Themed Gifts

Gifts for baptism: features of choice and list of options

Gifts for baptism: features of choice and list of options

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  1. Selection rules
  2. Baby Presents
  3. Gifts to godparents
  4. What can you do with your own hands?
  5. What do the guests give?

The baptism is a religious ceremony, which not many parents carry out according to the canons according to traditions. Usually, this celebration follows some general scenario of baptism, but not everyone is observed even in preparation for the ceremony. The choice of godparents does not always go with an emphasis on the churches of the candidates, on their readiness to become the spiritual mentors of the godson. Often, close relatives and friends become godparents.

Nevertheless, if christening for you is not just a tradition, it is a rule to avoid, which is somehow inconvenient to avoid, it is worth considering all the details of the ritual. And the godparents should also be taken seriously, attentively to their role as well as to the gifts.

Selection rules

The godparents on this day have an honorable role: they name themselves parents in the church's understanding of the word, take on the mission of spiritual education of the godson. Nobody will remove this role from them, therefore it is worth considering whether you are ready for it. Traditionally, the godson of his "new" parents give a cross. Nowhere is it written that it should be precious - such a requirement is inappropriate; it can only be a personal decision of the godparents.

To buy or not a chain for christening? Usually there is no need for this; for the ceremony, a strong thread and a cross are needed, the chain is a decorative detail. The baby, in principle, is not needed. There is no one solution, who gives a cross, a mother or a father (godparents). Today it is increasingly common gift. If the parents of the baby already have a cross, which also happens, they need to notify the godparents about it. Before the start of the ceremony, the cross must be consecrated in the church; if you buy a product in the church shop, there is no such need.

And if there are no clear rules with the purchase of a cross, the godfather usually pays for the baptismal ritual. Of course, you should not interfere with parents in the arrangement of godparents, if they decided to split the spending in half. This is only a tradition that is not so unbreakable that the payment for the ceremony has any special meaning. Moreover, it happens that the child does not have a godfather (there is only a godmother), in which case the ritual is sometimes paid for by his own parents.

Kryzhma (it is often replaced today with a baptismal towel) is usually given to a child by the intended godmother. After the ceremony, the baby is wrapped in it, and then it is prescribed to keep and protect the kryzhma. Sometimes you can hear the advice that the baptismal towel should be applied to the baby in the days of illness.

It was about traditional gifts, without which the ceremony actually does not pass. The baptismal dress can be prepared by the parents of their own, and the godparents can also present them - today it is not so important. But after all, gifts on this day are presented not only to the kid (or more adult godson). For example, a husband can make a gift to his wife (father of the godson - mother), because for her it is a significant day.

White flowers that will decorate the holiday table afterwards will be pleasant. An elegant scarf or shawl is also appropriate. Jewelry wife - at the request of her husband.

Baby Presents

All those invited to baptism usually give something to the baby. And this is not necessarily a thing related to religion, church themes. Although why not give the first Bible to the baby on the day of baptism? If a child grows up in a church-like family, a gift is sure to come in handy.

Consider what else you can give a child.

  • Silver spoon. This is a traditional gift: in some families, it is given for birth, but more often the present is presented for christening. Such a spoon may not have any practical significance at all, but symbolically this gift is pleasant.
  • Dresses. It is always appropriate, you can replenish the wardrobe of the baby that his parents will appreciate. Baptism is a bright holiday, and therefore outfits may not be as practical as solemn. Bright dresses, white shirts, elegant hats - all this will emphasize the solemnity of the event.
  • Toys Razvayka will suit babies, and older children can give something traditional - a bear, a doll. You can order designer toys that make with a touch of vintage. It is pleasant to any kid to get a teddy / velvet bear in a beautiful box and with a set of clothes. Girls will always appreciate the classic doll.

But speaking of christening, we do not always mean that the rite applies to children. People decide to go to church and when they are adults, this decision is usually deliberate, well-considered. Godmother to such people are no longer needed, but this does not eliminate the need to congratulate a loved one on such an important event. An adult girl can present on this day white flowers according to the season, it is always a pleasure, and the day is really important, deserving such a compliment. Often adults are given spiritual literature and icons, which is quite in the spirit of such an event. You can give a girl a dress or skirt in which you can go to church, a shawl and shawl.

A young man who was baptized can be given a commemorative icon, a prayer book, and a chain for a cross. In a word, it is not out of place to celebrate with a gift so important for a close day, no matter what age it comes to this decision.

Adults rarely celebrate their own christening, but the gift is not tied to a feast, it is just a sign of your attention.

Gifts to godparents

The reciprocal gift to the godparents is also a tradition. A logical choice seems to be souvenirs with a Christian theme. Angel figures, embroidered textiles are a traditional choice in this case. Often, they also give icons to godparents, bring them from holy places.

And a few more options that you can give to godparents.

  • The guests. You do not know what gift will delight the gods, give sweets. Get two small baskets, fill them with goodies. Candies, chocolate, specially baked cookies, nuts, honey, jam - all this is appropriate and with proper design looks quite festive. If you put red wine in a basket of kumu and kouma, it will not be overkill. Although the emphasis on alcohol, of course, is not worth it.
  • White towels. This is not something traditional and primordial, but rather a small exchange between the godson and the godparents. If they give the baby a baptismal towel, then the parents can present the same gift to the godparents. White color is the color of purity, the beginning, and after all, for their parents, today is a special day, the beginning of feeling oneself in a new role. Because white towel can be a symbol of some kind of update.
  • Outfits. It is appropriate if such gifts seem to you not to be overkill. You can give your godfather a new shirt (in which you can attend the temple), and the godmother's mother - a dress. If you have chosen relatives in the godfathers, such gifts are welcome.
  • Candles and Candle Holders. Often all this can be bought in church shops.
  • Hand made napkins and tablecloths. If you, indeed, anxiously await baptism, begin to prepare for it in advance. And tablecloths or napkins, paths for the festive table, which you will link yourself (embroider), will be a good gift to the godfathers. This is, indeed, an expensive and unique gift.

