Themed Gifts

What gift can you give a pregnant woman?

What gift can you give a pregnant woman?

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  1. Best Useful Options
  2. Original gifts
  3. Tips for choosing
  4. What is better not to give?

A pregnant woman deserves a gift even if there are no other holidays during pregnancy. However, taking into account that the “interesting situation” lasts three quarters of a year, at least one of the company’s lists - birthday, New Year or March 8 - probably falls into this period. As a rule, the fact of pregnancy itself greatly influences what is presented to the girl, therefore it is worthwhile to deal with the possible presentation options.

Best Useful Options

Despite the fact that pregnancy for most women is a welcome and very joyful event, such a condition causes a lot of inconvenience. A girl who is ready to provide replenishment in the family will now have a lot less free time, and she also urgently needs increased comfort, because gifts for pregnant women often have practical use. Consider the things that are most often given to wives, daughters, sisters and girlfriends.

  • Kitchen appliances. Now it will be necessary to prepare food more often - both the mother and the child need to eat regularly. Food should be healthy, and the diet should be balanced, because the day before yesterday's soup will not get off. In addition, a few months after the birth of the child, he will need his own freshly prepared food, so all these multicookers, blenders, juicers and yogurt makers will be very useful.

Thanks to this equipment, the cooking process will be automated, and the released time can be spent on yourself, and a little later - on the child.

  • Robot vacuum cleaner. Another very useful assistant, able to take on all the harvesting. Given that children will soon appear in the house, who traditionally are very prone to allergies to literally everything, perfect cleanliness in the house will not hurt, and besides, young mothers are also more prone to allergic reactions.
  • Gentle washing machine. In most modern households, such equipment is already there, but if for some reason it has not yet been bought, it's time to think. This unit will provide constantly clean clothes, while washing small and fragile things very carefully.
  • Sling. Such a newfangled surprise is a shoulder bandage that allows you to always keep the baby with you, while leaving your hands free. Such a present will surely be enjoyed by active mothers, since they can now go to the store and walk without a carriage, and even do small household chores without leaving the child unattended.

At the same time, we will not blindly praise such a decision, but we will be adequate - not all experts consider this option useful both for the child and for his mother.

  • Books about motherhood. There is no such person who knew everything from birth. Knowledge of how to properly care for a child, what to prepare for, how to properly develop and educate a child is not taken from nowhere. If a pregnant woman is preparing to give birth for the first time and has never watched the care of young children with her own eyes, many things for her may be unexpected.

Nobody canceled the trial and error method, but, of course, it is better to do without errors, and the experience of previous generations will greatly help in this.

  • Money. In many cases, this gift is considered to be commonplace, and it’s as if it shows that the donor simply didn’t wrestle with and waste time choosing a present, but cash is a very practical thing for a pregnant woman to be appreciated. A young family preparing for the appearance of a first-born child is often very constrained in finances, so any external infusions will be received with enthusiasm.

Original gifts

Each person has a different concept of originality of presents, but in the case of pregnant women, you can choose some unusual solutions that are suitable for the situation and cannot be considered a hackneyed option at all. Consider a few of these ideas.

For example, one of the most exciting moments for the future mother is to monitor the baby in the womb - you can see it on the ultrasound, and sometimes you can even listen to the heartbeat. At home, see the fruit does not work, but enterprising manufacturers have released on the market a unit that allows you to track the heartbeat of an unborn baby. For a pregnant woman, this is a variant of feedback with the child, because she can talk to him, but the reaction is monitored only in the form of movements.

If the mother understands medicine, this decision will also help her to monitor the health of the fetus. Interestingly, the gadget can even be connected to a computer to record a heartbeat.

There is another unit, which was called Babykick. He tracks the activity of the child in terms of movements - they usually appear from about 24 weeks. As is the case with the device for listening to the heartbeat, such a gadget with an abundance of stored information can give a lot of useful information to the doctor leading the pregnancy, because the patient herself will be happy to monitor the baby at home.

With such a device it is also very easy to identify patterns in the motor activity of the fetus, and therefore, quickly notice any changes in behavior.

A rather original solution is the Belly Art set. While someone leaves the memory of herself in the form of footprints or hands, a pregnant mother with the help of such a gift can make a plaster cast from her own stomach.

Honestly, such a gift is an amateur; however, those who appreciate unusual works of art and would gladly decorate their home with an art-house sculpture may like this option.

