Parson Russell Terrier: description of the breed and features of its content

Parson Russell Terrier is an interesting breed of dog from the UK. These cute animals were bred to participate in small game hunting. However, such a dog can be a great companion, and just a fun four-legged friend. Let us consider in more detail the features of this breed, find out who it suits and what care it requires.
History of origin
This breed name was not accidental. The fact is that it was created by an English priest. "Parson" is translated from English as "pastor." Russell is the surname of the priest.
John Russell was very fond of fox hunting, so he needed a four-legged assistant who would drive the prey out of the hole. The dog was supposed to have intelligence, speed, endurance, keen sense of smell and hearing. He had to calmly walk next to the horse, and if necessary fearlessly rush in pursuit of a fox. Then he ought to call the owner with sonorous barking.
At the same time, courage, hunting passion, perseverance in achieving the goal should have been combined with a friendly disposition. Pastor did not seek to breed aggressive breed. He wanted the four-footed hunter to track down and drive out the prey from the hole, but not to tear it.
In 1819, the priest purchased a female haired terrier from one milkman. The dog had a white with a beige color. Since this began the process of breeding a new breed.
In the crossing involved many fighting species. Thus, courage, courage, and tight grip of dogs formed. Only bulldogs were not used because of their excessive aggressiveness.
Only the working qualities of the animals were taken into account. Beauty was not important to the pastor. Nevertheless, the result was a breed with very pleasant external data.
Until 1990, only the Russell Terrier breed was known to the world. However, in 2001, the International Canine Federation decided to allocate two subspecies. Each of them (Jack Russell Terrier and Parson Russell Terrier) got their own breed standards. The main difference was the height of the animals. In Europe, individuals with longer legs have become more popular (the second subspecies).
Today, the Parson Russell Terrier is a breed demanded in many countries, including Russia. Some still use animals for hunting. Some keep them as farm working dogs. Often, the pet plays the role of a companion. An active and inquisitive dog can make an excellent company for an athlete, a lover of travel.
The main thing - do not forget about the need for daily physical exertion. Sitting all day in a city apartment will be hard for an animal.
Breed description
Parson Russell Terrier is a short-haired dog of small size. Boys reach a height of 34-38 cm. Girls a little less - 31-35 cm. Weight is not prescribed in the standard.
Consider the description of an adult representative of the breed in more detail.
- Head. The skull is medium in size. Muzzle slightly narrowed. The nose is wide, black. Jaws strong, regular bite (scissor).
The lips are pigmented with a dark color. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark brown. Look smart, penetrating. The ears are small, V-shaped.
- Body The neck is of medium length, rather muscular. The body is proportional. Back straight, belly taut.
The ribs are mobile. This feature allows the animal to crawl into the hole. Tail straight, high, can be docked.
- Limbs. Legs strong, straight, have an average length. Stand parallel to each other. Dog movements are free, light, well coordinated.
As for the coat, it is characterized by stiffness, the presence of undercoat. The fur covers the entire body of the animal. At the same time 3 options of length are allowed.
- Relatively long hair. Usually such pets have pronounced eyebrows, mustaches and beard. For the convenience of the animal in this case it is necessary to carry out trimming.
- The coat is of medium length. Such dogs are also trimmed.
- Short coat. Such dogs give the impression of smooth-haired. They do not need a haircut.
It should be noted that until the final length of the wool grows after reaching puppies 2 months. Up to this point, it may not be clear to which type the baby belongs to this trait.
Color pedigree representatives varies. Occasionally there are completely white individuals. But more often Parson Russell Terriers are still spotty.
The main color is white. It can be located spots and patterns of brown, red, black in any combination. The number and location of the colored areas are varied, but more often it is the back, the tail area, the muzzle.
Inadmissible according to the standard are tiger color and spotting more than 50%.
Character traits
Parson Russell Terrier is a funny and very energetic dog. He quickly becomes attached to the person, loves attention, communication. The dog is benevolent, does not show aggressiveness, plays with children with pleasure. However, whether a terrier makes friends with other pets depends on the individual case. With dogs, it is easier for him to find a common language, but the cats can annoy him.
It is especially undesirable to settle small rodents in the same house with the dog, which will provoke his hunting instinct.
As already said representatives of this breed need constant movement. They are temperamental, like long walks, active interesting activities. Therefore, such a dog is recommended to start only energetic people. If you do not give your pet the necessary opportunity for physical development, he will suffer.
Dogs are intelligent, easy to educate. However, they are able to make independent decisions. Among the shortcomings can be noted some dog snooty in relation to other dogs. In addition, they are restless mischievous (especially in childhood and adolescence).
In general, the owners of Parson Russell Terriers speak of their pets as loyal, charming, playful and savvy animals.
