Dress fabrics

Velvet Dresses - Noble Look

Velvet Dresses - Noble Look

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  1. Length
  2. Models and styles
  3. Where to wear?
  4. Colour
  5. Decor
  6. What to wear?
  7. Decorations
  8. Collections

What material is the most noble, expensive, magnificent, which was held in high esteem by kings and kings? Of course - it is velvet. Every thing in the women's wardrobe of velvet is always in a special place. Velvet dresses can best reveal the sexual aspects of female nature, give an image of femininity, and a figure - grace.


To the floor

Long velvet outfits are a great find for special occasions. And if velvet is combined with light chiffon, lace or unusual decor, then the dress will become invaluable.

Velvet models in the floor are created in black mainly, with the variability of styles most diverse. Other colors are no exception.

A short

A short velvet dress is at the very top of popularity. The conciseness and relevance of this outfit above all praise. The choice also pleases with a variety:

  • with sleeves of various lengths or even without them;
  • with thin straps;
  • with asymmetrical riding;
  • with varying degrees of fit;
  • with a detachable waist;
  • with various variations of skirts.

There are no restrictions on the choice of color, but if in doubt, it is better to choose the classic version - a little black dress. If a celebration is planned, then a dress with a full skirt will be appropriate.

Draperies in short dresses are appropriate. If you need a dress for autumn or spring, then long but narrow sleeves in such a dress will be more than appropriate.

Models and styles

Wearing a velvet dress, every woman becomes a queen. There are several varieties of velvet of which sew royal dresses:

  • with a long nap it is plush;
  • velours;
  • polubarh;
  • velveteen.

With a cut

Velvet dress in the floor is always well emphasizes the figure, makes the female image gorgeous. Sexuality is the place here, and it can be expressed due to a lateral incision striking the thigh.


Asymmetry is a popular element that takes place in the creation of any clothing. In velvet dresses, such a decision often finds expression in one-shoulder armholes or when creating gang dresses.


Sheath dress gets a beautiful and even luxurious look thanks to velvet. Using this outfit, you can hide the flaws in the figure. You can wear a sheath dress made of velvet in everyday life or make an evening look out of it.


A-silhouette, embodied in a velvet dress, will make an attractive chest and smooth thighs. Oddly enough, but baggy velvet dresses are very popular.

Fashionistas often began to pay attention to dresses of this style with a hint of vintage and high waist.

In the style of minimalism

Simple cut and loose silhouettes perfectly embodied in velvet. This style is preferred by young girls, experimenting with geometrically correct neckline cutouts.

With open back

Open back and velvet - the perfect solution for a sexual image.

With lace

With velvet lace creates an ideal, harmonious composition. The effect enhances the use of contrasting colors.

With sleeves

With sleeves, a velvet dress is the highlight of every autumn-winter collection.

Fashion designers still offer a choice of short wing sleeves or transparent, lace sleeves of various lengths.

Big size

Dresses from velvet for full require an oversized waist - this is a universal option, which can be chosen if there are figures of any type. If you need to balance a massive top and a more modest bottom, you should choose dresses of a classic cut such as "case" or A-silhouette.

Beautiful shoulders should not be hidden under a dense velvet, they need to be beautifully beaten up by the bustier dresses, which can be complemented by various variations of the straps. Try to choose a dress with a fitted silhouette and draperies - these two secrets will help to demonstrate the advantages and hide the flaws.

Undeservedly deprived of dressing gowns that are made of velvet. For obese women, this option is more than successful.

Where to wear?

Velvet dresses can be so versatile that it is sometimes difficult to understand which reason will be more relevant for a particular outfit.

Party or date

A party or date requires a carefully selected look, which can be based on the use of a velvet dress. This outfit in itself already looks complete and complete, but a little décor and a few fashion lines will not be superfluous.

According to many experts, the most elegant option is a long dress, with accents on the waist and printed pattern. But for this option will require a solemn event: if a date, then in a restaurant, if a party, then a secular.

Velvet looks elegant in almost any style - mega frank gang or extremely closed maxi dress with a slit at the hip or neckline. Due to the fact that velvet belongs to thick and warm fabrics, dresses made of this material fill the autumn-winter collections.

For office

For the office, you can use a velvet dress in soothing colors. Its length should be at an average level, and the silhouette is not too tight. Let your figure be the dream of every model, but such a dress will be out of place in a working atmosphere.

To complement this image, you can pick up a jacket in a classic style and modest boats. An ideal option for creating harmony is the metallic luster of the jacket and the opacity of the velvet.

