Themed Gifts

What to give to young parents?

What to give to young parents?

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  1. Gifts for the family
  2. Useful gifts
  3. What is better not to give?

The birth of a child is a joyful event for every young family. Relatives and friends are in a hurry to congratulate young parents on the birth of a baby and are preparing a variety of gifts for them. What can you give to young parents for the birth of a son or daughter - consider interesting ideas.

Gifts for the family

The appearance of a new man into the world is a joyful event for both parents and all numerous relatives. After giving birth, as soon as the young mother with the baby is at home, relatives and friends travel with gifts and greetings. Many people come to congratulate their parents directly to the maternity hospital and hand over presents when they leave the hospital. But often parents invite everyone to their homes to celebrate this joyful event in the company of loved ones.

As a rule, on such days, relatives and friends bring gifts for a newborn baby or only for mothers to give birth to a child. Usually, a new mother is presented with jewelry made of gold or silver. But no one is preparing a separate present for the father.

Since the birth of a child is an important event for both parents, you can choose a gift that will definitely come in handy for a young family.

A gift for the birth of a boy or girl should be practical and useful. It should be designed for parents, not for the baby. This may be something from small household appliances. Since caring for a newborn takes up all your free time, parents will be happy to receive modern device that will help in cooking or cleaning. For example, this is a multicooker.

Thanks to this device, parents can quickly and tasty cook dinner. Such a device will last for many years and help young parents prepare tasty and healthy food for the child.

And also a robot vacuum cleaner can be a great gift. This modern helper will help keep the house clean and allow mom to save time on cleaning. In addition, you can give your parents as a present. humidifier with the function of purification and ionization of air.

A very relevant device for the home, where there is a small child. Pay attention to such modern appliances as thermopot, yoghurt maker and blender. All these devices will become the best and indispensable helpers for young parents.

If you do not know what kind of kitchen gadget is useful for a young family, then you can give them a certificate for a certain amount, and they will independently choose the necessary device.

Young parents get very tired in the first months of the baby's life. Sometimes they do not even have enough time to cook a full dinner. Therefore, a relevant and useful gift can be certificate for delivery of dinners from their favorite restaurant. They will be very happy for such a pleasant surprise.

You can give young parents set of bathrobes, towels or t-shirts. This should be a family look set. That is, these are bathrobes or T-shirts that are made in the same style, color for the whole family. They can be with funny inscriptions, and you can order personalized especially for young parents and their baby.

A young family can give a gift such as pedigree book. They will be able to fill it themselves, and this will be a memorable gift for them. And you can also give them a set of frames that will be the genealogical tree of their family.

All parents want to keep beautiful family photos as a keepsake. therefore certificate for a family photo session will be the best gift for the whole family. Together with the certificate you can also give a large photo album.

Useful gifts

It is quite possible to give young parents such gifts that will help in raising the baby, make their life easier and more. For example, it may be baby monitor An indispensable thing in the house where there is a small child. Thanks to this practical gift, parents will be able to quietly go about their business, prepare food, carry out cleaning and so on. In this case, they will always know how the baby feels in his crib.

Thanks to the radio monitors it will not be necessary to constantly look into the room to the child, listening to every rustle.

Especially such a gift will be useful for parents who live in their own home, where there is a garden or a vegetable garden.

Another useful gift that will make life easier for young parents is wireless electronic toy. Kids very quickly get used to falling asleep to lullabies or fairy tales. Sometimes parents do not have enough time to sit for a long time at the crib, tell tales and wait for the baby to fall asleep. In this case, such a toy perfectly helps out, which can tell different tales, play calm melodies or songs from famous cartoons.

The toy can be in the form of a compact radio, a children's phone, or it can be a plush toy. For newborns, it is better to choose the option of high-quality plastic so that you can easily clean the surface from dust.

And also pay attention to the fact that the toy was necessarily equipped with a volume control.

As a gift you can give to parents. several practical accessories for the stroller. These are accessories from the category. Hands-free. For example, it is a universal holder for the phone, which is easily mounted on any model of the stroller. Or it can be an adjustable bottle holder. Such additional accessories will help young parents take walks with the baby with maximum comfort.

In the event that young parents are going to use the services of the agency and hire a babysitter, then you can pay contract with the agency and it will be a very useful gift for them.

You can also pay for the services of a house cleaning agency. Spouses will be happy that someone will periodically help them with cleaning.

If you do not know what to give to young parents, then you can give them gift certificate for a certain amount. This practical gift will please the young mom and the young dad. It may be a certificate from a children's clothing store, a toy store, or even a pharmacy. It can also be an annual supply of disposable diapers. You can immediately buy packaging with diapers of different sizes. Such a useful gift will appeal to all without exception.

As a gift, young and as yet inexperienced parents can be presented useful encyclopedia. And as a supplement to it, you can give them a diary of young parents, where they will be able to record all the changes of their child, paste in his photos, record successes and achievements.

What is better not to give?

Very often, relatives give a huge number of beautiful clothes for newborn babies. Do not give such gifts. As a rule, such costumes are worn on the baby once or twice in order to make beautiful photos or to hold a real photo session. After the costumes are gathering dust in the closet. In addition, it is important to bear in mind that children grow up very quickly, therefore You should not buy an expensive dress or suit, which in a month will be small.

Do not give various hygiene items. Such necessary things as baths, gels, foams, oils, etc., parents should buy themselves. Besides, It is not necessary to present as a gift such things as a playpen or walkers. After all, you can not guess with color, design and practicality. And not everyone has a free space in the house to establish a playpen. Therefore, the gift may be useless.

Many relatives, wanting to make a young mother a useful gift, buy a breast pump or a set of bottles. You should not give such gifts on this joyful day, as they may be completely useless. Remember that most parents think through every detail in advance and independently buy everything that can be useful to a newborn.

Therefore, it is better to choose something more practical and necessary, otherwise the house will have a lot of bottles, rattles, clothes and other items that will not be used.

Wonderful gift ideas for the birth of children, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


