Cairn Terrier: Characteristics of the breed, the content and choice of nicknames

Cairn Terrier - a charming miniature dog, which can not leave anyone indifferent. Once these active creatures took part in the hunt. Today they become cheerful companions and loyal friends of dog breeders. We will get acquainted closer with this breed and find out what are the pros and cons of the content of its representatives.
Breed Cairn Terrier appeared a long time ago. Experts refer to her ancestors as Scottish hunting dogs. In those days, animals took part in the hunt for burrow game. Foxes and other small wild animals then lived in the mountains, stone obstructions. “Kern” just means “stone”.
The dogs did not have a common type, they were united only by hunting skills, agility and speed of movement. Gradually, however, 4 basic types became clearly distinguished among them. One of them was funny cairn terriers. The official name of the breed was in 1910. In 1912, it was registered in the Kennel Club. This contributed to the increasing fame and popularity of cores throughout the world.
Today, such pets live in private houses and in city apartments. They do not take up much space, they are suitable for families with children. Animals are smart, unpretentious, sociable. The main thing is to allow these energetic natures to exercise physical activity in sufficient volume.
Although initially the working qualities of dogs of this breed were paramount, their appearance is very charming. The shape of small shaggy creatures with a friendly look perfectly reflects their restlessness and positive nature. Height at withers for boys is about 25 cm. Girls reach 23 cm. A deviation of 5 cm is allowed. A big difference is considered a defect, such individuals are not purebred. Core weight varies from 6 to 7.5 kg.
Consider in more detail the characteristics of the breed according to the standard.
- Head. The skull is small, slightly narrowed at the muzzle. The hair on the head is thicker and soft to the touch. Brown eyes, expressive, framed with lush eyebrows. Look naughty, curious. Jaws strong, with large teeth.
- Bite - "full scissors." The nose is black, mobile. The ears are small, have the shape of regular triangles. The high setting of the ears gives the animals excellent hearing.
- Body The constitution is harmonious, strong, but not massive. The neck is short, wide. Withers mild. The back is straight, slightly elongated. Belly moderately tucked up.
- The tail is short, pubescent, "looks" up. According to the standard, the tail is not cropped.
- Limbs. Legs strong, medium length. The front legs are slightly larger than the rear. This is due to the fact that before such dogs had dug holes.
Cairn terrier hair is thick, hard, slightly disheveled. According to the standard slight waviness is allowed. At the same time there is always a short soft undercoat. Since animals do not shed, coarse hairs should be thinned regularly.
This is done not only for the purpose of aesthetic transformation of the pet. This allows you to maintain his health and well-being.
As for color, it is diverse. Sand wool, red, light and dark gray shades and their combinations are allowed. Usually, a muzzle is highlighted in a darker tone, sometimes paws. Not recognized purebred individuals completely white and black.
Puppies of this breed are very playful. Adult individuals retain in the character of fun and enthusiasm.At the same time the dogs are very friendly. For them, constant contact with a person is important, they love attention, they are eager to take part in any events. Fluffies get on well with children, but they do not tolerate negligence. Therefore, if a small child tries to pull the dog by the tail or causes discomfort to him by other actions, it is better not to leave him alone with the pet.
In the cores always live the spirit of adventure. They love to walk, travel. The energy of dogs requires daily physical exertion, exciting games and activities.
The socialization of the animal is important to start from an early age. It is necessary to acquaint him with strangers, to drive on walks to various places. Traveling in transport is also a good impression. So the pet will grow balanced, acquire behavioral skills in various situations. Despite their small size and amusing nice looks, cores consider themselves to be defenders of the house. Excellent sense, keen hearing and scent allow them to feel in advance the approach of strangers. This they inform the owners loud barking. True, on this security qualities of pets end.
In general, representatives of the breed are non-aggressive. Animals are friendly to people. But relationships with other animals in dogs do not always develop. The cores usually find a common language with their own kind, but sometimes conflict situations also occur. Surprisingly, brave kids can stand up for themselves, they never run from a fight. But dogs consider cats, hamsters, ferrets and other small animals as prey. Concerning You should not get such pets if you already have a small hunter. Also, do not let the dog off the leash while walking in busy places.
