
How and what to feed the Jack Russell Terrier?

How and what to feed the Jack Russell Terrier?

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  1. What can I give?
  2. What should not be included in the diet?
  3. Puppy food rules
  4. Features feeding dogs
  5. How to feed neutered and sterilized animals?

For a dog to be healthy and active, it is worthwhile to choose the right food for it. If we consider the Jack Russell Terrier, then it is necessary to take into account its temperament, tendency to allergic manifestations, as well as to diseases. How and what to feed the representatives of this breed of dogs, and what products should be discarded, we will tell in this article.

What can I give?

Jack Russell Terrier is a rather demanded breed of dogs, as it does not require specific care or special conditions of detention, but it’s important to make food choices for your pet to feel good. So, you should pay attention to the following factors that should be considered when selecting a diet:

  • balance;
  • high quality;
  • dog's health condition.

Quite often, the owners of the Jack Russell Terrier can not choose what is best for their pet - organic foods or dry food. It is impossible to single out one thing. But it is worth noting that When choosing a natural food should pay special attention to balanceso that the pet receives the required quantities of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Approximately 75% of the diet should be represented by animal products, and 25% are vegetables and fruits.

Natural products

If you choose a balanced diet, then natural food can be called the best option. It is great for normal development and growth of the dog. If your choice is focused on healthy natural food, then you should take into account the following rules:

  • pet feeding should be done at a certain time;
  • depending on age, the number of meals changes - initially puppies eat up to 7 times a day, from about 6 months the puppy already goes on three meals a day, and after a year it is worth giving the dog food only twice a day;
  • Jack Russell Terrier puppies are not inclined to overeating, but it is worth adhering to the “golden mean” so as not to feed them;
  • for a puppy, the rate of feeding per day should be from 10% of its weight, and for an adult dog - from 3-5% - so there will be enough food for the dog to be active;
  • for puppies, it is recommended to soften food with a blender or rub it on a grater, over time they will become accustomed to solid food.

It is necessary to feed the Jack Russell Terrier with such products:

  • soups for example, beef broth, but low-fat;
  • meat It is worth combining with porridge, you can include in the diet barley, rice, buckwheat;
  • Vegetable Salad, but any kind of spices and salt should be categorically refused;
  • milk products - sour cream, low fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetables - cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini;
  • fruits - apples and pears.

To make the dog's coat beautiful and shiny, it’s worth it to include boiled egg yolk in its diet - 1-2 pieces per week.

It is strictly forbidden to feed a dog of any breed with salty, spicy, sweet, fatty, smoked or fried food.. Even a single case can lead to very serious consequences - contraindicated food will affect the functioning of the liver, stomach and intestines.

If natural food is chosen for feeding, then it is worth being prepared that the menu will have to be diversified, so your pet will be able to get the maximum benefit.

Ready feed

An excellent substitute for natural food is dry food.Many prefer the ready-made dry food, because they do not need to be cooked, and their pets eat a lot. If you do not want to think every day than to pamper your pet, then ready-made food is ideal. If you decide to feed the Jack Russell Terrier with dry feed, you should take into account the following recommendations from experts.

  • It is necessary to calculate the portion of feed, depending on the weight of your pet. Usually on the packaging is already indicated by the manufacturer, how many grams of feed should be given to the dog, depending on its size.
  • The dog also needs natural food. Of course, dry food is balanced, but the animal needs vegetables and fruits, so veterinarians are advised to alternate dry food with natural food, and not to forget about liquid food.
  • It is forbidden to give both natural and dry food, as mixing them only hurts the dog.
  • When choosing a dry food you should take into account the age and health of the dog. For example, it is more convenient for puppies to crush large granules, while allergic dogs need special options if they have a sensitive digestive tract.
  • A dog must always have access to clean water so that it can quench its thirst at any time.
  • You should not buy low-quality feeds that are sold by weight, because they contain quite a lot of salt, and soy is also a meat substitute. Such nutrition will adversely affect the state of the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system of the animal.
  • It is forbidden to frequently replace one feed with another. Replacement of the manufacturer should take place solely out of need, for example, if the dog has an allergy or it completely refuses to feed.
  • Since today the choice of the buyer presents a wide range of products from different manufacturers, you should focus on the food that advises the breeder or the club. The best are premium and super premium feeds, such as Royal Canin or Acana.

What should not be included in the diet?

It is imperative that all owners of the Jack Russell Terrier breed need to familiarize themselves with the following list of prohibited foods for dogs:

  • sausage, sausages and pork lead to diseases of the pancreas;
  • fried, salted and smoked products have a negative effect on the blood;
  • grapes and raisins can overload the kidneys;
  • tubular bones can harm the stomach;
  • chocolate is bad for the heart and nervous system as a whole, it can trigger a heart attack, internal bleeding and even an epileptic seizure;
  • onions can cause anemia;
  • strawberries, citrus fruits and millet are strong allergens, so they should be discarded;
  • corn, pulses, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, potatoes and raw eggs lead to dry skin, faded hair, anemia and an overload of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Freshwater fish contains a large number of small bones that can damage the larynx and stomach.