Memories of pregnancy in general are often a cause for nostalgia in women, many of them perceive this state as a symbol of femininity and are proud of it. For this reason, photos taken in an interesting position will surely be among the most beloved ones.

Modern technologies have practically killed professional photographers, but in this case it is better to turn to them because such specialists, and even in a duet with a make-up artist, will make a truly beautiful photo session that will please the eye for many decades. As a gift you can give certificate for visiting such a photo session.

Tips for choosing

Regardless of who you are giving a gift to, you always want the person giving a present to be happy, because you need to give something that a person wants, or that he definitely would not hurt. You can always give something at your own discretion, but be prepared for the fact that due to increased hormonal levels, pregnant women are often quite capricious and are not always inclined to hide their emotions.

For this reason, it makes sense to carry out at least a minimal preliminary exploration - you can gently ask what the young family is missing, and what they definitely will not buy soon.

Finding a good gift for a pregnant woman is also difficult because her current state is temporary, and often your gift will not come in handy soon or be useful now, but in a couple of months it may become unnecessary.Of course, in such a situation it is better to focus on things, the need for which will not disappear. In this regard, it seems very practical any gifts like a transformer - for example, there is even a jacket of such a cut, which will always be mom on the figure, even after childbirth.

Please note that any things you give a pregnant woman, must be of high quality in terms of environmental materials. Unfortunately, nowadays too many products are made of low-quality plastic or painted with low-grade paints and varnishes.

Consumers buy such products, considering such a purchase to be profitable because of its low price, but one thing is the health of an ordinary adult, which, by the way, may also be affected, and quite another to a pregnant mother and her very young baby.

Given the increased tendency to allergies, any gift to a pregnant woman should be not only environmentally friendly, but also hypoallergenic.

While the woman is only in an interesting position, she may suddenly have quite a lot of free time. This happens if maternity leave began quite early, and a caring husband does not allow intensive exercise of the body, at least in the form of petty chores. In such a situation, a pregnant woman may simply get bored, because not the worst gift for her can be any entertainment, whether it is a book in any direction or pleasant relaxing music.

Among other things, such gifts are also good because they distract from bad emotions, allow you to relax more productively and tune in a positive way, if, of course, the donor has not thought of giving something gloomy.

Finally, many women in the early months of pregnancy are nervous because they are not sure of their ability to regain a normal figure after giving birth. In this case, a good gift option may be special cosmetics for pregnant women, there are even special creams for stretch marks. A set of such funds can be quite expensive, and the family has other important expenses, so donate a whole basket. This way you will return self-confidence to the girl, and the future father will appreciate the practical gift.

What is better not to give?

Choosing a good gift, it is important to focus not only on ideal solutions, you should immediately figure out what exactly will not work. For example, handing the same kitchen equipment, you need to do it in such a way as to greatly simplify daily duties; if the gift is a hint that it is time to take responsibly the household duties, it can only freak out. It is especially tactless to give such presents to the husband, because the same slow cooker or blender is good, but the pan is already bad.

When choosing a gift, make a start not only from the usual habits and preferences of the person bestowed, but also from its current position. Imagine for a moment that before the pregnancy, the girl considered herself a fashionista and loved evening dresses very much, now this birthday present will only upset her.

Indeed, in the position she simply does not fit in such clothes, after giving birth she will have no time for parties for a long time, which means that you can really wear this gift only in about a year and a half, and even if you manage to return to your original form .

Few people will be pleased with the present, which can only be used in the distant future, so this is a clear mistake in terms of choice.

Perfume and toilet water should be given very carefully in any case, and handing them to a pregnant woman is fraught with a lot of trouble. Firstly, if you do not know the person being presented perfectly well, you can simply not guess with the aroma, because each person has his own tastes and a special idea of ​​the ideal image. Secondly, the increased susceptibility of the girl to strong odors often causes pregnant women to use perfume less intensively.

Sweets are considered another popular gift, which is not suitable for the role of the main, but is often present in the role of secondary. Most girls can be considered sweet teeth and refuse to abuse such products, except because they cherish a slim figure.

Well, if the only consequence will be additional difficulties when returning to its former form after giving birth, however, overweight can adversely affect the health of the baby, therefore it is better not to tempt the future mother once again with such food.

Ideas for gifts to the future mother, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


