Themed Gifts

Corporate gifts for customers and business partners

Corporate gifts for customers and business partners

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  1. What to hand to customers?
  2. Partner Gift Ideas
  3. What to choose employees?
  4. Handmade Presents
  5. Original gift options

Commercial activity can not be reduced simply to the drafting of documents, dry negotiations and organizational processes. After all, it involves, directly or indirectly, a lot of living people. And they will be happy if they receive pleasant and appropriate gifts.

What to hand to customers?

A solid business structure is simply obliged to have its corporate souvenirs. You can not take them purely utilitarian, just like some items with a logo that you just need to order, put in the hands of the same customers, and on this find your debt fulfilled to the end. It is also a very important channel of communication with people. Therefore, the absolute requirement is originality, the lack of a template. Yes, it is difficult - but the more valuable will be the achieved result.

More popular already gained various kinds of cash bonuses. Certificates for the receipt of goods and services free of charge or with a significant discount at the same time will please the presented and closely tie them to the company. The gift will be more eloquent than most promoters and other employees. In order not to be mistaken in determining the optimal type of gifts, it is necessary to clearly divide the audience into three groups:

  • buy something sporadically;
  • stable buyers;
  • consumers who purchase a large volume of goods (services) regularly or soon expect to significantly expand the volume of orders.

The first group is given mostly purely holiday souvenirs - mugs, calendars. The presentation of such gifts for New Year's holidays works especially well. Stable consumers are often presented with flash drives and other gifts that will be useful for a long time. The most difficult, of course, with the elite category of clientele. She needs to hand only what is guaranteed to be remembered.

Important: to choose good ideas among frankly failures is not easy. It will be necessary to scrupulously know the psychology, habits, nuances of activities and hobbies of those who are presented in order to receive positive emotions in return. The main thing is the compliance of the present and the status of the people presented The next rule is the "content" of the gift (it must carry some meaning).

Moreover, it is required that it is useful and pleasant (as a last resort, you can choose a utility or amenity separately).

For your information: from surveys done abroad follows - 4 out of 5 received gifts keep them long thanks to the utility. It would be possible for a long time to talk about the nuances of the selection of the optimal surprise. But in principle, three main points are enough. Given them, most adults with a certain life experience will definitely solve the problem. Let their gifts and not be "exceptional", but their main tasks, they perform in any case.

But there is one more thing that is often underestimated. Sometimes not so much the gift itself is important, but the attention paid. Therefore, congratulations via the Internet and by telephone, sending out surprises by courier services cannot be considered as a serious option. A solid company, intending to act for a long time and successfully, should show greater "humanity."

Even in the densest schedule, managers are obliged to find time for delivering gifts in person.

The selection must take into account how many people will receive congratulations. If they are from 500 people and more, it is recommended to use:

  • wall calendars;
  • desktop calendars;
  • pocket calendars;
  • postcards;
  • decorative photos;
  • original drawings and graphics.

Since the gifts of such a plan are used everywhere, you will have to make a bet on the original look of the gift. Spare money on the development of the finished product and its design should not be. On the calendars should be a place where the gift can put the desired mark.

Recommendation: of all the cards, those where the greeting should be entered independently are better suited. The most promising and most important customers right now will appreciate this attention.

When customers are 100 people or less, it is advisable to refuse any ideas of mass gifts. In this case, choose the most individual things that emphasize care and attention. Preference should be given to the gifts, in the original form expressing the idea of ​​the brand. Along with the trademark, it is necessary to use specific slogans and encouraging inscriptions.

A good idea can be an expensive delicacy, decorated individually.

Extremely important in any case: All gifts must be high quality, otherwise, instead of attracting customers, it is easy to get the opposite effect. Another caveat is that brand names and slogans should not be put intrusively. This will be perceived as an annoying and shameless invasion of personal space.

You can also advise the same as for any other gift, not just a corporate one, to think about whether it would be nice to get it in the place of other people.

It is worth knowing that some gifts are obviously not suitable, regardless of the quality and exclusivity:

  • things of a purely personal purpose;
  • anything that has sexual or abusive overtones;
  • money (including bank cards or deposits);
  • sharp, cutting and dangerous items.