Advantages and disadvantages
Cairn terriers become excellent companions. They are loyal, affectionate. The activity and playfulness of animals can be attributed to their merits.
- First of all, even in advanced age, dogs retain good mobility, which has a positive effect on their health.
- Secondly, such a pet is able to cheer up anyone. He will constantly call the owner on searches of adventures, with pleasure will accompany him in campaigns and any trips.
On the other hand, it can be regarded as a disadvantage. The dog requires attention to his person, he needs to walk for a long time every day, entertain him, and deal with him. If a pet is left alone for a long time, it will become bored and begin to prank.
Gnawed things, damaged furniture - this is not the whole list of harm that a little naughty person can cause. The curiosity of the breed does not allow its representatives to sit still. Animals are all interesting, but such behavior may seem obsessive and too fussy to someone. If you are a calm person who prefers quiet rest, it is better to choose a dog of another breed.
Speaking about the pros and cons, it is worth recalling that core games with small children may not be too safe due to the careless actions of a small family member. If the child is already aware of his actions, he will undoubtedly be delighted with the fluffy four-legged friend. By the way, oddly enough, core-boys are considered to be more affectionate than girls.
It is important to remember that representatives of this breed treat people better than other animals. Therefore, if you still want to keep a cat or another dog at home at the same time with such a dog, you need to acquaint pets from the very appearance of the core in the house. Only in this way can you form a patient attitude towards the other four-legged inhabitant of the house. As for guinea pigs and other rodents, it is better not to risk at all.
Judging by the reviews of the owners, the Cairn Terriers are pretty smart and respond well to training. However, even obedient animals love to dig holes, it happens at the level of instincts.This point should be considered if you are going to keep your pet in a country house and let him out for a walk in the garden. Finally, the advantages of the breed include the compactness of animals. They eat a little, take up little space in the house.
However, this does not reduce some of the complexity of caring for a dog. The fact is that pet needs regular trimming, and this procedure is required, even if you are not going to take part in exhibitions. On the other hand, You can seek help from professionals who can do it quickly and efficiently.
Cairn terriers can be attributed to long-livers. Usually dogs live for about 15 years. Animals have good health. However, don't forget about timely vaccination. It is also advisable to regularly drive a dog for routine checkups at a veterinary clinic. With the timely detection of any abnormalities, it is much easier to cure the animal.
Maintenance and care
Representatives of this breed are very mobile. Therefore, they should be taken out as often as possible. Of course, the best place for such an energetic pet. will become a country house with a fenced spacious territory. But even in a city apartment, the dog will feel quite comfortable if you often walk it for a long time, play games and run. In the case of living in a separate house keep the dog in the booth on the street can not.
On the local area it will be happy to frolic and run during the day, but a cozy place to sleep should be equipped in a warm room. In addition, it is important not to forget about the sociability of the pet. You should not leave him alone for long. Grooming pets needed. Many people think that this is the name of a professional hairstyle of an animal, but this concept is more extensive. It includes a whole range of dog care procedures.
It is obligatory to trim the claws, brush your teeth and ears. Water treatments are carried out periodically. Periodic treatment of the dog for parasites is also recommended. Wool core should be combed once a week. It has a waterproof coating, so a dirty animal is rare. It is enough for him to shake off so that the “fur coat” is cleared.
The cores do not smell or shed. It is believed that the breed is hypoallergenic. However, the pet's lack of ability to get rid of excess hair naturally leads to the need to help him with this. Trimming is a process that replaces a dog shedding. Thanks to him, the wool is updated. Dead extraneous hairs are easily removed (plucked). Subsequently, they are replaced by new ones.
Haircut this process can not be replaced. Little of, cut cores can not be. After shortening with scissors, the coat becomes thinner and weaker. Healthy shine is lost, protection of the dog's body from cold and wind disappears. Hairs begin to roll, there is an unpleasant smell. This not only causes inconvenience to the animal itself and looks ugly, but also complicates the future process of trimming.
