
Socks slippers

Socks slippers

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  1. Models

The custom of taking off shoes on coming home and changing shoes to another exists among many nations. Most often in the apartment we wear shoes easier and cheaper than the one in which we walk on the street.

There are several varieties of home shoes. In addition to the usual slippers or slaps for home use slippers, socks are ideal. Cozy and comfortable, beautiful and light - they tightly fit and warm the legs.

This type of slippers has many advantages:

  • During active movements around the house, ordinary slippers can jump off their feet and get lost, but with slippers and toes this will not happen exactly.
  • Due to their softness, they do not hamper movements. And they are very warm and do not allow the legs to freeze.

This version of home shoes will appeal to active women and young mothers who have the habit of quickly moving around the apartment.

  • It is known that young children are extremely difficult to persuade to wear slippers. And those of the guys who nevertheless agree to do this often lose their shoes during the games. With slippers, socks will not be such a problem, because you can not remove them!

There are several varieties of home shoes. In addition to the usual slippers or slaps for home use slippers, socks are ideal. Cozy and comfortable, beautiful and light - they tightly fit and warm the legs.

  • The main advantage of slippers socks over ordinary socks is the presence of the sole, thanks to which the feet are not afraid of the cold floor.


A woman wants to be beautiful always, both at home and in society. Creating your home image, you can not limit yourself to fantasies, and slippers, socks will help to complement and improve it.

There are many of their models, of which each lady will be able to choose the most suitable for themselves.

Very common knitted patterns slippers, socks, which are produced in production or manufactured by mistresses - masters for themselves and their families.

Knitted patterns are thin and voluminous, tall and short. There are options similar to slippers, and there are those that are more like socks.

On numerous “Hand made” sites one can find ready-made models of such shoes, a scheme for knitting, instructions, and even master classes.

Among the various knitted options you can find socks without a seam - they are ideal for children and girls with very delicate skin.

Juraby in appearance they resemble socks or socks. The practical properties of this type of footwear make it popular in the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia and many countries of the Balkan Peninsula.

Knitting jurab is an art that requires skill and imagination. There is even a separate knitting technique for such socks. How the master masters it depends on the durability and thermal regulation of the product.

Jurabs are knitted from thick wool yarn, and a soft leather sole is sewn to the finished product.

Sledky, Unlike conventional socks, only the feet are covered. They are comfortable to wear with wide home pants.

Fishnet Socks are most often made of thin cotton threads, and their soles are made of any thick fabric.

This stylish accessory will help its owner to make her home look more sweet and delicate.

Wool socks can also be laced. However, because of the pattern, the thing becomes less warm, which means it is better to wear it in rooms where there is a carpet.

Baby Slippers-socks attract with their bright and unusual design, which is done specifically to interest the kids.

This useful and necessary thing cleverly disguised as a toy.

Children's slippers - socks are decorated with ribbons, laces, multi-colored tassels and pompoms. And the rattles are sewn into the socks for the little ones, who entertain the little ones with their little tinkling noise during the movement.

Material and color

Choosing slippers - socks, be sure to pay attention to the materials from which they are made. It is advisable that home shoes be made of natural materials - in this case it will not be cold in shoes in winter and hot in summer.

Equally important are the sole materials. Most often it is made of rubber - so the product is easy to wash and clean.

The felt sole also has its advantages: it is soft and non-slip.

Some manufacturers of socks, socks on the sole of the product special rubber pattern that does not allow shoes to slide on the floor.

The color palette of home shoes knows no restrictions. Delicate pastel colors, bright floral and geometric patterns - this item has everything for every taste.

Spectacular colors, bright floral and geometric patterns.

You can choose socks, slippers with bright and unusual design, funny patterns, applications, buttons or bows, and you can choose soft and fluffy slippers in the form of animals.

Bright and very warm djurabs warm the feet of their owner and give him a good mood.

Jurabs delight the look with lush flowers and beautiful geometric pattern. Blue, orange, white and red are combined with each other and give a smart look to home shoes.

Openwork sledki look feminine and glamorous. The product is made of delicate light blue yarn, and on the edge is trimmed with a thin satin ribbon.

Children's slippers, boots of bright orange yarn. Decorated in the form of dogs, the nose and ears of which, as well as the sole, things are knitted of thick brown yarn.

Cozy soft slippers-bunnies with a fluffy pompon tail and long ears. Sewn from bright pink fleece with white fleece trim.

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