On every day

It is quite difficult to imagine velvet dresses everyday. And still managed to find a few models from designer collections. For each day, it is better to choose a fitting miniature model or a variation of the free cut.

On the carpet

Velvet dresses are often worn on the carpet. There is no point in looking for a more ideal option. It is easy to make sure of this - just look at Angelina Jolie in her black velvet dress with a high side slit.

In such a dress, Kate Middleton was also noticed, only her black dress was not so provocative and frank. Look at how elegant Alex Chang looks in a black velvet dress with interestingly designed straps.

Another successful black velvet dress model was shown by Nicole Scherzinger. Velvet in this case is harmoniously combined with a transparent insert, which opens slender legs.


In almost any color, velvet looks chic, aristocratic, rich and self-sufficient.

Red, maroon

The red dress in itself looks defiant, and if it is also velvety, then you can be sure - in this outfit you just have to be in the center of attention.

This outfit can not be called everyday, working or mediocre.


Black velvet dress is suitable for special occasions: access to the red carpet, visiting the theater, restaurant, ceremonial event or a secular reception.

Black dress looks spectacular with contrasting inserts.


You can safely choose a blue velvet dress for business meetings.

Designers offer a wide range of shades of this beautiful color, which due to velvet becomes more interesting and multifaceted.

Green and Emerald

Green velvet robe looks good in the autumn period of the year.

This dress must be present in the wardrobe of red-haired and light girls. The best decoration in this case will be gold, the use of emeralds and diamonds is permissible. The last highlight in this image will be brown shoes with gold elements.

The emerald dress is the most successful variation of a green velvet dress. In this image, accessories and jewelry may not be present, because the dress itself looks gorgeous.


Long dresses are often decorated with the same rich decorative elements as the material from which they are made. Such a dress in any situation will allocate its owner, presenting it in a royal manner.

A good solution is the combination of velvet and contrasting lace, which can frame the neckline, sleeves or hem.

Highlight the high cost of velvet can:

  • embroidery with gold or silver threads;
  • paillettes
  • drapery;
  • inserts of satin, chiffon, silk and even leather.

It is very easy to get carried away and overdo it, so designers are careful when decorating an already elegant velvet.

What to wear?

No matter how self-sufficient, elegant and whimsical velvet may be, nevertheless, it is perfectly combined with other fabrics of different textures.

For fashionistas, this fact opens up unlimited open spaces in the choice of outerwear under the velvet dress. One of the successful solutions is the choice of lace or satin bolero. But these are not the only options available; chiffon, cashmere and silk are still available.

If the dress has a subdued shade, then the outerwear is simply obliged to be bright. And vice versa - it is necessary to combine more discreet things with a bright dress. A long velvet model requires a choice of shortened wardrobe elements, while short dresses will look good with outerwear of any length.

You should not choose bright shoes under the velvet outfit. It will be enough to shod satin laconic shoes from the same color with the dress, but more subdued and calm shade.

Be sure to consider the fact that velvet makes the image heavy. Therefore, shoes should smooth out this effect, be light and as gentle as possible. A categorical taboo stands on velvet and suede shoes, which, together with a velvet dress, will only show bad taste.

The combination of a velvet dress with a high heel is the standard of good taste. Yes, and the fullness of the figure in this way will be slightly smoothed.


If you choose the right accessories, then the image will be magnificent, perfect, the best of all that you could consider before. You can safely use pearls and silver jewelry, gold and diamonds.

But it is not desirable to use jewelry, it will stand out against the background of expensive material and not have the most successful look. It’s better without any jewelry at all than with cheap and unsuccessful ones - the image will only get better from this. The exception is jewelry and luxury jewelry.


Fan of velvet can be called Ralph Lauren. Many of his collections feature various variations of long evening dresses, for which saturated, rich and deep colors are chosen. Each model is beautiful, but the most memorable and striking is a dress with a single shoulder strap, a bustier, a dress with straps tied around the neck, a case with a V-shaped neckline.

I decided to experiment with velvet and Giorgio Armani, devoting a whole collection of beautiful dresses to this material. The main colors were black and rich burgundy. On the velvet, rhinestones look elegant with which each model from the collection was embroidered.

Many designers use velvet, managing to create amazing combinations of textures, colors and styles - this is In Light, Gucci, Topshop, Dolce Gabbana.

About velvet can talk for a long time, because it is really unique material. And do not miss a single opportunity to show off in a velvet dress. Moreover, now you know what you can combine it with, how to choose and wear it.

  1. Nadia

    Velvet dresses look very expensive. And in fact it is not a cheap pleasure.

  2. Ira

    They are so soft both in appearance and touch. Just a miracle!

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