This breed has good health and good immunity. This explains the rather long life expectancy of animals. On average, these dogs live from 13 to 16 years. Of course, a lot depends on good nutrition and care.
How to choose a puppy?
If you want to buy a purebred puppy, better to turn to proven breeders. It is important to know the conditions in which the puppies are kept. It is advisable to check the authenticity of documents. If there is an opportunity, it is worth to get acquainted with the mother of the kids, evaluate her appearance and health.
When choosing a pet should be preferred strong and energetic individuals. Thin puppies are better not to take. The same applies to the most well-fed. Be sure to find out what vaccinations have already been made to animals.
Puppy's nose should be wet and cool.. Also pay attention to the mucous membranes. They should be light pink, but not too pale. The coat should be silky. Individuals with docked tail are preferred.
You can take a puppy to a new home at the age of 8 weeks. Experts say that such babies are already independent and ready to get acquainted with the new conditions. Moreover, the puppy can already begin to educate, inculcate norms of behavior in him.
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Parson Russell Terrier feels great in the house or in the apartment. But on the street, even in a warmed booth, the dog will be uncomfortable. Moreover, if you live in the middle lane, a harsh winter can be disastrous for your pet.
Representatives of this breed are compact, do not take up much space. In addition, they are clean, have no smell "dogs", almost do not fade.
The only caveat - the need for daily long walks. At the same time, it should be not just a quiet walk next to the owner, but a variety of active games and tasks.
If the dog is not able to realize all his irrepressible energy in the open air, he can start to bully at home. This can be expressed in damage to furniture or some things, noisy fuss, obsession.
Ideal conditions for the dog - a private house with a spacious area for games and running.
City alternative - special areas for walking. In the summer, the pet will be happy to go with the owners to the country, picnics, go hiking. At home he needs to equip a cozy corner with a comfortable stove bench. It is also recommended to buy toys for the dog so that at any time it can take something with itself.
Breed does not require special care. Animals almost do not shed. If the pet is short-haired, it is enough to comb it every week using a stiff brush. If the hair is medium length or more, need a haircut. Most dog breeders turn to specialists for this.
Despite the fact that these dogs have a fairly light color, they do not need frequent washing. Pet hair is cleaned naturally. In this regard, water procedures are carried out only in case of severe pollution. Also, females should be washed after the end of heat.
Mandatory hygiene measures include regular inspection of the ears and eyes of the animal. If necessary, they are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in veterinary lotion. You can also use chamomile infusion.
By brushing the dog's teeth are taught from an early age. To do this, purchase a special paste and brush in a specialty store. The procedure is carried out at least twice a week. Do not forget about trimming claws.
To maintain the health of a pet, it is important to maintain it with proper nutrition and timely vaccination. Mandatory regular checkups at the vet.
What to feed?
The breed is characterized by high energy, so the food should be sufficiently high in calories and balanced. Nearly half of the diet should be proteinsAfter all, daily exercise requires strong muscles. In this case, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and fiber are also necessary for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excellent well-being of the pet.
If the owner decided to feed the dog with natural food, he should include in the menu beef, turkey, offal. Chicken and pork in this case will not work. They can even provoke allergies and indigestion. To strengthen the jaw muscles animals give bones. Sea fish can be included in the diet, but only after the elimination of fins and bones.
Useful for dogs porridge. In particular, rice, buckwheat and oat groats are good. The best option - a mixture of boiled cereal with meat or fish. Also, the pet can get vitamins from vegetables. The latter give both in raw and processed form (boiled, stewed). Sometimes you can please the dog with an apple or a pear.
It is worth noting that terriers are prone to rapid weight gain, so regardless of the type of feeding, it is important to monitor the daily rate of calories consumed. It is impossible to overfeed a dog.
Parson Russell Terriers are pretty smart. They understand teams perfectly, but excessive autonomy, activity and flimsy prevent them from being perfect students. In this regard, the learning process requires a master of patience and firmness of character.
Funny dogs have a good memory, but quickly lose interest in boring dog training. To achieve obedience, it is necessary to turn training into an entertaining game process. Then the restless pet will be attentive, and the training will be much more effective.
It is also important to encourage the dog, praise him for his merits. You should not scold for disobedience, it is better to try to interest the animal. Starting a workout is better at an early age. The same applies to socialization and mastering the rules of behavior in the house.
Long legs allow representatives of this breed to run fast, to overcome various obstacles. In this regard, many owners of hunting terriers lead them to participate in mini-agility. If you are keen on hunting, then the skills that allow you to track and catch game should also be developed in the dog from childhood. Instincts are embedded in the animal initially, but only the improvement of abilities will make it a truly valuable assistant in this matter.
Interesting facts about the representatives of this breed, you can learn from the following video.