Avocados, pomegranates, nuts and popcorn are also banned.

Puppy food rules

Only a properly selected menu ensures the normal development of puppies. It is very important to take into account age categories, as the food for puppies of different ages is very different. It is necessary to be engaged in drawing up a diet for a puppy Jack Russell Terrier from 1.5 months of age. It is during this period that the puppy begins to separate from the mother’s milk.

Experienced veterinarians note that Every 2-3 months it is necessary to enrich the puppy menu by introducing new products. Already in half a year you can make a choice in favor of natural food or ready-made feed.

So, consider how a puppy eats at different ages.

From birth to 4 months

Jack Russell Terrier puppy quickly gaining weight. During this period, it needs a lot of nutritious food, since all important tissues are formed.Food should contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. A puppy should be fed in small portions, but often. On average, one serving should be about 10% by weight of the dog.

A puppy in 2-3 months should be fed mainly beef, veal, although chicken is not excluded. The menu should include products such as carrots, beets, buckwheat, rice and eggs. Usually give porridge with meat and vegetables. For a two-month puppy, food should be given in a ground form, while it can be supplemented with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. A boiled egg can be given to a dog only 3 times a week.

From fruit you can give a quarter of an apple every few days, as well as combine it with carrots and a small amount of sour cream. It should be pretty careful with dairy products. Portion should be increased gradually, while starting with just one teaspoon.

If the puppy does not have any abnormalities, disorders, then it is possible to gradually increase the portion.

From 4 to 6 months

During this period, the growth of the body, like the organs, continues rapidly. During this period, wool is already formed. It is necessary to select the enhanced menu. Foods for a dog should be given the same as before, but here the number of servings should be reduced, and the amount of food should be increased.

It should follow the same proportion of a single meal in 1/10 of the weight of the dog. Although everything is selected individually. If the dog cannot eat a portion that has about 10% of the total weight of the dog, then it is worth reducing it.

From six months to a year

From the age of 6 months, the puppy's growth begins to slow down gradually. During this period, it is worth reducing both the caloric content of food and its quantity. This can be easily done due to the volume of cereals. Meat should come in the right amount, because during this period the bones get stronger, and the muscles increase. Already from 9 months in the puppy menu, you can include bones and a scar that do not require heat treatment.

These products are the source of phosphorus and protein.

Dry diet

If the breeder immediately taught Jack Russell Terrier puppies to dry food, then you should stick to this direction. But if you wish, you can gradually change the diet, it will take no more than two weeks. If you drastically change the dog's menu, it will lead to a serious frustration. It is necessary to acquire initially the same feed as the breeder. Usually the package has the designation “Puppy” or “Junior”, which are adapted to the needs of the growing puppy.

Dry food should be softened before feeding.. For a gradual transition to natural food on the fifth day, the addition of wet canned meat is allowed. Next, it is worth waiting for 2 days to introduce 1 teaspoonful of broth, boiled and chopped chicken or beef. In the following week it is worth gradually adding cereals, vegetables and fruits to the puppy’s menu.

Features feeding dogs

An adult dog already eats only 2 times a day. The diet should be chosen correctly, then the Jack Russell Terrier will be able to develop normally. It is necessary to adhere to a certain portion, do not overfeed the dog. If you feed your dog dry food, the number of servings indicated on the package. In the case of natural food, it is necessary to adhere to that 75% was set aside for meat products and only 25% was represented by vegetable food.

The daily ration of Jack Russell Terrier should include the following products:

  • meat or fish - 550 g;
  • dairy products - 50 g;
  • porridge - 300-350 g.

After 7 years, the dog should eat food, 80% consisting of protein, but the number of cereals and milk is better to reduce.

The nutrition of an adult Jack Russell Terrier should also be balanced. If you feed your pet "naturalka", it is worth combining meat with porridge, while adding more vegetables. A week should be given 2-3 times lean beef or chicken, occasionally - offal.

Boiled sea fish should be on the menu twice a week.

How to feed neutered and sterilized animals?

Castrated and sterilized dogs should be kept on a special diet. In drawing up the diet, you must follow the following rules:

  • the animal must not be overfed to avoid obesity;
  • the easiest option is to buy special ready-made food intended for sterilized dogs;
  • the feed must be of good quality, since treating the dog will cost you more if you feed it with cheap feed;
  • It is necessary to ensure the physical activity of the dog.
For tips on feeding the Jack Russell Terrier, see below.
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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


