
How to choose a toy terrier puppy?

How to choose a toy terrier puppy?

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  1. Where can one buy?
  2. Pet future
  3. General rules for choosing
  4. Features of the form
  5. The difference between girls and boys

Decorative dogs are becoming increasingly popular, one of these breeds is the toy terrier. The pet feels good host, always treats it with affection and devotion. A pet will not need a lot of space, and caring for its wool will not take work. It is important to approach the choice of a pet wisely, in order to later experience only positive emotions from spending time with a toy terrier.

Where can one buy?

You should not consider the market as a place to purchase a purebred animal. A mixture of unknown breeds and a bunch of associated diseases can be expected here. Especially for the last point will require additional financial investments. If you buy a puppy, then you can face the fact that the little toy terrier will have a weakened immunity.

It is necessary to dwell on breeders who have a good reputation. To do this, it is recommended to attend dog shows, get acquainted with useful people. It is customary to collect information about what specialized nurseries and clubs are in the village.

If the breeder has good reviews, then he will take care of arranging the necessary documents. The seller, as a rule, should tell the buyer about what conditions are necessary for the maintenance of the toy terrier, what are the features of such a breed.

In order to form an idea of ​​which dog will be an adult, it is often suggested to look at its parents.

Pet future

Before you choose a puppy toy terrier, you need to understand for yourself, for what purposes you need a pet. On this depends, for example, whether a breeding or exhibition dog will be bought. Sometimes you just need a pet for the soul.

Puppies of PET class are recommended for those who are not going to take part in exhibitions. Animals can not take prizes at exhibitions, as they have small defects. But this does not mean at all that some puppies are not like other pets, the features are noticeable exclusively for professionals.

Class Breed suitable for the continuation of the race and maintain its quality. Sometimes these dogs take part in competitions, but most often they do not win prizes. In terms of cost, they will be a bit more expensive than individuals of the PET class.

Last class - SHOW. Just such puppies are the most expensive. They are ideal for exhibitions, have a special charm.

Pets are needed only for those who are ready to provide your pet with an exhibition future.

General rules for choosing

Externally, the baby should resemble a deer. The pet has medium sized chest and long legs. The dog has a pronounced transition from the chest to the stomach. There are other distinctive features.

  • If you look at the puppy from the side, you will visually get a square. On the chest and paws must be a white spot.
  • When choosing a puppy you need to pay attention to the testes.
  • Toy Terrier has bulging, not bulging eyes.
  • A puppy should have a scissor bite.
  • A pet always keeps a back exactly.

And also when choosing a toy terrier, you must pay attention to its age. Usually they get a small dog, which is more than 10 weeks old. The baby must be vaccinated twice and during the quarantine period. If the puppy is healthy, then there will be no discharge from his eyes. The activity and playfulness of a puppy testifies to a healthy body.

Features of the form

Russian toy terrier is the smallest terrier in the world.This breed is much more popular than miniature spitz and chihuahua. Such a pet is not only very decorative, but also a gentle animal. The height of the dog is no more than 26 cm. Weight usually ranges from 1.3 to 2.7 kg. Toy Terrier lives on average 10-15 years.

Immediately striking is that the toy terrier has a small stature. Such a dog is visually much more graceful than a chihuahua. Thanks to a compact build that looks like a square, a pet can easily run and jump for a long time.

Outwardly, there are virtually no differences between male and female toy terrier. Height and weight they have the same.

Despite such a small height, the dog shows mobility, a wide trot is characteristic for movement.

It should also remember a few differences toy terrier from other decorative dogs.

  • A pet can be both short-haired and long-haired. Smooth wool is adjacent to the body of a toy terrier, it is characterized by sheen. Long can reach 16 cm, it covers the ears.
  • If a toy terrier has a monotonous coat, then it is better when it is of red color. Black and white colors are often attributed to disadvantages.
  • Since the animal is active in character, its main distinguishing feature is mobility. The dog easily finds a common language with other pets.
  • The size of the toy terrier is a plus for its owner. Without difficulty, the dog can be transported in public transport.
  • Despite the fact that the pet is called pet, it requires walks in the fresh air and contact with other pets.

For toy terrier, constant training is necessary. It is important from the first days to teach the dog not to growl at other animals and people. Puppies love to sleep on the bed of their owners, they are better than weaning them from this habit. The terrier loves walks in the fresh air. Easily comes in contact with larger breeds. The dog is devoted to his master, so when he sees strangers, he may start barking loudly.

The difference between girls and boys

Choosing the right pet is also the sex of the future pet. It all depends on the ideal of the family where the puppy will live. Often when buying a toy terrier rely on the opinion of the breeder. Sometimes the opinion of the children for whom the gift is intended is taken into account.

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether the owner plans to breed the breed.

Males are not able to give birth to puppies, it is both a plus and a minus at the same time.

It is important to consider some points.

  • The female toy terrier is usually chosen by those who would like to breed dogs. If there is no goal to become a breeder, it is better to avoid additional troubles and stop at the boy. Often, this breed may also have complications after sterilization surgery.
  • For breeders it is necessary to remember that pregnancy is almost always material costs. It is necessary to take care of the dog during heat and childbirth.
  • Girls toy terriers are suitable for those who love gentle animals. Such puppies are very loyal and calm. A favorite will be neat, especially if you do not forget about walking 2-3 times a day.

    When choosing a male terrier, you should take care of the cleanliness of the house, because the pet loves to mark the territory. Boys are not always willing to make contact with other people. When children are brought up in a family, it is better to choose a toy terrier girl, since she is much easier to contact the child.

    If a dog is acquired for specialized exhibitions, then most often the owners opt for the male field. The fighting character of the toy terrier will be a plus, but in this case individuals do not participate in reproduction, but are focused exclusively on competitions. It is necessary to consider not only the sex of the dog, but also its health. After all, if your pet does not have the strength to play with children, then there is no difference, the puppy shows caress or behaves aggressively towards the guests.

    The story about the breed in the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


