How many years have lived Yorkshire terriers and what does it depend on?

Yorkshire Terriers are great friends and allies. Their longevity depends on many factors, including the quality of food, regular walks, care of the owner. In the strength of the dog breeder to increase the life of your pet, if you regularly visit the vet and monitor his health.
What affects life expectancy?
A small-sized Yorkshire terrier can live a long time when it is provided with quality care. There are several factors that affect a dog’s lifespan:
- food quality;
- heredity;
- the presence of chronic diseases;
- care.
Genetics plays an important role in determining the level of health of the dog. If there were deviations in the genus, and they were transferred to the puppy, then the lifespan of such an animal can be much less than the average for the breed.
Often the owners themselves are to blame for the fact that the terrier dies faster. Carelessness, lack of attention to the needs of the animal becomes the cause. Other animals can easily harm the dog, as well as the man himself. Yorks can not jump from a great height, because their body is not adapted to this, as a result of suffering internal organs.
At puppy age and a little older, a terrier can play with houseplants, most of which are poisonous. Small items are also one of the most common causes of premature death of the animal. A dog does not cost anything to swallow a small object, and saving it is difficult in such a situation.
Puppies sometimes die from infectious diseases such as:
- distemper;
- parvovirus;
- leptospirosis.
To avoid such problems, the dog is recommended to first vaccinate, then only take for a walk.
The cause of premature death in an adult dog can be a respiratory disease, for example, tracheal collapse caused by a neck injury. The collar is not suitable for representatives of this breed, experts advise the use of a harness.
Cancers affect not only humans, but also animals. Yorkshire terriers are more likely to suffer from cancer of the lymph nodes and bones. This disease significantly shortens life expectancy.
Sometimes even an experienced dog breeder is unable to recognize a congenital disease, much less prevent its occurrence. Hydrocephalus, dislocation of the knee caps and other diseases prevent the dog from living to a ripe old age.
From the owner a lot depends on the growth and upbringing of the pet. It is required to constantly monitor the dog, protect it and prevent possible injuries. Each breed is characterized by certain diseases, and the Yorkshire terriers are no exception. Although this breed has an attractive appearance, it cannot boast of excellent health.
Most of the problems arise with the teeth, so it is required to monitor them from an early age. In puppies, polydentia is often observed when the teeth grow in two rows - milk and root. This deviation leads to the appearance of abnormal bite and tartar.
Yorkie - breed sensitive to ear disease. Enough of a small draft to keep the animal cold. That is why experienced breeders recommend additionally putting a pet on the street, not allowing it to become cold. Even if the dog gets wet, it is necessary to dry the wool at home.
Often we have to deal with the problem of ear mites.Small breeds carry the disease harder than others. The best solution to the problem will be a trip to the vet.
The breed in Yorks suffer eyes. The most common diseases are:
- detachment;
- dysplasia;
- dry eye syndrome;
- glaucoma;
- cataract;
- degeneration.
If a person does not respond in time, the dog may go blind.
The physical characteristics of the skeleton also influenced the life span of the animal. The main cause of most ills was the fragile skeleton of an animal. Numerous fractures, sprains - all this is the result of a lack of care on the part of a person and not only. This pet pet is required to protect very carefully, and if there is a limp, then immediately lead to the veterinarian.
Average life
At home, Yorkshire terriers live an average of 12 years. There are cases when a dog lived to 16 years with proper care and good nutrition. The accepted standard for the description of the breed implies 7-9 years. Genetic heredity and diseases carried in puppy age largely influence life expectancy.
The better the dog's diet, the less problems arise with age. Internal organs are another weak point of York, if the owner has the opportunity, then it is worth planning a full-scale annual pet examination.
Males have a longer life span than bitches; this is due to the peculiarities of the reproductive system. Oncological diseases of the genital organs significantly reduce the life span of the Yorkshire terrier, moreover, after birth, there are other complications.
Dogs often suffer from problems with the genitourinary system, which leads to early death. Mini-yorkies live even less than the specified period, they delight households 4-7 years.
How to increase the number of years?
If the puppy is bought in the kennel, he has a good heredity, he was given all the necessary vaccinations, then he can live for a long time in the family. In the master's powers to maximize life expectancy, but this will require a lot of attention to the dog.
Yorkshire terriers must eat right, have a balanced diet. Food can be home or ready, as long as it remains high quality throughout life. The key role is played by the freshness of the products used, the proportion.
Food is not laid out in the trough with the expectation of the whole day, only in small portions. When keeping york it is important to follow the feeding regime, the dog should not overeat. Uncontrolled nutrition leads to problems with digestion, obesity.
Harmful and underfed dog, especially at a young age.when it should receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements from the food consumed. The lack of an adequate number of calories leads to a decrease in activity, hair and teeth are affected, and overall health becomes poor. If York is malnourished, he develops hypoglycemia, and she, in turn, causes the death of the animal.
When the dog owner does not have enough time to prepare natural food, he prefers to use a commercial product. Among the wide range it is important to choose one that corresponds to the breed and age of the animal. There are feeds on sale that are designed for a therapeutic effect, that is, they contain additional elements that make an animal with a chronic disease feel better.
For older dogs on sale there is a special food, diet, which saves sedentary animals from obesity. The same applies to pregnant bitches, for them the manufacturers have specially made a balanced feed taking into account the needs of the body.
Care and maintenance conditions are two more factors that affect the life expectancy of a pet. Yorkies have no undercoat, so they can not supercool. Breed contain exclusively in the house, and not on the street.During the walk, they need clothes that will become additional protection from cold and drafts. They try to close not only the body, but also the paws. Dog shoes are available.
Special attention to wool, which requires daily care. From ticks helps frequent combing. If the wool is not combed out, the animal will begin to ache from the bacteria that have accumulated under the felted hair. Often there are formed bald spots, infection begins to develop.
Breeders prefer to trim the dog, removing excess wool where it only interferes. With a haircut, York looks especially attractive.
They bathe the animal once a month, but always wrap it in a towel afterwards, and then dry the hair with a hairdryer. Even in the apartment the slightest draft will be enough to make the dog catch a cold.
Care requires not only wool, but also teeth. It is advisable to use specialized tools that can be easily found at a pet store or a veterinary pharmacy. There are also brushes for sale. Dogs are taught to hygiene from early childhood. To get rid of tartar help special toys, bones from cartilage.
Aged yorkers feed on food that does not require long chewing, as they lose their teeth. An older dog needs more attention; chronic diseases are starting to escalate. You need to visit the vet more often if you want your pet to live a long time.
The owner must save York from overwork, hypothermia, overeating. It is necessary to introduce additional vitamins into the diet, eliminate stressful situations for the animal. An elderly Yorkshire terrier already weak bones become very brittle, even a small jump can result in a serious injury for him, so you should purchase a special ladder or ladder to get off the couch.
Record dogs
Even among the Yorkshire terriers there are record breakers, however, none of them have been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. If the dog lived to 19 years, then this is a record, which not every dog is capable of.
To date, there is a confirmed fact that a York named Jack was able to please his masters for 25 years, this record has not yet been able to beat.
About the life expectancy of the Yorkshire Terrier, see the following video.