But the main gift still remains an invitation to a festive dinner in honor of christening (if you arrange it, of course). Optionally, you can arrange the invitation, hand them in advance. You can arrange lunch at home, you can in a restaurant, you can outside the city - all options are worth considering, there are no strict rules either.

If you arrange a holiday at home, all guests, without exception, can pre-arrange small bags (boxes, bags) with treats that they will take home. As a rule, candy, cookies, fruit, nuts are put in such bags, dessert jars of honey and jam can be made.

On the packaging itself must be marked the occasion of a festive dinner and, in fact, treats. This rule is not necessary, but its execution speaks of your attention, concern for each guest, the sincere desire to please and share your joy.

What can you do with your own hands?

If in your family, in an environment, it is customary to give gifts made by your own hand, this is fine - you can only envy. And christening is a reason to continue the tradition. This is a very intimate holiday, delicate, delicate, because the money in envelopes and certificates to specialty stores, although they are not superfluous, are not combined with the mood of the christening.

You can do many useful things as a gift with your own hands.

  • Caps. If the child is still small, he, most likely, has a whole set of hats - for different weather, and for different outfit. Today there is a whole fashion for hats for kids: often these are retro models in which children resemble gnomes. Even the most experienced knitters can knit such items. Give a whole set of hats to your baby - two light, two warmer. You can’t buy such headgear anywhere! A good gift to the granddaughter from the grandmother. By the way, with good work you can pass it on.
  • Chair for babies. If the grandfather is a true master, then he will certainly be able to master such a construction as a highchair. This will be a very valuable gift from my grandfather, nominal. By the way, the project can be family: grandfather makes a wooden structure, grandmother paints it and decorates it. A truly exclusive gift will turn out!
  • Memorable toys. If someone in the family makes interior dolls, toys, then it is foolish not to use such talent in relation to the gift to the child. Not all such toys are meant for fun, but symbolically they are beautiful. Textile bears, hares and chanterelles will decorate the baby’s room and will be a nice reminder of the day of christening. Very often they make such aroma toys: in the stomach of a hare or bears they sew up a bag, for example, with lavender or a mixture of soothing herbs. If the toy is placed next to the baby’s crib, it can help him fall asleep.
  • Festive sweets. A good gift if for a lunch on the occasion of baptism is not enough of a special dessert. You can directly ask relatives or friends who skillfully cope with the manufacture of sweets, to give you a set of festive cupcakes, gingerbread, to make a cake or pie.
  • The decor of the room. Another practical thought is that if a child’s mother calls her friends for christening, she can ask them to decorate the room where the dinner will be held as a gift. To make this day pass without a hitch, without a hitch, so that everything around corresponds to the solemnity of the event, the appropriate decor will definitely not be superfluous.
  • PHOTOSESSION. If one of the guests at the baptism, as you know, is engaged in photography, ask him to give you a photo session. Small, modest, but still it will be a good memory of an important event. And you will not be disturbed by the thought that the holiday has passed, and you still did not have time to make “normal photos”.
  • Bed linen sets. Today, more and more often, skilled relatives make the blankets, sheets, pillowcases to the baby in the crib. The choice of materials is huge, and you can always learn how to sew. This is a useful gift, beautiful, definitely needed by the baby.
  • Memorable cross-stitch. Many craftswomen today sew to order work with some beautiful image and artfully embroidered date of baptism and the name of the child.Then the embroidery is placed under the frame, and it decorates one of the walls of the house. To cope with this work can those who are well versed in needlework.

A lot of ideas, it all depends on the creative direction, where you are really strong. If you decorate the surface, you can make a beautiful box where the baby's curls will be stored, the first dummy and the first fallen tooth.

Or you can make a casket for documents (so that the birth certificate of a child, about baptism, some other certificates are not lost in the general pile of documents).

What do the guests give?

If guests directly ask parents what to give to a child, this is often the best scenario. But if there were no clear wishes, you will have to think for yourself. Giving money is easiest, but you have to be sure that you will accept it normally. The fact is that not all families consider it normal to give money. And formally, this is a correct opinion: after all, there is simply nothing more than getting a couple of bills from a wallet and putting them in an envelope. It is much harder to go shopping, choose a gift, pack. And if you do it yourself, it really is work, time, effort.

But if there is a convention about a financial gift, then you can respond to it. The amount of gifts depends on your abilities and ideas about how much is given in principle for a holiday.

Some people are convinced that christening is more important than a birthday, and the amount of the gift is growing. But if the parents are intelligent people, they will not evaluate your gift by its value.

What, besides money, can give guests:

  • toys - the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to a small child;
  • children's clothes - we advise to give things a little for growth;
  • books - a true Christian for knowledge and education, therefore even a very small child can be presented with a book (it will be appreciated in the future);
  • equipment, devices, gadgets - from wheelchairs and playpens to a baby monitor and a humidifier (very practical and convincing gifts);
  • certificates in children's stores - quite in the spirit of the time, and not money in kind, and some choice for parents;
  • swimming sets - today they are so beautiful, diverse, that they will interest not only the baby, it is difficult to resist and not buy.

When you are going to be baptized, support the festive mood of your loved ones: give your baby's mother flowers, dress smartly, let everyone on this day glorify his main event, let it bring you closer together.

It is very important that along with the gift you give your loved ones your attention - if the kid goes to the pens, catch on with him, give the young parents some rest.

And do not forget that this attention is necessary for your loved ones not only on a holiday, and that the christening is the starting point, the beginning of the path.

The fact that give the child a christening, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


