Themed Gifts

Flying as a gift - for those who choose the sky

Flying as a gift - for those who choose the sky

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  1. By helicopter
  2. By plane
  3. On the air balloon
  4. Skydiving
  5. Paragliding
  6. On the delta
  7. On the wind tunnel
  8. On the flight simulator
  9. Where to fly?

Flying as a gift - an original surprise for birthday people who are looking for something unusual. The feeling of freedom and isolation from the earth is an unforgettable experience that is worth it to at least once realize this dream, to see the city in which you live, from the side. From dear pleasure, available only to the elect, the flight turned into a method of very pleasant pastime for many who want it.

The abundance of flight programs offered by a dozen companies cooperating with local aerodromes and flight platforms, gives the variability of choice in a wide price range.

By helicopter

Flight by helicopter can be performed even in frost, provided that there is no wind and precipitation. Unlike the same parachute or a balloon, a helicopter is a convenient and warm means of transportation by air. A helicopter flight is considered a small vacation for a few hours, allowing you to forget about everything. Already at the very beginning of the flight, it is worth the helicopter to take a few centimeters off the ground, the participants of such a celebration have unusual and unforgettable feelings.

Helicopter entertainment is available to everyone from 5 years. The overview from the helicopter cockpit is better than from the aircraft - the blades are located on top and in the tail, not blocking the view around. Helicopter flight is contraindicated for pregnant women and those suffering from diseases of the heart and nervous system.

The most common and inexpensive helicopter is a four-seat US-made Robinson R44 with a circular view. The height of the lift during the flight is up to 300 m.

Before the flight, you need a certificate - without it you will not be allowed into the helicopter. A group certificate for several people may be more beneficial for each of the participants than as many single ones. Companies providing services for the organization of such types of outdoor activities, apply regular discounts and promotions.

You can present a pre-acquired certificate to a loved one or loved one, family member, friend, colleague, etc. Be sure to take your passport as an identity document. Validity of the certificate - up to a year from the date of purchase. After purchasing the certificate, you agree 2-4 days before the flight on the expected date.

On the appointed day and time you must arrive at the airfield. Do not forget to bring along sunglasses if the flight takes place during the day. Be prepared for the fact that there will be plenty of people willing to ride a helicopter. In bad weather, the flight is postponed for another day. Once you are admitted to the helicopter, the instructor will give you important instructions and invite you to the cabin along with other passengers.

Before the flight, always fasten your seat belt and use noise-canceling headphones, because the cabin will be quite noisy.

You want to steer a helicopter - its piloting is more expensive than flying as a passenger. Before the flight, you should receive a certificate for training in helicopter control. Then you will undergo additional instructions and guide the helicopter under the control of the pilot-instructor. It is important to be able to turn around and tilt the helicopter so that it confidently moves forward. Possible flight as a co-pilot.

The cost of flying by helicopter varies from 7,000 to 40,000 rubles.

By plane

Flying on an airplane is no different in performance from flying in a helicopter: the same specific instruction, the same safety precautions during the flight and the same preparations. The difference can only be manifested in which particular aircraft is used by two or four-seater, whether it will be “Yak” or Cessna. Lovers of speed will suit the flight on a jet fighter. You can either fly beyond the clouds or go up into the stratosphere, as close as possible to outer space.

The most sophisticated can not just steer a plane or a fighter, but make a "dead loop", fly "upside down" or even climb to the maximum height, trying to set a world record or at least get closer to its mark. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully go into outer space with the help of a high-altitude fighter.

The cost of these entertainment services ranges from 8 000 rubles. for a simple flight on a small two-seater plane up to 650,000 rubles. for flights to the stratosphere on a fighter, prices are per person and vary depending on the intermediary company.

On the air balloon

Compared to aircraft equipped with a motor, a balloon flight or a balloon seems calmer. Here it is advisable to choose almost completely windless weather: a storm that is inappropriate, or a hurricane can lift a balloon hundreds or more kilometers away. Yes, and an open height in excellent, clear weather is a wonderful setting where you can confess love to each other and even make an offer.

Unlike a small airplane or helicopter, a balloon can lift a group of 10 people to a height of 900 m. Whether it will be two or three families who are closely friends, the team or the staff of one office or 5 couples in love is up to the customers of this entertainment. Rise in a balloon, in fact - it's a party in the sky. Anyway, without an instructor, the rise is unlikely to succeed. The cost of lifting in a balloon can vary from 6,000 to 50,000 rubles.


For risky and extremely desperate people who are ready not only to tickle their nerves and risk their lives, parachuting after dead hinges on an airplane or fighter jets is the second most extreme entertainment. And you can jump as one by one (each has its own parachute), and together, provided that the parachute is powerful enough. The latter option is suitable for lovers who are ready to share the risk and the resulting adrenaline for two. The cost of parachuting both single and paired with an instructor ranges from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles.


Paragliding vaguely resembles a parachute, but, unlike its fellow, can move not only up and down, but also in different directions. For successful and long-distance flight, you must wait for a strong wind.

Flight together is possible: if you know how to fly a paraglider, then your girlfriend will appreciate it. You can, on the contrary, give her the most glider paraglider. For those who do not want to give themselves to the wind "to be torn apart", there is a variant of the motorized paraplider (motorized paraglider), where you can partly influence the direction of flight. The cost of paragliding varies from 1 800 to 10 000 rubles.

On the delta

In fact, the delta (motor-hang-glider) is a motorized cabin with a huge triangular wing, equipped with a wheeled (or ski for winter) chassis. It is even easier to fly than a plane. The delta is remotely reminiscent of a small plane, open to "all winds." The cost of the flight on the delta is from 5 000 to 20 000 rubles.

On the wind tunnel

If you are afraid to fly on an airplane, helicopter, fighter, jump with a parachute or climb a balloon or paraglider, then the aerotube is perfect for you. With it, you will not fly high above the ground, but you will feel the beauty of the flight no worse than in the other cases listed above.

Aerotube is one of the safest ways to fly low above the ground. Flying on a pipe is available even to children from 4 years old and takes place in a closed space, resembling a piece of a large pipe of several human height and girths. The air flow accelerates at a speed of 200 km / h and provides for the floating of a person weighing up to 100 kg, at least a couple of meters above the aerocamera floor.

A child or teenager who is interested in flying and is eager to fly starts with flying in the airway. With the onset of adulthood goes to a paraglider or a delta, and then - to the more extreme and exciting methods of flight, while maintaining a sporty hardening.

The cost of a flight in an aerotube varies from 2,000 to 28,000 rubles. Up to 12 people can fly at the same time - a total of not more than an hour.

On the flight simulator

Installation is very close to the reality of this aircraft. Instead of windows in the cockpit installed high-quality monitors that emulate the reality of what is happening during this flight. Aviation simulator allows you to join the management of a real aircraft. The cost of one flight ranges from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. Flight simulator - a chance to become a real pilot. When you go to these pilots training courses, you will already have a clear and clear idea of ​​how to control modern aircraft such as Boeing-737.

Where to fly?

There is no need to come to Moscow or St. Petersburg. In these two cities, a full range of flight entertainment is available, but there are probably flight clubs in the capital of your region that offer flights in an aerotube, on a paraglider or delta flight, or on a small plane. The cost of flight entertainment in your city may be noticeably lower than in the same Moscow.

Flying as a gift is a real romance, justifying the funds invested in such entertainment, and bringing the lovers closer together.

About the impressions of flying as a gift, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


