Decorations for the wedding: what are and how to make them with your own hands?

Wedding organization involves a lot of trouble. I want everything to be perfect. Every little thing plays a role here. Therefore, it is worth thinking not only about the wedding dress and banquet, but also about those decorations that will create a festive atmosphere.
What accessories are needed for a wedding?
Perhaps you have no idea how many accessories and decorations are needed to organize a wedding. You will say that you used to do without them somehow. Yes, but today many couples are doing themed weddings.
Even the color can be the main leitmotif of the entire celebration. At the same time it is important that every detail corresponds to a given trend.
Therefore, we will understand what kind of accessories and decorations are needed for a wedding. In order not to forget anything, write down all the stages of the wedding and determine what is necessary for each of them. Preparation for the wedding includes the presence of guests who need to give out beautiful invitations.
Bride price:
- design of a tuple;
- bouquet for the bride and future mother-in-law;
- registration of the apartment of the bride, where the ransom will be made.
Ceremony in the registry office:
- ring cushion;
- folder for marriage certificate;
- glasses for breaking.
- hall decoration;
- festive table;
- arch;
- photo shoot area;
- glasses for the bride and groom;
- decorated bottles;
- box for money;
- seating cards;
- candles.
Ring Cushion
This is the accessory on which the rings will be given to the young during the marriage. It's okay if you do not prepare it in advance. Representatives of the registry office will offer you a standard beautiful saucer, on which the rings will lie. Such an accessory will serve not only at the ceremony itself, but also create a wonderful background for photo rings.
But if you want to emphasize the individual character of your celebration, you can sew a pad with your own hands. Nothing complicated here. It will be enough to buy beautiful material and lace. The pillow can be made not only in square or rectangular shape. Also a heart can be a very popular form. This will emphasize the romance of the moment. Not prohibited and special variations that fit your subject (shells, vases of natural material, etc.).
Crystal glasses for breaking
To break glasses "for luck" is a pleasant and spectacular tradition. Dishes for this will need to prepare in advance. Someone will say that it is very a pity to beat expensive crystal. Then you can approach this process creatively. For example, buy inexpensive glasses or take a pair from the existing set and decorate them with special paint, rhinestones and other elements. Depending on the chosen theme, the drawings on the glasses can repeat the given stylistics. For the classic scenario, imitation of lace and beautiful white streaks will be suitable.
Folder for Testimony
After the representative of the registry office gives you the coveted document, you will need to invest it somewhere so that it does not hesitate or get lost. The stores sell standard folders for marriage registration certificates. But no one forbids you to make your own.
To simplify the task, you can buy a blank with a multiforo and decorate it at your own will.
In the future, this document will need you more than once, so make sure that the decor was securely attached. In a hard folder it will be very convenient to carry the document with you in the bag, but if there are a lot of beads on it, rhinestones, etc., then they can be detached. It is more expedient to use for this purpose a standard folder or a corner, and at home again you will be able to put the main document of the family into an elegant wrapper.
Invitations for guests
Ready-made options can be purchased at any store where postcards are sold. But it is rather banal and prosaic. After all, you yourself want your wedding was not like any other. So start with invitations. Make them yourself. You will need a beautiful thick cardboard, lace and other decorative items (optional).
Print text on beautiful paper and paste into cardboard blanks. The outer side can be decorated with lace and beautiful satin ribbon ties. This is just one of the options. What will be your unique invitation, depends only on your imagination and desire. You can creatively approach the compilation of the text of the invitation itself, and not just write the date and time of the marriage.
To emphasize individuality, you can use photos of young people. They can be located both on the inside and on the outside of the invitation.
Armbands for bridesmaids
The tradition of appointing bridesmaids came to us from the West, and has already managed to settle down. While the witnesses today do not play such an important role as before, they are successfully replaced by the army of bridesmaids. To highlight their status, they dress in the same (or similar in style and color) dress. On the hand they also tied a kind of decoration - a garter. They are all the same.
You can make them yourself. At the same time, they blend well in color and style with the image and general theme of the wedding. These are mainly transparent ribbons with decorative flowers.
If you want to make them yourself, then make sure that they hold well on your hand and do not fall apart. Indeed, during the celebration girlfriends will take an active part in competitions and dances.