A bad idea could be giving a mirror. Yes, in fact, there is nothing mystical about it - but a corporate gift cannot pursue a forced educational goal. You should not give medical equipment, medicines, other things that are associated with ailments and physical disabilities. A bad gift will definitely be hygienic. It is strictly unacceptable to give that customers obviously can not use.

Partner Gift Ideas

Corporate gifts can be addressed not only to customers. Regular business partners with their help build, strengthen and maintain personal relationships. You can find many lists of the best business gifts - it is quite appropriate to use them, at least as a starting point. Original trainings, seminars and unobtrusive professional development courses are more of an idea for employees.

And they should be used only if they are directly asked for it.

It is strictly unacceptable to hand over to partners everything that may have political, religious or philosophical implications. No place in this segment of gifts and any items that are comic or humorous shade. Such gifts can be safely used in one case: when you need to quarrel and insult.

The best option - gifts of a neutral nature. But neutrality does not mean lack of originality.

For an amount of 500 to 2,000 rubles, it is quite possible to purchase kits in a creative manner for one purpose or another. Boxes and other packaging are sometimes covered with company logos. But, as with customer service, these logos should not attract too much attention. New Year's gifts for partners are not necessarily edible - but even with such a restriction, they are quite diverse. In order not to be mistaken, sometimes they turn to companies specializing in the selection of thematic gifts.

The subject can be very different, but it is best if it takes into account the scope of activities and / or hobbies of the people presented. So, for men who are fond of tourism, suitable quality equipment and equipment. Another option: something based on the scope of human activity, only emphasized vintage, old-fashioned look. An additional advantage would be when the thing looks more and clearly expensive, respectable.

A very pleasant surprise for most people - charging device. Mobile gadgets and laptops are easy to see, they are usually shown in negotiations. And because the selection of the ideal charger is quite simple. One gift combines the features of care and attention.

Important information for a personalized gift can be obtained from social networks, from knowledgeable people, or simply using intuition.

Original way of congratulations - print on canvas with individual wishes or with quotes from celebrities, from books, movies and so on. The main thing is that there should be some clear connection with the sphere of human activity. Important: when selecting a gift for partners, it is necessary to take into account age, national and religious specifics. So, in collaboration with the Japanese, you can never give sets of 4 items or 4 presents. As a corporate gift just do not fit:

  • clothes, shoes, hats;
  • cosmetics and perfumery products;
  • alcohol and tobacco;
  • something with a hint of the bad qualities of people, of shortcomings of character and behavior, appearance;
  • Habits (even good or harmless), too, should not be hinted;
  • the fact that a person is guaranteed not useful - to give unacceptable.

What to choose employees?

You can not think that a corporate gift for an employee of the organization to pick up easily and simply. Thinking about his choice is required very thoroughly. A well-chosen gift helps to strengthen business contacts and human relationships in the company. The most important thing in this case is the development of an original idea.

Important: to repeat even when congratulating on similar holidays (happy New Year, for example, or on the anniversary of the company) is undesirable.

A good plan can be formulated only if you know what impression should be made. To seek too expensive gifts is unwise. The main criteria for a quality presentation will be unusual ideas and its relevance to the reasons.

Important: it is worth preparing for the selection and delivery of gifts in advance. Practice shows that when choosing at the last moment, they spend a lot of extra money, and still achieve a slight effect.

Employees will be happy if they get a thing that is both useful and atypical. The addressee should have no difficulty using the gift. Help in choosing a special scheme will draw on paper. It marks the place of each intended gift on the scales of practicality and originality.

Obviously it is worth refusing that which is both routine and meaningless in practice.

To congratulate beginners, use what is useful in office work:

  • stationery kits;
  • organizers;
  • original notebooks and diaries;
  • inscribed cups.

To reward experienced people for effective work and successful accomplishment of assigned tasks, they usually use cash amounts. But even they can be submitted originally. When planning a gift for a particular event, the most original ideas are used. And photo frames, and other items that add comfort. To make a surprise more colorful, sometimes they use plywood boxes (like those used for parcels) or ecological bags.

A good surprise can be a miniature terrarium, where the flower is put. The shape of the vessel is varied, but in any case, an optimal microclimate must be maintained inside. It is appropriate for office employees to give something that will help to lead a healthy lifestyle. We are talking about such presentations as:

  • natural products;
  • certificates for relaxing massage courses;
  • devices for self-massage;
  • sports accessories.

