
Wheaten Terrier: breed description and content

Wheaten Terrier: breed description and content

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  1. Story
  2. Breed description
  3. Character
  4. Lifespan
  5. How to choose a puppy?
  6. Care
  7. Nutrition
  8. Upbringing and training

Many people call the wheat terrier one of the dogs belonging to the category of Irish terriers, which was mentioned 200 years ago. It was said that such animals do not bark at thieves, but, on the contrary, at police officers. In addition, many believed that the terriers are quite devoted to many poor owners.


According to historical data, an Irish soft-haired wheaten terrier is descended from a terrier with long legs and slightly reddish hair. In the XIX century, in a book about Irish dogs, such a breed of terriers was called “Heyende”. Many nobles at the time thought that these dogs were not worthy of attention, since only very poor people were engaged in breeding such animals. At this time, terriers were distinguished by color, as well as by the type of their fur. In order to create a brighter breed of dogs than the previous one, aboriginal terriers were bred, as well as breeds of English dogs. Thus, three breeds of Irish terriers were bred at once. The soft-haired terrier was in many ways inferior to its kindred, so this breed was almost on the verge of extinction.

And only thanks to lovers of this breed, they were revived, and were able to gain recognition and become a separate breed.

Breed description

If we talk about wheat terriers, then these are more working dogs that were bred using natural selection. Their appearance should not be too rough, and not too elegant. According to the standards, the wheat scotch terrier has the following description:

  • their height does not exceed 46 centimeters in males and more than 44 centimeters in females;
  • males weigh no more than 17 kilograms, and females no more than 15 kilograms;
  • the head of the animal is rather narrow and narrows to the eyes, there are absolutely no folds on it;
  • jaws well developed, strong and white teeth, scissor bite;
  • the nose is rather wide and painted black;
  • the terrier's muzzle is square, and it is nowhere narrowed;
  • eyes are oval in shape, and also have a rather deep fit, their size is medium; eye rim is colored black, eyebrows are pronounced above them; eyes have a black or yellow color;
  • ears can be medium or small in size, with short hairs; on the very edge there is a rim of long hair, a little resembling a fringe;
  • neck quite muscular, has an average length;
  • physique rather compact and muscular; back straight, with shortened loin, and stomach slightly retracted;
  • the thorax of the animal is well developed;
  • legs are straight and have average length, besides they are rather muscular;
  • the tail is thickened and has an average length; it often happens that the owners stop it by two-thirds, immediately after birth, in its natural form it is raised up.

Their hair is silky and monolayer, and besides, it curls a bit. It falls a little on the eyes. In addition, such smooth-haired terriers have a mustache and a beard, and on the neck and chest hair is arranged in the form of a collar. On his paws there are small bouffant. Already after 3-5 months they will need grooming, which must be done 1 time in 3 months.

The main color is wheat. It has a different degree of saturation. At birth, puppies have a slightly different color, which changes completely only after 15 months. In addition, the change takes place in several stages.

The fur of puppies is slightly different, it is shorter and plush. But in adult dogs, it becomes wavy.


Irish scotch terriers are quite capricious and brave, so they often commit the most reckless acts. Such animals get along rather badly with other pets that live next to them. For example, they can live well with a cat under one roof, if they grow up together since childhood. For other dogs, they show strong aggression, they can even fight with dogs that are larger in size. In addition, terriers are quite active, so very often they can be seen in sports, as well as at dog shows. These animals are great hunters. They will also be able to protect their master from any impending danger.

Wheaten Terrier is highly intelligent, so he easily understands any commands and does what they want from him. Both puppies and adult terriers love to play and fool around not only with children, but also with adults. To strangers, they are more alert. They quickly become attached to their masters and serve them faithfully.


With proper maintenance, as well as proper care, these unusual animals will be able to please their masters for 13–16 years.

The main thing to follow all the rules, as well as to love them, because it also prolongs their years of life.

How to choose a puppy?

To date, the price of a puppy Irish Terrier hovers around 20-25 thousand rubles. So that the schemers do not slip a non-standard puppy, it is best to buy them in specialized kennels or clubs. In them the dog will have both a passport and all statements about their pedigree. In addition, when buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are statements of vaccinations. For those owners who want to get for themselves more calm pets, you need to take females. But the males are suitable for more active people. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that they need not only to educate, but also to train. But still, when buying, you must pay attention to the puppy itself and choose the animal you like.


Following the advice of experienced professionals, you need to adhere to several principles and do everything according to the scheme.

  • First of all, it is training to various procedures, walking puppies. And also need to be vaccinated in a timely manner.
  • Treatments include grooming, brushing your teeth as well as your ears. The coat of terriers is very smooth and silky, besides, it does not have undercoat, so the animal almost never sheds. To terrier has always been well-groomed, as well as he did not have koltunov, it must be combed daily.
  • Grooming this animal is not required, because even at exhibitions they need a more natural look. The only thing that will be required is to slightly trim the most sloppy strands that will only emphasize their peculiarity.