Seating Cards
Special cards will help to avoid fuss and awkward moments when seating. Take care of the optimal arrangement of the guests to be right for you. After all, only you know who and is better known and friendly with. It is necessary to take into account the categories of guests: relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. The cards are made very simple. Even without special skills in working with editors. You can write in a beautiful font the name of the guest. It is necessary to print it on thick paper or cardboard.
Possible and creative option. For example, when a name plate is attached to a napkin or a small flower. You can use it as a stand for a stick with the name and a candy cane in a beautiful golden wrapper. There are a lot of options. One has only to understand that in this way you will not only designate the place of each guest, but also bring additional wedding decor into the table decoration.
Table decoration: candles, bouquets
In addition to the festive table setting, you can provide additional accessories that will create a mood. It may be small bouquets, decorated with beautiful ribbons. If everything happens in summer, you can save money and make small bouquets of wildflowers. Candles will be needed not only for the decoration of the table, but also for the symbolic tradition of “home”. You can make them yourself, by visiting or seeing a master class in their manufacture, or you can buy a regular candle and decorate it.
Money box
No matter how trite it is, most guests prefer to give cash presents. Yes, and a young family spent on the celebration, the funds will be useful.You can, of course, just collect all the money envelopes and safely hide them, or you can build a special box for this purpose. It will take him in some contests. For example, when “buying” a piece of wedding cake. Agree, it will look much more aesthetically pleasing and more elegant than a simple collection of money by a tamada. How exactly do such a box? He can imitate a chest or piggy bank.
Note that its size should be quite large, since the money is in special envelopes. And they can be either the size of a standard bill, or in the form of a postcard.
If you have a large box at home, then you will only have to decorate it. In the absence of such, you can make it out of cardboard. You can buy and inexpensive simple option in the store, and decorate on their own. The style should be either combined with the general theme, or be frankly festive and wedding.
Decor of glasses and bottles
Those glasses from which young people will drink require special attention. They can be issued in the style of "bride and groom." Or simply decorate the symbolic wedding rings, white pigeons. Bottles at the celebration can also be a subject of decoration. You can order special labels and pre-stick them on the bottle with alcohol.
You will learn how to make bottle decor by watching the following video.
Car decoration
Much attention should be paid to the car in which the bride and groom will go. For her, you can rent beautiful volumetric bows, ribbons and other accessories. But the rest of the car can not be left in the usual form. Usually decorations are attached to the door handles, bumper.
A good material is tulle. From it you can make and bows, and flowers. To do this, it is enough to buy it in different colors and not forget about satin ribbons.
Hall decoration
If the wedding is planned outside the city, then you can arrange a tent and an arch. Although the latter can be arranged at the entrance to the hall. Complement the interior of small bouquets, design of the bar and the tables themselves.
Some of these elements can also be made by yourself in order not to overpay and support the theme of the wedding.
For guests and newlyweds, you can equip a special photo zone. It can even be a small table with a beautiful tablecloth and wedding decor. Also with this role is an excellent tent.
More and more couples prefer exit registration, and this element will create a romantic atmosphere. It is easy to equip from ordinary beams and light chiffon.
You can diversify wedding photos with the help of original volumetric figures. They are made of foam. What exactly cut, each pair decides on its own. These may be the names (or initials) of the newlyweds, and the word love, and rings. Recently, it has become very fashionable to draw up peculiar inscriptions-hashtags.
Paper products and tapes
So, from these materials you can create the following elements to decorate the wedding:
- car decorations (ribbons and tulle will be an excellent material for decorating a wedding procession);
- wedding invitations: we have already considered options for their design using satin ribbons, lace and beads (you can also make decorations using quilling techniques);
- signs on the table;
- bandages on the hand of bridesmaids (you can’t do without beautiful translucent ribbons);
- box for money;
- decoration of the hall and table.
Bead jewelery
Making handmade bead objects is a rather painstaking and delicate work.
Consider that certain types of accessories for a wedding are made in a large number (by the number of guests).
You can decorate a ring cushion with beads or attach it to invitations as a decorative element. You can make out of it and bracelets - bandages for bridesmaids. This is a rather painstaking job, but the result is worth it. Such decoration will remain in their collection for a long time, and will remind you of this day.It is enough to study the patterns of weaving, and the original bracelet will decorate the pens of girlfriends.
Trivia at the wedding play an important role. They create a certain atmosphere and remain in the memory of guests and newlyweds for a long time. Make them yourself or order ready - each couple decides for itself. But in fact, and in another case, you will need to show your own imagination.