How to organize a meeting of the groom without a bride price at the wedding?

Wedding is a special day in the life of each couple, so you want it to be remembered for a lifetime. The bride and groom plan their wedding day in such a way that it becomes bright and interesting - for this, contests and entertainment events are held. So, today, a rather old tradition of bride price for the bridegroom has been preserved. For this, the bridesmaids build various obstacles in the way of the young man. However, not all couples are willing to spend their wedding day on this traditional scenario. Moreover, there are many ways to meet the groom without redemption.
Reasons for abandoning the tradition of redemption
Refusal to buy back can be explained by the following reasons:
- Considering the fact that over many decades weddings took place according to the same classical scenario, this tradition has exhausted itself;
- most couples cohabit before marriage, so the ransom seems inappropriate;
- any couple wants their wedding to be exclusive and original, so they do not want to adhere to generally accepted canons;
- a simpler option is to meet the future spouse at the bride's house, from where he (with the permission of the parents) takes her to the registry office.
Alternative scenarios for meeting the groom
In addition to the outdated tradition, there are other ways to meet young people. In a well-planned scenario, it will not be necessary to redeem a young one. Consider some modern alternative ways to meet the bride and groom.
- For lovers of an exclusive meeting at the fountain, on the embankment, in the park or in another picturesque place will be an unusual option. This meeting can be arranged in such a way that the young people move towards each other to meet beautiful music.
- Couples can also arrange a meeting at the Marriage Palace. The bride and groom can drive to the registry office on different machines at the same time.
- If the couple lived together before the wedding, then you can arrange a joint exit from the hotel room (or your house, apartment). Get quite stylish photos.
Young people can meet on the site of their first acquaintance. It will turn out very romantic. They can also arrange a walk to the places where they often spent time together.
- You can arrange a meeting of future spouses in the form of a quest. Bridesmaids give tips to the groom, following which, he must find a bride. A bride, for example, can sit in a cafe nearby. And from there they will be able to go together to the Wedding Palace.
- At the time of the arrival of the future spouse there is a meeting with the parents of the future spouse - they speak a speech, give parting words and want happiness in family life. The bride at this time is in the next room. Then the father takes the daughter, takes the hands of the young and fastens them, thereby giving away the hand and heart of the daughter.
- Another option to meet the groom without money is to simply pick up the bride from home. At the time of the young man's arrival, the girl should be dressed in a wedding dress, the room should be elegantly decorated, the table should be served. In a relaxed atmosphere, the young give each other vows of eternal love and loyalty. Then everyone drinks a glass of champagne and moves to the registrar.
Also, lovers of fun contests may ask the young to sing under the windows of the bride's favorite romantic song, under which the bride goes down, the young dance and applause sit in the car. Then they go to the Wedding Palace.
- It is best to meet the young parents of the bride. If you do not want to meet him with a loaf, you can meet with glasses of champagne or wine.
- You can arrange a meeting of the bride and groom unusually. For example, he may come to a meeting with her on a white horse or in a superhero costume.
- The groom can appear in front of the bride's house effectively - together with his friends he can perform some enchanting number: dance, skit, etc.
- There is an idea of an extreme meeting of the bride and groom. The groom can climb with a bouquet of flowers in his mouth on the fire escape, climb into her window. The bride and her parents will be waiting in the groom's room, as well as a small buffet table. If possible, you can order a lift, decorate it with balls, flowers. On the lift, the groom rises to the window of the bride, and then they go down to the cars together.
- An interesting option would be to meet the bride and groom according to the traditions of other nations. For example, you can revive the ancient traditions of Jewish, Ukrainian, Tatar, Moldavian, Chechen and other weddings. It will be very creative.
In order for the wedding to be remembered for a long time, you need to think through the whole scenario to the smallest detail, and not just the meeting of the groom with the bride. Also, it is not at all necessary to completely abandon the ransom — it can be carried out, but redone in a modern or humorous way, or use only individual elements of this tradition. Whatever the idea of holding a wedding, the main thing - that she remembered the young for many years.
Wedding experts will tell you how to arrange a meeting with the bridegroom without her ransom in the video below.