If the owner still decided to cut his pet, then it should be done according to the following scheme:

  1. First you need to shorten the hair on the cheekbones, as well as the neck and head; this can be done with a machine or with ordinary scissors; to make the dog look more focused, it can leave a small beard and eyebrows;
  2. it is necessary to cut it so that the dog can see;
  3. to make the terrier look a little more careful, the fur should be shortened not only on the sides, but also on the back;
  4. after that it is necessary to cut the hair on the shoulders and near the tail;
  5. the fur on the paws and on the belly seems to form a skirt; if necessary, it can be cut a few centimeters, but such a haircut is only suitable for a domestic dog, but for those dogs that are being prepared for the exhibition, a specialist should grooming.
  • A terrier needs to be bathed from time to time. This should be done as they are contaminated or before the exhibition. You can use special shampoos, which are in any veterinary pharmacy or zoological store.
  • Teeth brushing must be taught from a very young age, so that older dogs do not take it aggressively. In addition, they can be cleaned with the help of deontological means or special bones.
  • Ears should be inspected daily for the presence of sulfur in them and cleaned with special ear sticks. You should also look to see if there are ticks or any inflammatory diseases. If the dog lives in an urban setting, then he should definitely cut the claws, because in such conditions they do not have the opportunity to grind themselves. If they are too long, the pads on their paws can be injured. And this, as you know, causes some discomfort while moving.
  • Vaccination should be carried out with two months, and then follow the scheme. It is necessary to inspect your pets, whether there are any burrs or any weed seeds on them. This is necessary so that they do not fall under the skin.
  • It is best to keep such animals in country houses, because initially they were considered yard dogs. Therefore, they need to run a lot and also hunt. However, the dog must also have a lot of contact with its owners, to be as close as possible to them. In the cities you need to walk their pets at least 2 times a day.


To properly feed your pet, you need to know everything not only about his health, but also about some of the features of his metabolism. For example, termatitis may cause dermatitis from an excess of proteins, but from too fatty foods they may develop an upset stomach or a normal liver disease. You can choose to supply both industrial and natural products. Preferring the first option, you can use both dry food and soft. In both of them are all the necessary vitamins for the dog, as well as trace elements. However, you need to buy only the highest quality feed - this is a premium or super-premium feed.

And also it must be remembered that with such feeding the dog must have constant access to water.

When choosing natural feeding, the following products should be preferred:

  • meat can be given both raw and boiled; the main thing is that it is not fat, so chicken, turkey or beef is suitable for this;
  • offal;
  • various cereals, such as rice, buckwheat, barley, or oatmeal;
  • sea ​​fish, it is better if it is boiled and boneless;
  • dairy products - it can be low-fat cottage cheese, and low-fat yogurt or yogurt;
  • fresh or boiled vegetables - terriers like carrots, pumpkins, zucchini or red beets;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals that dogs need daily, but it is very important to maintain exactly the daily rate.

Important! Feeding puppies and adult dogs occurs in different ways. For example, two-month puppies need to be fed at least 6 times a day. In six months, it should be reduced to 3 times a day, and an adult terrier should be fed no more than 2 times a day.

Upbringing and training

Among many dogs, the wheat terrier is easily trained, therefore, it is trainable. If we start upbringing at an early age, then he will lose both aggression and all the negative traits of his character. He can master the team in just a few days. It is enough to repeat them several times and the animal will remember everything immediately. Among other things, he will execute commands not only for adult family members, but also for children, which will allow the dog to be kept even by an inexperienced breeder.

In addition to various teams, terriers can also be trained in various circus tricks. For example, during World War II, terriers were used for sanitary services. In addition, dogs from an early age can be taught to hunt both large animals and small ones. For example, it can be hares, badgers, and foxes. After training, they are able not only to drive their prey into the burrow, but also to crawl after them there and pull out either dead or alive.

In addition, during such training, the person must train the dog to understand that it is impossible to attack pets or a person. And it is also necessary to remember that such an animal has a great jumping ability. If a terrier is too excited, he will be able to jump even to the face of an adult. To avoid this, the puppy must be weaned from jumping from the very youth. If they are not weaned, then in such a rush the dog will be able to dump a young child or an elderly person on the floor.

To the dog was obedient, you need to train the animal every day. Since the dog has a rather frisky character, first of all it is necessary to teach him to forbid commands, for example, “Fu”, “To me”, “Place”, “Lie down” or “Stand”. Dealing with terriers is very difficult, because they are great actors. Therefore, if they do not want to execute any of the teams, then he will be able to pretend that he is very offended.

In this case, be sure to show firmness and repeat the same command several times more.

      Generally speaking, wheat terriers are almost all excellent athletes. Therefore, any training sessions, except for maintaining physical fitness, will give them pleasure, as well as help to be healthy and strong. Everything else, it will prolong their lives for several years. It is worth noting that the wheat terrier is perfect for keeping in apartments and country houses. The main thing is to give them proper care and create the necessary conditions for their maintenance.

      The story about the breed in the next video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


