
How to carry shoes made of artificial leather?

How to carry shoes made of artificial leather?

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Good and beautiful shoes made of artificial leather - this is a real find for every customer. However, the purchase can deliver a lot of problems to the owner, if after the first prom, he understands that in a new shoe he is uncomfortable.

Traditional stretch options for artificial leather

If during walking you understand that the shoes are too tight, you need to stretch it. Everyone can do this, often without even leaving the house:

  • Take medical alcohol, vodka, cologne or vinegar and apply them to those areas of the shoes that cause you discomfort when walking. Then wear cotton socks on your feet and wear shoes until dry. At the same time, it must be remembered that alcohol-containing substances are chemically active, so try to avoid their contact with the outside of the shoe, as it may dull and even become covered with spots.
  • Use a spray or foam to stretch a shoe made of artificial leather. It can be purchased at specialized shoe or hardware stores. The main function of this tool is to soften the surface of women's shoes and, as a result, the ability to carry them quickly;
  • take your stretch shoes to a specialized shoe shop;

Folk methods of stretching shoes

  • tightly stuff new shoes with wet newspapers and leave to dry (away from strong heat sources). To quickly stretch shoes, this procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times;

  • process the surface of shoes with vaseline or castor oil, and then put on a sock and begin to wear out. These oils soften the material well;
  • wrap shoes with cotton cloth, previously dipped in boiling water;
  • wear socks soaked in boiling water or beer, and wear shoes.

Stretching shoes at low and high temperatures

  1. Hair dryer - another option for stretching shoes made of artificial leather. Using a strong mode, heat the shoes. Put them on and start wearing out. The main thing - do not overdo it with heating, because the artificial material of poor quality can crack.
  2. The opposite of the previous method is to use the freezer. Cellophane water bag must be put in shoes, and then in the freezer. When water freezes, shoes must be removed.

Stretching shoes using ice is better to use on autumn-winter models, since such experiments with summer shoes can lead to cracking of the material, especially if it is of poor quality.

Extreme ways to stretch artificial leather

  • You can wear outworn shoes by putting them on bare feet: no socks or even capron sledkov. The method is effective, however, then you will have to treat worn heels. Is it worth it? To avoid unpleasant consequences, plan the shoe-wear out in several stages: every day for 1-2 hours.
  • Pour boiling water into artificial leather shoes, immediately drain it and put on shoes. When it dries, the form will perfectly fit your foot.

The above method is the most dangerous, as it can simply spoil the shoes: it will crack, it will become stained and what is most unpleasant, it can get its former size in time.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


