a sociable and very positive person. If the toastmaster is invited to the celebration, then the witness will need to take the most active part in all the proposed games.

It should also be a very responsible man, on whom you can always rely, because the quality of the wedding event itself can directly depend on it, and also how interesting the redemption of the young and other wedding ideas will be.

Even the relatives of the newlyweds can play the role of the best man. But the closest relatives, such as father, uncle, by tradition can not play this role. It is better to select the best man from not too close relatives - you can choose a cousin, for example.

Previously, only believers were taken as fiancés buddies. But with the traditional registration in the registry office, this rule can not be implemented. But if the young themselves are baptized and, apart from the civil painting, they also dream of getting married, then it is necessary to observe such an ancient tradition.

His duties

The following are the duties of the witness on the part of the newlywed.

First of all, he should help the groom to choose a wedding dress and all the necessary accessories.

  • To assist in the preparation of the bachelor party.
  • His duties also include escorting the bridegroom to the home of the bride and comprehensive assistance in her redemption. Therefore, the best man should come to her house with money, various candies and a bottle of champagne.
  • At the registry office, the best man must put his signature on the marriage certificate.
  • It is he who has to make sure that the guests and the newlyweds have something to drink and something to eat during the walk, the best man must also open the bottles of champagne and pour it into glasses.
  • It is he who in advance thinks over the route of the walk and photo shoots of the young and finds suitable transport for these purposes.
  • The witness is obliged to help the witness entertain guests.
  • Best man keeps order at the wedding banquet. At many wedding banquets fights can occur, so the best man will have to follow the behavior of too violent guests and relatives.
  • In addition, he should help the groom to completely bring his appearance in order before the long-awaited meeting with the bride.
  • The best man should check before going out if he and his fiancé had not forgotten his passport and rings, bridal bouquet, additional requisites and trivia.

The best man should help to accept gifts for the newlyweds from their guests and take care of the integrity and safety of all gifts.

At the banquet, the best man should not sit with arms folded; he actively entertains the young and the guests. Usually, the witness adjusts to the master of ceremonies: he will dance if necessary, and even sing, and play along in some practical joke.

After the banquet, the best man is obliged to help the newlyweds to go home and carry out the guests on a walk.

In addition, the witness should always be near the bridesmaid - she becomes his companion for the entire wedding. It will not be easy for both of them: everyone will drink, walk, have fun, and they will need to take the rap for everyone.

This list of duties of the witness can be expanded depending on the subject of the wedding celebration. If this is a themed wedding, then the function of the witness in this case will also include the duty to help with the selection of the necessary props and costumes for the newlyweds, the design of the venue for celebrating the themed banquet. The role of the witness today is quite serious and requires special responsibility.

Clothing and behavior

The witness also has to properly look at the wedding celebration so that the newlyweds should not be ashamed of him. The appearance of the best man should be appropriate to the chosen style of the wedding celebration, but still, outfit is chosen according to his own taste.

  • It may well be a black classic suit with a snow-white shirt and a properly chosen tie.
  • The costume of white color will look festively, and a bow tie can become a very original accessory.
  • Given the fact that the best man at a wedding banquet will have to take part in many contests and various kinds of entertainment, it is better to choose a suit of dark colors, and the shoes are chosen for the color of the costume itself.
  • The dress should be elegant, make a pleasant impression, because the best man is the second person at the banquet after the groom. And the presence of a number of stylishly dressed witnesses will all the more oblige him to look great.

A witness should behave decently - be in a sober state until the end of the celebration, because his help may be needed at any time. Also, the witness should know that his behavior can be superimposed on the atmosphere of the whole holiday in the most direct way.

Who should not be taken as a best man?

Newlyweds should take to their boyfriends those people whose social status will not contradict the general atmosphere of celebration. Witnesses are also selected based on the specifics of young people’s relations with these people. Which candidates may not be suitable for the responsible role of the best man?

It is impossible to take in their capacity of those who were divorced, as well as young people who married more than once. Such a best man may bring misfortune to the newlyweds and this will serve their quick divorce. Yes, and guests of the holiday will be a little uncomfortable: how can a person who has failed to save his marriage, can truly wish good luck and happiness in marriage to his friends and occupy such an important role at the wedding?

  • You can not make a witness to a widowed person. If you believe the ancient signs, this kind of wedding helpers can attract young trouble.
  • Too boring, overly shy and in their own way inactive in life, people also do not really fit such an important role, since they can hardly fully fulfill the duties assigned to the best man.
  • Also, do not choose those who will not share the joy of the newlyweds about their long-awaited marriage. Envious and gossip have no place in the close environment of the young.
  • It is usually considered a bad omen to invite the groom's namesake to the role of best man.

Wedding omens about the groom's friend

    • When the invitees start shouting “Bitter!”, The witnesses, in turn, should not forget to shout “Sweet!” In response.
    • A stranger can not cross the road to the newlyweds, because the best man with the witness go, slightly ahead of the happy newlyweds.
    • Under the threshold of the dwelling of the groom, the best man puts a padlock open. After the groom transfers his young wife across the threshold of the house, the best man must lock the key, hand the lock over to the newlyweds, and throw the key away.
    • Witnesses have another important mission. One of them must, throughout the whole wedding, carry a thread of white color with them, in case one of the wedding rings accidentally falls.The one who has dropped in such a case will thread the ring through the thread, then the best man will burn the thread that absorbs the negative energy.
    • A witness with a witness must be kissed at the very end of the banquet. So they insure the young and take over the possible negative of someone from those present.

    Some of the duties of the witnesses at the wedding are listed in the following video.

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