Speaking of natural motives, you can not ignore the office equipment. Many electronic devices are made in wooden cases; Often there are corresponding coasters. All this can be supplemented with a characteristic ecological cube.

But unlike partners and customers, employees can also give surprises with humorous overtones. All sorts of medals and cups, chairs with inscriptions, figures, funny photos in a frame or on objects in the office will delight people.

With their help, you can relieve the situation emotionally, to cope even with the most intense working situation. It is even appropriate to use plates for the doors decorated with merry inscriptions. But you can not be limited to just a humorous effect. Many corporate gifts to staff are oriented towards maintaining high performance. To this end, handed:

  • documentation folders;
  • magnetic and slate boards for planning;
  • literature for professional development and growth of the general level of culture;
  • stationery.

Part of the gifts for employees is aimed at rallying the team and developing team spirit. A corporate group sports game will fit almost perfectly. But when choosing such activities it is necessary to find out if it will be interesting for everyone to devote time to them.

You can not ignore the traditional gifts that will turn out to be more original due to the scale. So, a very large chocolate portion in the form of a dumbbell, a ball, a pyramid will look more attractive.

When the New Year comes (or a large, long-term project is being completed), you should use gifts to encourage success and at the same time to stimulate new achievements. Then apply gift certificates of shops, cinemas, theaters, gymnasium gymnasiums and spa services salons. It is very good if the gift includes products or services of the company itself. So it turns out more profitable for both parties. And one more thing - It is useful to introduce yourself as individual employees in order to understand what people are missing, which they will be happy for.

Handmade Presents

Even the most expensive and exclusive mass-produced gifts may seem somewhat patterned in appearance. Do not think that people will not understand - they are much more insightful in this regard than it might seem. Because, Indeed, elite gifts (for especially important employees or for partners) are those made by hand. The most common mug can be more pleasant if it is packaged in a knitted pouch. The same accessory will make more interesting and electronic equipment.

Almost universal choice can be sweet gifts; logos or short greetings are often put on them. Not necessarily limited to chocolate - gingerbread will be no worse. A good idea deservedly consider grocery sets. They are placed in the usual cardboard boxes, and in boxes made of wood or plywood.

And also can be used:

  • small car models;
  • embroidery;
  • ceramics;
  • paintings;
  • drawings and art photos (especially in unusual styles and genres).

Original gift options

Talking about unusual corporate gifts is considered not quite correct, because then they are unusual, so that everyone decides for himself what they should be. But it is still useful to take into account the recommendations on the selection of creative, interesting gifts. Even if they are not ready in their original form, they can at least be the starting point for reflection. Looks very impressive Picture-words, made from copyright photographs.

The plots of such paintings are selected individually.

All people wear shoes - and therefore cleaning it is relevant for each person. Therefore, without a doubt, it is possible to give pointedly old-fashioned-looking cleaning kits.Unusually can look and a pen, other stationery. These gifts are distinguished into a special group because they imitate completely different things. Men will benefit from beard and mustache care kits.

Clock usually associated with homemade gifts. But you can try them in the corporate segment. It is important to consider that they look really, original and impressive. Another caveat is that the gift does not look like a hint of lack of punctuality. If the gift can be perceived that way, it is better to give e-book.

Only very rare people will be dissatisfied if presented to them. their own portraits. Additional "glasses" have those images that are made in non-standard equipment.

If you need to choose an original gift for a person (customer or partner - it does not matter), then you should pay paramount attention to the main occupation of people. So, it is safe to give to the regulars of social networks and video bloggers, game lovers:

  • luminous headphones;
  • coasters for laptop with cooling;
  • USB fans;
  • original keyboards, monitors and speakers.

Considerable benefit can bring external batteries. Thanks to them, charging mobile gadgets is greatly simplified even where there is no sustainable power supply.

    To maintain good relationships with people, it would be nice to choose a box filled with selected rare fruits. It is pleasant for family partners and colleagues to receive tea and coffee sets. And you can give a pen with a built-in flash drive.

    On what symbolic gifts can be presented to a partner, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


