Black Russian toy terriers: what do dogs look like and how to care for them?

Small decorative dogs of Russian toy terrier breed are very popular among breeders. Playful and agile dogs are excellent companions and loyal friends of the household. Miniature pets are unpretentious in everyday life and act as a pocket dog. The most common toy-terrier black color with a tan.
Breed history
Dog breeders distinguish 3 types of toy terriers: Russian, American and English. Miniature dogs were bred in the XVIII century by English breeders and acted as excellent rat catchers. Breed Russian toy terrier was officially registered in the late 60s of the last century. Today there are 2 types of Russian pocket dogs.
- Smooth A miniature animal resembles a charming little deer. The pet has a soft shiny coat.
- Longhair Distinctive features of dogs are fringe on the ears and wavy fur (up to 6 cm).
The characteristic features of Russian toya include:
- miniature body (weight of an adult dog is 3 kg);
- pointed muzzle;
- elegant neck;
- big expressive eyes of dark color;
- standing ears;
- long slender limbs;
- thin delicate skin.
The pet's tail and ears are cropped at puppy age. The height of the Russian toy terrier varies from 26 to 28 cm. Smaller owners (20 cm) are classified as mini-terriers. They, like their big relatives, are perfectly adapted to life in a city apartment. Girls, as a rule, are smaller than males and have a sweet temper. Note that it is wrong to rank the English and Russian toya to one species. Despite the common ancestor, these breeds have different standards and have a number of individual characteristics.
The classic color of this breed is black and tan. This is the most popular Russian toya suit. The body of the animal is covered with shiny black hair, and on the face, chest, paws and under the tail there are red marks. And also there are individuals with brown, red and blue fur. Another type of black toi color is sable. In such animals, the hairs at the roots are red, and the tips are painted black.
Experts point out that Russian toya puppies are born completely black, but as they grow older their coat color turns red. In addition, some representatives of the dark color with age can completely lose the black color of the coat (only dark spots on the back remain). Only dogs of white color are considered defective. Russian toy terriers of black color with tan are very impressive.
Representatives of this breed are vulnerable and fragile creatures. Dogs are experiencing a scornful attitude of the owner and suffer alone. And also dogs are mobile and can play for hours with their favorite toy. However, miniature dogs have an unbalanced psyche and suffer from the obsessive attention of little household members. Russian toy terriers like to give a voice for any reason, their barking is loud and loud.
Puppies are very curious and from the first days of appearance in the apartment will taste the pieces of furniture, as well as shoes. Pets love to travel with the owner and on the road do not cause him any problems.
Throughout his life, the Russian that does not lose its curiosity. Pet loves to play with the ball and chase the stick. Toy terriers are perfectly trainable and instantly memorize various teams.
Despite their miniature size and vulnerability, adult dogs desperately come to grips with larger dogs.
Maintenance and care
Russian toy terrier of black color is perfect for living in a city apartment. The animal has no undercoat, so life on the street is too harsh for him. Before buying a puppy breeder must be purchased:
- tray;
- a small mattress with removable pillow cases;
- claw cutter;
- toys
Starting up the baby start from the first days of appearance in the house. Boys are different wayward and love to show character. The owner is important to build a trusting relationship with the pet. With the right approach, the Russian Toya puppy will grow up to be an excellent companion and loyal friend. Individuals of the female are more docile and still at a tender age are strongly attached to the owner. Girls are easy to learn all kinds of teams and unpretentious in the care.
Miniature dogs do not tolerate drafts, so their place should be warm and cozy. It is better to choose a bed from natural material. Pet's tender skin is susceptible to allergic reactions. As well as pocket dogs that have short hair, different thermophilic.
In the cold season, they acquire special clothes (pants, blouses, overalls, and even shoes).
In addition, breeders can buy sanitary pants especially for decorative breeds. They protect the interior of the apartment during the heat of the girl. And for males of Russian toya, who love to mark their territory, you can buy a special absorbent belt. Many breeders like to dress up miniature pets in bright outfits and bring them into the light.
Russian toy terriers can be described as malazhekazh. The basis of their diet is low-fat raw meat, fillet of sea fish, cereal and vegetables. Puppies are fed 5-6 times a day, and an adult dog is enough to eat 2 times a day. As for industrial feeds, premium products are suitable for toy terriers. In the diet of gentle pets are not recommended to add pork, sweets, flour products and chicken eggs in their raw form.
Russian toy terriers of black color do not require frequent washing (1–2 times per year are enough). Pet must be carefully inspected after each walk, as the dark coat is not visible dangerous ticks and damage. Animals with long fur are combed daily. For smooth-haired pets this procedure is enough 1-2 times a week. An important point for representatives of this breed is to monitor the condition of the ears and eyes.
If there is heavy discharge and an unpleasant smell, the dog must immediately be shown to a specialist.
The following video is waiting for you interesting facts about the breed Russian toy terrier.