Hair can be shortened only in the area of the tail and on the toes of the front paws. The rest of the "coat" scissors do not touch. Then plucking is easy and painless. The one who neglects this rule and tries to save money, cutting the dog completely between rare trips to the master, complicates the situation. The procedure for plucking short shorn wool is long, difficult for the master and painful for the animal.
Groomer is visited several times a year. The procedure is carried out manually. Masters know all the nuances of technology. In addition, they are familiar with the standards of the breed and lead the pet to exactly the kind that meets the requirements of judges at exhibitions.
If you are not going to take part in such events, you can learn the technique of trimming and perform the procedure yourself. The layout is pretty simple.
- To find out if it is time to carry out the procedure, you need to assess the condition of the dog's coat.It should grab a large bundle of hair with your fingers and gently pull. If the wool is left in the hand, then the time has come.
- First of all, you should carefully comb a terrier with a special brush and then a comb. Trimming should start with the ears. They should be clearly visible. The outer side as a result should be similar in sensation to velvet. On the inner side, hairs do not remove everything.
During the procedure, you should keep your ear with your thumb and forefinger. To pull out hairs need to hand.
- Then go to the head. It should be parted between the ears. So it will be immediately clear where the new wool grows. Showers remove 40% of long hairs.
- As for the eyebrows, then pull out most of the hair that falls on the eyes. But at the same time leave some wool for protection. In general, trimming is carried out so as to obtain a rounded head. The transition from ear to cheek should be smooth.
- In order to bring the neck, and then the rest of the body of the pet. The appearance of the dog should be neat, but natural.
What to feed?
Feed the core need 2 times a day. Representatives of the breed are not too picky in food. The main thing is that food was moderately high-calorie and healthy. In the diet must include lean meat in raw form. Also oatmeal is useful for dogs. Good sources of vitamins are vegetables and fruits. You must also give your pet fish oil, brewer's yeast. You can make a choice in favor of industrial dry feed.
It should be selected based on the age of the animal and the composition of the product. Prefer brands premium and super premium with a minimum number of extraneous additives.
Pay attention to the protein content (it should be high). If possible, it is better to feed the pet with one company’s food throughout their lives. Without serious reasons, it is better not to change the diet. Regardless of the type of feeding, the dog must always have access to drinking water. You can not pour into the bowl of water from the tap, if you do not live in an ecologically clean area. The fluid must be spring or filtered.
It is also worth remembering that the Cairn Terriers are prone to weight gain. Therefore, it is impossible to overfeed a four-legged friend. If you find it difficult to determine the optimal portion size, periodically assess the condition of the animal itself. If you can not feel the ribs, it means that the dog weighs more. If, on the contrary, the ribs of the dog stick out, then the volume of servings is better to increase.
Cairn terriers are pretty smart. They can and should be brought up by grafting them the rules of behavior, developing hunting instincts (if necessary), teaching simple commands. Training should be consistent and regular. Socialization of the animal is very important. Otherwise, it can become uncontrollable, harm things, show aggression towards other animals.
Therefore, it is important from childhood to keep your pet playing games, showing him your love, introducing you to other living beings, avoiding conflicts. Curiosity and good memory allow terriers to assimilate the team well. Given the emotional receptivity of dogs, they should be taught calmly, without loud cries and punishments. It is important to be firm and patient, be sure to praise for success. The program needs to be gradually complicated. A pet must develop not only physically, but also mentally.
Popular nicknames
Dog nicknames are usually given short and easy to pronounce. You can call a pet based on the color of its coat or the associations it causes. And you can just come up with an interesting nickname that you think is pleasant and suitable. For example, core girls are suited for such cute nicknames as Fifi, Pinkie, Bonya, Trixie, Becky, Jessie, Juzhe, Carrie, Foxy, Sherry etc. Boy can be called one of the following names: Lucky, Larry, Archie, Jerry, Jean, Oscar, Chris, Peach, Ricci, Fox, Freddy.
If the puppy is taken from the nursery, it may already be named.However, the nicknames of pedigreed individuals are often long, and sometimes even include a few words. In this case, you can come up with an alternative name on the same letter or reduce what is written in the dog's passport to a couple of syllables.
For information on how to properly educate the Cairn Terrier, see the following video.