Themed Gifts

What to give to the pilot?

What to give to the pilot?

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  1. Features
  2. Attractive offers
  3. More about aviation gifts
  4. Not only men
  5. Additional options

The selection of surprises based on the professional activities of people is quite reasonable. But if for representatives of mass professions everything is relatively simple, then with a gift to the pilot things are more complicated. You can simplify your life if you consider the basic recommendations.


Difficulties with the choice of something pleasant for a holiday to the pilot are connected with the fact that these people visited many places and saw a lot. It would seem to surprise with something else is very difficult. But this task should not be solved "head on." After all, it is enough to choose suitable aviation souvenirs or useful gifts "in the subject." And then the situation will be resolved easily, quickly and simply.

Attractive offers

It is hardly necessary for someone to explain the importance of accuracy and timeliness in aviation. Therefore, it is possible to give an alarm clock that will take off at the appointed time and will move around the apartment. It can not be disabled without catching the "rocket". But we need to think about whether such a device would annoy a person too much. It is unlikely that he will like it if something is broken because of the flights.

A good choice can be 3D puzzle in the form of an airplane. To please the addressee, you need to figure out which model is best suited. Some like fast-moving airbuses, others like modern fighters, and the third likes some of the aviation history. Assembling a puzzle sometimes takes several hours and allows you to get rid of stress, from the hustle and bustle.

Important: if there are no special preferences in the field of aircraft modeling, you can choose the model that the pilot usually moves.

Pilots differ, of course, balanced and solid character. Other people in aviation have nothing special to do. Therefore, even deciding to donate something for filling the interior for a birthday or anniversary, one should give preference to strict functional things. It can be:

  • stylish wall clocks;
  • wooden shelves or cabinets in the shape of an airplane;
  • themed photo frames with watches and stands for pens.

    For wearing in everyday life, give a good idea glasses "canned", a leather helmet and a warm jacket. Suppose that such attributes of the era of the formation of aviation do not look in the cockpits of modern aircraft, but for everyday life they will fit completely. If a person is not exactly the same to the images of the past, the aviation theme can still be used. For example, buying cufflinks in the form of a propeller. For your information: this accessory is also useful for those who are just going to sit at the helm.

    There are professions in which quite a lot of people came just for the sake of money, fame, or for some other external reason. But piloting aircraft here hardly applies. And therefore it is quite appropriate to give thematic gifts even for the New Year. For real pilots, their activity is not only a means of earning, but also a kind of hobby. Yes, the romance fades away over the years - and yet it is in the power of donors to revive it again.

    Encyclopedias and figurines, popular literature and plots, CDs with thematic films will come in handy. And the same reputable publications may well be very expensive - no one has any thoughts about “trying to get cheaper”. You can show even more originality: donate a subscription to a thematic magazine.

    Real professionals appreciate any opportunity to improve their skills and broaden their horizons. To let the pilot remember about the donors in the flights, you can give a personalized thermos or watch.

    More about aviation gifts

    Both in civil and military, and in special aviation, flight crews have to carry all the necessary things with them. Therefore, a roomy, convenient suitcase can be of great benefit. As an option, use ready-made travel bags with a set of required things. These include an inflatable pillow, earplugs and eye patch. With the help of such accessories pilots can arrange a comfortable rest almost everywhere.

    With all the power and reliability of modern technology, sometimes it fails. It can never be ruled out that any flight will not end with an emergency landing. And because it is appropriate to give kits for survival in an extreme situation. It is not necessary to buy ready-made kits. You can assemble the necessary accessories with your own hands.

    Usually they include:

    • compasses;
    • universal knives;
    • signaling devices;
    • individual rations;
    • lanterns;
    • backup batteries for them;
    • sleeping bags;
    • waterproof hunting matches.

    A civilian pilot who is really keen on his business will almost certainly be pleased with the military aircraft simulator. The choice of games of such a plan is huge. But in order to eliminate mistakes, you need to get acquainted in advance with the reviews of professionals in the thematic forums. After all, game writers and programmers writing them are unlikely to have the necessary experience to make everything believable for a specialist.

    Returning to the preparation for the flight, it is worth mentioning such gifts as company organizers or watches of specialized "aviation" brands.

    Find out what you need to buy, again help specialized forums. One thing is for sure: you should not expect to keep within a thousand rubles. Given the requirements of most airlines, it is appropriate to give electric razors. Preference should be given to compact, lightweight models. The same can be said about the choice of a miniature iron.

    People who are constantly in new places (or even in the same, but at a great distance) should “stay in touch” all the time. Therefore, a quite logical gift will be a mobile phone.

    It is better if it is designed for communication standards adopted in different countries. Otherwise, the rules for selecting mobile phones are the same as usual. A good idea would be a digital camera or video camera.

      If a person already has these gadgets, you should look at the covers for them, to memory cards and other accessories. Since pilots often have to wait hours for dispatch (due to bad weather, technical malfunctions or airport procedures), they will very well accept e-books and other gadgets for such cases.

      The universal choice will be laptop, netbook or tablet. In this case, it is not bad to supplement the mobile computer with a compact printer and a USB modem. The first device will help to quickly print the prepared documents, the second - does not require comments.

      Not only men

      With all the rigor and technical complexity of aviation, there are quite a few women in it. And it's not just about the small aircraft flying clubs. It is not such a rarity at the helm of a passenger airbus, and even in the cockpits of military aircraft and helicopters. Therefore, the question arises - what to give in such cases. It goes without saying all the variety of ordinary gifts that are purchased by March 8. But we must take into account the specifics of the profession, of course.

      So, in order to carry with them all the necessary things, handy compact bag.

      You can buy a bag or a suitcase on wheels, which are very convenient in some cases. The logical idea would be to purchase covers and covers for official documents. To emphasize the individuality of the gift, choose personalized covers. You can show your own originality by handing:

      • mugs or t-shirts with thematic drawings, inscriptions;
      • customized chocolate with the same inscriptions;
      • caskets;
      • decorations.

      Additional options

        Of course, the choice does not end there.Most pilots will be happy to replace sets of clothes. And even from not too close people, they will cordially accept a gift as a gift. But you can also consider other options:

        • a notebook or notebook with the corresponding images;
        • a circle with constellations;
        • themed collectible coins;
        • Board games;
        • soft toys in aviation style;
        • T-shirts, sweatshirts, shirts, towels;
        • calendars;
        • flasks;
        • binoculars;
        • thermoses

          Civil aviation pilots will be delighted with gift-impressions such as:

          • flying in an aerotube, balloon, or hang glider;
          • Skydiving;
          • karting

          In addition to gifts related to aviation, any pilot will also benefit from practical gifts. Details can be found in the video below.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


