Themed Gifts

Gifts on discharge from the hospital

Gifts on discharge from the hospital

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  1. What to give a sister or girlfriend?
  2. Gift Ideas for Newborns
  3. Do-it-yourself gift option

The birth of a child is always a joyful and long-awaited event. Not only close relatives, but also friends, are in a hurry to congratulate the mother and baby. The best gift ideas for such a solemn occasion are gathered in this article.

What to give a sister or girlfriend?

A gift for discharge from the hospital is very important to think in advance. It will be great if the presented things are useful to both mother and baby. However, if you want to do something nice first of all to a friend or sister, you can use the following list of usefulness for the newly-made mommy:

  • Certificate for spa, wellness, fitness or yoga. Such a gift is perfect for an active woman who is used to watching herself. After childbirth, many women may experience problems with skin tone and overweight, so this gift will be very helpful. It is better to purchase a certificate that is not tied to a specific date and time. Thus a friend or sister can safely dispose of them at a convenient time for her, even with a baby.
  • Radio or video nanny. This item is extremely useful for the parents of the baby and greatly simplifies baby-sitting. However, this technical tool most often belongs to the category on which the young mother feel sorry for wasting money. Therefore, the radio nanny will be a great practical gift. Due to the fact that good models are expensive, it is usually for such a gift to collect money from several friends or relatives.
  • Sterilizer bottles with heating function. This gift will be relevant if the mother has little milk or not at all. Then this device will facilitate feeding the infant with the mixture. Especially important is the convenience of the sterilizer with the obligatory night feedings, which at first may exhaust the mother very much. Therefore, making a choice in favor of this gift, you should be ready to hear more than once the words of gratitude and the rave reviews of a relative or girlfriend.
  • Car seat Such a gift is unlikely to suit a friend, due to the high cost, but a sister or other relative can be given this irreplaceable thing. Now there is a car in almost every family, and many women drive themselves well. Car seat 0+ will make it easier for mom to visit the clinic and other places with the baby, and also make the trip safe for the little man.

    If the choice of a gift is too complicated, then you can give money in a beautiful gift envelope. It is always a win-win. Mom herself will be able to spend them on the right thing and will be grateful for this opportunity.

    Gift Ideas for Newborns

    The most popular as a gift on the occasion of the birth of the baby, of course, clothing. As a rule, it is always given a lot, because children grow very quickly in the first year of life. If you really want to donate things, then you should consider the following nuances.

    • Do not buy a lot of one-size clothes of the same size. The best solution would be to buy several bodysuits, slips and T-shirts of the smallest size 56 and several copies for growth. Many children in the first month of life grow by 4-5 cm, and clothes in a month will simply become small.
    • Prefer natural fabrics. The perfect solution would be cotton and soft knitwear. Baby's skin is very sensitive, so serious irritation can occur from synthetics.
    • Choosing clothes crumbs, you should give preference to buttons, rather than buttons. This will save not only the time for dressing and undressing the child, but also the mother's nerves. In addition, the slip should be a comfortable bottom, allowing you to change the diapers without removing all your clothes.
    • All decorative items must be firmly sewn and not have sharp parts that can cut the baby. It is better if the decor will also be textile or thermo.

    Practical gifts for the baby will not only please the mother, but also allow you to significantly simplify life. With care about the health and well-being of the baby, you can give the following presents.


    With the birth of a baby, special requirements are imposed on the microclimate in the apartment. Comfortable humidity levels, especially in winter, are difficult to achieve due to heating. Dryness in the room can cause the infant to feel unwell, as well as frequent colds. Therefore, this gift will appreciate every mother.

    It is better to give preference to ultrasonic models, as they are noiseless, and some of them allow you to additionally aromatize the room with the help of essential oils.

    Swimming set

    Most children's stores offer ready-made kits for bathroom hygiene. However, it may turn out that it will be cheaper to assemble the necessary things yourself, and the quality of the items will be better. Such a set may contain:

    • large terry towel with a "triangle";
    • 2 small towels;
    • a set of toys for swimming;
    • water thermometer;
    • hypoallergenic means for bathing a baby (gel, shampoo, soap, baby cleanser).

    Baby blanket envelope

    An excellent and practical gift, especially for winter babies. In cool weather, sometimes you do not want to pull out the stroller for the sake of a 20-minute stay on the street with the baby. Then the envelope will be a great way out:

    • the baby can be collected quite quickly for a walk and then also quickly undressed;
    • in the envelope there is no risk of catching a cold, as it is reliably protected from wind and cold.

    In addition to the envelope, you can purchase a warm slip that mom will wear under the envelope.

    Developing rug

    Such a gift is not useful in the first months of the baby’s life, but it will be appreciated by mom for 4-5 months of crumbs. It is at this age that a child spends a lot of time lying on his stomach, and a brightly designed rug will perfectly develop sensorics, stimulate the movement and cognitive activity of the baby. Excellent rugs produced by Tiny Love and Fisher Price.

    Traditionally, the main difference between a gift for a newborn girl and a boy is the color scheme. The girl will suit all shades of pink, the boy - blue and blue.

    Do-it-yourself gift option

    Sometimes you want to please the new mother with something unusual. Then the original surprise will be what you can do with your own hands. It is also not forbidden to purchase from craftsmen handmade cute and useful gizmos.

    You can make the following presents yourself.

    • Cake or other figures from pampers. On the Internet you can find master classes, which detail how to make a snail, a bear and even a motorcycle from these hygiene items. Such a gift will be not only beautiful and original, but also useful, as diapers in the first months of a baby’s life are the main “consumable” material.
    • Embroidery with metric kid. The gift will not be able to prepare in advance, but only after the birth of the child. The picture usually indicate height, weight, time and date of birth. You can also embroider the name of the city in which the baby was born. Usually the metric is supplemented with a suitable image. The color scheme is performed in classic shades (blue - for the boy and pink - for the girl).
    • Knitted booties and plaid. From such gifts always blow heat, they are especially loved by close relatives.It is important to use yarn that does not contain natural wool, is not capable of causing skin irritation and allergies. Ideal to knit from acrylic.
    • Scrapbooking style photo album. Such a thing, if there is no experience in self-production, it is better to purchase from experienced craftswomen. Handmade photo albums usually contain a large number of additional sections and pockets where the mother can store the first curl, tags from the maternity hospital and other lovely little things.

      Selection of a gift for discharge from the hospital - a responsible event. In each case, the perfect gift can be completely different things. But by showing a little care, you can easily guess what will be the most desirable and useful for both mother and baby.

      Review of all kinds of gifts for newborns, as well as analysis of good and bad options, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


